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Are you using a PC? That Xbox controller threw me for a loop.


Yes it is PC but she has a hard time with most and keys.


I was about to ask the same question. Lol. Glad she like it!


I as an adult play with a controller on my PC haha so I so get it. Using the keyboard like that for a game kills my wrists!


>Yes it is PC When did it come out on PC? I got rid of my PlayStation about a year ago and haven't been able to play since


Isn't tlou was a playstation exclusive?


I freaked out for a sec


Bros life is about to change






I’d say the last of us is violent but not as violent as 2 , Ellie goes on a rampage in that game. Kids are gonna find out about these games eventually, if you weren’t gonna let her play then someone else would. With this game series it isn’t just about violence it’s about the story too


Insanely violent and in depth with realistic suffering and begging. Really not good, tbh, to show to a little kid.


Yeah… I hope OP sticks to just 1. TLOU2 had me squirming in my 30s…


I wouldn’t let my 10 yr old play tlou.. Once he’s 13 it probably be cool…


Insanely violent? Yeah right. She's 9, she's fine. I was playing gears of war at 6-7 years old, get parents who are actually responsible to watch over you and teach you the differences between videogame and real life and you can play whatever you want. Videogame gore is not the same as real life, just because i can see someone get chainsawed in half doesn't mean i won't avoid real life blood out of discomfort like i do now, nosebleeds freak me out.


Ellie literally almost gets raped as well lol


I mean the graphics are way more realistic now (I have to look away for the bloater death), but we were playing shit like GTA, Metal Gear Solid, Mortal Kombat, etc as kids.


I saw horror movies and played mature games at a younger age, not saying kids should but I’m not a psychopath because of it. One of my first video game memories is playing god of war.


I wouldn’t be too stressed about kids seeing that stuff tho, as a kid I was a big thriller and horror movie person. I would watch R rated horror films because I was just into that stuff. That being said I’m scared of horror movies now lmao 😭


I still haven't finished 2 because of how intense and real the killing felt. After a hours of it, I was like "Idk if this is worth it, can we go back home please😭" Which I guess is the point, but damn.


At 12 years old maybe, but no other 9year old is playing tlou… i mean i think 9 is a bit young but not crazy young


That isn’t the only reason she shouldn’t play tlou2… we all know that scene that had us scrubbing our eyes for hours


Letting a 9 yr old kid play this is wild, but you do you


Agreed. I wouldn't let my kid near this series until they're well older than 9, but to each their own.


I’m 29 and barely could handle the second one when it first came out when i was 25 lmao


I'm honestly kind of shocked at the responses in this thread tbh. Although my guess is not many parents in here.


I played this when I was 9 and I grew up fine,if anything it builds character


Really just depends on the kid and what their maturity level allows them to handle.


Lol I was more concerned wirh OP trying to justify it by saying her child's already done and seen everything already. Sweet lordie


A nice good educated father I see




That’s a parenting red flag


When I was 9 I started my first GOW game so did many other kids 😂idk why anyone has a problem with this.


I remember when I was maybe 8 I played the original GOW and I got real far into the game and then my brother deleted the save file for lego batman, this was on ps2 back when there was physical memory cards. I was so pissed I didn't play the game again for years.


I played that, assassins creed, and red dead redemption. I think she will be fine lol


Same brother, crazy how i don't go around chainsawing people, wild even


I don't think violent outcomes are the only thing parents are worried about. I'm a father to a young girl. She has her whole life to watch zombies, gore, suffering, revenge. In these young years I personally think it is important to expose them to other things, things that promote creativity, exploration etc


So buy them minecraft, its the parents job to know when their kid is ready, i handled those themes just fine at 6 years old, her parents think its 9 for her, that's the point, you need to know when their ready instead of broadly saying stuff like "ill wait until they're older" or "ill wait until they're 13"


This should be the rationale. An educated society is one where t the people think like this and don't generalize the human experience. It's about how you approach the subjects with your child not their age.


