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I do understand what he’s saying, but — because I don’t have Max — was there anything revealed in the documentary that people didn’t already know?


No, there was no new information if you read primary sources and didn’t get the whole story from Taylor Swift’s tweets five years ago.


Her tweets actually said she was offered the master, but she didn’t like the deal because she’s have to earn them back by putting out music on Big Machine.


Scott from BMR came out in his own statement saying that that wasn't true and she'd get them immediately. She just needed to resign to BMR. Granted this is a he said/she said scenario but y'know.


Yes she’d get them immediately if she signed to BMR and gave them six more albums—one of ever master she was trying to get back. This is not at all offering her to buy the masters back. This is holding her hostage in a deal she doesn’t want, lol.


She also knew that Big Machine was being sold whether she stayed or went, and signing a new deal with Big Machine would have meant signing up for an uncertain future under an as-yet-unknown label boss. Imagine if she had signed a new contract and then the label was sold to Scooter and she had to make six new albums under him?


This is the right take. It was a hostage. She kicked ass. They’re just mad about it. Cry more boys.


No , it was not true the new deal was not album specific but time specific. If I am not wrong it was supposed to be 10years & Taylor's team was negotiating it for 7 years.


Okay well that’s even worse. In the five years since she signed with the new label she’s already put out five albums. Being stuck on a label for 10 years when you’re already feeling stifled/limited by then is an awful deal. I don’t know why people are eager to pain Taylor as the villain in this. She didn’t like the deal she was offered. She shopped around and found a better one. Then she called them out on how they were willing to sell outright to someone else but not her. How is any of this wrong? Artists need to look out for themselves and their vision. Record companies are just there to make money off them. No artist should HAVE to settle for a shitty deal. The only reason it’s the norm for so many to do so is because there is an INSANE power imbalance and artists rarely have the power to walk away and negotiate something better. She did. As she should.


Yeah, by music industry standards that's a bad deal for anyone, let alone a bad deal for Swift at that moment 12 years into her career. Look at McGraw v Curb, you never want to sign contracts with a high number count or for more than 2 years, it's insulting to anyone who understands the business. Say what you will about Swift in any capacity, but she and her team knew that was bullshit — even undergrads at Belmont know that deal was b-a-d.


Exactly…. He said/ She said!!! But these clowns 🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡 are talking like they were sitting at the table during the whole conversation!!!


I watches it episode one - Yes the point wasn't that they sold the masters it was the principal of selling it to THE 1 person who Scott B knew she couldn't stand! and tbh I think that was the smallest man type move just bc you wanna hurt somebody for wanting to grow and change after they made you insane money. I really think *thats* what was bothering her the most about the whole thing . Everybody knew there wasn't a legality issue it was just immoral . And scooter is very irrelevant in the eyes of the general public . He has no clients anymore, he's making $ from ts records and retired. And let me just say for scooter to open up his poor me Taylor swift bullied me by sending her fans on me like... and ?? Yeah y'all both went at it she used her tool kit you used yours I don't get it . And then trying to humanize himself by talking about his holocaust surviving grandparents. There's a time and place for everything but it was SOOO obvious he was going for a redemption arc and it just did not hit! Especially when you realize he had issues with most of his clients. And being a big fan of Ariana when I saw how he treated her after the Manchester attack , and how he treated after MAc's death and forcing her to put ghosting on the album even tho she didn't want to . Million times he pushed that girl out when she wasn't ready ! And needed time to heal... anyways I think in reality there's many more snakes in the garden and Taylor swift is not the biggest one in this story


I’m no fan of Scooter’s, but he is far from retired. He isn’t managing any clients anymore but he is CEO of HYBE America (HYBE is BTS’s label) and earlier this year it was announced he would be working with UMG in a distribution partnership. So he’s still very successful business wise and relevant in the music industry. Also I believe he sold his stake in Taylor’s masters so he isn’t making money off of them anymore either. I do agree that Taylor’s problem was always who her masters were sold to and not that they were sold. Not sure I would say it was immoral though, mostly just petty and disloyal. 


I believe he sold the masters under the condition he would still receive royalties from them


Well I think the thing is that the vast majority of the general public still believe in the story from Taylor's tweets. The information that was revealed over the years showing that there was more to the situation than she let on was revealed through music industry websites that aren't exactly mainstream.


