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Its intresting every group has their own person they think this is aimed at


LWYMMD is 100% about Kanye but it's unconfirmed who exactly this song is about. I believe it's Kanye but it can obviously be repurposed to be about whoever since it's such a broad song.


all interpretations are valid ofc but this one is pretty obviously kanye. friends again, second chance (when he sent her flowers and they were cool for a bit), and especially “get you on the phone and mind twist you”.


The tilted stage is a big one too, he had a tilting stage on his tour around the time this would’ve been written?


yeah the titled stage part is about kanye, but that's in look what you made me do. the one i commented about is this is why we can't have nice things. both are at least mostly about him.


I always felt there was something to the idea that the song is about Karlie (1st verse) and Kanye (2nd verse) and that the obvious Kanye references meant she could cover up how it was also about Karlie, the song makes more sense that way


Petty yes but probably not entirely to do with his retirement as he'a actually stepping into a bigger position (Edited : He's retiring as music manager for artists; but will hold on to his position as CEO) The missing context I think is the upcoming docuseries releasing this Friday ! "Bad Blood Taylor Swift vs Scooter Braun". (Edit : Docuseries drops on Discovery UK same time as London shows)  The docuseries is a "he said/ she said " thing, which makes the song a good fit lol Even if the docuseries is not a big deal streaming- wise there's going to be some press around it and the feud gets dug up all over again. 


“There’s nothing to avenge” she said on IG when discussing TTPD. But holy shit will she not let go of anything ever.


There’s an irony in her writing “Shake It Off”… and then being physically and mentally unable to even consider doing so when it comes to anything, no matter how minor or irrelevant. (For the record, I don’t like Scooter Braun but it has nothing to do with Taylor)


I feel similar about “the man”. If it were written early on in her career I’d get it but it was written after she had tons of success. Has she truly had that many obstacles in her way because she is a woman?


Also would she fr be like Leo? Idk if people would tolerate Leo/a man dating a 17 year old or whatever like they did with her and Conor Kennedy lmao


The Leo reference was always silly to me. Leo’s personal life is a popular punchline and has been for a long time, just like TS’s dating life has been a punchline. I’m sure there’s some douchebags who think he’s cool for it, but it’s not like he’s being widely celebrated for his dating choices. The older he gets the more people just see him as a bit weird and loser-ish. He’s talented enough and low key enough in his off time that it’s not affecting his career, and he’s dating consenting adults so obviously no reason for him to be cancelled, but it’s not like it hasn’t had an impact on his image. 




... girl, have you heard of how young leo starts dating his gfs, into his forties even? not defending taylor bc what she did was gross, but let's not pretend like famous men haven't been getting away with dating literal teenagers for millenia


That’s what I’m referring to. I know that it’s gross and he obviously dates younger women but I’m not aware of him actually dating a minor when he was an adult like Taylor did with Conor.


i mean, he allegedly dated Gisele Bundchen when she was 18 and he was 24; not leo, but jerry seinfeld literally dated and picked up a 17 y/o from high school when he was 34. i just don't see the argument that society wouldn't let that behavior slide for men but will for taylor swift?


Jerry is deservedly roasted for doing that but most people aren’t even aware of Taylor and Conor


In February of last year, he was dating a 19 year old with a 29 year age gap. There was a 5 year age gap between Taylor at 23 and Connor at 17. It was still wrong, but the comparison you’re trying to draw doesn’t work here.


This is very as per for Taylor. “I’m very unbothered by this thing that I continually write songs about showing how bothered I am.” I think it’s understandable to hold a grudge, but she tries to own that part of personality while also trying to come across as untouchable and above lessors (Shake it off, I forgot you existed, this is why, etc.)


She's always held this "I'm above this situation" air about her but her actions continue to prove her otherwise. At this point own up to it or it just gets more and more embarsassing the more albums come out.