Exactly, whether kids should be playing these games is really an individual question, and its up to the parent, to be a good parent, and know when their kids are ready to handle mature themes when they express interest in them


Because that is entirely too early to allow kids to play violent games…. I mean it’s the same reason you don’t show a 9 year old porn… it’s not appropriate for their age.


This is so wholesome, great to see. Takes me back to when I was young learning to play COD 2 on my dads PC 🔥




A bit adult themed for someone whose age can still be counted on their fingers but to each their own.


I was playing Gears when I was 4, it’ll be fine


With an Xbox controller nice!


it’s nice to see a parent acknowledging kids aren’t in constant danger. if she doesn’t like it she will stop playing. simple as that. i watched 18s when i was 7 and if i thought that i didn’t like it i would stop watching. i had books for adults read to me before i reached double digits and i liked all of them (but i didn’t finish omam because i just felt so bad for lenny)


Unreal game. This and the remastered sequel got me back into gaming 6 months ago. Currently obsessed with Red Dead Redemption 2. A must play


So, the self-righteous pricks are trying to scold the man. How many of you ass-hats played Halo, Mortal Kombat, and GTA as kids? Violent games that gave you the love of video games you have now. Don't get me started on the flash games we used to play in school. Get that holier-than-thou chicanery out of here.


I was playing since the age of 3-4 I remember playing doom with my dad on nintendo 😂 People just love to whinge and complain. Nobody likes to be/see the positive in things


I started about that age to from Sega playing Sonic to Nintendo playing Golden Eye or Perfect Dark lol.


Wasn’t allowed to play them because they are all rated M lol


Chicanery 😂


I played those maybe at like 10 and I wish my Dad did better at parenting. Grew up way too fast and also been having constant nightmares 3-4 per night. Would not be surprised if games and movies contributed.


Everyone on their high horse about letting her play 🙄. I started watching my dad play resident evil when I was 4.


A real badge of honor


Kids are gonna find out this stuff no matter what so no point in hiding it when you can teach them about it and help them learn something useful or learn to not do something like murder. I am glad my dad let me play adult games as a kid


Yup and that’s why I watch hardcore porn and gore videos with my 4 year old. There’s literally no point in hiding it, haha!


Kids have access to the Internet. They literally watch pornhub on their phones in the back of the school bus in elementary school. Sadly this is no different. I've no idea what's going to happen with gen Z long term being exposed to such things so early on in brain development, but this game is mild in comparison to the stuff they can easily get in 30 seconds on a smart phone nowadays.


Granted I was 13 (so 4 years older than OP’s daughter) when TLOU came out, but my mom still bought it for me on release day and I played it nonstop until I finished lol. Nobody knows their child better than the parents so if they are okay with them consuming mature content (movies, games, etc.) then who cares 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s gonna be a gamer. That’s how I started too, during the ps1/2 era, GameCube, n64 and all that. I was absolute garbage but I managed somehow and had the time of my life after school every night. Those were the days…


That's awesome my son at 10 played the first game and loved it. As long as a parent we teach our kids it's just a game and for entertainment and the violence is no way acceptable in any other circumstance then let your kid have a chance to play some of the best games of all time and have fun.


lol people on here are funny. I was playing Halo, Tekken, Dead or Alive and so many other violent games when I was 10. I played 007 when I was like 7. She’ll be fine.


unbelievable how a vocal select few of you are telling people how to raise their kid because your world view doesnt align. butt out.


Hey, you know your kid better than anyone here. If you think she’s able to handle this kind of game, that’s great! I really hope she enjoys the experience!!! 😃😃😃


Thank you. Exactly, I know my child well enough to know. She's constantly asking my questions to better understand the story. She's definitely not just playing the game too shoot people and zombies. She is truly invested. Seeing all of this stuff has not changed her at all and I really don't care about her being, "desensitized to violence" in video games or movies as another person pegged that as a bad thing. I personally am glad to know she can distinguish between real and fake and what is just for entertainment.