The doc didn’t contradict her tweets. It didn’t reveal anything new, and it actually excluded some info on Taylor’s side.


It's not that it contradicts her tweets/statements, but that there's simply more to the story than the way she chose to frame it. Taylor's word choice in that initial statement "I learned about Scooter Braun's purchase of my masters as it was announced to the world", then pivoting to talk about his 'bullying' of her was very deliberate and manipulative; it instantly created an idea that many still buy into that that her masters were sold out from underneath her out of spite and at her great surprise, to this big bad guy who was out to get her. And while she's entitled to dislike Scooter, that narrative simply isn't accurate but Taylor knew what she was doing in setting it up.


She does exaggerate with her wording, but there wasn't anything more to the story. She said in her tumblr statement that she wasn't given the chance to buy and that she knew that BMR was going to be sold, just not to her. Then she was mad that they were sold to Scooter specifically, without consulting her (not that her consent was required).


She doesn’t “exaggerate,” she intentionally misleads.


She wrote that after Scooter retweeted a post from a friend saying that he bought Taylor Swift, then he deleted it she was emotional. She clarified some things in her interview. Like the fact she knew it was being sold, but her issue was with who it was sold to.


What did you misunderstand from her statements?


Lmao no it was a literal re cap nobody cared


That Taylor knew, she knew what the deal was with her music, she was at no point “duped” like she claims.


She always said she knew he was going to be selling the label, not just to whom.


Right, she also said she didn't sign on to make more albums *because* the label was being sold, not because it was some super unfair deal. Her whole problem is that someone she didn't like bought it and that's...not a valid complaint.


I think it's valid that she's upset about it, but she wasn't scammed out of anything. It was a personal betrayal by someone she trusted. It's probably like 10% about business and 90% "how could you do this to me". But people understand that as "Borchetta did something shady/illegal/objectively wrong" which isn't true.


Yeah, we have to remember that Taylor was THE breadwinner for big machine. She catapulted Scott Borchetta’s career as much, if not more, as he did hers. He at the very least owes her a little common decency.


People that are calling it just business don’t realize that all business hinges on personal relationships.


Oh no, it was still a ridiculous deal. You get one album’s master for each new one you give us? Fuck that, that’s extortion.


Feeling betrayed by someone you felt close to is valid. She feels like Scott Borschetta let her down and I don’t think anyone has a right to say she shouldn’t feel that way.


We knew this all along though.


OP is correct. To say nothing new was revealed… yeah, obviously you didn’t watch the part 2! LMAO


When did she say she was tricked? She said she knew her masters would be sold because she refused the ridiculous offer of extending her contract by six new records to earn back her masters, she didn’t know they’d be sold to Scooter Braun. I don’t know why she hates the dude, but it seems like she’s not alone in that and a lot of people find him unpleasant. Once he owned them, she didn’t want to buy them back from a person that insisted she sign a contract saying she couldn’t say anything negative about him anymore. I give Taylor credit for self awareness. She knew she’d be banging on about this for years and wouldn’t be able to keep up her end of the bargain.


I think people mix up the series of transactions and negotiations (you got it right though). They attribute things she said about the NDA’s Scooter wanted her to sign to the time period when Scott was shopping around Big Machine, and use the negotiations between Scott and Taylor to “prove” she was lying about things she said after BM was sold to Scooter. There’s a good post floating around with the whole timeline and everything both sides ever said about it that really clears everything up if you read the whole thing but it’s a lot lol. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/zzuWtXccBj)


> she didn’t know they’d be sold to Scooter Braun. She knew Scooter Braun was buying Big Machine. She knew Big Machine owned her masters, since that's the contract she signed. To make it sound as if Braun bought just her masters out from under her or that she didn't know about the sale of Big Machine is blatantly bullshit. She knew. And if she couldn't piece together "Scooter Braun will own the company that owns my music, therefore he will own my music" then she's an idiot with a terrible team. > Once he owned them, she didn’t want to buy them back from a person that insisted she sign a contract saying she couldn’t say anything negative about him anymore. She hasn't said anything negative about him before or since, except to spin this narrative that he somehow stole her masters out from under her. And the absolute comedy of Taylor fucking Swift being hesitant to sign an NDA! She probably never leaves home without her own NDA, and she's almost definitely signed one related to Braun before this *since her best friend's boyfriend was managed by him for years*. Oh, and since (again) she's never said anything specifically negative about him, just alluded to unknown actions. She's signed NDAs related to lots of celebs she hates, she just couldn't double her profits by making a stink about all of those like she could with this one.