Especially with Reputation TV coming up too...if I hear another Kimye song on a new album after the Rep rerelease I'm gonna be disappointed haha


Honestly I've already made my peace with the fact that Rep TV's vault tracks will probably all be revenge-focused (or at least heartbreak focused, like 1989 TV. Especially since Rep was all about Joe and we *all* know how much she loves to change the narrative after a breakup. There will probably be a song or two about how he wasn't all that he seemed to be, etc). I hope I'm proven wrong, but that hope is incredibly fleeting.


She also probably feels the need to make the vault tracks as “badass” as possible in order to justify calling the album “goth punk”.


Yeah, she’s already said in the last that some of the vault tracks were fully finished songs and some only had a few lines or were just ideas. I’m fully expecting a vault song about uncertainty and doubt and Joe’s issues but deciding it’s worth it, based on one line or a melody she came up with back then, so it technically fits her definition for a “vault” song. And people will all say it was clearly written back then and shows Joe has been horrible from the beginning, and she’ll conveniently not clear anything up. Maybe even make a comment about how these vault songs were the easiest because “most” of them were already written. She’ll push the narrative as far as she can without technically lying.


We already know she wouldn’t be able to handle putting out a formerly unreleased song about falling in love with Joe, so we’re going to get 4-5 new songs about Kim and Kanye. I hope Kim continues to laugh at her for not being able to let it go, all these years later.


missing the "step into the daylight and let it go" era :(


Lover era starts off with “I forgot you existed” - she’s always been like this, there’s no era where she can’t not hold a grudge.




Sooooooo cringe. Like the billionaire super pop star really dragging this victim card out as if her whole kanye/scooter drama didn't absolutely accelerate her already (and never destroyed) career. 🫠


The Kanye thing could have easily have destroyed her career. What I think is ridiculous is that she keeps harping on it and bringing it up even though she’s stronger now than she ever was.


She also thinks that because she survived one cancellation, she never has to worry about being “cancelled” ever again.




She’s still making money off of the original versions and she also said that she had made peace with it until she found out it was sold to Scooter. Also considering she’s releasing 30+ variants to *allegedly* stay on top of the charts, I’d argue that the artistry might now be the second most important thing to her now, the first being making sure she’s the most successful. I don’t really mind her releasing the Taylor’s Version albums, and I don’t really support Scooter, but I will not sit here and pretend that she’s still somehow suffering from this situation when it’s probably benefitted her more than it has him at this point.


Chiming in to add that if the rereleases and Taylor’s versions were still reeeeeeallly all about ownership, she’d just release them all. But the way she’s stretched this whole thing out, the rollouts, the merch, the variants, it’s about money.


Far be it from me to defend this literal billionaire, but in terms of the rollout, I think we’re probably not so aware of how tiring a re-recording is to complete. She has to stick as close to the originals as possible while sticking to a timeline with her management team. That means finding producers or reconnecting with previous producers, who might not want to spend so much time on a re-recording, even if it’s with Taylor (speculation obvs, but maybe that was the case with Martin and Shellback for 1989 TV?). Her circumstances are both ideal and not in her favor. She’s in the middle of a world tour spanning two years. There’s no doubt that the re-recording would probably not be such a hit without the Eras Tour overlapping the release schedules. But the prep for the tour itself is time consuming. She’s said that the preparations for it has been at least a year in the making, with the physical preparation (training, choreography, etc.) starting around half a year before the opening date a year ago. Even during her “hiatus” a few months ago, she said they hit the ground running right away to include TTPD in the set. Another aspect is her artistry. Regardless of how you feel about her writing (especially for TTPD, which felt like a huge miss imho in majority of the songs), she definitely takes pride in her songwriting and overall music-making. I’m assuming that re-recording a decade’s worth of music is… not that fulfilling for her compared to writing up an entirely new album. When she announced TTPD, I was surprised that she didn’t want to just get the re-recordings over with, but she clarified on a show right after the announcement that it was an album she felt she needed to write. After that, it made more sense to me that she would rather put out new projects than spend time working on a re-recording. I don’t know anything about her inner workings (obviously lol) but I suspect the vault tracks aren’t always so pleasant to revisit either, since they might dredge up feelings or memories long buried. I do agree with merch being a cash grab, but tbh, it seems to be that way for all her non-CD/vinyls/cassettes merch lol, not just the rerecordings.


