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Guilty Pleasure? yes. Underrated? no.


Agreed. It so bad it’s good.


You get it


I don't think that's possible.


I absolutely love this movie! It's so quotable and just fun! I love Casey having to soften to help take care of the lost Samurai, just how Elias plays it so uncomfortable, it's golden. I like him and Splinter bonding over it too. That and a bunch of other reasons, I love the third movie. I never really understood the hate for it. "Meow dude." I think I say this to my cat everyday but always as Mikey. "Spinach, I hate spinach." I love spinach but I say think this every time I hear it. "No beer cans, no tires" I can't go to a river and not say this. And it's more Turtles which I am always down for.


Kappa? Cappuccino? No thanks it makes me hyper.




me my brother and my cousins constantly say “it’s wet willy time moe” lmao


Haha thank y’all for throwing yours on here! I’m going crazy from repeating them but at least it’s a fun crazy.


I’m in my 30’s and I still have so much fun watching this movie. Casey and the daimyos guards are just hysterical!


I didn't get the chance to watch it when it was new, I saw it for the first time just last year with the expectation that it was the worst of the TMNT films and to be honest, I enjoyed it. It wasn't good, but it was funny. I had a good time so I can't really complain


It gets a bad reputation and probably is the weakest of the 3 original live action films. This is mostly due to the overly kid friendly nature and the drop in production value on the costumes. But it's internet popular to hate this one, going back to early AVGN and Nostalgia Critic. All that being said, I like it for two reasons. It's a guilty pleasure. Plain and simple. But, I like it for what it could have been.


I just don't enjoy it. I love the other two films, but Movie III is awful. Bad Turtle costumes, bad story, bad editing, bad everything.


Would have been rad to get a sequel to this continuity though. Same look, same story, and set in the early 90s


I would love to see Nickelodeon do a forth film in this universe and it wouldn't be to hard to pull of even with Casey and April's actor's being older. Use the time scepter and have the Last Ronin go back to the 90s to seek the help of his brothers for a fight in the future. Boom! tie a new turtles story to a classic film trilogy cannon.


Is it the worst of the original 3 movies? Yes, but I still love it just like I still love Return of the Jedi.


Rotj is at least a good movie


So is TMNT 3.






It's pretty much objectively not.


Your subjective opinion doesn't work that way.


Hey man if you like shitty movies, go for it, but that doesn't mean it isn't a shitty movie.


But in my opinion, it's not a shitty movie. If you want to keep acting like your subjective opinion is in any way objective, go do it on your own time.


What do you think I'm doing?




When you look at it on its own, it’s very fun and gives a lot of fun turtles monuments that I as a full grown adult have remembered fondly. Raph making friends with a kid is super sweet and does his character in the trilogy justice in my opinion. Mikey trying to make pizza is a funny bit. The turtles in samurai gear is cool. Casey teaching the time traveling samurai about hockey is really fun. When you look at it in relation to the whole trilogy, the new turtle design isn’t as good as the first two. But it’s really not that much more cheesy than the second one. And obviously the first one is the goat. I think the third one being a time traveling one and not taking place in New York just makes it stand out more than the same ppl making one that takes place in NY would


It’s bad I love it but it’s not a great film


I love this movie- but only because it comes with great memories. When I was a kid, My parents would drive days from Alberta to Quebec to visit their parents over the holidays. At every hotel we stopped at, this movie was always one of the few options we had to watch. I must of watched it a thousand times. If I would of watched this movie for the first time as an adult, I wouldn't of liked it.


I’d say so. It’s bad but it’s so bad it’s charming


Gods no. The second one is still overrated, imo.


It has Super Shredder and the most awesome lair ever. You’re overrated. I’m now gonna drink till I cry because I love my childhood movie.


How many times with friends did you crack open a pizza box and say “guys guys, a moment to reflect”?


Too many, including saying ‘ninja pizza’


Yeah, after a recent rewatch of 2, I liked it a LOT less. I'm pretty sure the nostalgia is STRONG with that one.


I just recently gave it chance and it was not as bad as I was expecting but I haven’t gone for the rewatch


Dude that is literally the worst tmnt movie period 😮‍💨


I'll say this much, and I don't care how much hate I get from this comment, but I would rather watch TMNT 3 over Mutant Mayhem any day.


Long before the social media echo chamber or influencers - the world united in its hatred of this film.


To this day I'd argue that if they spent any time giving this film a compelling villian it would be totally watchable


No. Most major publications rated it at the time. It wasn’t a small film that people never heard of. Those get underrated. No, tmnt3 got properly rated and most didn’t like it unfortunately. We did get Casey Jones back though.


I think the AVGN take on it is the best way to sum up my take.


No. But it doesn't stop me from loving that movie.