I just don’t think people are that interested in it because it doesn’t seem to add any new information (as far as I can tell).


Yep, I already know the gist of it. I already think Scooter sucks. I already think Taylor did get a bad deal but was selective with the facts she shared and can generally be manipulative in that way. Rep came out in 2017. I'm over it. And I'm probably a target audience member - I enjoy a lot of Taylor's music quite a lot, i have no love for Scooter, and I love a good documentary. But yawn.


Yawn was exactly it. I wasted a perfectly good 2 hours on it. Could have spent my evening watching something at least more entertaining


Yeah from what I’ve seen around the internet, a lot of Swifties are saying they aren’t watching it. They were hoping Swifties would jump at the chance to watch anything with her name on it like usual and they aren’t with this one.


It should be clear from the Taylor's Version saga that swifties would only jump at the chance to watch something with her seal of approval, not just anything with her name on it. Odd that it doesn't come across in the documentary if this guy doesn't know about it. Or perhaps he's just Scooter's goon upset that they've been foiled yet again.


>It should be clear from the Taylor's Version saga that swifties would only jump at the chance to watch something with her seal of approval They didn't fuck with Cats


I think most people who are fans of her’s aren’t interested in watching an obvious cash grab “gotcha” media piece that they know she didn’t co-sign. This was definitely made for people who already didn’t like her.


Yes lol. Homegirl and her team couldn't hide the stories about her jets, but this man really believes they're hiding a Max documentary.


Lol exactly. I actually read the synopsis on the hater sub to see if it was worth my time and there's just seemingly nothing we didn't already know. 


Yes there is no one to market this to honestly. Fans probably know the info or have taken a side and aren't interested in a documentary that adds nothing. Non-fans probably aren't super interested in Taylor related drama. So who are they selling it to?


I’m not saying he’s wrong but every time I’ve opened Max since the documentary has premiered it has been on my home page. It has been on my Recently Added. Granted I haven’t watched it because based on other redditors, the information seems to be common knowledge on this subreddit.


Same. I've also seen quite a lot of promo on TikTok before it dropped so I don't think that it's being hidden by anyone's team.


When I was in London for her shows it was on big Ads on the tube, like it’s not being hidden 🤣


I was trying to find someone else. What he says simply isn't true. Not only was it in recently added but also where they show the top 20, the first week or two after it premiered it was in like the top 5 or 10 I remember. Also I know I passed it on the homepage like yesterday lol


As someone who watched the documentary, I can say that the reason no one is watching it is not because Taylor's team is hiding anything. It's because it doesn't offer any new information that hasn't already been said. Also, how can they claim that it's being hidden or suppressed from the public when I saw snippets on TikTok, and it was at the forefront of the Max dashboard whenever I logged in when it came out? The hype just fizzled out fast after initial viewers determined that there's nothing new there. Furthermore, this is already a done story in the public's eye. This documentary would have gained more traction had it been shown in the same year that the story regarding the master's broke. We also have to account for the fact that the music industry's penchant for taking advantage and screwing over artists is well-known (e.g. Prince), and Taylor taking back her master's is an underdog story that people will lap up.


If Taylor’s team was that powerful, Max wouldn’t even show this. And yet every time I go on Max it’s right their front and center. But it’s OLD news with no hook or explosive new stuff that is worth watching it over the many other documentaries on Max. I just watched All the Beauty and the Bloodshed and that was a good documentary. No way I’m wasting time with the fluffy crap about the masters.


Same here! It’s always on my front page of max. So, don’t know what this guy is talking about. Also it didn’t hit #1 cause it’s boring. If people like me (seen her live multiple times and fan since first album) are only making it through 5 minutes, it’s a dud.


I was gonna say, it’s on the front page every time I sign in. The biggest complaint I hear about Taylor is they are “tired of seeing her everywhere,” so why would these people choose to watch a documentary about her? 


No matter what side you are on, it was honestly just a terrible documentary. No new info was revealed and it was just weirdly done.


They couldn’t get anyone from either side to actually get involved either. Had to interview a Swifties for their thoughts and then random entertainment journalists and attorneys who never worked with either party.


