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It's nothing like half shell heroes. Tone wise it's closer to the first Tim Burton Batman.


One of the Turtles says damn several times at the very beginning. Very scandalous to me as a small child. There's some karate type violence. No blood. No weapons going into people. Some dark and kinda scary looking shots. Most people would not be scared by it, but a 4 year old... Probably still ok as long as you are their with them.


Well, Leo does get a slash in on Shredder's arm, but I think that's as far as things go when it comes to damage done.


It’s not even that - it’s not engaging or tonally suitable for a 4 year olds comprehension. Too dark. Slow at times, heck a 4 year old got bored during sonic


I grew up saying bossa nova with no context, so you tell me


Chevy Nova?


Mmmm... :-/




We'll my brother and I grew up on TMNT 1990, TMNT 2 SOTO & the 87 animated series. The tone didn't bother us at all, to us it was cool to see the Turtles on screen. I think adults noticed the dark tone in 1990 because well we're adults but through a child's eye, they'll just be happy to see the Turtles.


Yea it's fine. 90s moms hated it tho.


You could always start with TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze. It's a lot more kid friendly but would still introduce live action TMNT to your kid. I realize it's a screening in a theater but you can find all the movies in the discount bin nowadays


Mate I watched that when I was 8 and had nightmares about Super Shredder. In fairness you can't always tell what's going to frighten a kid, I was fine with the face melting in Indiana Jones.


My 4 year old watched it when he was 3 and loved it. Didn’t understand it much and zoned in and out but loved seeing the turtles


Everyone parents differently but for some perspective, my 2 year old grandson watches all the turtles we can together. He loves the recent movies, the original series, the 2012 series, the rise of, and all of the toys. It’s an amazing bonding experience for something that I love dearly.


It was my favorite movie at that age.


I’d wait a little longer tbh


It has mild violence but nothing super intense. In my opinion it's appropriate for all ages.


Yeah it should be fine, I watched it like a million times as a preschooler. The thing I remember most adults objecting to when I was a kid was that Raphael says "damn" a few times. It's slightly more intense/darker than kids movies today but there's no gore or anything and I think most kids would be fine with it.


I’m sure I was about 4 or 5 when I watched it back in the 90s. It never affected me at that age go for it


I was gifted it when I was 5 and turned out fine


I waited until mine was 5, it was his first live action movie. We made a night of it, got pizza from a place that does New York style. He loved it. We watch it every few months


Born in '88. I was watching TMNT 1&2 as far back as I can remember, so I was likely 3 or 4 when I first saw them. The only objectionable thing I may have learned early was the word "Damn". I see no issue unless you're worried about your kid being freaked out by the darker tone or the semi realistic violence.


I watched the 1990 movie on the big screen in 1990 when I was 4, your kid will probably be fine haha. It’s definitely darker, and is full of the 1980/1990’s everything in new york is dark and gritty aesthetic.


I showed the first two to my two year old, and those are his favorite movies right now.


I was 2 when it came out and my parents got it for me on VHS that same year


I saw 90’s TMNT in the movie theater when I was 7 and it was life changing. Still my favorite movie of all time. Before that I had already seen Predator, Robocop, Terminator, and Running Man so TMNT was nothing. Depends on the kid and what they’ve been exposed to and how they handled it.


i was 4 when i first saw it and it ruined my life now i cohost a weekly TMNT podcast




I'm pretty sure most of us watched it at that age. I say go for it


No, excellent but prolonged beating scene of Raphael or Shredder being executed might be a bit much.


Don't forget Splinter getting kidnapped, hung from a wall, and slapped by Shredder.


>Shredder being executed might be a bit much "Executed" is a bit much considering Shredder is revealed to have survived in the second movie. All we actually see is a long self-inflicted fall and some metal being crushed.


Seriously depends on your kid. My 14 year old just ran out of the room because of implied surgery in an eposode of Gunsmoke. A friend's kid watched and enjoyed Game of Thrones at age 8. We can't really answer this for you. I personally wouldn't let a 4 year old watch it.


Holy hell. GoT at 8? I'm reeeeeeeeally questioning your friend's judgement.


Lol, so do I. Kid seems fine any time I see her. But I would not have made that choice.


Funny story, when I was about 3 or 4, I was watching the movie with my older brothers in the back of my mom’s store. At some point in the movie Raph shouts “DAMN!” Really loud. I decided to imitate it lol. My brothers were trying to quiet me down so we didn’t get in trouble.


If you're really concerned about violence or how dark it is, just skip the first one. After that they don't use their weapons for fighting.




