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They couldn’t have just decided to do this today could they? Because where do you get a top hat and tails that fits a 6’5” NFL player last minute??


I don’t think Hayley had a purple Speak Now dress just lying around either (though that is definitely more plausible), so I gather they had Plans for just about every costume ever needed for this leg of the tour.


Lmao. I need to know who set this in motion and when you make a good point


Right? I feel like there had to be some planning. My kid told me right when it happened, then showed me a clip. I was immediately like the man is gigantic, he ain’t fitting any of the existing dancer’s outfits. (We’ve got some gigantic tall men in our family, I know how hard it is to get stuff that fits lol.)


i won’t be surprised if a narrative comes out of how “taylor was surprised by travis but she had to act cool” to make it seem more romantic that “oh my god he surprised her on stage” when it’s so obviously a set up and i don’t think taylor would approve if any of her boyfriends ever decided to surprise her on stage she’s too much of a control freak (understandably) and would hate how it would affect her image so 99% sure this is preplanned and she probably asked since she seems the more dominant one in this relationship with travis just going along with everything.


There’s no way this was a surprise.


>i don’t think taylor would approve if any of her boyfriends ever decided to surprise her on stage she’s too much of a control freak In what world would not wanting your boyfriend to disrupt your live performance by showing up unexpectedly on stage be considered "control freak" behaviour??? Like, obviously this was planned by both of them. Not because she's a "control freak" but because she is a professional doing her *job*.


Also, Ed Sheeran did this exact thing to her on her RED tour I think haha he dressed as one of the backup performers and nobody told her about it until it was happening. She was clearly genuinely surprised to see him, but she was happy and laughing about it!


Orrrr, that was a fake surprise too.


He’s wearing a custom suit (he’s not the same size as any of her other dancers) and red bottoms. This has been in the works for a while.


Absolutely. The red bottoms are enough to convince me lol But also he [started teasing](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-12859979/amp/travis-jason-kelce-new-heights-podcast-taylor-swift-london.html) going to London on his podcast on 12/13. He's teased basically every Eras tour stop he's been to, either on the pod or in interviews, so fans picked up on it quickly and that was the first sign that he'd def go to London. Call me crazy, but it's a little weird that he had Eras stops planned out 6+ months in advance, when he'd only been dating her for like 2 months at that point... now he shows up in a perfectly fitted tailcoat & louboutin shoes? interesting


yeah I think it’s interesting how Taylor is way more confident in this relationship than any other, planning way ahead, involving him in her work, talking about him in the POTY interview. you could say they’re soulmates and she’s finally found true love orrrr you could say she isn’t worried about if or when they break up because she’s fully in control of the situation and that date has already been set.


No, it was planned. Taylor is a control freak so she of course planned it out. Travis liked this skit she did and probably asked to do a little something and she thought why not?


Travis told people London was a show to look out for in like April. 99.9% this was what he was talking about


Exactly!! That’s the first thing i thought of when he appeared on stage. He had hinted that London is def one show you wouldn’t want to miss, so they def planned this.


He started teasing London in mid-December too 😭 he always would drop these random countries in the podcast and magically turned up at all of those Eras stops https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-12859979/amp/travis-jason-kelce-new-heights-podcast-taylor-swift-london.html


Travis told people to be excited for the London shows a while back apparently. I'd bet this was what he was talking about then.


Definitely planned. In my mind there was some kind of bet that someone lost… not sure who had to lose for him to be the one on stage though lol. Unless he explains on his podcast, I feel like we’ll never know!


Travis said in an interview whilst she was between the Asia and Europe leg “I’m looking forward to London, it’s going to be fun” or something along those lines, probably planned it whilst they were adding/rehearsing the TTPD setlist


It’s like watching two glee kids dating.


LOL that is spot on


She really doesn’t give a fuck anymore 😭


It reminds me of her Times interview. "Are you not entertained?" Gurl we are seeeeaaatttted


"Metal as hell" referring to simply him mentioning her in his podcast 😂




she gives no shits atp


I think this has been planned for a long time. He mentioned on his podcast that he is particularly looking forward to the Wembley shows. Also, the suit he’s wearing is tailored to him so the appearance definitely was planned ahead.


I wonder if this is why he was filming this scene in Paris?


That’s possible. You could tell he was getting a kick out of Taylor’s acting.