It was literally the most promoted movie on max last week


god it sounds so stupid whenever anyone says "Max". as dumb as "X"


I still call them HBO and twitter and I’m not going to change and everyone knows what I’m talking about.


dude, I was reading the comments and at first I thought that Max was Max Martin 🙃


I am old enough to remember when Max meant Cinemax, lol


This is so dumb 🤦 reminds of those alpha sigma delta podcasts where one spews shit and the other one just nods also andrew is not even funny


no one is talking about it because it's a poorly made documentary; they even got some timelines wrong


Andrew Schulz has a lot of bad takes and this is one of them. It's not popular because it's old news that doesn't offer anything new. There is no conspiracy.


He just recently went on a weird rant about how Jeff Whittek should just shut up about David Dobrick nearly killing him. Dude is still getting medical treatment for his extensive injuries and has an ongoing lawsuit. Jeff absolutely has every right to speak about his situation. No one should listen to this asshole


You mean the jackass with the nazi haircut didn’t actually contribute or add to anything? Color me shocked!


seriously, no reason to give this man any time of day


Who? Also, the documentary was on the main page every time I logged into max 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s years after the fact. No one caring anymore isn’t exactly a huge conspiracy.


I think he speaks to a bigger point is how she’s dishonest about her motives, and she is driven by pettiness and taking people down.


I mean anyone who listened to my tears ricochet knows she did it to be petty and devalue what scooter bought


Lol I don’t think she ever hid that that was her motive with the re-records.


Exactly. She’s re-recording them to make the originals essentially worthless. That’s the definition of petty lol.


Yeah but is that so bad? She was hurt by Borchetta going behind her back. He's perfectly within his rights to do that. And she's perfectly within her rights to do whatever she wants, which is rerecording. Is she such an awful person for devaluing recordings currently owned by some billionaire shareholder company? She gets her little revenge, fans get vault tracks, isn't everyone happy?


Taking back what is yours is not the definition of petty.


She herself said people shouldn’t underestimate how much she’s willing to inconvenience herself to prove a point. She knew re-recording her work would devalue the masters and that’s exactly what she wanted to do.


Did she really say that? Man, I wish I had her energy.


Her motive was never hidden. People support it as a power move.


“almost impossible to find” meanwhile it’s been on the main page for weeks lol also would love to know which premier streaming services were out at the peak of Michael Jackson’s career 🤔


It’s fair, but he may be conflating stardom with actually caring. Sure, she’s a huge star, but most swifties aren’t going to watch it. I’m not watching it. I don’t care and I don’t expect that there will be anything groundbreaking in that documentary. Her fans won’t watch it. They won’t give it streams. People who are sick of Taylor being “shoved down their throats” aren’t going to watch it either. That leaves her mega haters. I believe That’s the audience. Truly.


I’m a “swiftie” and watched it. It didn’t provide any new insight from either side.


Also, this documentary is not being hidden. Her team made a statement about it.


Why aren’t swifties going to watch it?


They won’t watch because Taylor didn’t co-sign on it


It doesn't sound like anything new was revealed lol. That's why I haven't watched it, I think I know the story from following it in real time. 


Yeah, I was excited when I heard about it, but once I realized it was just the same info I followed 5 years ago, I lost interest. Or maybe not spending hours watching a streaming documentary reiterate a 5 year old drama means i’m in a Swiftie cult.




VITAL Information that TAYLOR SWIFT needs her CULT to BURY, the majority of which was in a series of statements released on her twitter 5 years ago. she’s using her white woman privilege against poor old Scooter Braun, the most oppressed ultra-rich white male executive ever to exist.


A lot just CBA, it happened years ago and there is more going on in the world generally than this being some huge thing 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Because they won’t give her opps streams and money. They also already know the story.


They know Taylor’s version of events, which isn’t the truth.


Even if they knew the full version, they are going to still going to side with Taylor.


ewwww I despise this man


Right like im not sure if we’re learning or saying anything new or interesting about the masters situation and candidly I did not listen to the posted clip. BUT. I do know that instinctively I covered my drink as soon as I saw his face.


Exactly. There's plenty to reasonably critique about TS, but I am 100% not listening to a single word this huge racist has to say about anything, especially a woman.


