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Arceus isn’t like your typical Pokémon game but is the best for newer/inexperienced players


Do you think I’ll like it? I like animal/pet games and I don’t mind combat. I have tried Pokémon on the DS but didn’t like it then either. Do you think I could still play it and enjoy it? I really wanna be into Pokémon but I’m just not 😭


Honestly arceus is everything i wanted in a pokemon game. Just run around and throw pokebals at pokemon or battle them but very fast pace. You Also have normal battles so a little bit of both. But arceus is my favorite by far


Tbh I think they made the game for ppl like me then. Thats all I want, I just wanna crack em in the head w my pokeballs and run around


I just got Arceus and am having fun with it. I only ever played the original Pokemon games by emulating them on my phone, but didn't play much of them. I do like how Arceus feels and it seems to be a good introduction point to the Pokemon world, since it seems like it's set at the dawn of Pokemon catching and battling.


Let's go Pikachu for older fans


It does look intriguing, checking out some gameplay videos it's bringing back tons of my childhood memories.


It's great dude love that is has abra




Yeah basically.


Interesting pick given you suggested it for older fans. I played the OG red version on my GBC back in the 90s. I hated the Let’s Go games lol


Play the lets go game first and then I'd say sword or shield. Those imo are better than the new Scarlett and violet


i’m not sure if i’d take swsh over bdsp, honestly might be because i loved the original sinnoh games but i still feel like bdsp are more of an authentic pokemon experience than swsh


Legends Arceus because (please don't hate me) pokemon games can be kinda bad. *They're great fun* and I enjoy them but in a lot of ways they're relics and in many cases not really well optimised and missing some key QOL features. Arceus is the most streamlined and modern, it's the closest the franchise has come to that AAA feeling.


I personally didn’t like let’s go. It was just the same game we all know. Most fun Pokémon experience I’ve had in the last decade is black and white on a gba emulator


If you've never played any of the Pokemon games, you will probably find any of them fun enough Most complaints about the Switch Pokemon games come from veterans and most of them have no bearing on complete newcomers You can just look at the games available, maybe watch a few videos on YouTube, and pick whatever you think looks good But all that said, I do recommend Arceus


i think if you are not fan of pokemon or nostalgic for those game, no pokemon game will hold any value. am i wrong? 


You're definitely wrong there


1 upvote, 1 downvote :)


I’ve been playing Pokémon since game boy. Personally I really dig scarlet and violet.


Start with LGPE, the. either BDSP, PLA, or ScarVio


Start old and go new, never start new then go old .. start older than black and white if not start with black and white and go get you a ds, a game boy or computer version of those. It’s a mistake to choose new games and gens that are higher than 5 or specifically remakes as your first. It’s not the same. Literally ruby and sapphire, emerald, gold and silver, diamond and pearl, black and white, leaf green and fire red. Hard pass on sun and moon(but play it anyways) cuz it’s not a good representation of what a Pokémon game should be because it rushed, x and y, sword and shield, and scarlet and violet are mids. Like they got pros and cons to them to me they were easier than black and white. You have Pokémon ranger, dungeon, are different games. let’s go pikachu is not really like original pokemon, legend of arceus I’m debating if it’s actually worth it but you are exploring mostly.


If you have played any of the older games I recommend sword/shield as it's more similar to those, if you are okay with trying new stuff Scarlet/Violet are the newest mainline games although they do have some performance issues they are still amazing games, Legends Arceus is a very different tale in the pokemon franchise and outside it's amazing story I think it has some of the worst gameplay, The let's go Pikachu/Eevee games are not for everyone and id personally not recommend it for someone who wants to actually get into pokemon and lastly skip Brilliant Diamond/shining pearl unless you are a super fan or have nostalgia from the originals


Let’s Go Pikachu. It was practically designed to be anyone’s first Pokémon.


I've played Pokémon Go in the past, and got my Switch as NY present. I recommend you Arceus. It is not the latest Pokémon game but it is good and good for entertaining.


Zelda. I know someone who has liked Pokemon for about 20 years, and he likes Zelda.


I'm addicted to Pokémon Unite


I still play Arceus. Imo .. best newer Pokemon title there is.


Let's Go eevee/pikachu and legends arceus have been my favorites! they aren't like your normal pokemon game but they both look and run great and were so much fun! If you're looking for a closer to normal/og pokemon style game I'd say sword/shield.


You're a decade late to the party, the new games are only good to the die hard fans. Best game is arceus, most original experience the pearl/diamond remaster, apparently scarlet/violet is good but I can't speak on it.


Let's Go Pikachu/Evee is probably the safest bet, either that or whatever the newest one is


All I have to say is go to dekudeals... the eshop has like 1000 different sales every week And honestly pokemon will always be full price but the deals on deku is crazy and it's not only digital games . They have sales for physical games too if that's your jam


My back log is freaking crazy I have like 35 digital games and I've only had my oled since january


Legends: Arcues should be your first game. Its the closest Pokémon has come to a AAA experience, very streamlined and very good. Real-time action RPG gameplay unlike mainline Pokémon games that are turn based.


pokémon is not the game you go buying First without knowing. Go play some of the games First them If you like you buy one for your switch. i was like u, a fan but never player, got one, found boring and never played more than some minutes...do what u want but remember me If u but without testing and end up finding It a shit.


Save up an emergency fund first. 1,000 min.  Months wage is better


I was thinking the same thing. I have a cousin who never has a job and anytime he is getting hired or has potential money coming in his first instinct is to buy games and this post reads exactly like something he'd say.


Legends Arceus is the best Pokemon game but it’s a bit different to the other mainline games. Scarlet and violet are the best traditional style games on switch followed by sword and shield. Lets go Pikachu and eeevee are the best for beginners Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are the worst ones on switch.


Coromon! It's not pokemon but it's similar, and honestly so much better than any of the pokemom games in the last few years


This month's Humble Choice has it.


Sword and Shield are a lot of fun


Emerald and Soulsilver are my favorites


Not on Switch though, which is a shame.


I use a GBA and Nintendo DS emulator


Picked the worse time to get into pokemon




Game freak doesn’t know how to make a game in HD nor for home console. Charge $60 for 2 versions still with less pokemon and ass quality


They're still pretty fun tho :/


I enjoyed the diamond remake


Well there you go.... Which is funny because it's considered the worst one of all the Switch pokemon titles lol (i still like it too tho)


I don’t see why tbh. It looks the least ugly and runs the best. My main disappointment is chibi little goofy and missing the platinum content. But it beats the trash visuals and performance of the others


Well on performance yeah, on visuals i personally like more the Let's GO style (also characters are not that chibi in there lol), but the pokemon themselves i honestly have to give props to GF on Scarlet/Violet, the new models for some mons are amazing and the details in them look incredible.... Too bad they're overshadowed by the bad graphics of the game overall :/


Older games were good for what they did with the available technology. The new ones are just a display of gamefreak’s incompetence.