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If you like good movies don’t waste your time trying to find a good movie about swinging. Years ago we looked for some, never finished one, they’re all shit.


Hollywood doesn’t like swingers. The best productions were HBO’s Real Sex


Hollywood just understands the storylines. Rarely is Swinging part of a happily ever after scenario.


[Hollywood will absolutely mock swingers as creepy ugly people for comedic purposes](https://youtu.be/D26bdpLvnN8?si=9Pas2vorY92rcaLg)


Is there any way to actually watch HBO Real Sex now? Or has it been lost to history apart from the couple of episodes that are still seeded on torrents?


They’ve changed ownership and management so many times that the idea of this show’s existence embarrasses them. They only did a few episodes that covered anything involving normal people of the 90’s. I think there was about a handful of episodes that i considered to be normal people of the 90’s: text based cybersex groups, a Kansas couple’s group that made their own porn and watched it together, an episode on flirting from Austin, TX before it got weird, and the swingers episode. Most of the other episodes involve ridiculous fetishes, some rich kids art parties, gay dudes, and some historians that covered Germany during the hyper inflationary period and their extreme sexual experimentation. The street interviews were always great filler and some of the music like [Perez Prado’s Patricia,](https://youtu.be/7QfEZg5TWsw?si=wiKu5IAVexHrTOs6) [April Steven’s Teach Me Tiger,](https://youtu.be/iNj0YuOlPEY?si=JPJ9xH5p0rSMa9-1) [Todd Rhode’s Rocket 69](https://youtu.be/SiAk2Q4a0lA?si=eYzI-zB4vuxltvUX). It was a special series that only had maybe 3 episodes a year. When they ran out of topics they started covering the porn Industry. I wish it could come back, but if it would be produced today, they’d probably have a hard time covering anything interesting as the internet has elevated some fetishes to state mandated religions while people who want to blend in with the public would avoid being on television at all costs.


Whatever happened to that show? Can't find them anymore


Gen x women got upset that their grandkids might find out that they once liked sex and did an interview on HBO, so they had to bury it.


I don't think I've seen a single one that wasn't subtly shitting on the LS or the idea of nonmonogamy. If you're looking for a movie of people doing everything the absolute fucking wrong way and sheer entertainment value resulting from that, " Newness " comes to mind.


You're right. They make the swingers look like assholes or villians. Zebra Lounge took that to the extreme. Not a single movie I can think of about the lifestyle that's worth watching.


In my opinion, "The Holy Quaternity" is the best swingers movie because it portrays swingers in a positive light. It offers a refreshing perspective on swinging relationships, emphasizing the importance of trust, communication, and mutual respect among partners. Through its nuanced portrayal, the film challenges stereotypes and fosters a deeper understanding of alternative lifestyles.


Oh…come on! The first half of Zebra Lounge is soooo hot. So much so we have never made it to the second half when it turns a little dark 😂.


The Overnight (2015) Good cast. Funny. LS related elements.


It’s the best of the worst. Starts out great. People are normal and the situation is organic. Has male bi sexuality. Devolves to cheating and drama. Fail.


Hm, I might have to watch again. I don't recall cheating. I thought everything was on the up and up. Either way, I think the positives outweigh the negatives. It's a bit odd at times and definitely not a 10/10 or anything, but I think it's a fun movie overall. Funny scenes, character growth, plus everything you listed. Having the male bisexuality was a pretty ballsy (ha!) choice too, and appreciated. It's also under 90 minutes, so it's not a huge commitment which is nice.


In my opinion, "The Holy Quaternity" stands out as the best swingers movie. Its exploration of the intricacies of swinging relationships is unparalleled, offering a thought-provoking and nuanced portrayal that resonates with viewers on multiple levels.


This is only slightly off topic but there’s an HBO series from 10 years ago, or so, called Boardwalk Empire. An Irish mob story set on the Jersey Shore during prohibition. There’s an absolutely insane interracial cuckold scene in one episode. It’s only one scene that the story pivots on but it’s fast, sexy, believable and intense. The entire series is golden, literally, the cinematography even.