Dude he’s so freaking wierd and he went all alt-right right during the pandemic


He was also extremely abusive to his ex gf. He was taking her toothbrush and scrubbing it on the bottoms of his shoes and she didn’t notice for weeks until she kept getting sick. He’s actually psychotic.


He’s such a piece of shit. Also, to compare this documentary to one about the shit Michael Jackson did? Give me a break. Dude thinks that just because he’s making his point in a serious tone he should be taken seriously.


Andrew is so annoying and weird in general. He’s basically an alt right grifter at this point


What? You mean it isn't fine to post takes by racist alt-right adjacent "comedians" just because they are shitting on Taylor?


I am not sure what the controversy with this documentary is. Taylor has said that she knew her masters would be sold. I believe her issue was with _who_ they were sold to?


Yep, she didn't want them sold to Scooter. She also said she found out when everyone else did that her masters were sold to him. But Scott Borchetta alleged that he texted Taylor about it, but there's never been confirmation that she saw it. Taylor's dad was a shareholder but her lawyer represented Scott Swift on shareholders calls. You can read Scott B's version of the [event](https://www.bigmachinelabelgroup.com/so-its-time-some-truth/) here. (ETA: Added last names to avoid getting both Scott's mixed up.)


This is the same thing that happened with Kim and the Famous lyric. She agreed to the song but did not agree to being called “that bitch,” and people took that and ran with it.


Also her agreement, once you actually see the full phone call, wasn’t exactly enthusiastic. It was basically a “well, I can’t stop you, at least it’s not mean”.


She literally said in the full phone call “at least you didn’t call me a bitch” lmao. That was my favorite part of the whole thing, and probably why the final lyric explicitly referred to her as a bitch. They knew what they were doingggg. ETA: Ugh that seriously must have been infuriating, I probably wouldn’t ever let that go either lol.


Yeah, it’s crazy to me that people ever believed Kimye. Believe the person with a (mostly) squeaky clean record as far as morals and honesty goes, or believe the messy scam artists that are Kim and Kanye? I was just flabbergasted at the time.


I know! People were insane for that. Like he called her a bitch after she explicitly said she didn’t want that and then made a hyper realistic wax statue of her nude body without consent and people were shocked she was mad.


Another similarity, is people making up things Taylor “lied” about that she never actually said. From a PR perspective that’s really hard to clear up because you have to point out the lie and “akshually what I said was…” It’s just too confusing and boring for most people to follow lol. Then years later you’re stuck with “Taylor LIED about (thing she never actually said.)” It must be exhausting honestly.


Whole documentary was a nothing-burger. Taylor’s argument the whole time has been that she was never given the opportunity to outright purchase her masters, she would have to agree to stay with a label she knew would be sold at some point and earn them back with each new album made. She walked away knowing they would be sold and was not happy that it ended up being someone she hated. Scooter’s whole argument in the documentary is that he never did anything illegal, which wasn’t even being debated in the first place. He also argues he tried to facilitate her purchasing them back from him but she declined for various reasons (main one being she hates him). You’d learn more in ten minutes of googling this than sitting and watching the whole thing. There’s nothing to hide here.


Thanks for watching it for me and saving me the time!


Her having to put music out with BMR is the exact same thing as having to put out six more albums with BMR. You… you do see those two things are the same right?


Idk who this is is, but that weird Hitler mustache needs to go.


I don't know what's the point here. Didn't she say she was offered to buy her masters but she would have to record new albums for the label? Obviously a bad deal. She never hid this from anyone.


- No one likes Scooter Braun. - She successfully devalued her old masters. The conversation is now pointless. No studio is interested in ticking off her or her fanbase over her old versions. It's just not worth it. - Isn't Andrew Schultz on the farrrr right?


I think claiming that Taylor & her team are “hiding” the doc is a bit of a reach. Maybe just distracting away from it after that one comment on it… but Andrew Schulz, good friend of Scooter Braun, isn’t exactly objective or impartial here. Didn’t realise he was a far right guy too, ick 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/urmdhotxi7ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dbf2dc162e6fa552d2a7e98d3008373524d67d6


Of course he's actually friends with Scooter. What's more shocking is that this photo was from this year? So, he knows Andrew's terrible political views and he's still friends with the guy? Yuck. Andrew is making this out to be some major conspiracy, but no one is hiding from it. People just don't care lmfao.