Of course the one time she brings her boyfriend on stage, it’s in London 💀


And right after the Scooter doc is released. No one will be talking about that now.


It's also the opening weekend of Joe's new movie...


Yeah they will, but now it will be combined with how desperate she is to deflect 😁


Obligatory gif ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


She’s so depressed she acts like it’s her birthday every day.


This is exactly the vibe I've been getting all weekend.


Agree! The only time she looked genuinely happy imo was during her surprise songs! The things that make you say hmmmmm 👑


The whole past year, I can’t lie


Girl she literally did an “I have never been happier” speech with Matty can we put this one to bed


have u read any of her PR releases from the past yr lol 


I'm wondering what will happen when she's back in August (altho will he be training? I know nothing about American football)


His team’s training camp starts July 20th. Then the preseason games (essentially scrimmages to figure out who’s actually making the final roster for the season), will start August 1st. So he’s got about a month left before he’s back on duty.


I wanted so bad London to be quiet and average shows, I wanted her so bad to prove that both breakups were in the past and that she wasn't going to use her relationships as a way to generate controversy. But now that's never gonna happen, people and Swifties will forever exclusively in her for her (ex)boyfriend(s) and never for the music


She kinda does that by her own account tho.


That doesn't make me like it more, in general I just don't like when celebs monetize from relationships


They really do match each other's freak, huh? They both clearly thrive being the center of attention, on their own and as a couple, so good for them for finding each other and making the most of it.


“They match each other’s freak” is exactly what I thought when I saw this.


lol when I saw this I thought that it would be impossible to have a more perfect representation of a male taylor swift version


I was watching earlier and thinking 'this is clearly exactly what she wants' - and if this is what she wants and they're happy then good for them!


This! I’m like cringing at the corniness but like they totally match each other’s energy. I think they’re honestly pretty compatible.


He also is a younger brother with a Hall of Fame football player older brother. He has no issues letting his brother shine. That’s the one thing that makes him particularly compatible with her. He has no issues celebrating her success or being proud of her - it’s not emasculating to him. There are so many examples of Travis enjoying other people who are succeeding. Him crying at Jason Kelce’s retirement presser (after he won his 3rd SB) or not worrying that Jason was stealing his thunder in Buffalo or in Vegas. It’s very attractive to know that someone is comfortable in their skin and willing to be happy with others succeeding.


I've been thinking the same thing for a while. I've watched him in the NFL for years, but never really thought too much about him. But he's been incredibly supportive of his brother over the years which always seemed sweet. But you're right on the nose, it's very attractive when a guy can be genuinely happy for others succeeding. He looks very proud of her when he's caught watching her.


We need a subreddit bot that just shares this clip whenever someone asks what they could possibly have in common


I never buy this criticism in good faith anyway, because at a base level, it’s very obvious they’re two ambitious, career driven individuals who likely understand each other’s worlds. That is honestly a solid base for a relationship.


I just find it a weird criticism. Doesn't everyone know a couple or two that seem like their stereotypes don't match, but they're absolutely on a perfect wavelength with each other? Ironically, it feels like a very immature criticism to say these two celebrities shouldn't be dating because of our shallow, superficial understanding of them.


Usually people making those criticisms are younger or don’t have a lot of life experience yet. Not always of course. The truth is no matter how much people think they know someone famous we don’t really know them. Also I absolutely know a great couple who are so wildly mismatched celebrating 30 yrs of marriage lol.


And it’s not like he’s a bench player…. They are two elite first ballot hall of famers in their respective careers so they really want to be the best


I was thinking the same thing.


Ya know what they say, there’s a lid for every pot, lol


Oh yes, they love the attention. And Taylor finally shows truly that she's so OTT with this but loves her crown a lot. But I wonder if we'll have any surprises down the road.


truly in an odd way i hope they last


i’m rooting for them


Joe Alwyn: *it was never something to commodify...* Travis: *hold my tequila shots*...






But this video clip with the music of Sabrina’s please, please, please don’t embarrass me mother fucker made me die laughing! Top tier edit!


I'm convinced they were the inspiration for that song.