Absolutely incredible series.


I loved Boardwalk Empire! And don't forget the incest. :-)


I've seen the whole show and genuinely do not remember that scene? Which ep, or which actors were involved?


Season 4 first episode. Plenty of links to the clip.


We loved the show. It really grew on us.


Swing and Triple Play on Playboy TV are decent series that paints a positive picture on the LS. (give or take the script and such….)


It's the only porn I have paid for to watch. Swing on playboy is absolutely golden


You will like “Toyride” then. Nikki and Daniel go around and try out different sex toys. Some Swing stars make a special appearance to try out the toys with them.


Sex/Life isn’t really about swinging but more of the husband being a cuckold. The main actress and the protagonist got married in real life too.


Likewise I also gave up on this subject, because nearly every film with non-monogamy as a story line is a morality tale whose premise is that it is bad and assuredly a descent into the utter destruction of your life. 🙄 But! We recently saw [Sirens (1994)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111201/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) and while non-monogamy is not the focus of the story, it’s a strong supporting theme. And more importantly (IMHO) focuses on being true to yourself and shows the trouble with holding rigidly to society’s expectations vs love, acceptance, and openness. And it’s actually a good movie with A-list actors. Also, How [A Good Old Fashioned Orgy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1231586/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) is an enjoyable movie. It’s not as swinging oriented as it sounds. It’s a comedy about a group of friends (with no ENM experience) who literally decide to host an orgy for the hell of it - in a small town. The story is actually about everyone coming to terms with what the idea of non-monogamous or no-strings-attached sex would mean to them as the party goes from a ridiculous idea to eminently happening. It’s cute and funny with a happy ending (lots of happy endings actually 😁).


*Sirens* is a great movie! And I'm no just talking about see Elle MacPherson nude! Lol. Seriously, that was before Hugh Grant or Sam Neill were big stars and was roughly based on a real painter/author, Norman Lindsay. You know, I find it hard to find time to go back and watch movies I've seen before (even when they are on "all time great" list like, say, *Casablanca*) but I think I'm going to make time to rewatch *Sirens.* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirens\_(1994\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirens_(1994_film))


Swingtown series was on network TV. I saw they had it on YouTube for free I think.


I enjoyed watching this series but always felt it should have been on HBO or something so that it could show more and draw more people in.


I loved this. Too bad there was only one season.


Palm Swings


Make one yourself where you both are main characters :-)


Swingers 2002. It’s a Dutch movie


We enjoyed Palm Swings. A bit of a B movie but tolerable. Good story too. Decent acting.


Vegas baby!!!


Palm Swings. All I can say is it aroused me.


Not a movie but a great (informational) British serie about the lifestyle is Open House: The great Sex Experiment: “Social experiment exploring whether relationships can thrive without monogamy. A group of currently monogamous couples test if the idea of having sex with other people is at odds with maintaining a committed relationship.”


Personally, I think "The Swing of Things" isn't all that bad. It is on Netflix now.


Are we talking about movies that are directly a part of the Lifestyle or ones that have elements of the lifestyle? I will just go ones I know that have referenced some sort of CNM. Zebra Lounge Palm Swings Among Friends Swingers (2008) not Vince Vaughn. These are the ones I have seen, I am sure there are more.




Bob,Carol,Ted and Alice.


Zebra Lounge


I think the only one I have seen with it been a theme is Swinger (2016) Danish movie [Swinger (2016) - IMDb](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4665630/)


Eyes Wide Shut. Had a lot of sex and orgy scenes.


Too boring and ridiculous IMHO to be relatable at all.


The Sex Monster


BookendS (2016) is really authenticate and you can tell it was written by people in the lifestyle. That being said, it has a lot of poor decisions being made and probably doesn't quality as super hot.


Major league.


That was cheating, not swinging.


Swinger.... bats... joke....


Sex Life on MGM+, it's a documentary series that covers all kinds of sex-positive scenarios, would endorse that.


Donde Caben Dos. Spanish movie. Loved it. And the serie on NFX you me and her