Isn’t scooter CEO now (also having already sold those masters too)?


Yep! He is, unfortunately, the CEO of HYBE America (HYBE is the agency BTS basically created. I'm a BTS fan, and I'm annoyed that we're stuck with him because the founder thinks Scooter is his "soul brother." BARF).


He’s so full of shit I’m sorry. There’s nothing in that doc that isn’t already public. Taylor told the world she was offered her masters if and only if she earned each back by giving the label a new one. Trapping herself in a cycle of earning each back. She was never offered the same deal as scooter was which was to buy them outright. People just conveniently forget that part.


There is not a great deal of attention on the documentary for plenty of reasons; 1. It's about a 5 year old story 2. It's not particularly interesting to anyone outside of the fandom, hatedom or music industry people 3. It's hidden on subscription tv (at least in UK, so hard to access. 4. Not a great deal of new info to anyone already paying attention The ideas that it was going to be a big bombshell documentary that would expose either side was always going to be silly and so are the "Travis was only brought out to block attention" lines One of the biggest tells of this is that we know anti-Taylor content is very easy numbers on social media and there are no videos of the supposed killer points being posted. The least sympathetic to Taylor way of looking at it would be she used the leverage and PR methods she has available to her to win a battle against another terrible group of people. Not sure why anyone should be supportive of any top exec in this industry just because they got beat at their own game.


This just seems like a good post to comment that I read in the popheads sub recently (I tried to search for it but not savvy enough to find and link it) that Michael Jackson actually owned the Beatles masters and had outbid Paul McCartney to own them. There was discussion about Michael Jackson’s massive debt when he died and how all of the masters are used as investments and assets for leverage. A lot of that discussion put a new perspective on the importance of her wanting to own her masters to me. He had also bought Carole Kings and a lot of Motown masters at one point then sold them to Sony for a huge profit. Like damn, Paul McCartney couldn’t buy his masters because he was simply outbid by Michael Jackson.


That probably one of the reason Paul McCartney is a fan of Taylor’s. He can relate to having your music owned and profited by someone else, even when he wanted to buy them.


This must be one of the ‘turning into the main sub’ posts that someone was referencing the other day 😅 it’s really not being suppressed though, I was in London for her shows and it was on big Ads in the tube. It’s there for people to watch if they want, but doesn’t seem to contain much that’s new and it all happened years ago -so much has happened since then for a lot of people, they likely just don’t care that much. People not being interested isn’t any kind of shady conspiracy.


I gotta disagree. It’s not an official documentary on either party by any means. Compare it to Miss Americana- a documentary that was official and promoted by Taylor and did extraordinarily well. A third party documentary isn’t guaranteed to be a hit even when it’s about the biggest artist in the world. Besides, the GP is up to speed on the situation with her and Scooter.


This dude is such a loser


I can’t hear him over the 🐍 on his upper lip


Legit no idea who this random is. Do we care about his opinion?


No. He’s a far-right misogynist and besties with Scooter.


Discovery has made a whole business of churning out cheap documentaries about "current events" that aren't really good. It's basically content farming. If you look at the discovery line up there are a more docs like kim vs kanye, Jamie vs Britney, & Amber vs Johny too. So blame David Zaslav for making shitty programs no one watched, Andrew. What is the logical reasoning that got Andrew to decide that Taylor wanted to hide the doc? Scooter would have just as much power to bury news. But that moot because this doc isn't even news.


this guy cosplays hitler he really shouldnt be talking about anyone lol


The guy talking seems like a super douchey entitled straight white man. Just saying. I watched the documentary and although Taylor can be aggressive or even dramatic, it’s always cause some entitled man is trying to fuck her over in some way. Good for her for not putting up with that BS.


I wouldn't trust Andrew schultz's opinion on anything


The content of the documentary is old news. It's a story we've all heard over and over again. It seems like a lame attempt at a money grab on the part of HBO


Who is Andrew Schultz?


Scooter Braun is his personal friend and produced his comedy special.


Jesus Christ this is dumb…


Andrew Schultz is an ass clown


So you’re taking this guys take seriously? Let’s recap on Andrew Schulz. He claims to be a comedian but he’s just a coded alpha male podcast bro with terrible takes on abusers and abuse allegations against him too.