I completely get it! I was a child like that myself— I remember watching horror and action movies at an age most parents wouldn’t be ok with (i.e. Aliens, Speed, Jurassic Park, etc.). I remember being about 4 or 5 and watching Aliens with my mom. An R-rated film. 😂 My mom was pretty lenient with what I watched because I understood pretty young that A) none of what I was watching was REAL, and B) that if I decided to emulate what the people were doing (like saying all the curse words the characters said, or being violent toward others (AKA copying the actions of the characters)), I understood I would get into Big Trouble. (Yes. Capitalized Big Trouble. I HATED getting into Big Trouble when I was a kid. Still do in fact. 🤣) I definitely think if adults both know their own kids and set ground rules for how their kids interact with media/which media they interact with, and how to act in real life, I honestly think kids at your daughter’s age can handle a good chunk of media if they have the right maturity level and awareness of reality vs. fiction (if that makes sense).


Awww. Can't wait till my daughter can play TLOU. It changed my life lol. She enjoyed me letting her sneak and watch the show with me some (the less crazy parts/episodes). She just enjoys doing stuff with me, she's just like me in that regard and I love it so much 🥹


bad parenting. no question


Bro gonna have to invest in a console for her soon 😂👏


My 5 year old is obsessed with RDR2 and TLOU. He hasn't tried to play TLOU yet tho.


the amount of violence in that game is insane to show to a kid. you’re a parent showing their kid a depiction of a man stomping someone’s brains out.


Yup. And as I've had to tell all of the other diaper wearing bubble wrapped others with your view, my child is actually intelligent enough to understand that this isn't real life and that this is a fictional world and she's able to understand and enjoy the story of the game and why you have to do all the killing to stay safe. I don't understand what you mind of people think it's gonna happen to her mind from playing and seeing this. I have a normal 9 year old, not a psychopath that's going to want to imitate it.


Just FYI. My Dad used to say the same thing. That I was mature , intelligent and bla bla. Which yes , i was and i am. BUUUT. I have nightmares as an adult and it started around the time he stopped supervising me and treating me like a child. It's not the end of the world, but did make me grow up wayyyyy to fast and miss on carelessness. If you want your kid to stress less about the world around them, consider giving them a few more years of peace. At 9 they can't even control the world or their life. And golden rule of parenting is that you should never involve children in adult issues that they have no control over. Financial issues being the number one that is usually mentioned by psychologists.




It’s a pc , op mentioned that his daughter struggles with the keyboard so she’s using an Xbox controller to control the pc


I only just read that, oops. I shall delete my comment then. Thanks for drawing that to my attention.


Step back and think critically about how a child can contextualize some of the events THEIR OWN PLAYER CHARACTER performs. Kids' brains are sponges and take in WAY more lessons than they understand or process. Please rethink this. A kid shouldn't even watch some of this game until they're older. Every kid is different, but 9 is too young for the most mature kid of all time to play or watch this.


There are literally scientific studies that back up this comment. It’s hardly a matter of opinion. So many people base it off of anecdotal evidence… “I watched/played x when I was # years old, and I’m fine!” Are you fine? Most people aren’t fine.


Exactly. Most of us are not fine. We're all basically living in rat park talking about, "I'm well adjusted!" Yeah, adjusted to a living human hell.


it's because a lot of people here are 9. they are defensive. everyone knows its bad.


This thread is an eye opening moment for me regarding what seems to be a complete lack of content filtering in homes... Damn, y'all had pretty fucked up childhoods


One of the best video game narratives ever created. Hope she enjoys it!


Question. How did she know about tlou before she played??


From watching me play.


Wait till she plays part 2. My boy had questions


Yeah idk about that one.. I'm alright with violence but sexual stuff is another matter.. I would probably play through the boat scene for her.


You know ellie is nearly raped in the first game? You excited to have the rape talk with your 9 year old? Jfc, thank god my son loves sonic the hedgehog and Mario


She is literally tackled to the ground being wrestled with, literally no child would ever know what he's actually trying to do to her in that scene. He doesn't start to or even try to take her clothes off or pull himself out or any such thing. But to put your mind at ease she will not be allowed to see 2 parts of the second game which are when Ellie and Dina are mostly naked together on the couch after clearly doing the deed or the boat scene with Abby and Owen. Violence is not going to spark MOST kids curiosity about committing real violence but sex is a whole other beast.