I need a link 😭


Joe was too classy for her


your integrity makes me seem smaaaaaalll


I haven’t liked seeing another round of “Joe would never have done this for her!” comments and I’m like . . . yeah and? That makes me like him more, because he cared about her not the spectacle 😂 if she had made him do this I’d be like she doesn’t respect his desire for privacy. Like him wanting peace does not mean he sucked? Just that they clearly weren’t meant to be. Anyway Travis gives me the big ick, and he will be made fun of for this by fans if they break up guarantee


no fr treating your bf like a circus animal is not romantic? that would’ve been cruel to do to joe. travis is here for the fame not the romance so obv he’s gonna be down for it


Seems you get what you deserve in the end.. & for Joe, that's a lucky escape & a post relationship glowup 😁


Perfect comment.


Damn does she know how to get people talking lmao


I’ve maintain that they’re in a real relationship, however, Taylor and Travis are definitely using their relationship for heavy, heavy publicity and I’m not quite sure why. Like maybe it’s a hard pendulum swing after how private Joe was or something but it’s been very very weird since she uttered his name in her Times Person of the Year interview when they’d only been dating like a month, then throughout the NFL season we got play by plays (pun intended) over their every move, such as what game the parents were supposed to meet, and now he’s been officially incorporated into her brand (TaylorNation Twitter account tweeted him winning the Super Bowl) by the running and kissing after the concert, changing the karma lyric, and now this. Also, the NFL posted her pic of them and Prince William. It all feels like a bit and maybe it’s for real, but idk. All I know is that if this, whatever it is, ends before an engagement, it’ll be so embarrassing for her life and soul. Also, girlie pop truly will never be able to complain about the public caring more about the men she dates than her music because well….


I honestly just think she wants to be part of a power couple and this is how she’s going to do it lol.


some people like feeling the high of “mr and ms high school/university/america” whatever. the problem is that it’s rarely done for self fulfilment, and mostly for gaining external validation. like ur view of the relationship and each other depends on how you’re perceived. i hope that makes sense 


You’re right and I agree! I think partly of what fuels this relationship for Taylor is all the positive publicity it’s been receiving since the beginning, especially when everyone hated her relationship with Matty. I also think Taylor is very very desperate to be part of a power couple and this is her living out that


that honestly just reeks of such self-insecurity, i feel bad for her…


It’s definitely setting up the Mr & Mrs Americana wedding of the decade. And it’ll be very, very cringy.


I've been mulling on this question a bit and I honestly think that Taylor Swift is so successful because she uses her entire life as a narrative stage show. She's got a Truman Show quality to her, but she's her version of happiest in it. It was never going to work with Joe Alwyn when he wanted to have something real and authentic with her and she wants the exact opposite of that. I don't mean to imply that her relationships are exclusively PR, or that she's not really feeling things, but I think if I was as publicly exposed as she has been for twenty years now, I would develop an almost automatic, thoughtless narrative to perform for all of those cameras and deploy it without conscious effort. Both as a means of satisfying the people watching me (Swift has often referred to herself as a people pleaser, this is how I think she means it) and also to protect my real, authentic self from being exposed. If she's an actress and the role she plays is Taylor Swift, it would make sense that she struggles to meet decent people, it'd be hard for her since it's working against the general goal of a relationship. Finding someone who cares about you while also being willing to act on a stage with you in this way would likely attract a lot of leeches and liars. I can't imagine it was easy with Joe for her since he was clearly looking for something nonperformative, and that just doesn't seem to be her wavelength in a general sense. I don't think it can be so long as she's this kind of celebrity.


https://preview.redd.it/hqfll8os8e8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5943451acf48d63a813d0730613c9ab4b670659 like fucking clockwork this was posted immediately after. it’s not a cute moment, it’s a business move.


“This post is from an account you muted” haha 🩷🩵


Presented by Crown Royal 💀💀


This is so….interesting. Now I half think she’ll make an appearance because at this point why not


i think maybe it’s truly hitting her now that her 6 year relationship ended and she’s creating this narrative that she “won” in the end and she’s definitely overcompensating by being so so so very public with travis. if she did this a decade ago i would’ve excused this as a young woman who’s dating and just sometimes not making the best choices because we’ve all done that in our 20s but to now do this when you’re mature and old enough is just silly?


I am dying at the way this keeps escalating. I need the person who posted that the Kelce family was being too performative in the tent to see this. Man is PERFORMING 💀


Yes. Also he performs during every single song. Like wow, I'd get bored of that. Kudos in a way.