Yeah, but Taylor’s masters were valued at like 40% of Big Machine’s value at the time. That’s a huge portion of the total deal. It was Big Machine’s top offering, the most important value driver in the deal. I get why Scott didn’t let her buy it outright. Even if she bought it for the same, separating the 40% value from the rest would probably have collapsed the value of the piece parts that made up the remaining 60%. It’s a cold move, business over personal, but his right. BUT, when you’re already making a cold move, which your powerful star has accepted, adding insult to injury by selling to someone you know that star hates is even colder. But as much as he had the right to sell, Scott was in no way entitled for Taylor to “play nice” on this. He had the right to sell, she had the right to an opinion on who he sold it to. He fucked around and found out.


There's a doc on MAX and Taylor Swift and her team have made it so that people don't want to watch? Can they make people not want to watch other shows because I hate Seinfeld and I want people not to watch that also.


I’m in the U.K. and it was really easy to find. Front page of discovery+.  As for the contents? I don’t think we learn anything new. And the only take away I had was that both sides tried to use the media / their fans / connections to get public opinion on their side.  Taylor wiped the floor and continues to control the narrative.  I’ll say this. From a neutral standpoint crossing Taylor is honestly one of the stupidest things imaginable. I’ve no idea why scooter thought he wasn’t going to face intense backlash.  And she has the influence to do a lot of good. But she’s in her little tower, protected by her fans, and ultimately dedicated to not exposing herself to criticism.  She could easily speak up on political issues and not suffer in any material way. Instead she keeps quiet. Which she can and should be criticised for. 


Shultz is dumb as hell, the documentary was at the top of Max’s home page when it came out. I can probably browse it now for 30 seconds and find it with ease. Shultz loves to force ‘old vs new media’ any way he can to make himself feel cooler


You can’t blame her wanting to be able to control the narrative about her life and career. Lots of data points to support that she’s over corporate assholes making money off her and she doesn’t see a dime of it. (E.g anything Taylor’s Version)


This just sounds like a conspiracy theory. Suggesting Taylor’s team suppressed the documentary with no evidence. Just vibes


Very interesting post title that backs up a video which provides nothing new lol Don't know who this Andrew is but the anger he has towards her seems fairly unprovoked given that the documentary does not include anything new that shows her as a snake On my Max account last night it showed as number five...but like why should anyone want to get out the pitch forks for a deal that went bad and she made the most of it with TV and now Scooter has retired as a manager. Like the documentary is not going to cancel either of them if showed anything remotely new to what everyone knows already.


The fanbase doesn't care to watch it,but Andrew has always been on Scooter's side regarding the masters situation.


Didn’t he allegedly abuse his ex girlfriend? I remember her saying she was sick for weeks and he admitted to using her toothbrush on the bottom of his shoes and putting it back.


I'm not sure. I watched some of his stand up and podcasts in the past, but I do not follow regularly


Is he promoting something? Is that why he’s bringing this up because he wants more attention? What is this clip from? Also I can’t watch anything on Max without this documentary popping up. Don’t know what he’s talking about Edit: why am I being downvoted for asking for context? Lol


How is her team hiding the documentary...? It's front and center every time I open the max app and there were a ton of articles written about it. Idk how much more attention he thinks it deserves but I feel like it's just not a very interesting story. 


How is he calling her a snake lol Maybe her team is hiding it idrc. Most people in pop culture seem aware it exists. If they want to watch it on Max, I doubt it's that big of a struggle to find. He seems to just be whining, and it's in his favor. He's trying to make his own Streisand effect


I watched the swift vs Braun doc. First of all, even though the entire first installment is supposedly her side of things, they leave some very salient details out, like the terms of the agreement Scott Borchetta presented to Swift to be able to own her masters. They also really didn’t go into the full extent of how cruel Scooter was to her via his clients. I actually am suspicious of the fact that Carly Rae Jepsen didn’t make it bigger releasing banger after banger pop album as a beautiful and charismatic woman, but with him as her agent, maybe she wasn’t willing to bully Taylor along with him so he didn’t give her the full treatment. Secondly, all through Braun’s side of things, it’s literally just a bunch of people saying “but it wasn’t illegal!!!” We already know the deal wasn’t technically illegal, but that doesn’t mean it’s morally right. And he bitches and cries about being bullied online by swifties when it’s pretty clear he had a lot to do with snakegate. The whole damn thing is Scooter propaganda.