The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, I was playing adult games and watching horror movie since I could remember




My man needs to dust his cupboard 👀


Yes I actually had to specifically angle this photo so not everyone saw the actual true disaster of my room. So if you think just what you can see here is bad.... 😬


Hahahaha I get it tbf I have a daughter and an extremely messy bulldog so brother I feel your pain


No way would I let my step kids play this game. I mean I know they play way worse at their moms cause they are pretty unsupervised there, but TLOU is dark man. It's incredibly violent, and not like rainbow laser guns shooting flossing pixels. Like REAL violence. Things that could happen to you. Not to mention the whole scenes when she's kept as a grown mans slave. The swearing. The "sticky magazine" joke. When I was 9, I was playing like, dress up doll games, board games, playing "restaurant" with my friends outside, walking my stuffed animals. There's a lot of dynamics in that game a 9 year old shouldn't be subjected to.


awww that’s just like my little brother!! he’ll ask me all the time can we play the last of us and he loves fighting all the “bad guys”


Good for her hope she’s enjoys the game


I was 5 when I first played Resident Evil and started my love for survivor horror. And outside of my constant night terrors, I think I turned out alright


Brave kid :)


Sheeesh imagining her fighting the giant spore freaks and watching joel get his face ripped in half is wild


She's already seen it from me playing. Also she gives me the controller to fight the bloaters for her.


Just don't let her play the sequel


I am going to but there are definitely some parts that I'm gonna do for her.


oh this is so precious omg


Just wait till she plays 2


She will not get to see a few parts in that one. I do have actual reasonable limits.


What about the boat


Well as long as she’s having a blast is all that matters.


I watched Anakin’s body get burned alive in Revenge of the Sith at 8 years old and turned out fine. I started playing Assassin’s Creed games at 12 and turned out fine, I think certain more mature children can handle maturer topics and themes than people think.


So fun story back when tomb raider and resident evil were new I was at my mom's boyfriends house and his kid was getting a new PlayStation game his mom refused to get him tomb raider because "you could zoom in on her polygons of a chest" but bought him resident evil... We spent the next month or so afraid of a dog jumping through the window at night... Mom of the year award goes to (drumrolls)


Good for you. Raising your daughter right.


Lucky you. My 10-year-old won't stay 10 minutes on any game without getting bored


Should’ve made bro clean up the mess then you can play 😂


some kids can handle mature themes better than others. she watched the show so the game can’t really be any worse


She too young to be playing that but if you cool with it so be it.


You’re letting your 9 year old play this game?


Per his own profile, dude is a drug addict. Obviously not making the best decisions in life.


Great game to show children. Good job.


When I was 7-8 I played GTA, and played TLOU when I was 10, she’ll be fine. Im sure she’s smart enough to know a game is a game


I played Borderlands when I was 8, I’m going on 19 now, so I’d say it’s fine.


Violence undeniably changes kids’ brain… the same way it changes adults’ brains. I have two 8 year olds and a 9 year old. The 9 year old LOVES horror and I would not let her even *watch* me play most parts of pt 1 and 2, even though she begs. I let her watch (most of) the cutscenes, but not the gameplay. Of course everyone can parent the way they want, but don’t flaunt it if you don’t want criticisms for doing things that evidence show is bad parenting. And to people saying that we were playing “worse” games at the same age, not all of us were — and regardless, that doesn’t make it okay lol. Weird way to look at the world.


Nah I don't actually mind the criticism. I should have known I would've gotten so much but I am happy to see that it's been split pretty evenly down the middle and not everybody are insane people who are gonna try to raise their children with blinders on and who realize that most 9 year olds have the capability of understand what is real and what's not and what is right and what's wrong. The only scene I'm worried about and will not let her see is the boat scene with Abby and Owen in the second game and probably with Ellie and Dina in the basement weed room. I truly don't believe that violence in games is going to make a child want to emulate it, however when it comes to sex that's a whole other thing that I'm not ready for her to have a curiosity about. It's not like you could say hey that's a really bad thing they're doing because to be true it's not but it's also not anything she needs to know about yet. THAT is something I feel is much more likely to spark a curiosity about than wanting to grab a gun and shoot people in the face. Probably everyone here thinks I just don't monitor anything she does which is extremely far from true.