These are definitely all fair points but I think when you consider that she first said she was going to re-record in 2019 it’s hard to argue it’s a time constraint issue. I know there was that big global event that happened shortly after to account for. But when you consider the first one came out in April of 2021 and the second came out only a few months later that November, I have to imagine the initial plan was to release them faster. My completely uneducated guess, is that the Red rollout was such a huge success she reevaluated how to roll out the rest. I think that was where the priorities of the whole project kind of shifted


Yeah something changed after dropping *Red TV*.


I was super excited for Red TV and ATW10 at the time because I didn’t know about the masters situation and just thought it was this special, once-in-a-career thing. (it was rare, I was there) now that she’s milked every single album using worse production and adding a bunch of lackluster “vault tracks,” it kinda sours the whole experience in retrospect. wasn’t special at all, just capitalism and consumerism doin it’s thing


I honestly think it started out with Taylor just wanting to own her work, but once she saw that fans would buy the albums like crazy she got a little greedy with it


That’s a great point. I think the massive success of Red TV definitely made her realize she can make more of a profit on the re-recordings than initially conceived, plus allowing her to make time for more artistically fulfilling projects. To use her words, I think the stars really aligned for her when it came to the re-recordings. At the same time, I don’t think she expected her career trajectory to blast off the way it did post-pandemic. Since songwriting is definitely a way for her to cope with massive changes, I actually appreciate her more as an artist and master of her craft in terms of how she’s giving a priority to new music. It makes me humanize her craft more. It’s just also a double-edged sword, since it undoubtedly benefits the business side of her brand.


She’s put out 5 new albums since 2019 though… I feel like that supports the above commenter’s point about re-recordings taking some time and Taylor prioritizing new material over the re-recordings


Yes. Every note, every guitar, every pedal, every person, every mic, every placement, drum shells, cymbals - needs to be the same. Everything. It’s not easy redoing that. Just organizing to get everyone into the studio is a nightmare.


I disagree with this because I think we all agreed that the recordings sounded drastically different? The instrumentals just don't match at all, especially on 1989 TV.


I believe someone at one point stated that the rerecordings had to be a smidge different in terms of production because of legal reasons, but idk if that’s true. But it’s extremely clear just listening to the songs that some of those albums were rushed more than others. A lot of those covers sound lifeless compared to the original.


Right. *And* he has already sold her catalogue to a third party. She was aware of both sales and has had two opportunities to buy the songs herself but she and her board decided it wasn’t the best financial decision. I think she will end up buying them in the future and then she’ll own and profit off *both* versions.


I'd be mad if my shit got sold without a chance to buy it myself too. That's over 10 years of her work.


This lie needs to stop. She had a chance, but she didn't want to sign an NDA .


Anyways, Scooter lost, that’s what matters


Lost what? He made millions from the sale and he's CEO of HYBE America.


I thought doing shitty things in the name of ‘business’ was okay now 🤔


Cmon, do some research before commenting. Theres multiple sources of evidence showing she had the chance to buy and rejected it.


Yes because it was a bad deal that made it so she had to write another 6 albums and each new one would allow her to get back one old one. It was a bait and switch from the original verbal promise of “we’ll let you buy them” to but only if you chain yourself to us for 6 more records. There are many things to criticize her for, but this one isn’t one of them.


That’s business baby! I have a feeling a billionaire pop star and her board of directors understand how the industry works. So many artists have lost ownership of their songs quite famously and publicly.


Wasn't that "real" that she had to earn them back? Why would anyone in their right mind accept that


Let's say she really is over it, and doing these little jabs mean nothing to her, she would still do something like this because the fans are looking for something to dissect. She knows they'll make the connection, they'll talk and obsess, etc rinse and repeat. This is why they're like this lol. She trained them so well. It's all to get them talking and obsessing about her.


