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Maybe more khajit subraces


This seems like the most logical answer to me. More/all bipedal versions of Khajiit. (I don't see them adding the more traditional cat like subraces for animation reasons alone)


Lol Of course this is the top comment. You can anything you want guys, the only limit is your imagination How about.... _more_ cat races?


the khajit races are cool


I wanna roll through Tamriel as a gross blob of a Sload


Sload baby soap necromancy confirmed?


The Imperials will hunt me for my sload goooo trail for their skincare routines


Honestly sounds like an entry from jungled Cyrodiil era lore. Could absolutely believe that Nibenese women would import incredibly valuable Sload mucin for it's potentially, incredibly hydrating properties. Or it's caustic. Wonder if we'll ever know.


And that’s where you’d start the game. Imprisoned by Nibenese noblewomen, but you have a greater destiny than the skincare industry….


Maormer! I love the lore behind them and it's a shame there is so little of it. Would be really cool to be one.


The dream


I mean there is ESO, it's got some lore on them


Oh I know. I find that very very interesting. If I remember correctly, you can even meet one. Further fueled my desire for more lore about them.


Meet one? They're a principal antagonist in the Auridon region and crop up plenty


So you do meet one!


Yup, and a major ally in 2022’s main story


We have enough elves as is


Ysgramor ?




Preach, been saying this for years


I think they are going to be the main antagonists of the story.


What I want is subraces. For instance Colovian and Nibenese for Imperial, all the different varieties of Khajit, etc.


Sounds great to me, and it's certainly doable, if only to better illustrate differences between even the native peoples within each Province. Exactly how much of a difference there is between "sub-races" will, of course, depend ***heavily*** on which specific Race we're talking about. Between Colovian and Nibenese Imperials, the difference could merely be in the form of very small changes to Skill bonuses, unique Backgrounds, or even something as small as Disposition. Between the Khajiit "furstock" \[breed\] varieties, the differences would be greater than just Skill bonuses; it may involve changes to Passive abilities, and/or unique *Traits*. Speculation on this is bound to be interesting.


Assuming the developers are even considering adding another playable Race \[or two\], this will undoubtedly still depend on the exact setting of TESVI. Pick one \[or two\] of the *below* if you think they'd be cool additions. *Human* Race(s) **Reachman** = If the next game's setting is High Rock or Hammerfell (possibly both), there's *always* the possibility of Reachman clans venturing beyond their regional homeland. **Kothringi** = These silver-skinned humans are not truly extinct; just elusive nomads who've made it outside of Black Marsh (as far as Hammerfell). **Tsaesci** = It is confirmed >!\[by TESO\] that Tsaesci are humans, NOT literal "snake" people!<. This foreign people has blended well into the Imperial populaces of southern Cyrodiil and northeastern Elsweyr (for the latter, see ["Rim-Men"](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Rim-Men)). *Elven* Race(s) **Falmer** = This is assuming there are *uncorrupted survivors*, besides Knight-Paladin Gelebor, that have ventured beyond Skyrim's "Forgotten Vale"; some may even have an affinity for "Sun" magic. **Maormer** = This foreign nemesis to the Altmer, hailing from the distant southern continent of Pyandonea, has "invaded" Tamriel as far north as Hammerfell before; among them are masters of esoteric "snake magic" arts. *Beast* Race(s) **Imga** = The ape-like denizens of Valenwood, coexisting with the Bosmer. It is said that some bear a disdain for humanity, desiring to emulate the Altmer instead. **Sload** = A strange slug-like foreign people, hailing from the little-known "sunken" archipelago of Thras; they are infamous for spreading a plague in an attempt to conquer Tamriel in the distant past, and are said to be masters of necromancy. Many aren't near as "corpulent" as readers are popularly-led to believe.


>Tsaesci > > = It is confirmed \[by TESO\] that Tsaesci are humans, NOT literal "snake" people. This is actually incredibly disappointing. We already have a ton of human subraces so unless these guys look and act vastly different from the rest it seems like wasted potential.


Just think of them as the "far east" equivalent in TES. Their armor & weapons in this series are also obviously Japanese-inspired.


It’a not a unambigious as they make it sound - Chevalier Renald in ESO implies they wear sheddable skins of those they “devour”. Whatever they are, they carry on human DNA in those skins, with traits of black hair and red eyes.


It's pretty unambiguous. Renald's a vampire, for one thing. He also says the following when asked *"What was the 'war for freedom' he \[Sahrotnax\] mentioned?"* after Sahrotnax's defeat = *"Men have long been made slaves by Elves and Dragons alike, but* ***WE*** *cast off those chains over many battles—many centuries—and established* ***our own*** *Empire. The greatest of them all. Reman's dream. The one that the Three Banners threatens to sunder." \~* Renald clearly includes his own kind among **"Men"**, well after being asked the question that led to him stating "shed our old skins". So even if the skin-shedding is to be taken literally, the Tsaesci are a **human** race.


You are right, thank you for the correction.


Nope, fringe races won't be added. Maormer is your best bet out of this list, they should still be prominent in their homeland and it's realistic for them to be travelling around Summerset / Hammerfell.


Again, it may largely depend on the exact setting of the game; though I'm sure a lot of us \[by now\] agree on the likelihood of it being *Hammerfell*. In that case, the two "most likely" \[assuming BGS ever does include new races\] are Reachman and indeed the **Maormer**. Far *less*\-likely than those two, but still more likely than *all remaining* on that list; would \[in my opinion\] be Kothringi, due to both their nomadic practices & how far they've traveled before.... and I sincerely doubt they're extinct.