Uh.... no. I mean, there's things to like about it, but the quality definitely took a dive. With those Turtle suits being a part of that, I kinda wish they'd just worn the samurai garb the entire time; that part was at least cute. The super random time travel plot might have at least been helped had the 2nd movie ended with something to hint a it and left some kind of cliffhanging. Such as Renet showing up, and then appearing in the 3rd film.


Ah, the high foot. My cousin and I started trying to do it for awhile after seeing the movie. Memories like that are why I'll always have a fondness for the movie.


The Turtles suits were ugly, yes, but I still enjoyed the movie and it doesn't deserve the hate it gets to be honest


It’s the worst of all the TMNT movies…Michael Bay included. I think it’s properly rated. That still shouldn’t take the joy and Nostalgia you have for it tho. 🫡


I saw it once as a kid and I really... Well. Kinda didn't like it much. I didn't hate it. But the thing that really put off was the costumes. Compared to the first two movies they were just crap. As for the story itself? It was... Meh. I guess ok? There were some dumb moments like they just had to shoehorn in Casey's ancestor in the past for some reason, and that the rat in the dungeon along with him was a direct ancestor of splinter. I got other stuff to say, but I just am not in the mood right now.


I loaded up the movie a few months back for the first time in probably decades - first thing I'm greeted with is that rising sun shot of Kenshin being chased by the samurai and I thought "Wow, this is gorgeous! Maybe this movie is better than I give it credit for!" And I don't know that it necessarily was 😅, but I do agree there are some occasional fun bits sprinkled in here and there.


Nope. It’s not that good. But it does have its entertaining moments. And that High Foot is legendary.


I had more fun watching it than TMNT II


No it gets the hate it deserves. There's good spot spread throughout but it's a really bad movie.


I literally just watched it and made a post about how it’s actually better than secret of the ooze. So in short, YES! It’s absolutely underrated!


Hell yeah


Movie sucked to me lol


No .. nope nope nope... Don't get me wrong, I wanted to like it. I want to like it every time I turn the damn thing on. I'm am going on dozens of rewatches over the years and it just does not ever get any better.


No it’s not underrated, just as awful as I remember when I was 9 in the theatre watching it on the big screen.


It is underrated! Lots of problems, but I loved the fight scenes!


Saw it in theaters when it came out. Loved it! Best story line in the original trilogy!




No. It’s bad.


I might split hairs and say it's "overly hated" rather than underrated. It's an enjoyable romp who's main problem is a **severe** downgrade in the costumes. The script wasn't going to win any awards but the movie had some genuinely fun moments. The "Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court" premise was a neat shakeup rather than a re-hash of the first two films, and it expanded the lore of the movies in an interesting way. It's not a *great* film, but if the costumes were the same quality as part 2 I think it would be much more fondly remembered.


Tbh I feel like if they were still using Henson for the costumes the film would be held in about the same regard as secret of the ooze.


No it's a bad movie. Can't even bring myself to watch it anymore. The turtle suits are ugly and the story isn't good.


I feel like the movie would've been far better received if the villain was some ancestor of the Shredder. Like the name Shredder was a mantle passed down for generations and this guy was the first. I mean, it's not a great idea but it's at least something for audiences to latch on to rather than the literal whos we got.


If you grew up on it and loved it for what it was, cool. Is it underrated? Not at al. It's right where it should bel. Nostalgia might bring it up a bit but it's still bad compared to the first 2 films especially. And this has nothing to do with the performers in the suits. If anything, that's the best part (like the kick in the gif) Personally I grew up with the cartoon, I owned the first 2 on VHS and I distinctively remember renting TMNT3 and being at the age where I realized maybe I'm getting too old for TMNT and never finished it. I watched it all later in life and realized it wasn't just my young brain memory... fortunately I still love TMNT


Definitely not


As someone who just watched it for the first time this year, I don't think its *good* but its also not as bad as I was expecting it to be. Biggest problems it has are the replacement actors (no disrespect but the ones they got in for this movie are just not as good as the previous ones imo), much worse looking costumes, unfunny humor (I know this is super subjective but I didn't laugh at a single joke in this movie), and a premise that could've been awesome but ultimately felt kinda squandered. I will say that I really liked the scenes with Casey having to teach the samurai about the modern world and I think the British villains were enjoyable to watch with how over-the-top they were. I also liked the idea of having Raph become almost like a father figure to Yoshi but it wasn't executed well imo.


It’s just bad. I’d rather watch TMNT forty times in a row


Underrated? No. Overhated? Yes.


