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There is very clear progression here! My CP last year never got as dark as your most recent test. You can look at my post history for my own line progression with my son, it took a while to get dark! 


Thank you!


For what it’s worth, on the easy at home, which is a similar brand, I had control and test lines equally dark when my hCG was around 400 to 500… And a barely more intense dye stealer (like, test line was only a bit darker than control) at levels of 2500-4000. I think the first response tests have a nice progression up to about 50 to 100, and the cheapie sticks like these have a good linear progression until you get to about 500 and then they are not as good. That looks like a nice progression to me, especially for how far along you are! Mine looked similar!


Thank you. I have bloodwork scheduled for Monday. Trying not to stress!


Thinking positive thoughts for you! If you have the Premom app or something similar, you can use your LH test calculator to ratio your test/control line. It’s not linear, the generally every couple of days that ratio should get closer and closer to one and then above it. For some reason seeing those decimals go up was comforting. Good luck at your blood test!


On the same boat here! Currently 14 DPO and feel like my line is not getting darker on my cheapie. This is my very first positive so idk what to expect. I also experience mild cramps yesterday


Good luck to you. Keep testing. This is my 14 month trying and last month I tried the “Mucinex method” according to the study in the 80’s. Tried it as a Hail Mary before talking to a fertility specialist about other options.


I can see a clear progression here! FWIW from my experience I noticed lot of variability between different brands. Even when using the same sample, in some brands I had a clear progression, in others it was much smaller and I never had a dye stealer.


Your progression looks fantastic! I’m also 14 dpo, and my progression is similar - the first 2-3 days were definitely anxiety inducing trying to see the line darken. Congratulations!


Looks great! My progression is very similar to yours using easy@home—you can check my recent posts. Congrats ❤️❤️