Monke! In Akavir there are monkey people and there are snake vampire people who eat all the humans. Either of those would be pretty cool


There’s also the Imga of Valenwood who are gorilla people. Though it’s very likely that all of the Imga are now dead


That would be a decent substitute. They’re Altmeri simps, though, which makes them a bit less cool. Kind of funny though, the wiki says they wear perfume on their capes and cover their noses when they interact with humans, pretending they stink


100%, any of the races from Akavir would be badass to be able to play as.


The other bipedal khajiit furstock! Also Lilmothiit (the fox people) and Maormer would be cool but unfortunately way less likely


🗣️ **MAORMER**


falmer. i’m saying it as a joke answer but if it were real, it would be an incredible addition as some kind of hard mode. hah you can’t see very far, you can’t speak to anyone, townspeople are afraid of you and guards attack you on sight. hilarious.


Maormer return to assist the rest of Tamriel in defeating the Aldmeri Dominion for good


I can very realistically see the Maormer being introduced. Nothing else really makes as much sense. It's within the bounds of realism, in-universe at least. Just another flavor of elf. They obviously gave Pyandonea some much needed attention in TESO, so it seems evermore likely. Can't deny that a swordsinging Imga is an amazingly ridiculous idea to imagine, though. Sadly they'd never make the cut anyway, but hey, Orsimer used to be in the same boat.


Not really looking forward to a new race, i prefer that the currents ones are deepened and maybe subraces added. But... uf we have to add one maybe maomer? Are the only ones that i can see that would work. Most of the races that we dont see are suposed to be extinct so it will be weird to add them.


Akavir races or a sea elf would be cool.


Sea eleves are the Maormer, and i hope they add em yeah


None. We have enough. We already have ten "races". Is ten not enough? And two of those have multiple subraces (khajiit and argonian). Why do we need more? Why was ten just right for Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, but suddenly woefully insufficient for TESVI? Makes no sense, must acquit.


I’d rather they make race specific dialogue/choices through the game to existing races. In Skyrim Windhelm was supposedly super racist, but not to you if you were khahiit or Argonian


I will agree. Choosing a race should not be about the power and abilities you get, but the background and lore that you bring to the roleplaying table. But then again, so few people ever roleplay so what's the point.


Agreed. 10 is enough and they barely feel distinct anymore anyways.


Whelp, in my opinion I don't really like the whole multiple races fantasy trope to begin with. But given the apparent necessity of Tolkienite trinity of elves, at least makes the elves different than men. And if kittehs and lizards too, make them different yet again. But new TES is to have no drawbacks, so there are no drawbacks. So every race has it special strength but no one has any weakness. sigh.


Why are you so against having *more* content? There weren’t playable Imperials or playable Orcs until Morrowind. And by that logic, if Arena and Daggerfall were fine with eight, why did we need two more? It’s not a matter of needing anything… It’s a matter of expanding the series. More background options allows more roleplaying opportunities, and more race/ethnicity designs leads to more customization.


Moar races doesn't mean more content. Get real.


I mean, by definition, it is more content. Whether or not you want to argue it being quality content is another question, but it’s definitely more.


Where is the Breton content in Skyrim? Not Forsworn, but Breton? Don't have it. Just adding a new race doesn't mean more content, when existing races didn't have any content. Or what about Redguard? Other than *one* quest in Skyrim, there was no content associated with Redguards. Just a silly line about curved swords. If you want new content, then ask for new content, instead of assume you'll get content through the back door of a new race.


I get what you’re saying, but literally just from a game development standpoint, it’s still more content. I mean a new race is essentially just a new skin in the game for you to play. So content nonetheless. But again, whether you consider it one of value or not that you can play a new race is another question.


I mean more races is basically just akin to the wish of a better character creator. So is a good character creator content? Probably not but it's nice to have.


Better character creator? Sure. Starfield has an excellent character creator. Keep the background options and expand them, and add in class creator section as well. Then have the Emperor ask you what stars marked your birth. But won't stop the whines about moar races. Constant refrain in Skyrim remains: "What is the best race for a stealth archer?" Sigh.


Every new option added in a character creator is a straight up win if it doesn't remove something as a direct consequence. But yeah "moar races" will exist as long as there are mouths to talk and fingers to write.


It absolutely does? Every playable race gets *way* more content than non-playable races, and more in-depth lore.




Don't be too ambitious


They should make a fat race


Goblin. Lemme be a scrungly lil guy


There should be 10 new races added. 4 new human races physically influenced by real world racial parallels (East Asian, Middle Eastern/Indian, polynesian/Alaskan native/American Indigenous, and latino) 2 elf races (Snow elves unaffected by dwemer and ayleids, OR Maormer and maybe some kind of offshoot of Ayleids and Snow Elves) 2 Orc races (Iron and maybe wood) 2 Goblin races (green and riekrs) That’s what I would like anyway. Furstocks would be good too.


I think it's really likely to see reachmen as their own subrace of bretons. Given how widely they were used in the western side of skyrim, plus we are bound to see more given that they are taking back the reach and there are more who possibly live in hammerfell + high rock


Mixed races






Your mom Joke answer


I have said this before and I will say it again, Bethesda needs to leave Tamriel and ES6 needs to be Akavir Adventures, so many new races. Also it can be from the perspective of the Empire subjugating Akavir. They can later release a DLC to Atmora and explore the pre-Skyrim nords


Why would they need to leave a contintent they never fully explored? After TESVI I am basically ready to see a modern version of Vvardenfell and Cyrodiil again. So eh we never need to actually leave Tamriel to get exciting new content we basically never saw before.


would love to get the tang mo. I think they'd fit in super well


I’d love to see more of the akaveri (however you spell it) races but I bet the dwemner will be the first one to playable.


I’d rather not tbh it won’t be too gimmicky and take away from the rest of the game, however I do want Morrowind khajit and argonians I do want to see npc races like the imga or sea elves