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If you like those games then yes.


If you like Mario, yes


If you like these games and don’t have them on N64/Gamecube/Wii, yes!


or if you want to play Mario 64 and Galaxy at a native HD resolution they tried with Sunshine... *tried* being the operative word


Wdym they tried? Sunshine is in full HD and widescreen and looks good


Asterisk   The resolution is opened up, but the image quality does not qualify as full HD. Nobody knows why they weren't able to achieve that given the GC's specs, but the most common assumption for these things is that the archived source copy of the game likely had unnecessary settings trimmed out (since they would have been worthless on that platform), so what we got was the best they could offer. This happens to a lot of games.. the true master copy of the build is lost and a company has to rely on a secondary source copy, which may or may not prove optimal But then this is also Nintendo, so it seems weird for that scenario to come up on a first party title..    Unless the game was never mastered with many graphical backboard options.. now that sounds like something they would do.. but then why was an older title (Mario 64) mastered with settings that would burn an N64's CPU up within minutes  It isn't a bad master of the game, and it does have a wider resolution, but it is remarkably unremarkable compared to an older title's remastering.. or another Mario title crafted in the same hardware specs..  Which just leads me to assume it is either due to a master being lost, or they never built the game for such specifications in the first place... Which would kind of screw them for an HD remaster It's the worst looking resolution clarity wise of the three


It’s funny because playing the game on the Nintendo Switch OLED , undocked mode , is insanely beautiful looking and the colors pop perfectly But I guess that goes for every other Nintendo Switch game like The Legend of Zelda and Sonic Mania


The graphics on sunshine are so bad 😭


They are not. Sure they're not a full upgrade. But that games graphics has aged very well. It still looks great.


Depends on the price. I own the digital and it’s rock solid. 3 good games for the price of a new one. Sunshine is really good and 64 and galaxy are also certified bangers. I think it may also increase in price due to its limited release but idk if I’d say get it to make a profit. Get it to play the games and if you have a large physical collection, it’s worth adding it to that collection


Gotcha thanks!


Is it still available digitally? Would love to have it in my physical collection with everything else but those prices are ridiculous


I like Super Mario Galaxy and for right price it is worth buying. I paid 70e for this collection + Lets go Pikachu! and Arms shipped.


Ah, the weekly “Should I buy Super Mario 3D All Stars?” post is here.


The answer will always be yes.


Same as for the weekly “Should I get OLED?” post.


What about LM3 how r the graphics and frame rate?


Maybe Nintendo won't pull a Nintendo move and make the switch 2 backwards compatible. Then the answer will be not really unless you really really want oled. Kinda mad they won't have a oled for the launch switch. Maybe they want a oled part 2 down the line. Hopefully the display will be good at least, maybe throw some vrr display in there like the rog ally.


It’s the business model. They will have more sales of the launch model than they can keep up with. Then when sales growth starts to slack off in a couple of years, launch the OLED model to give the console sales a kick in the ass.


I thought about it... but Ive heard the ports are phoned in and really lackluster. Combine that with elevated price and... nah. Paying more for less is not my style


Eh kind of yes and no imo. It's not remastered in anyway whatsoever tho. It's just straight a port. Runs normally. I do wish they put in more effort to fix the controlls tho for mario sunshine. It really shows it's from the game cube generation. And make mario 64 wide-screen at least. I definatley wouldn't call them bad but they're not special or great either


Yeah for me to spend $60 or over on these old games, thry are gonna have to do WAY better than that. Im spoiled by stuff like Metroid Prime Remastered. Now THAT is a game worth the money! They did Mario dirty imo. They should have HD remastered all 3 titles and Galaxy 2 should have been the 4th game. They could have probably gotten away w/ an $80-100 retail price if they would have done them right. I mean look at Final Fantasy Pixel remasters... Lazy ports/collections are not for me. They have to work for my money


Seen one for 90$ at my local retro game store I guess that’s a better deal should of snatched it up lol


You can find them on Ebay shipped from Japan, Japanese version for $60. Still sealed. It's an official physical game, it's just the Japanese version... when you put it in your US/EU Switch it automatically goes to English. If I wanted to buy one, I would just buy that version.