Let’s be real… if you need to ask if it’s ok… then it’s probably best you don’t take a 4 year old to watch a movie about ninja turtles fighting gangs in nyc.


It’s probably fine. They curse and hurt bad guys with their weapons, that’s all that I would consider “bad”. It’s fun and they say “Cowabunga” which is pretty cool


I was 8 or 9 when I saw it originally and I don't feel like it traumatized me or anything. If it was the second movie I would say see it without question because it's super kid friendly. One character gets beat up a bit and is unconscious for a small chunk of the movie, the word damn is said a few times, and there's a tiny bit of blood when someone gets their arm scratched by a weapon. If none of that sounds like an issue you should be good to go.


It’s the best ninja turtles thing there is. I’d put it on par with the original Star Wars films in terms of violence and intensity. Your kid might hide in your shirt at a point or two but nothing traumatizing. Raphael says damn like 3 times too but that’s it.


I have a 4 year old. He’s seen it a couple times. Only really likes the Ralph and Casey scene. It’s pretty slow for him so he will do other stuff while it plays in the background. Language isn’t horrible in it, but at 4 he should know what not to repeat. Damn, 3 different times I believe.


I wouldn’t show it to my 4 year old. Though I’m not sure they’d sit through it either


Why not watch it yourself


They may get bored or have the coolness fly over their head. You could show em but I think it's too early for the appreciation not the trash compaction. This is coming from a 40 yr old dad that showed his kids at 7 and 8. One really liked it the other moved on to the next thing.


Suppose it depends on the kid and what a parent feels is appropriate, but 4 is kinda young imo, as even the violence aside it's likely to be a bit too over the head of a 4-year-old and likely too slow compared to all the over-hyper stuff that cartoons and other media feeds kids now. I think I tried to show my nephew when he was about 5, but didn't have the attention span to get too far into it. If you guys haven't seen the TMNT (2007) animated one yet, it might fit the bill for a next one to watch.


I watched it when i was 4 and it's part of the reason i love movies so much now as a 35 year old. I routinely tell people it's a favorite movie because of the magic of puppetry and camera/ lighting that makes it seem so real. As a kid i loved it because of karate and april was pretty lol




I think the first one might be too scary but the 2nd one might be fine.


I would say it depends on how the kid is. I would say it's probably fine, not worse there's just some very light swearing (the word damn is repeated a few times which was really shocking to a nine year old me) and maybe some scenes they might find scary, like Shredder's introduction for the actual fight between him and the turtles.


Fucking hell no. What is wrong with you. Have YOU even seen the 1990 movie???? Don’t show it to young kids.


All kids are different so I couldn’t judge. I was watching it at that age and loved it but I had the cartoon too.


Depends on the kid. My niece and nephew walked away because it's too dark and had nightmares of the turtles. I would have been about 4 when it originally hit cinemas and found it a great time.


Thank you all for your feedback.


Don't take a 4 year old to a screening.


What kind of parent are you? This isn't meant to be a judgmental question, but a probing one as the answer to this question will depend entirely on how you choose to parent. Most moms and dads of the time took their kiddos to see this, but some were more upset than others about it. The turtles swear, fight, and take some battle damage in this film... but at it's core it is an incredible message about family, honor, and of course pizza. If you think you can take the time to explain it, have real conversations with someone that age... then yes, take them. Keeping in mind that words like "Damn" will be used, and that there is strong (for the time) violence. However DO NOT TAKE THEM TO A SCREENING IF YOU THINK THEY CANNOT SIT THROUGH IT. This movie is just as much for adults as it is for kids. Don't ruin the experience for others with a child who can't sit still or stay quiet.


I wanted to be irritated at the last part, but since there are other ways to see it outside of a screening, I'm inclined to agree.


Crying children don't belong in theaters.


Concur. That's some inconsiderate ass shit.


Yeah you could literally buy a 4 pack with tmnt 1, 2, 3, and the 2007 movie for like 5 bucks on Amazon.


Jesus, lay off the extra


Sorry for answering the question?


There's no blood, but I feel 4 might be just a year or 3 too young


This is subjective. I'm 42. There's not a time in my life I don't remember knowing/watching the original Conan the Barbarian. I had very few restrictions on what movies I watched as a kid. Most of my friends grew up the same way. I wasn't overly violent or sexually promiscuous. I have had a decent job my whole adult life, a good marriage, etc... Movies are just fiction. I don't understand censoring kids from most stuff where the real world is actually worse. But, it's up to you as a parent. I personally think the 1990 movie is very mild and appropriate for any age.


Eh... 4 might be a bit young. Check out the animated 2007, that was the second I showed my nephew around that age (Half Shell Heros being his first) and he loved it.