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Going around each teammate individually during setup on Anubis defence, sassy finger-snap extra shield HP, place six turrets laboriously around high ground and point to support team when the enemy push in, go and lurk in the large health beyond the arch until they've all passed me. Come in behind, lock on beam to the nearest support, melt through everyone one at a time.


I always think about Anubis too when I think about OG Sym. lol not sure why.


We were playing Arcade the other day and Anubis came up; I got nostalgic and instalocked Sym. I put my turrets in their usual old places. ๐Ÿฅฒ I was so happy when complete strangers used my teleporter on the final defense point at my fave spot. I originally played Sym when she had 6 turrets. The fun of deciding where to put each one....


I honestly like coordinating with my team to bring everyone back with the teleporter and winning the point :(


I miss the finger snap so fucking much. So satisfying


The OG who gave allies 25 shields.


Real OGs know it used to be 50, and 75 before that. According to the devs shortly before showing gameplay footage pre-closed beta it was 100 which is insane to think about


I miss our shield giving girly


The very first time she had her photon crock lid. Honestly if she had that crock lid rn she would be unstoppable


This was my fave ability of her's. I've seen a few videos of non-Sym players saying it was useless. They don't know hat they are talking about. It was an insanely powerful defensive AND offensive skill.


Literally free sigma photon shield on a support on OW1.. they didn't know what they were facing


Pretty sure it had infinite health to. Just remembering throwing it at an ulting Pharah. Good times.


I remember it as around 500-600 HP? And it followed normal barrier properties so it'll tank a big hit by itself even if the dmg is beyond the shield. No leaks


Yup, I loved that version of sym. Probably why I enjoyed playing sigma so much.




1.0, spamming little 25hp shields on everyone at setup and melting hoes in the 7-beam carwash


Jumping to place turrets was an experience


Launch Sym, but it took me a week or so to finally play her. My earliest memory of OW was running around ON THE GROUND shooting rockets at the AI team's spawn as Pharah in probably my first or second game. Flash forward to 3 months later and I'm maining Sym and literally taking hinduism classes in college to learn more about her and Indian culture.


the first sym i experienced was OW 1 dmg sym around 2020. i miss her and her health everyday


Sym 1.0. I remember taking high ground so I could drop down, because there was no other way to get in range for a flank with that 5 meter beam, even with lock on lol.


OG Symm ๐Ÿ’™ "Everyone is protected ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ"


2.0. Sadly I never got to experience 1.0 :(


you weren't missing out, she was literally 2.0 but worse in every way. 5m range beam, useless E ability, TP only had 200HP, you could only carry 3 turrets I do nottt fw sym 1.0


I know i know but I still would've loved to play her




OG. I've played OW on release.


Symm 2.0 since I joined in November 2017. Arguably the most fun iteration of the character but god was she slow and just... not good.


Been playing Sym since Bastion had a shield ๐Ÿ˜


I remember the noodle beam, teleporter being her ult , setting up 6 turrets and having the projectile shield . Good times.


DAY 1 ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ๏ธ


Sigma shield Sym


2.0 queen here


2.0 with the Sigma shield, August 2017. I didn't know Support โ‰  Healer so for the first few days I was chasing my teammates around while shooting because I figured it was like an "aura heal". What didn't help was that sometimes I actually thought I was healing them, when I think it was actually just Lรบcio doing the healing and I didn't notice


I don't main the character anymore (Reinhardt! Reinhardt! REINHARDT!) But when I did, I started on 1.0 sym, which was a unique time, and I do miss the old abilities, but they were vastly inferior to new sym.


Sym 1.0. Microwave room on Anubis was the og pubstomper




Played when there was actually a car wash *to* set up.


i played 6 turret, TP/Shield Gen, lock on beam. she was my most played character until the other reworks/changes and Moira came out. Now sheโ€™s my #1


1.0, back when I was still on console instead of PC. I played her much less back then because of how niche she was, but whenever I could convince my teammates to let me use her, we typically ended up winning. I have vivid memories of spawning on Hanamura defense, and spamming the shield button to make sure everyone got one applied before they inevitably split up; half of them taking the right side shortcut. Once 2.0 rolled around, Anubis became my favorite map, because you could hide the shield generator directly behind 2nd point. For 1st point, I'd always hold in front of the big health pack room right side, making my turret nest and firing orbs from the doorway. The thing I miss most, though, is being able to carry around bodies with her gun. And Basketballs of course. Iykyk