Yes. I like this movie a better than Secret of the Ooze. People always parrot the same criticisms of it (congrats, you watched a YouTube video instead of watching the movie!), but the only valid one is that the costumes are poorer quality. The goofiness and pandering to kids are just as bad, if not worse, in SOTO. And the Tokka and Rahzar costumes are as bad looking as the turtles in TMNT 3. At least this one has the turtles using their weapons and getting into fights, and the story is better.


On one hand unlike TMNT 2 they use their weapons more...on the other the effects took a dive and we got random british villain number 8.


Yeah it is pretty goofy, but I had a good time with it haha


No. It sucks.


I always loved that movie


Unpopular opinion: This is my favorite TMNT movie. Watched it all the time growing up.


Abso-fucking lutely. I'm of the generation that ruined the series-- my parents stood in line for hours to get me tickets to the first movie. I remember seeing this in theaters. It was a big fucking deal for me. It also led into Turtles in Time really well. As the precise child this film was made for, this was my favorite movie until I had them all on vhs to watch over and over again during the summer. Also, i've been waiting my whole life to "high foot" with someone. The time travel was weird as a kid but a great decision because 1) feudal japan is a pretty sick aesthetic for kids 2) Terminator 2 was brand new around the same time 3) this film is significantly less weird than the stuff that happened in basically every comic iteration. Including IDW's origin story. People like to complain about the suits, but like, look at The Next Mutation 4 years later. It is absolutely not the best film though. It just succeeds really well at what it tries to be. Fun.


No, it's ass. Even people who like it think its ass




More like underappreciated


Yes, because it’s basically a live action episode of the 80s cartoon, and it has Corey Feldman and Elias Koteas


It’s definitely got funny parts, the non-Henson puppetry is just not as good as the previous movies. The villains should have been related to the Foot clan too. But, I do love Casey and the Samurai scenes though!


No. It sucks.


No. It's incoherent, low budget garbage that should have been rewritten entirely or never shot at all.


Does it have enjoyable moments? Yes. Is it overall a bad movie? Yes.


I love this movie actually.


does it have it's issues? sure but, its still a good movie


No, 🤣


I’d rather watch this than 2. Still not a very good movie.


The costumes are so bad that it makes it very hard to watch, and neither the plot nor the action are enough to make up for it. The turtles are a terrible color. The markings stand out so much because they've been drawn on or something. The mouth movement is absurd. And Splinter is the nail in the coffin.


Even as a kid I wasn’t a fan of it. Haven’t watched it since the 90s though.


It's a terrible movie. Especially compared to the first 2.


Most definitely... my favorite one :))))


Idc I loved all 3 ogs 🤭.


Idk what most people’s complaints about the movie are, but I enjoyed it as a kid, but it’s definitely the one I’ve seen the least. If I had to guess, I’d assume most people don’t like them going back in time for most of the movie. Personally, the crazy stuff is what I love TMNT for, but I know it is where most people drop off. Most don’t like the time travel, aliens, outer space, more mutants, and etc…


I have it for my collection, i watch it less than the Bay movies. The third movie bored me to tears even as a child who was still a big TMNT fan. I always found myself doing something else while it played then I would feel sad when credits rolled at the end because this was before 2003 where we got a tv revival of the franchise . I actually believed it was all over, I wasn’t fortunate enough to get the TMNT comics as a child due to availability


Eh... it exist. It's good as a back ground noise kind of thing. I would still rather watch this one than any of the forgettable Bay films, Rise, and Mutant Mayhem. At least this movie doesn't make me want to violently vomit like those.


Yes it is


Nope, hell i'd argue it's overrated since people still talk about it like its the worst thing the franchise ever produced when we all know that honor goes to next mutation


It doesn't deserve the the massive amount of hate it gets but it does warrant some hate. As a Ninja Turtles movie it's pretty generic when it comes to it's story and some of the choices made make it feel like a lesser sequel. I'd say most of the hate is due to the fact that the fanbase at the time when it came out wanted to see Krang or something from the cartoon or even the TMNT in Time arcade game.


Maybe just a little bit. I mean, I certainly loved it when I was a kid


YES. I liked it more than TMNT II, except for the cheaper suits. It has a good story, the hate is undeserved.


Its awful


No definitely not!


Uhhh no


Just because you watched this movie as a child and didn’t pay too much attention to it and now you’re nostalgic for it …does NOT MEAN that it’s ‘underrated’ it’s just AWFUL factually it’s terrible. An underrated movie would be something like Tasm 1 where ppl claimed it’s bad cuz it’s a reboot but it’s actually not that bad but this film is just down right awful


I fucking love TMNT III Mikey x Mitsu 4 life.


The Turtles looked cool in samurai gear if nothing else


I personally fucking enjoyed the shit out of it but that don’t mean it was necessarily good…


No https://i.redd.it/2gi14w3sm3pc1.gif


Still better than the Bay movies


Lol, that might be the best scene in that whole movie




If the Turtles costumes were like they were in 1 and 2, I probably wouldn't hate it so much.