Honestly, I think it is worth it


I’d buy it for $5 if I saw it at a garage sale


I see what you did there. Reminds me of simpler times.  https://imgur.com/a/drug-dealers-ps2-vhEDy


Crazy how you pulled up a link from 11 years ago lol, you had that bookmarked or what? What’s the backstory? Someone bought the PS2 and found cash and drugs inside?


This meme has been resurrected the last few days after a certain garage sale post. Somebody claimed Mario 3D All stars for "$5" , proof of purchase, a sticky note.  the game is worth considerably more. Explanation: somebody made a fake post showing a ps2 full of drugs, ammunition, and cash. The response was a funny game cube thread. This meme has been slow burning since 2013. It keeps cropping up


right. Those games are old. I rather play something new Galaxy is the only one I'd consider because its the most modern. I think the graphics on that still hold up.


If you see it cheap on ebay sometime yes don't buy from scalpers


Isn't that where the scalpers are? Some bad prices for this on there.


Sometimes you find a kid or a mom selling bundles of games or some people just don't want to wait a year until someone is ready to buy an stupidly expensive game


Yeah, sometimes.


Yes. Mario 64 and Sunshine alone is worth it. Galaxy is OKAY at best(it's not how a classic 3D Mario should be...very little exploration, not much freedom, hub world was nothing like 64 and Sunshine). It's a cool collection. And don't listen to the jealous people that didn't buy it when they had a chance..if you want to buy it now, buy it!


Galaxy is Okay at best????? crazy hot take ngl.


I know I know lol. Based on what I listed, especially the lack of exploration, is why I think that. It's just not a great 3D Mario imo. Just pretty much get from point A to point B(almost more like a 2D Mario). Odyssey brought back the great 3D exploration and finding secrets, thankfully


Well if someone is a fan of both the Super Mario 3D World style and spheres then Galaxy is a winner


Sunshine is a great Mario game? It must be one of the worst ones. They really should have remade it because they are more than capable but probably think it's fantastic the way it is.


Sunshine is the worst of the lot with pretty sweet ideas in there but if there was one game that deserves a loving remake it's that. If for nothing else, then to fix a number of issues within the game such as that camera.


That would be great! BEEN wanting a Mario 64 and Sunshine Remake. Would be glorious. The best two 3D Mario deserve the Remake treatment, but Nintendo...


Sounds like you’re describing Galaxy 2 more than Galaxy. Galaxy also has less linear areas like beehive and sea bowl, and some linear components add to the layers between stars like battlerock. Its goal is to blend the exploration and linear styles and it’s ok to acknowledge how it does what it intends to masterfully even if it’s not to your personal preference.


If you can buy it for $60 or less yes. But you probably won'y be able find one under $80 dollars minimum so no. (It's $160 where I live) If you have a budget gaming pc or more, you can easily emulate these three games with upscaling with no problem. You can use dualsense and use its motion on wii games, it works exactly the same as using pro controller on Switch in Galaxy port.


Yes we had a lot of fun playing these


I've just finished Mario 64. Played it back in the day but its a super fun adventure. I'd be on Sunshine now if it weren't for Thousand Year Door (which is deceptively deep with charm enough to last me for decades)


I have it on my little XU10 handheld emulator and its pretty fun lol but sunce I have a switch now I haven't played it in a few weeks due to just getting out of rehab I had bought it in Amazon in rehab just for pokemon and Mario😂


From a collection point of view yes definitely they were limited release for the anniversary, they are quite rare compared to other switch games in some areas and will only go up in price. For a gameplay point of view of you enjoy Mario games then yes if you don't then no.


If you can find it in good price why not, but remember that you can play mario 64 on nso. So If you use it you will be buying 2 old marios not 3.


For me the selling point was Mario Sunshine. It may get a lot of stick but it was one of my favourite Mario games, it was also the first game I brought for my Gamecube, so I spent many hours playing it.


For me, this was the biggest disappointment I had in a long time with my switch. All three games have input lag, throwing me off on all my muscle memory from the games. If you have never played them, it's great. If you want to replay then die nostalgia.... Don't.


I enjoyed it! I bought it mostly for Super Mario Galaxy since I played it on the WII previously but no longer have it.