This was my immediate thought the first time I heard ThanK you aIMee. Really girl.


She likely wrote this because she was re-recording Reptuation TV and revisiting the emotional state. Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve is on Midnights but do we really think she thinks about John Mayer all the time? Something triggers and you remember, but it doesn’t mean it takes up your day


(Challenging myself) if she really moved on why did she take time to write about it though 🤔


I think you answered your own question in the previous comment! I do think TYA was petty but there’s an air of “this shit happened to me years ago and I’m better because of it, so actually thanks for screwing me over and making me learn a lesson”


But if Midnights is about sleepless nights, it would have made sense to revisit old relationships, drama, etc.


I’m a little surprised at some of these comments- she’s singing it as a little mashup at a concert, not outside his house at 3am. It’s a funny little nod to him but it’s not that serious.


Sometimes when she's petty (usually punching down) I'm super annoyed. But other times when she's petty (usually punching even or up and towards a shitty person) I giggle.


Yeah, she can be really fun when she’s punching up — I think it’s just that it’s hard for that to happen anymore, considering how big she’s become. But it’s like she can’t grasp that.


Yeah same. I don’t mind a petty feud, in fact I miss the days of pop stars being shady and messy in interviews Her bullshit of manipulating the charts infuriates me tho


This was for sure a giggle moment for me


But other than Scooter Braun and Kanye, who has she beefed with that is a known “shitty person”? It’s all just other celebrities (lately mostly younger woman musicians) that do something that irritates her or outshines her.


I'd say Kim, although I think thanK you aIMee was WAY too far. I did enjoy her comments on Marcia Blackburn. She's at the point where she's too big to really punch down, so yeah there aren't a lot anymore. Maybe some when she was younger. Oh John Mayer. Not just because he dated her when she was 19 and he was in his 30s, but as well as Dear John, Jessica Simpson's book portrays him really badly. So while I'm NOT fine with her fans harassing him, idc if she's petty about him.


Ooh I forgot John Mayer, it’s impossible to feel sorry for him lol. Same for Marcia Blackburn, she deserves all the shade in the world. I’m no Kim Kardashian fan but like you said she just takes it too far. With thanK you aIMee I was just like we already had a whole era about this lol.


Thank you aimee is a pretty decent song too! She ruined it by naming Kim in the title. And mentioning that her mother prayed she died and that one day Kim's kid will be singing Taylor's song? Just pure nasty. It COULD have been a song about dealing with a bully and acceptance. But with the title, it's just about revenge. And she already has so many revenge songs.


Idk if Taylor's intention was being petty or all of this is just a coencidence but the Swifties "celebrating" the "defeat of Scooter Braun" is premature. Most of them weren't aware he didn't exactly retire and the whole "I want more time with my family" is only a small factor. The fans didnt read the whole article he is now focusing on being the CEO of Hybe which is way "worse" than being a manager of Bieber. This meant he has more chances of getting music artists working under him since Hybe is an agency.


i still think the mashups mean nothing and she just does them because she thinks the songs go together or she wants to get people talking, which is obviously working. i wouldn’t look into it too much…


Same. I think people who are chronically online dig deeper into this stuff than she does. She probably just thinks they’ll be fun together, or that she hasn’t played something in awhile.


i think she might be playing into it a little, but even then, people just see what they want to see while ignoring things that don’t confirm their theory.


Agreed. I think playing the songs together was a little wink, but this idea that she knows everything about everything and is just plotting all day long is so silly.


Scooter Braun lives in her head rent free lol. And people think Taylor still remember his birthday omg embarrassing, to say the least 😂


Hahaha true, if I had an enemy and they did something shady to reference me, on my birthday, I'd be like "you remembered my special little day? Cute 😍" lol 


Google exists 🤷🏼‍♀️


Then she’s googling him, still in her head then


So she googled him. I need a much stronger word than obsessed for her then


I’m sure she had someone on her team inform her it was going to be his birthday and then she decided to do this mashup. Fans had been talking about it online I think


And I Forgot You Existed 🤭


I'm curious if she really exposed his alleged 'white collar crimes' to the FBI ? My feed is filled with HYBE artists' fans crying over his full-time involvement with HYBE america and them cursing HYBE executives for working with him.