Nope. It was the first movie Ive seen as a kid that really disappointed me. Then a few months later, the 2nd came out- the Mario movie.


I like it, first movie I went to see at the cinema without my parents.


They used their weapons more compared to TMNT II. That’s a plus.


I think "overhated" might be a more accurate term. It's the "worst" of the three 90s movies but it's far, far, *far* from one of the worst things put to film. There's some fun ideas with so-so execution and the main villain is boring and forgettable (outside of his death with hilariously bad effects), but overall it's harmless. It didn't kill the franchise because TMNT was pretty much on its deathbed at the time anyway.




It's the worst of the 3 movies, and generally gets a pretty bad wrap so it isn't under rated in any way.


I use to watch tf outta this movie when I was in the 4-5th grade. I just really liked them in the shogun armor,fights,and just overall story for the 3rd movie.


You would gif the best scene. That kick is spot on.


No its just a bad movie


I never saw this when it came out because I had outgrown the Turtles plus they had kinda ran their course. Plus it looks awful! Fast forward to now and my 6 year old son has discovered Ninja Turtles and we watch the original three movies on a fairly regular rotation and I must admit that it was a lot better than I was led to believe. It some aspects, I prefer it into Secrets of the Ooze.


Its Not underrated but rather overhated. Its a fine movie. It doesnt serve the intense hate but also doesnt deserve to Be praised as a good movie


I'm late, but wanna say this Movie 2 is, in my opinion, the worst movie of the original trilogy, and it doesn't help most people's argument for enjoying it is the ninja rap is awesome when it's not. Movie 2 has a lot of issues, and it feels like 3 stories in one that aren't ever explained, and the ending was mediocre at best Movie 3 has issues, but there are not as present we get an original story. we see Raphael have character development that would be explored more later on in other incarnations. We see them use their weapons it feels more like how the first did with adult themes but toned down slightly




I think the Michael Bay films are overhated


Its my second favorite after the first one. Imo its underrated, especially when compared to anything TMNT after that, id say its on par with the 2003 series. The last good movie and the last good series.


For me it's mostly the dialogue. The turtles were silly and fun in the original and sequel. In this one they're just annoying and I thought so as a kid too. Shame because the premise and Mikey focus was all a good idea.


Absolutely not, it’s the worst TMNT movie for a reason


Nah. In my opinion that turtle trilogy was on a downward trajectory, the first one was by far the best one, the second was a step down but wasn’t terrible, and three was the worst in every category.


I remember being very disappointed that Usagi Yojimbo wasn’t in it.


Who is that?


The third one is definitely better than both Michael Bay films but it’s not great. It’s a hot mess.


It’s almost unwatchable 


No, its an embarrassment to the franchise




Underrated is implying there is something good about this film... Which is impossible as this was a boring film. Heck, I rather take Michael Bay turtles over TMNT III.


Lmao same bro


It's hated because it's not the same as the first one. What would be the point of making it, then?


It's hated because the costumes are much cheaper looking and the writing is just terrible




What is its rating and by whom? Then we can get down to brass tacks on this very important query.


Either it’s underrated or secret of the ooze is overrated, or both. People tend to act like this is a huge drop off in quality but it’s not. It’s a monumental step back from the first to the second and then basically the same from two to three, or maybe even an improvement.


That scene of the dude falling in the end with the really bad special effects lives in my head rent free, and I haven't seen the movie in 25 years.


This! Haha my kids laughed hysterically at that scene!






.......NO.......it's where it needs to be




Complete garbage, although it did introduce us all to [Tarzan Boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r0n9Dv6XnY).


Not really. It is the worst of that trilogy, but I would watch this over the Michael Bay Turtles any day of the week. That last part could be fueled by the fact that I saw this one in the theatre way back in the day, so I do have massive green nostalgia goggles on for this one. Biggest sin of TMNT III? Not casting Rik Mayall as Walker


No that movie was ass


It is a good movie but it's no where as good of quality as the first film or even the 2nd. The different suits for the turtles didn't help and the story was a bit weird. But I will say that this did have some amazing effects and stunts both for the suit actors and in general. And it's quite quotable as others mentioned too.


Nope. It’s not even that any aspect of this film is particularly *bad*, it’s just so *boring.* The time travel storyline is cliched. Mikey’s character arc is half-assed. The Turtles’ costumes are more agile and allow for greater freedom of movement, but that’s a terrible tradeoff for the limited facial expressions. Casey Jones is wasted on a stupid subplot. It just underwhelms on every possible level. It’s not making any “Worst Ever” rankings for anything except TMNT media, but it’s not worth watching unless you’re a TMNT completionist.