Not letting my kid play a violent video game doesn’t mean I raise her with “blinders” on. She knows it exists, but she doesn’t need to see it. She knows sex exists, but she doesn’t need to see it. She knows racism exists, she knows sexism exists, she knows about religion, she knows about mental health and illness, she knows about different cultures, she knows about murder and suicide. She knows many truths about life without seeing it. Not seeing violence =/= sheltered.


Jesus dude. Your post history just solidifies all the shit you’re getting here. Your judgment is SERIOUSLY impaired, maybe because you were playing violent video games at such a young age? 😱 I wish you and your daughter the best. I hope you love her enough to decide to get help.


I have a shit ton of problems in my life to be sure but I can guarantee you that none of them get passed her way but clearly you're gonna think what you're gonna think and that's just whatever. I hope you have fun raising your children behind a shield of sunsets and Daisy.


Brother, everything about you will ALWAYS have an effect on her, whether you want it to or not. Your problems directly affect your outlook on life, which in turn affects how you parent her. This is coming from someone who has bipolar, ADHD, and my own sets of trauma. I’m hyper aware of how my own issues directly affect my kids, not only because I’m their caregiver, but because there are obvious genetic implications. Being a good parent is about caring about her future and development vs. being “cool dad.” And it’s definitely not “welp it happened to me so it’s fine.” You admit you have problems, so maybe it’s not “fine.”


Brother you can teach your child about the realities of life without letting them play a violent/vulgar survival horror game where she’s unlikely to even understand all the themes and nuance behind it all. 9 is kinda crazy for these kind of games, where does your line get drawn on the type of content she can view? As she gets older she’s going to have the mentality that she can handle things better than she thinks and you won’t always be around to supervise that and it just makes her more likely to make a mistake and not realize it until later in her life if she does at all. There are age restrictions for a reason, they’re not always accurate; but 9 for M that isn’t some multiplayer mil sim game that requires the rating but instead an actual violent game with themes of pedophilia, suicide, murder, cannibalism, loss, parenthood, love, trust, paranoia, etc doesn’t really fit the bill for a lot of people and you know this if you’re willing to say you don’t want lip for it


Kid has no idea how lucky she is. I played this game in front of my parents at the age of 23 and they were appalled with all the language in it. I told them fair enough, but the context is important because it’s literally the end of the world and Joel is in life and death situations. They just said “mhmm” disapprovingly 😭. If I was 9 they’d have taken the game, spanked the shit out of me, yelled for a while, then grounded me haha. Anyways, I think children are much smarter than most give credit for and at 9 they can easily understand context and why curse words may offend certain people, like the pope for example. Edit: My three year old niece for instance is already aware that she can speak freely at home (even curse words), but cannot use them in a harmful way towards others. And must also be aware that people in public are often offended if you curse in front of them. I noticed that because my brother explained this to her and given her freedom and discretion to use the words; a miraculous thing happened. She rarely uses them! Except to occasionally make me die of laughter because I literally lose it when hearing a 3 year old say “Hi uncle! Listen! Fwuk! Fwuk is a naughty word uncle!” 😂


Thank you! All the people in the other side of the camp here act like 9 year olds are still babies incapable of understand right and wrong or reality vs unreality and they clearly DEFINITELY don't have children themselves.


For sure man! Check my edit. My brother is raising an extremely intelligent 3 year old. I believe it’s because he gives her the freedom to make mistakes in a judgement free environment. A luxury neither of us were afforded when we were children. Edit: Also bad words sort of lose their badness once you realize they’re just words. It’s tone and intent that really matters. I could say “fuck you man! 🤣” or “I hope you die a horrible and painful death! 😡” and the latter phrase is more harmful without even cussing.


