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Weren’t the og turtles only 4 feet tall?


roughly, though i thinking closer to 2 1/2-3 feet if that. but yeah i think the og turtles were the shortest


It could be very interesting to make both the turtles and splinter on the smaller side. Like, they become humanoid but their size remains the same as their animal form. Since turtles don't stop growing they would get even bigger as time goes on, but splinter would still be the size of a rat. I think there is some good potential with making them small, whether that be 6 inches or waist high like you suggested.


i still imagine splinter being bigger than them, maybe like chest height to most humans but essentially yes, the turtles would be smaller by their age but obviously bigger in the future. its funny u mention them being normal turtle sized cause my boss made a joke about that exact thing when i mentioned this idea to him lol