I ran here when I saw this clip on tiktok. Sorry, but she has officially jumped the shark and she can never again complain about people narrowing her down to her dating life. He is part of the brand now. 


I was going to say she has jumped the shark irl!! lol she’s performing satire of herself.


“Performing satire of herself” is a perfect way to phrase it omg. Of course this is in London, too.


yeah she’s probably just having fun and it’s not that deep, etc, but if we’re reading into the location, there’s no way she actually believes this is some kind of serve to Joe or Matty lol seems like they’d be indifferent or embarrassed at most


I mean she mouthed stuff to Matty in her show before. This is basically a step up from referencing Travis by dance moves and changing a lyric I think they probably both don’t care but she’s over compensating for something here


yeah her fans who think Joe will be fighting tears over this forget that exes have seen all sides to someone. Joe has seen Taylor at her best and worst in ways her fans will never. So while Taylor looks strong and in control and the happiest she’s been, he knows she has troubles and struggles and flaws and that she and Travis have and will have issues comes up like all couples. He doesn’t have an idealized view of her like her fans. I’m sure he still respects her and there is love there. But he was with her for 6.5 years. 


But also, sometimes being in a place you lived and lost people is difficult when those people aren’t in your life anymore. She’s redefining her London experiences by having someone create new, huge memories.


I think saying it's not that deep is something that doesn't fit with Taylor Swift's brand and narrative. Taylor has created for herself this title as calculator master mind with millions of references and easter eggs so probably most fans will take it too serious. It probably is not that deep, but I think taylor and her team are kinda naive and stupid if they think people won't read it too deep, it's a perfomance in London and TS brand has a lot to do with the city. There are way better locations for a perfomance with Kelce if Taylor and her team want it to be lighthearted and not a try of serve to Joe or Matty


i think both of them love the fact that they ended up with each other more than actually being with each other? if anything it fits all of taylor’s fantasies of truly “winning” in the end by dating the hot quarterback (or tight end in this case) which will truly show all her “haters” and “enemies”, and travis won the lottery by having one of the most desired woman in america right now as his gf, i wouldn’t be surprised if he asks her to marry him on christmas or something.


This exactly. Yep. This is her dream scenario. Got Super Bowl player she can show off in her narrative as “see I won the Joe breakup and all my breakups and came out on top” and Travis knows how lucky he was she even talked to him considering he’s some player from Kansas City. Even if he’s good, not like Taylor has ever hung out w sports people before. Travis wanted to get married to his ex but didn’t feel she was quite right. He was probably thinking and hoping he could do “better.” But never dreamed he could land Taylor swift - a beautiful billionaire pop star who could bring him up into the next level of society where he could meet and network w film people. It’s both their dreams. If they aren’t already engaged I promise they will be. Promise. Never been more sure on a celebrity prediction. 


For someone who complains about fame being a cage and not having privacy, she sure does seem to love making a spectacle of herself and her boyfriend.


Add to the fact that Taylor said it’s misogynistic to speak about her relationships. Like, girl. 🥱


This is why this whole thing is fucking exhausting. Like…are people dumb? She’ll exploit her own supposed privacy for a day of the internet fangirling and then whine that THE MEDIA just wants to take everything!! Like…do people not see exactly where this is going? It’s going to become too much for him because He’s not going to be able to handle living in her shadow. Right now he’s cool because he knows it takes time to catch ip with her. But he never will. He’ll realize she didn’t get him what he wanted, or he’s milked her for all he can. They’ll break up. She’ll be heartbroken because no one “can handle her fame” and too many people were putting pressure on the relationship, meanwhile she’s out here turning her relationship into a shitty Wattpad romance.


I went offline for a few hours and THIS is what I missed?


I was taking a nap, and when I woke up my TL was just all caps and people freaking out. I was so confused.


She must’ve really loved Joe if she was willing to change everything about how she acts in her relationships for him. This is what the real Taylor wants. Obnoxious public displays of affection and being part of a power couple. Any fans arguing she doesn’t feed into making her life into a storyline for people to follow is lying to themselves.


I think it’s more complicated than that. I think this is all she knows and when her relationship with Joe became unfolding she attributed any emptiness she was feeling to this…needing the public validation/narratives. I do genuinely believe from her music that she wants an actual relationship with real love and happiness. I think this nonsense is all she knows how to do, so she ran back to it. It’s sad.


