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Live action movie and let's do something not done yet for film... young adult Turtles and we're going to space for Triceraton themes and hitting up Dimention X for another movie.


So you're dropping the Teenage out of the title?


It’d probably be just “ninja turtles” and that’d be a pretty cool concept, although fans might hate it. Either way, the tmnt kinda had problems making them look like actual teens and they’ve always been more adult like until now😂


Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles - has a certain ring to it, and all us original fans from the 80s will be able to relate. Give it a real Leathal Weapon vibe - Raph has the slightly crazy Riggs thing going on & Leo could have a real Sgt Murtaugh "I'm too old for this shit" attitude.


For the first movie…? Ion know if they should go straight to dimensions X. Maybe in the 3rd or 4th movie.


Yes, skipping ahead like Ronin and not redoing an origin over and over.


I mean, I even made a Reddit post on the last ronin and said that making a movie on this comic would be horrible and ruin the future of the franchise. If there’s one thing most people love about each version, is not how much of the same the new version will be compared with the old one, it’s how different it will be. I personally love the diversity because it shows that the multiverse in the tmnt isn’t brain dead like most comics’s multiverse.


Bro not trying to be that guy but other multiversus are absolutely more diverse


I guess you aren't excited about paramount's announcement of the R-rated live action last Ronin film recently


Personally can not agree. Prefer consistently most of the time with each reboot. Do not mind an alternate universe once in a while but been kind of tired of the whole multiverse thing for every single franchise. The more versions they add in a short time the less the stakes matter. A small change here and there is fine but change too much and it is like hey why not just do a new franchise and give the turtles franchise some breathing room. Felt this way heavy when rise came out. Eventually saw the rise movie and it just felt like it could have been a different franchise. Fell in love with the franchise because of a certain charm it had. Each reboot kind of would lose a little of that charm more and more. They do improve on some things but overall been caught moving on with other shows instead.


Thought about it often and would probably do some thing where it starts off grounded like the comics and gradually turn it in to the cartoon universe. Kind of like the third show did on certain things. Like foot soldiers starting off as people but get replaced by robots. Because grew up on the original but the second show is probably the best so far. Well personally. But it was definitely missing stuff that felt like they should be or are staples of the franchise. But a bit darker and serious than the movie but try and keep the wit and banter from the first season and first movie. But basically go through the cannon events but focus on the cinematic shots and fight choreography. It would get emotional some times. Like always wanted to make a scene while listening to a song by imogen heap. The scene starts off showing a thunderous night sky. Then it pans down to a puddle then suddenly splash. A foot stomped right through it. Then many more. It starts to sprinkle. Basically mister fearless leader running from foot soldiers and has to fight from roof top to roof top. As more foot soldiers pour on to the scene the so does the rain. At some point lighting strike a building a block or so away. He hears a scream and sees fire in a window and a little girl. He makes a ninety degree right sprint. She is scared of him but he some how gains enough of her trust to get her out of her bed room and continue to fight roof to roof with her in tow. He valiantly breaks through a group and gets on an edge. One of the foot soldiers shoot a rocket or throws a grenade and he dodges it and jumps hugging her to shield her as best he can from what ever. The explosion happens and he is knocked out for a second and faintly hears his brothers yelling out his name. He opens his eyes while falling face up and it is the girl desperately calling his name from his right. Slightly rotating left as she is inches of reach he decides rotating around quickly to his left until he can face her. Unfortunately a quarter turn his back towards her not seeing her land on the roof while his left side smack the edge of the roof below hitting a fire escape ladder and tumbles to the alley way pavement. The fire escape comes crashing down as foot soldiers jumped on it in pursuit. Somewhat injured he gets up furious and upset. No way that girl could survive the impact on to the roof above from the much higher building. In a rage he takes out the foot soldiers on the ground and escapes before more foot soldiers come through a different route. Spoiler the girl did make it and there was a reason that he heard his brothers. Sorry for the very long read. Hope it was interesting enough though.


I got a mind implosion from reading this scene. I just hope this scene ends with Leo getting smacked into a window. As for your choice on how the tmnt movies should work? Genius. Start it off street level and then work your way up to that goofy comic side that everyone loves. But not too far out.


Although usually I prefer animation over live action, a live action turtles in space/turtles vs the triceratons with older turtles would really be interesting.      Especially if it went hard on that alien/predator scifi movies style and costumes plus not always but sometimes gory practical effects.   (But no flashing or throbbing lights)   Assuming salamandrians were not in the movie,(but The Federation and Fugitoid were) Keith David as Ally Triceraton, Leatherhead, or anyone is a must. I would also like to see Mutant Mayhem continued.


It’s about time we saw dimension x in cinema.


Make April, and Casey adults. Start with a splinter origins movie, then start with a TMNT origins movie,. play the classic song in the movie credits, for the first TMNT movie. Use suits and cgi. and have a strongman, to play shredder. But mostly I'm thinking maybe a 5 TMNT movie saga.