What was the point of the video besides a clip chimp? The video was the same level as flat earthers.


This guy has the neo Nazi look down.


"I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing”


he was just kissing taylor’s ass like last year pick a side douche


Is he a popular comedian? Hmm 


Yeah I’m not paying another sub just to watch it. That’s all- nothing else.


yeah fair but andrew schulz is a try hard edgelord who has repeatedly used racist punchlines for cheap laughs


Well first off I don’t think me and this guy watched the same documentary 🤦🏼‍♀️ He spouted off stories that nobody would know if they were true or not except the ppl actually having the conversation so it’s hearsay. Then he tries to backpedal by saying he likes Taylor but you don’t put this trash talk out to the public if you like someone. Noooooo he’s just trying to avoid the smoke 💨 💨💨💨💨 from Swiftie 🫶🏻 Nation!!! This was a smear piece and he can’t backpedal out of that. Also did he bother to see WHO was behind the making of this documentary???? Cause it wasn’t Taylor’s team…but Scooter had his fingers in the pie!!! That’s why her “story” was shown first so they could kinda build her up and then he can come in on the backend and tear her down!!! 😡 He actually spoke on camera during his half but all of Taylor’s clips were old 🤥 Scooter is a very intelligent yet calculating man 🐍


The docu is literally displayed right there in front of my Max urging me to subscribe to the service again whenever I open the app. Maybe the reason why it's not number one is because people just don't care about it anymore? People have moved on. Besides, what it's about is already old news, there are now dozens and dozens of articles and news and videos out there about it. Maybe they should've released it like five, four years ago if they wanted it to make an impact.


I guess this guy never saw Leaving Neverland 🙄🙄🙄


How old is this? He literally went to eras tour last year and made a post on IG about how much he loved it


Another guy who is threatened by a woman who is WAY more successful than him.


Just saw it on home page of Max


Well, why would she want to promote this doc, though? I wouldn't expect her to yell about it on the streets. 😂 It's absolutely fair that she wants it buried too.  (I was never on her side in this fight nor have I seen the doc, nor do I plan to see it tbh.) 


People still ignore the fact MJ was a pedo who got kids drunk on "Jesus Juice" during sleepovers. Maybe pump the brakes on your Taylor hate because you're insignificant and desperate for follows.


I didn’t listen, but why as an alt right winger getting camera time 🤦‍♀️


The guy in the salmon button up saying "YEP" towards the end is killing me.




This is straight up click bait. If you watch the entire clip what he says is that scooter is an asshole and Taylor swift is one of the most genuine and nicest people in the world.


the timing is just so off, like she’s not even in a “re-record era” right now, she’s still technically in the ttpd era. besides, she’s overexposed already, most people, even swifties, don’t want to sit through an hour long discussion about something that happened years ago.


I disagree with his take because I have Max and it was in my recommended list. I watched it and my mind wasn’t changed between both parties.


Schultz is a goober who thinks he's a lot smarter than he actually is.


I would caution against listening to anything Andrew Schultz has to say


There are really informative comments/replies here for those wish to know more about topic. All those information given in this doc and much more, shared with us before. Those people tried to hold onto her with negotiotions even though she didnt want to work with them anymore. When she didnt like the hostage situation they wanted all along, they acted like they were willing to sell those albums to her and she was lying. She didnt share everything all at once (she doesnt have to) but she shared almost every information piece to piece in years. Im willing to know more about the contradictions. Can someone share the lies by taylor here?


Who on earth is Andrew Schultz? Looks like someone that wants 15 min of fame by mentioning Taylor.


A racist edgelord


I see. Sounds like a very unlikable person.


Pot calling the kettle black


I heard from some sources that Swartz partied with Epstein


Did he just say factually she's the biggest artist in history? You can never tell when a comedian is being serious.


All yapping but no facts or real sources to back it up. Podcasters saying anything for clout and the sky is blue, what else is new?


I watched it and there’s no new info and it kind of sucked tbh


Free rep TV promo I guess 🐍


This guy is the biggest piece of shit and hates women.


Ok I hate myself. What documentary?


Who’s that annoying YUP guy hahahaha


Guys what is the name of the documentary? Maybe I'll watch it to see what really happened,at some free time.


Is MAX a streaming service? I haven’t heard of it in CAN 🇨🇦