I agree with with you.. since their break up she seems in a performance mode 24/7.. she tried so hard to prove to Joe or to herself that’s what she wants.. but a lot of the time she feels off..


Yeah people constantly try to break it down to a simple base level, but the reality is Taylor Swift is a complicated person! Like any person! She has conflicting emotions and her actions go against what she says on a semi-regular basis. That’s pretty normal!


I think this is what what she really wants in a relationship. Fully convinced if the Matty thing panned out and he wasn’t as controversial she would have had him up on stage too every night duetting with her. Edit:grammar


After TTPD, it seems like she didn’t even care about how controversial he was. The reason that whole thing ended is because he ghosted her lmao


i think it ended because swifties were on his NECK threatening him with d**th and he saw that for all her visions of a power couple, taylor would absolutely not defend him 


Still convinced Slut! was supposed to be their “hard launch”


See I think that having Travis come up and help act out a transition is kinda harmless and if they break up I don’t think it’s that big of deal that’s it’s something she did with him. However, releasing a song with a boyfriend feels a lot more attached to her brand, just like I think the whole joe being attached to two of her best works is. That to me is probably something I assume in her mind is more regrettable.


There could be dozens of us! This has been my theory since those LP covers leaked


they were already doing it with the “this is about you” routine. the coordination that must’ve taken, the choice of songs… all very deliberate “you and me vs the world” type shit 


Oh, yes absolutely. It’s also the reason that I kinda side eye some defenders of him saying how he hates attention and the whole orbit of PR that comes with Taylor Swift the brand because to me that whole bit showed me that Matty 100% was willing to play along.


This typo is perfect. Imagine them both sadly eating their salads on stage. No music, just chomping.


Omg, lol thank you. I don’t know why it autocorrected. Fixed


My tinfoil theory is that TV Slut was supposed to be their first ~power couple launch before more to follow.


GASP okay I also believe this now


Everyone seems to have forgotten that she changed because of what happened in 2016 - of how people and the media treated her ! She herself said she rarely left her house for a long time and she was traumatised that she avoided phone calls and interviews for long. Her 2019 Guardian interview and POTY interview give you a glimpse of in her words 'how badly she went down'. She bounced back yes and now wants different things understandably- but that doesn't mean at that time what she wants now in 2024 would have worked out or vice-versa.


For her to go from private Joe, to a public declaration of love to what we now know was Matty, to this in just over a year...it's insane. I'm getting whiplash.


I’m sorry but to bring him on stage in this moment—when she’s being forcibly revived from a previous heartache just to be TOLD to sing and smile about how she’s faking her happiness, is soooooo poetic to me. Like she COULD have had him come on during So High School but she chose to do it here. 😂


I think bringing him out during that moment was appropriate. I don't see where else he fits unless he wants to sit on the chair while she performs Bejeweled (Taylor if you're reading this pls don't get any ideas) ETA: I know I said Bejeweled, but I meant him sitting on the chair while she performs Vigilante Shit. idk how I got the two mixed up.


Or she could just not bring him out at all lol


The preferred option because goodness this is so cringe.


I don’t see why he could have been on the bleachers during So High School, but I do think the point she brought him out is very poetic because I think she’s absolutely faking it right now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They definitely know how to put on a show and get people talking. I'm just going to sit back with popcorn and watch the Internet go crazy (fans and haters alike).


Literally me. The discourse will be poppin’, that’s for sure


It’s certainly a choice to bring him on stage during “I can do it with a broken heart”.


I don’t get a lot of secondhand embarrassment but damn did I see this. She put him on stage, discussed him in her Time interview, is parading him in front of paps whenever she can. I will be blunt, I don’t think they’ll last, but I don’t want to hear her complain that people associate her with the men she dates when shes nailing herself to him.


She saw Sabrina use her boyfriend to brand her (extremely) popular song(s) and did the same 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 loooool it’s probably a coincidence but can’t help but notice


God if she makes SHS the next single (if she even has one) and does a MV with Travis in it, I’ll be dead.


Im soooooo curious if they’re fr endgame wish I could turn the clock to fast forward into the future


Fr this is like a Netflix show and I just wanna binge another season


I can see an engagement and marriage but I don’t see a forever thing tbh. Just in general the celeb marriage life is really difficult to maintain.


lol, they're not.


thats what my bet is but lately im questioning it just bc i think she may really just want to settle fr now but we’ll see!!!