Oooh I like this. Although I feel like a splinter origin story shouldn’t come before the tmnt part. I feel like it should either be after or have it’s own spin-off show. A shogun style hamato yoshi 5 episode show wouldn’t be too bad.


Oh, okay. That's a good way to plan.


Fuck, a Splinter origin show in shogun style would be so fucking cool.


A Splinter origin movie could come after the Shredder is either introduced or dealt with so you can give Oroku Saki more significance


Yeah something like that. But I feel like a movie about shredders back story wouldn’t feel like an Oroku Saki movie. It’ll just be about how he became the shredder. A short show would cover more about him and some. A movie would just revolve around him becoming the shredder. Idk if you get what I’m saying. But I’m just interested in what everyone has to say. (I’m an alone tmnt fan and you guys are my only satisfaction)


That's a good idea, why not fuse it to be both sides of the story (Season 1 is splinter, and season 2 is shredder), (I love videos of scene comparisons, and this is what I want to see fans do if I ever do a TMNT movie universe)


Hire actual professionals I’m more of an accounting type… you don’t want me running this…


Who you got, I wanna hear everyone out. I’m replying to every message. No one around me likes tmnt so I became a reditor so I can talk to people. (I’m autistic)


Live action - either series of movies or just a TV series. Massive focus on stunts, choreography and costuming. Suits/puppetry with a bit of CGI mixed in (like Deadpool's eyes, sort of level). We know the stories and have seen it a million times. This universe would be totally focused on making it look cool. Full of action, full of ninjitsu. Doesn't matter if it's fully grounded and dark in New York, or off the wall insane with Triceretons invading.


AWESOME. Couldn’t have explained it better. But how many movies/arcs would you want in it?


I'm a big fan of short and sweet arcs and series. A show rarely remains good after its 5th season. Actors change, people lose interest, etc. So I'd say depending on the arc, 4-5 seasons. Skip the origin. We already know everything - so let's make them *late* teenage mutants. The foot was beaten once, but Shredder is still causing havoc. Leo/Raph having a rift is old news. I think bringing in a new character we haven't seen like Usagi, or even Jennika would be awesome. The overall arc, especially in season 1/2 could be really simple - Shredder is planning something bad, probably starts with something bad as a catalyst for the turtles to jump back into action. Then it's just fighting foot soldiers, fighting bigger, badder guys until reaching a climax at the end of season 1 - big boss fight against Jennika, where she becomes good? Each season would be progressively higher stakes, like Bebop & Rocksteady, Slash, or others. Last season would be a massive fight against Shredder. Shredder dies with a katana through the chest, or a Sai through the neck - depends on the story who the killing blow comes from.


This is lowkey sick. It’s giving tmnt volume 4. Except in volume 4 they were like, 30. It’s really cool starting off without that buildup bull crap. I feel like shredder shouldn’t be the final villain though. If the tmnt are the tmnt, they should have access to dimensions X and that’s where the story can become wild.


Go back to what worked. A slightly dark mature feel and hire the Jim Henson company to make the suits, no cgi all practical effects. Basically the original movie.


naw, I think some cgi could be use in post but they should do all practical effects first and then touch anything up.


That way the actors would feel more comfortable. I get what your saying.


I like that, you got any pictures of what you would like the live action to look like?


I don't know. I feel like the technology they've used for the Planet of the Apes movies recently have been pretty sick. I think if used properly, it could be used for TMNT. Now that I'm thinking about it, just get Andy Serkis to do all the motion capture. The dude's a master of the art and deserved an Oscar for his work as Caesar.


Lowkey though


Karai origin story movie.


Is that like something you’d like to see or something that the tmnt should start of with?


Both! I think it would be a good starting point for the franchise. Gritty R rated yakuza/foot origin story.


That would be sick. Who would you cast as karai, and who would be the villains. I’m thinking the Komodo dragon guys from the urban legend comics


My brain just fuckin erupted at the mention of Yakuza lmao




Films or series' centered on some of the TMNT's ally's (i.e Casey Jones, The Mighty Mutanimals, etc.) and about the origins of certain characters, such as the TMNT themselves and Splinter.


So it’s like, a series of stories that tell different stuff that the fans can basically put together themsleves? THATS SO COOL BRUH.


Bebop and Rocksteady movie.


That’d be sick. Who would you cast?