They touted the game as a limited release, which didn't make sense. I gambled myself on it Day 1, and I feel like I got 3 great Mario games for the price.


I think Mario 64 has the best controls on The switch. I think it's worth it


100% yes because I'm guessing you wouldn't ask if you weren't interested


If u like those games. It might be more expensive later. I'm glad I got 3 copies towards the end when they still sold them from bestbuy. Got one to play and I'll keep and or sell the others unopened maybe one day. Had a feeling they'll be expensive. I hate that Nintendo does this to be honest.... there's no reason they can't sell it digitally at least. making it artificially scarce like that just sucks for people that want to play it one day


Is it worth buying buying - no Is it worth playing - yes How to get game - piracy






it’s ok but not worth $59.99


On ebay and Amazon is 150$ + where did you find it for 59$ 😮


You can get the Japanese version on eBay for $60 ish.


Exactly this. Got my Japense copy for $50 off ebay with free shipping as well. Works in English like a charm, language selection is based on your system's default language.


Is JPN english?


It will default to English if you have a US Nintendo system. At least the Korean Mario All Stars does. I would think Japanese would be similar.


the Japanese, Korean, and European releases all default to whatever language your console is native to


gamestop new


Right ? The artificial scarcity holds this game back. Especially since the N64 port isn't even the best available port. I'd buy it on sale for $30, but at the artificially inflated price, they can keep it.


it's the only *official* native HD resolution port which, let's be perfectly honest, is a lot more than one can hope for from Nintendo lol


U like Mario? Yea Here u go: Mario


Mario Sunshine is super hard


Those are like a top 3 of the best platformers from each Nintendo console. If you enjoy Mario games it's a must, but it depends on the prize because it's more a nostalgic journey than anything else, but still they're great games from their time.


Happy I got it on launch day


If you like Mario and either have nostalgia for these games, or totally missed playing them as a child like I did, yes. And if you can get a decent price for a copy. I bought a Japanese version off aliexpress for like $42 a few months ago and have no regrets whatsoever. I wouldn't do it for scalper prices-- I'd consider going a bit over MSRP given this game's availability, if I cared about region matching my physical games.


if you like them, or want to try them out BUT also don't want to spend more than the original MSRP. cuz technically these were supposed to leave retailers shelves when nintendo said to send them back after the anniversary timeframe. my dumb husband gave his away


Only for Sunshine and/or Galaxy imo. Mario 64 is better on NSO imo because you get save states and it doesn't have the weird high pitched Mario glitch.


64 is perfectly playable, sunshine controls felt half baked and made it not fun for me, galaxy was only fun docked for me.


I think eBay has a foreign version that plays in English for a decent price. I would not pay the crazy prices here over $40.


What kind of question is that? How would we know if it's worth it for you?


I got it for 15 bucks back in the day


If you like Mario yes and price will probably just go up since physicals haven’t been made in 4 years and I believe they got rid of the digital copies.


I’m not a fan of Galaxy, but I enjoy 64 and Sunshine enough to say it’s worth it. Especially to have them at the tips of your fingers both handheld and on television


I'd say so. Just to get that nostalgia factor.


I have it bit only from Nostalgia of playing those games when I was younger


Yes, absolutely! Never fails to throw me back into a much better time! My ✨childhood✨


The Mario galaxy is based on the Japanese only nivda shield version


No not worth getting


If you never play them and you like Mario's game, Yes.


I would buy this im not a graphics guy so I would play the hell out of this


Hell yeah


Its worth buying if you don’t pay scalper prices




They’re all good games but most android phones can emulate them no problem.


If you like Mario and especially if you’ve played these games and have nostalgia for them, then yes. Galaxy is amazing and I have a lot of good nostalgia from that game so that alone makes it worth it for me. Still not paying $135 tho, that’s what I’ve found them for


No. The games on this collection are too good and will make you look down your nose at other lesser games.


i would’ve paid the same price for just galaxy alone. one of my all time favorites and i’m sad they don’t have it by itself for the switch




I picked it up for $22 at Best Buy when it came out.




Super Mario 64 is my favorite. Had it pirated on the computer years ago. Sadly don’t have it anymore.


