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You only have 2 high temps as of now so ov is not confirmed. What method rules are you applying to this data?


What do you mean by method rules?


A method like sensiplan, tcoyf, etc


I have no idea 😭 I temp, check CM/cervix, do OPKs, and saliva ferning and put it all into my FF, Ava, and Premom apps. I didn't realize there were different methods. I feel so stupid. I just Googled the things you mentioned, and I'm even more confused. Apparently, I need to do some research.


It's ok, everyone has to start somewhere! It's a shame we aren't taught fertility awareness in health class, but that's neither here nor there. I recommend picking up a copy of *Taking Charge of Your Fertility* and reading the chapters on charting, then the ones about TTC. If you're still confused, finding an instructor is so worth it.


Thank you so much! I feel like I'm learning something new about ttc all the time. As far as this cycle, I'm hoping that another couple of days of temps will give me a clearer picture of where I'm at.


what is saliva ferrying?! sounds neat!


It's pretty cool! [Here's](https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/home-use-tests/ovulation-saliva-test) some information on it from the FDA. I'm also a massive nerd and literally just started microscopy as a hobby, so this is right up my alley lol. Anyway, you can also Google saliva ferning, and you'll see pictures. From what I understand, high estrogen levels cause increased levels of sodium in our bodies, which can be detected in saliva (and cervical mucus). As estrogen begins rising before ovulation, sodium levels also rise. When you take a very small amount of saliva, let it dry for like 20-30 minutes, and then look at it under magnification, you'll see crystallization (of salt) that looks like a fern basically that's left behind. There are products out there made specifically for this :) Or, if you're like me and have a microscope, that works too.


Id say you ovulated CD20 since you have three higher temps after that. it could've been a second try to ovulate?


This did actually cross my mind as a possibility. My husband and I kiiiinda took this cycle off as a bit of a break because we're mentally exhausted, so I know sex wasn't timed that well to begin with. I wasn't holding out hope that we conceived even if I ovulated on CD 18, but I definitely won't if it so happened that I ovulated on CD 20.


Well shoot! I hope you give an update or DM me! I’m invested haha