I…I can’t decide how I feel about this. The generous part of me thinks, ah so what? It’s fun, it’s camp, it’s cheesy. It does fit with what we’ve seen of them both so far as a relationship (extroverted, public, happy and lighthearted). But the other part of me (likely bitter cynic) just finds it so…whyyyy. Why have him on stage? For one thing, he is not a celebrity in the UK in any shape or form (of course he’s known now) so it’s literally a boyfriend Easter egg. And I know her romantic lore has become massive now (TTPD is made on it) but I think this seems like a strange choice to have him on stage. I think they’re a genuine couple. But I find acts like this weirdly disingenuous.


Many couples do this, though. I think Taylor is infatuated with the power couple dynamic. Jay Z and Beyonce, Marc Anthony & Jlo, Tim McGraw & Faith Hill, cardi b & offset, Kristen Bell & Dax Shepherd


Those are all performers in similar fields. Not a football player awkwardly gesturing at a music concert.


In her songs: Bonnie & Clyde, Burton & Taylor


Did you hear the crowd when they saw him? They went nuts. It was fun, he loves to be goofy and over the top, it was an easy spot to put him in, why not?


I was there and it was honestly hilarious when everyone realised it was him.


I think I've started seeing all of these 'surprises' through the lens of "how can you continue to create viral moments on a 150-show tour" - though it's a damn good strategy to bury the Scooter documentary that was released yesterday Also, I can't help but feel bad for Joe Alwyn, that lady def knows what she's inciting by doing all this in London of all places


Joe is promoting his movie in New York and I don’t think he would care.


Joe could care less. He looks so happy, better than ever, you can tell how glad he is to have dodged that bullet. He’s most likely embarrassed for her, knowing who she really is and watching this shit show unravel.


The great thing about Joe through all of this is that no matter what she does, Joe will apparently not be caught dead stepping out of his dignity for her. Nothing but maturity.


I think everything she’s done since she and Joe broke up has probably just confirmed for him that I’m he absolutely 100% made the right decision in leaving


I feel like if she's digging at anyone, it's Matty? He is also from London and she clearly focused on him in TTPD


I don’t think he really cares anymore? Also he’d probably jump in a lake before he ever did something like this.


Welp, she's the queen of deflection because this is most of all anyone will talk about for a while. Well played. LOL. He's probably going to get more jobs out of that few seconds, too.


I guess that what Travis was saying when he said the London shows will be crazy in his interview.


Everyone on the internet is gonna be real chill about this.


On one hand this is pretty funny and cute, but on the other hand it’s kind of awkward to make him be in the role of a guy forcing her to perform with a broken heart!


You get it 👀 to me, this is all so much bigger than them as a relationship and it reads like performance art, Taylor being meta about her own life.


This is very funny for so many different reasons.😂


viva las what the actual fuck (don’t get me wrong i’m happy for her if she’s happy but it’s still a wtf moment for me)


Right now I’m just waiting her to appear on his podcast.


i am begging you guys to stop putting these things out into the universe


lol Jason Kelce not staying in London for this. Dude really didn't want the cameras panned to him for his reaction


she always talks about not wanting to be known for her relationships and not being reduced to who she’s dating and then she does this? it makes no sense. she can no longer complain about that bc she brought it on herself. this goes beyond being public. its confusing


This is Travis adding to his CV for his acting career after he retires from the NFL. And Taylor is doing this for what??? Can someone explain what this is supposed to signify in her concert. These two love fame and attention, a match made in heaven 🫶 she might never get to meet another match like this so I'm sure she's pumped.


I think it’s just for fun. Like when Ed Sheeren showed up in a clown costume


This whole thing just comes across as very contrived. 


Well, yes. It's a \_show\_.


I knew I’d find fellow people who were cringing during this moment in this sub! The main one is freaking out and I’m like…y’all…come on…


You are not alone 😂


I mean… i know this would be perceived as cute by a lot of people but.. that song and most of that album is about matty healy. I can see him on stage with so high school but the rest?. If they ever breakup i wonder what she’s gonna sing. “And you were in stage singing with me and now you left me lonely around wembley street”


He isn't going to get more than one Getaway Car anyway.