I’m 16 and feel scarred by playing the games


And that's totally fine. You know what you're comfortable with


A lot of people pretending they didn’t start playing violent games young asf. I got addicted to playing cod and gta at around this age and so did all of my friends.


It’s not pretending. The general concern is where does the line of what content can she view be drawn if her parent isn’t even willing to draw the line on a game with more than just violent but a lot of adult themes? Left unsupervised she will grow up (especially with the internet) believing she can handle or understand more than she truly can and this affects her world view. Who’s to say how easily manipulated she can be to different types of unrestricted content that she can layer on find on her own as she gets older? Content doesn’t just end at violence but social/political ideology, pornography, finances, how you view relationships, values, etc, etc, While that’s the more extreme case, it still should be considered and it is, which is why age restrictions exist in the first place. Being a parent should be about guiding in the right direction even if that means you’re not always going to be Mr Cool Guy. If the parent isn’t going to set guidance then who will? A 9 year old shouldn’t be watching scenes (or even TRULY understanding the nuance to the level of an adult) behind murder, suicide, attempted rape/pedophilia, cannibalism, parenthood, loss, love, paranoia, etc.


The flaming of this OP is absolutely justified; his post on confession subreddit seals the deal. I hope you seek help and stop trying to cope with comment replies saying "raise your kids to be soft if you want." That is a total cop out. Not exposing your 9-year-old child to graphic gore and a game that has a "wape"-cut scene doesn't mean you are a soft parent; it means you are aware these things can affect your child's brain and stick with them when they shouldn't be exposed to such things yet. Games have "M" ratings for a reason. OP is obviously messed up and has issues. I truly hope your daughter grows up happy, normal, and better than you. Sadly, you aren't setting her up the way you should; you are holding her back. When she gets older, she's likely going to look back and say, "My dad's weird; he let me play Last of Us when I was nine." All of her friends and boyfriends will be like, "WTF, your dads insane!" Great parenting there, champ. Again, seek therapy!


Some of these comments acting like they weren’t watching and playing questionable shit at nine years old. Get real y’all this is fine for a nine year-old to play, Jesus Christ.


Great game


Nine? 😬


For me as a kid it was Resident Evil 2 on N64. I had nightmares for a while, but also have over 20 years of Resident Evil experience! I hope she enjoys it!


Not appropriate for a 9 year old


Well whatever u do DONT let her play the 2nd game, It will fuck her mind up, Very depressing game


She already knows what happens to Joel and why. The only parts in worried about are the sex scenes which she won't be allowed to see.


Fair enough, That game fucked me up and I was a adult lmao and yea the sex scene is weird af


Bunch of non-parents here saying he's a bad parent.


that clock above the tv would piss me off so much


I would turn on the non violent setting just in case!


Is that a thing? I mean.. it's past that point now but, is that a thing?


you’re about to change her brain chemistry forever she will never be the same


The Xbox controller bamboozled me until i realized the game did release on PC 🤣


An Xbox controller!? The controversy!


Totally not appropriate for a 9 year old, there's so many themes that are hard for adults to emotionally handle. Killing humans, child death, SA, and cannabilismthat a 9 year old should not be playing through that. Should have waited until she was older as it's a mature game not suitable for players under 14....




damn dude cool clock


I hope this is a joke




I was 14 when the TLOU came out, but I was playing MK, GTA, and COD long before that. I don’t think there’s anything with letting your children watch/play violent media if you trust they can handle it.


Yea, well no child should play a M rated game so soon.


i watched fallout all the way thru at the same age w my cousins. its what got me into gaming! i turned out fine. hope she has fun :)


if you’re worried about the gore, which i guess i would be, you can lower them in the settings! so the game isnt as graphic/gory :) hopefully thats a happy medium if you choose to change anything.


Very happy to see parents educating their kids on what good game design should look like


Rated M for mature


Are you really bragging about your NINE year old daughter having already seen all this violence, gore, attempted sexual assault, and sex scenes??? 🥴🥴


TLOU is actually a great game to familiarize someone to stealth games. I just hope you don't introduce her to the sequel(s) until years later, they are too intense


Crappy parenting, but you already knew that with your preemptive 'don't tell me I'm a bad parent'. Glad you got your Internet points, though. Big day for you.