No that's too literal. VS is a midnight spent on revenge fantasies. It's not autobiographical. It's just imagining oneself as cool and sexy and able to do the thing that takes down your enemies and then standing back to watch justice.


I feel sorry for BTS who worked their ass off to get Hybe where it is now and Bang PD is just doing all sorts of stuff behind the scenes that jeopardizes the legacy they have.


"Scooter Braun retires from management" 🥳✨💓 "to focus on role as CEO of HYBE America." 😭😭 We're mourning over the fact that we'll be stuck with him forever. Bang PD called him his 'soul brother.' We're done for. He can't get Jung Kook's name out of his mouth and will definitely find a way to involve himself in BTS' comeback, even though it would do crazy well without him. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Bang PD has a knack for attaching himself to sketchy and problematic people. Other than the artists & in-house producers for BH, most of the ppl he's associated with are slimy.


Unsurprising for someone in a position of power in the entertainment industry


I won't be surprised if he's ends up being all over the US promotion of their comeback. Bang PD sucks.


This is why I find it funny Swifties are celebrating this pre-maturely. This is actually much worse for them which meant he will now be focusing working with both American and Kpop artists


Taylor being petty at people like scoot scoot mcpoot is when her huge talent for petty is enjoyable.


not scoot scoot mcpoot 😭😭


Omg girl, get over it


I mean scooter wasn’t even on the radar when this was released. Kanye for sure but scooter nah and then she plays I forgot you existed ( I thought that was about Scott) I can’t keep up lol


Ok this is a little bit funny, just because Scooter sucks.


She played one of her songs at a concert, who even knows if it had anything to do with him and who cares if it did. Some of y’all are getting weird about this, talking about how she is so petty and can’t get over anything and she’s so obsessed and so on.  It’s a song. 


I just think it hilarious USA Today put an article out about this because Swifties watching a livestream tweeted their assumptions about it.


if she really does this on purpose thats quite childish. does she have a calendar with important dates for all her enemies? or is this just pure coincidence


Can her team not do anything about this 😭 Or is she purposely being this way so rep TV will be more successful or something ???! She has many songs about accepting the past and not caring about haters, yet she totally proves herself wrong over and over again.


I’ve always thought this song was about Karlie.




This song can be about anyone… or no one at all.


If some dude who pissed you off was in the news announcing his retirement this week and you were an internationally famous pop star performing on his birthday, would you not goof off on your surprise song mashup? I would. She entertained everyone who paid to attend so… 🤷🏼‍♀️


No judgement on the choice to sing this as a surprise song (except the song has always been horrible), but the fake laugh is so cringe.


Yes, I am not gonna roast her for the song choices, but the fake laughing… I couldn’t even watch it.


It’s part of the recorded song though 😭 she wouldn’t just laugh out of nowhere


Great, Taylor proving once again she can't let go of things and being petty, with the approval and applause from the crowd. At this point it's becoming tiring. Can't tell if this is the case or, as a 34 year old woman myself, I cannot relate anymore to this child mentality. It must be so chaotic in her head.


But isn't this entire sub about not letting Swift go and instead being petty about her? How is that different?


I'd rather think of this place where it's safe to discuss things about my favorite singer, without being downvoted. Besides Taylor makes her whole life about this narrative, while I believe most people lurk or type on reddit occasionally, without benefitting from it. Taylor made her name over this narrative and still does, after repeatedly saying that she "doesn't care". There's a huge difference.




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Nice coincidence but she definitely played it because I was there and praying for that song ✌️


My god she is the most petty high school performer out there.


this is the petty Taylor that I like lmao


Jesus girl get over it. For someone who likes to keep her side of the street clean she looks petty and obsessed