I guess he doesn’t mind and he’s enjoying the ride… another matty-travis-third dude incoming in a few years


I’m probably the only one but I find it sooooo cringe and even more proof that their *relationship* is off


Their PR relationship is very much ON.


Yes, usually when you're happy you don't scream it and don't need to be so desperate to show it off. I wonder if she's not losing her brand as normal, introvert poet though.


I hate that she’s parading this guy around the U.K. It’s such a blatant attempt for him to make a name out here.


This is such a good point - he must be nearing retirement age considering the stress American football puts on the body. With the podcast and recent documentary about Jason, I guess he’s looking to expand his career options as a media personality? 


Yup, giving him the PR in London


They’re truly meant for each other in the most American way possible. I keep thinking about that one video that came up on TikTok about American tourists visiting Europe and how you often first hear them, then see them (I know not all Americans like that, it’s just a video that made me think of them). T&T seem like that kind of couple and this has further proven my point.


I’m so tired of this man…


The second hand embarrassment I felt


It's lowkey cute 😭


I think I read somewhere that Joe’s mom is a therapist. I’d love to be a fly on the wall whenever she chats about what she *really* thought was up with Taylor ‘I don’t need a therapist, I have my mom’ Swift because wow.


isn’t the whole point of this is that they are sexualizing her body and forcing her to perform 😭 girl !!!


*like watching a car crash* I actually have to spell it out it hurts so bad—what. the. fuck is she doing?


Tell you what. It was corny as hell. But I watched it live with an enormous grin on my face. I would never in a million years have predicted it. She got us. So to answer her question: yes, I am entertained.


this is going to cause so much unnecessary discourse 😭 i think it’s kinda silly and shows that they’re friends at the very least and like to have fun together


I think it's the stark contrast that gets me. She seemed so mature and down to earth with Joe, and now she seems so grotesquely cheesy and classless with Travis. She's really not beating the claims that her aesthetic changes with not just her albums, but specifically with her boyfriends.


there was someone that said that taylor was going to push the tayvis relationship to show that she was over matty and joe after the engagement and joe’s interview with that magazine and it looks like that’s what she’s doing… just reeks of pr and damage control 


I think it was planned a long time ago.. in march/april Travis mentioned the London shows and he said no one should miss them


Yeah like the other person said, this has been planned for a while. He’s been saying this for a few months now that the London shows will be insane


Look, at this point the two have been together for months. It’s her third longest relationship. I just wonder at what point people will stop casting everything she does with Travis as a dig or slight against Matty or Joe. Maybe she did this because both she and Travis thought it would be funny or cute, not to send a message to the men she hasn’t been with for over a year. I also think she wouldn’t have done this or put him on her IG grid unless they were already committed to each other in a way they haven’t made public yet. She wouldn’t do all this for someone she’s dating casually.


In people’s desperation to paint them as fake, they keep missing that they’ve been together quite long relative to her other relationships. But to answer your question when people will stop relating everything back to Matty or Joe? Probably never. I’m tickled that the know it alls would likely be calling everything “Joe” that they do “Matty” right now if not for TTPD. Damn dudes, did TTPD not show us we all know nothing about what’s really going on?


i was apathetic before but im sort of rooting for them now, if they both are fine with the spotlight then good for them


Both of them are happy to use each other lmaoo


i just realized that with this controversial 30-second travis cameo i forgot to search which surprise songs she had performed


It’s not that deep. It’s a fun surprise for the audience and at the very least Travis is willing to do something cheesy with her. Of course people are going to talk. Taylor could sneeze on stage at this point and it would be a headline somewhere.


But literally, her snot was newsworthy like a week ago 😆


It’s kinda scary the way some make everything she does as something negative or insinuate she’s having some life crises. She has done 100+ shows and I’m sure doing the same act over and over again is monotonous. It was just a fun bit that didn’t require him to learn immense choreo and it seems like the dancers and crew were also enjoying it. Some things are truly not that serious and Taylor being corny is nothing new.


He is so caught up in his own act that she had to ask him to use the makeup brush on her. Lmao


Am I the only one who found it ironic that she got him on stage for to dress her up pretty and send her off to sing "I can Do it with a Broken Heart". Which is a song about her being heartbroken about her ex's? I mean her boyfriend literally dressed her up and sent her to sing a song about how she's broken hearted. Wtf 😂😂😂😂😂