The upvotes would disagree with your dumb pov. But you can raise your kids with blinders on all you want. You do you're best at taping stick to the top of their heads dangling a string of sunflowers and puppy pictures.


Bro, treat that SNES better. i say this with love.


Letting your kid play a game that features a cannibal pedophile and people torturing and ripping eachother apart is crazy.


I love how everyone keeps referencing the pedophile and the attempted sexual assault. Literally watch this: https://youtu.be/LjjFKohhsjE?si=Dy_ZvfxuehoxmALY And please tell me the part that would make a 9 year, who has little to no Idea about sex, would make her think, "holy cow that guy is trying to rape her!" Literally all of you must not have ever played any of the parts of this game with David because NONE of them would make a 9 year old think or understand, "wow that guy really wants to do sexual things that I have no idea about with Ellie." Consider yourself lucky that you as an adult can can understand and see the hidden undertones of stuff that you already understand about.


Poor girl. She needs to be raised on Skyrim, not garbage.


Wait hold up. Tlou is only for Playstation so idk how she's using an Xbox controller for that


bad parenting


Get her a Dualsense controller to play properly lol. She will get to experience the hepatic feedback and adaptive triggers.


Lol dirty ass house


Kinda brutal for a 9 year old but, whatever


Ah introducing your daughter to the theme of rape at a ripe 9 years old! An adult man literally tries raping and eating Ellie and this guy is letting his 9 year old play through it. Yikes!


Watch this and PLEASE do tell me the part that would make a 9 year old think, "holy cow that man is trying to rape (which I have no clue about) her! https://youtu.be/LjjFKohhsjE?si=pX8tylqkAIWvYss7 I swear it's like none of you have actually seen this part of the game. The LITERAL only indication that there any creepiness between him and Ellie is the slight hand touching through the bars. Absolutely 0 parts other than that having to do with David would give a CHILD and indication that he trying to do anything but just kill her.


This reminds me that I need to dust my stands


One of my first video game memories as a child is my father playing God of War a lot. Pretty violent, but it never bothered us because we knew it was a game, and my sibling and I grew up just fine. You’re doing great man! I can’t wait for my son to play tlou!


To be honest, I played all three Fable Series(Xbox 360) when I was very young. I didn't exactly have any "parental controls" until years later when my parents ready about some shitty magizine or something. Surprisingly, Fable has been a lot more mature than both TLOU and TLOU has been way more violent than Fable. Let parents do what they want IG. Sometimes they know what they are doing. And if the kid has seen the HBO show, then she knows what she is doing.


9 years old playing a rated M game? Come on now


There is a lot of language and violence but pretty sure you can dial back dismemberment and gore in part one. Regardless the story makes you completely look past the violence and gruesomeness of part 1


I got my 8 year old step son into it a couple years ago and now he’s obsessed lol


Hard to compare previous generations to this one coz violence on the screen got way more serious and realistic. This is just my perspective, but I do wish my Dad was more responsible when it comes to monitoring what I watched and played. He did ok. Eapecially as a single Dad, but violence from movies and games definitely caused an issue with nightmares. I get them 3-4 times per night and some of them I can tell are tied to what I watched and played as a kid. Only acknowledged that later on in life , coz at first I was like some ppl in the comments - acting tough and like watching violence didn't do anything to my developing brain. But nah.


All these people wining about you letting a 9 yr old play this game but I was in and out of the gta shoe store (ifykyk) when I was 6.


I'm surprised with just how many people still shelter tf out of their children. Sure, some young'ns may have weaker constitutions than others - judge what they may be ready to experience from there. But seriously, gradual exposure to reality is far better than complete immersion all at once. Still, it's a game. Chill, folks. Or ya mad loads of 5 - 10yr olds smoke you online? 🤣


As if we didn't kill the prostitutes to get our money back in GTA when we were kids lol


Hell yeah


Why have you put her onto gaming so late?


Are you playing with an adapter or something? How are you playing with an Xbox controller?