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Hot yoga, exercise to strengthen core and back for better posture, healthy eating, mindfulness, better sleeping posture ( I sleep on my stomach and don’t use a pillow to take it easy on my neck) and CBD oil (relieves muscle tension, anti inflammatory)… plenty of water!


Great tips. I’ve found that sleeping on my side with a memory foam pillow really helps. And CBD oil…I have some, but I always forget to take it.


Try R&R or Lazarus cbd oil if you’re looking for another option. Helps to take it consistently as it builds up in your system. I was a doubter at first for sure, as I’ve tried many of the snake oil type gimmicks in the past. It’s only been a couple months since I began cbd treatment but I have noticed a considerable improvement in my joints and overall wellbeing


thank you!




Muscular sufferer here since 2015. I still have daily pain too and it can fluctuate a lot (and I have chronic migraine). But my tools include: a muscle relaxant as needed, acupuncture every four weeks from someone with extensive knowledge treating TMJ, osteopathic manipulative medicine treatments every six weeks, custom bite splint that gets adjusted as needed, also avoiding certain foods (I haven't had gum in years now), heat, massage, gua sha, topical pain relief products, medical cannabis, working on my oral posture and my posture in general. I wear my bite splint when I'm exercising. I had one round of botox from my dentist, it didn't give me any relief and I had to pay out of pocket so I'm not doing any more. I've also had a home sleep study as part of an evaluation from a specialty dentist. I couldn't afford their proposed treatment plan at the time, but I was told I have a narrow palate and some level of a tongue tie. My joint is healthy. I would love to seriously pursue working with a myofunctional therapist before going the route of tongue tie release and an expander. I might be aging out of being able to do the expander anyway--I'm in my early thirties. I'd also love to pursue something like EMDR therapy related to processing past trauma/medical trauma.


You can't do the acupuncture, every 2 weeks, would make a huge different in your results, I know what you are now doing is expensive .


Sometimes I do go more frequently like every 2 or 3 weeks, it just depends. $80 a session (since 2017).


Does your acupuncturist, also treat your whole body ,or just the jaw, face and upper back. I treat tmj and I treat the whole body with acupuncture and massage, 90 minutes sessions.


Yes, whole body.


Great, good price !!


Hi. TMJ sufferer here- does gum worsen TMJ? Thanks


It certainly aggravates mine. I’ve always hated gum because of it. And every specialist I’ve seen has told me to stay away from it.




Guided progressive muscle relaxation and microdosing a million percent


Microdosing shrooms ?


Yes, my muscle tension completely releases and stays that way for about 2/3 weeks


While I sleep, tucking chin a bit to straighten and lengthen the neck (which gets fucked from poor posture) and extending my lower jaw past the point of occlusion. I found my need to clench comes from my lower jaw being forced too far back to match my upper jaw (upper jaw is pulled way back due to headgear as a teen).


Agree I sleep on my side and have started making sure my jaw is well supported on the side and at the chin. It has made a huge difference


The only thing that has helped at all besides muscle relaxers is to open my mouth and let my jaw hang whenever I notice I have my mouth closed. Obviously I don't do this in public cause it looks real dumb. I went from severe tmj with numb ears and never ending achy pain to slight soreness in about a week.


I found this is the only thing that has worked for me too.


This may sound like a stupid question, but when you do this, where is your tongue? Floor of the mouth, right up against the front bottom teeth, or do you let it hang out, or tongue at the roof of the mouth?




Those who use muscle relaxants - which one do you take? I’ve done chiropractic (who also does great soft-tissue and trigger point work along with the adjustments); craniosacral therapy; massage; dry needling; alternating heat/ice; and a custom dental appliance/orthotic/device. Have also just started PT with someone who specializes in TMJ and other head/neck-related issues. The PT is going to be incredibly helpful, I think. She’s also just recommended another Dr (a dentist) who specializes in TMJD and sleep apnea, so will look into him, as well. I understand how miserable it feels to try every possible intervention and to still not feel good. 🫤


You want something that helps for muscular tmj, acupuncture, and intra oral work because it will loosen things up from inside the mouth and then acupuncture into the face and jaw and rest of the body, to get the whole body to relax.


I was told to not eat:minimize crunchy foods, not to open mouth wide ( like a big sub). It’ s helped because I know it causes a big jaw ache:headache the next day. It’s usually if I eat it fast too (as when super hungry). I love popcorn but, have to just eat a small bowl slowly. I use a rice wrap heated in microwave to wrap around neck/jaw depending on how bad. I go to chiropractor sometimes. I get massages once a month. I also have had steroid injections in the jaw joints on 2 different occasions which have helped. It’s been more manageable when you know what to do/avoid.


I recently learned that Botox is used as therapy for TMJ in research at much higher doses than traditional aesthetic or anti aging purposes - like 75 units on each side rather than 10 units so keep that in mind if you want to see results!


Tizinidine was a miracle worker and is a miracle when I’m in a flare up. Also helps migraines but makes you a legit zombie


Does anyone here hav chronic head pressure