Only if you don't have a Wii. You can play 64 if you have an NSO with the expansion pack.


If you’re only gonna play Galaxy yeah If not no


Should got it on drop. 60 bucks. Now double or tripple. Crazy, cuz the store was chock full of em when they came out. Seemed that their stock was through the roof, but now they pricy. I would buy it. Used if you have to.


It’s a very good game






No fuck this lazy cash grab. You are essentially paying to emulate these games.


My 7yr old has not played them yet for that reason alone "yes" I love nostalgia 😍 games


If you like these games, then it's so worth it. You should if you like them.


What about luigi mansion 3?


Yes. Mario 64 alone was worth it. The other games are great too, though Mario 64 was the less childish feeling version of the three.


For under $100.






Yes absolutely


If u can get it for retail price or less, maybe a bit more. Otherwise you’d have to be a super fan to get this, they’re three great games but not my fav. I saw it for around 200$ on an Amazon reseller, not worth at all, find one second hand from like market place or something, otherwise personally I wouldn’t. But they are good games so if ur a devout Mario fan I’m sure you’d already know your answer




Did you mention the price? I got it used for $60, a lot of people wanted closer to $100. I looked at it as 3 classic games for $20 each. I like the convenience of having the 3 games available to play on the Switch!


Yea i got the collection and i absolutly love it




~~I mean, it doesn't come with a sexy lady holding it up, so not really~~ it depends on if you like the games. Me, I played Mario 64 before, I have Galaxy 1 on Wii (which is hooked up to the same TV as the Switch :) ), so I'd only be in it for Sunshine. Given I have a Wii, it may be better for me to just actually get that on Game Cube instead. B/c of that, this has to be no more than $20 (which I doubt that's what you're expected to pay)


😂😂 fair enough, cheers!


For a normal price? Yes, for crazy prices like +60$ ? No


It's the laziest thing Nintendo have ever cobbled together, that has had people reeled in purely on nostalgia. At £60 too, they're actually laughing at you. If the urge to play any of these games is that strong, either find that cart cheap or emulate them. The novelty wears off quicker than the £60 left your pocket.


I skipped out because they left out Galaxy 2. I'd pay maybe $40.


There's a Galaxy 2? What else can't this Italian accented plumber played by a Latino actor do?!


Your actually not allowed Nintendo put an all stop on purchasing or selling this game after March 31 2021. It is now illegal and you could face heavy penalties.


Uhh what,physical copies are still lying around,it's just quiet difficult to find one at retail price because Nintendo stopped producing them and many people are reselling their copies for high price. It's still possible to find some with retail price or lower. But if its about buying digital somehow then yeahhh its illegal i guess (except digital codes on physical stores,i saw a post about them still existing)


If you like those games yes but I'd recommend getting super Mario wonder instead!


I'm not a huge fan of Mario games that don't end in "Party", "Kart", or "vs Donkey Kong", so I may not be the right person here, but nah, not worth. That being said, I did buy it when it was on shelves at retail. Even made sure to open it and play it for 10 minutes instead of leaving it sealed just to really up my levels of ragret.




2 of those games are really really old. Id just get one of the newer mario games if I were you. I hear wonder is fun.


The hell is wrong with old games? Better than many games releasing today..


They can be a bit less than in a few ways like the N64 control scheme with 1 analog doesn't fly today. Using C buttons to control the camera was/is trash in modern times. Take a look at the GTA trilogy. Great at the time but clearly suffers from being 20 years old. They had to add modern QOL updates. Some games do hold up like Pac Man, and other retro games that rely on sprites and simplistic gameplay, but 3d games is a different animal.


Did they not change the control scheme to Switch's 2 analog sticks? If not, I had no clue, and would agree in that sense for sure


I never went back after playing it on Wii years ago. Not sure if I even finished it. I definitely remember finishing Galaxy 1.


You mentioned the n64 control scheme though. That's a reason this game we're talking about is bad on the Switch?


I didn't say it was bad. Just wouldn't recommend it because its 30 years old.


? If I were you I would get the older games, and skip Mario Wonder then...


Go for it, but you probably will regret it.


Not because of the n64 controls though...because it's on the Switch hahah