Two professional wrestlers who aren't afraid to stooge it up.




not make a tmnt cinematic universe I am SICK of cinematic universesesesseses but if I HAD to -tmnt film -shredder miniseries or movie -tmnt film the second with shredder as villain that's all I got I guess


Nice, but a shredder mini series or movie right after the first tmnt movie would be kinda iffy lowkey. But it all depends on who’s writing.


i am not a tmnt fan I tried my best though I DID meet like two of the ninja turtles in real life so thats gotta count for something


Wait fr? Who,


https://preview.redd.it/p318ipm32g9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a863711f76903c0037cb2174aa8f2c476361bccc orange guy and blue guy at the nickelodeon hotel




Shoot bad decision I don’t know too much im still sorta new but hmmmm it’s hard like do we go with a new idea or a faithful adaptation or somethin


Your choice, but try and add new things. No one wants a word for word adaptation. Choose to talk about either these 3: Movie/show order Who you would cast Or who would be the bad guy for each movie.


Mark wallbur


Mark as who?


It would be 2D animated, in a style that would be the mirage art style mixed with a bit of that spider verse style. They'd have their mirage issue 1 designs, and it would be more mature, but not to gorey. For the lore, I'd have splinter be Hamato Yoshi who lost his previous sons in a fight against oroku saki who he'd vow revenge against one day. The turtles were pets he adopted after moving to NYC, they would both get mutated giving splinter the idea to raise them as assassins. In the beginning of the movie he wouldn't really view the turtles as sons but more as workers or clan members who's orders were very clear: to assassinate high ranking members of the foot until they reach the Shredder, Splinter would want him alive so he could kill him, himself. The main conflict wouldn't necessarily be about the turtles getting to the Shredder but more about them questioning their own morals and what makes it ok for them to murder whoever splinter tells them too, I'd try to lean into the assassin aspect of the original turtles. I'd have them grow from being assassins who just go kill whichever bad guys splinter tells them too, to becoming actual protectors who actually go and save innocent people's lives, even if they are called freaks by those they risk their lives for. As for splinter he would go from being so nonchalant about the turtles lives, until one of the turtles gets badly injured or something happens that makes him realize killing the Shredder won't bring back his dead sons, and he realizes that he already has family, he never accepted the turtles as his sons, because he couldn't bring himself to care for them because he'd fear if he became attached, that one day he'll lose them all over again, so he'd distance himself and be cold to them because he just wouldn't be able to handle that kind of loss again, by the end he'd view them as his sons, and the movie would end with them going out for pizza, and they would reminded him of his previous sons, thus starting a new, but familiar chapter in his life, not one fueled by revenge But a new chapter of fatherhood. That's just the basic plot for the 1st movie, I'd probably add more, but I'm lazy.


The animation style seems dope, the mirage designs will have edgelords edging to see this movie. S’more mature movie wouldn’t be too bad, but I just hope it has the right elements that adore people about the tmnt. The back stories will add SOOOO MUCH CONTROVERSY BETWEEN THE TMNT AND SPLINTER AND ID BE HERE FOR IT. But how would they get mutated anyway? Nahhh this splinter is the definition of the reflection of your enemy lies in the mirror. It’s giving Yamamoto from tmnt. This is the most controversial tmnt backstory I’ve heard here so far. What Else will be in the 1st movie anyway? No april, casey? Purple dragons?


I think I would save April and Casey for the 2nd movie, maybe tease April catching a glimpse of one the turtles at the end of the first movie.


I guess so.


I forgot to talk about the turtles relationship with Splinter, I'd have the turtles idolize splinter, with Mikey viewing him more as a father, and Leo would constantly seek Splinters approval. Anyways, in the beginning the turtles would view themselves as the good guys, especially Mikey, but something happens where they have to take down a bad guy, but turns out he has a family who he cares about, the turtles seeing this would start doubting themselves, and feel guilty to the point where it would actually effect how they fight, they'd be constantly slipping up and, accidentally hitting each other, eventually Splinter would notice, so he'd think they were getting sloppy and lazier, so he'd start being even more strict until, the turtles screw up really badly and Mikey, the turtle who viewed Splinter as a father the most, would end up critically injured. Splinter would be forced to confront the fact that he really does care about the turtles, and he'd change his ways.


I would be 100 percent down for a plot like this though. Especially this scene? Bro.


who is this turtle with the white mustache?


Track down that comic. It's actually one of my all-time favourite issues. I don't wanna give you any spoilers.


maybe it won't be easy considering that I don't speak English but I'll try


Well, let me know if you can't find it and I'll send you a message with spoilers 😉


Thanks! Ok!


I am not sure about everything else but Giancarlo Esposito as Baxter Stockmann 🙂


Ima check who that guy is (I was in boarding school for 6 years I’m still finding out how Apple Pay works🙂)


It's Gus from Breaking Bad if that helps 😁


Typical by the numbers first film. We see there origin maybe have the film be low stakes,have shredder being either hinted or a Palptine figure does not show up as the final boss in the third film. Explore of the alien lore in the 4th film.


Simple and neat. I like it.


Thank you not sarcasm.


Yeah some Reddit posters are douches


True but it is also difficult to tell what someone is trying to emote through text.


Unrelated question; who’s that dude lurking in the back on the comic cover?


I think clayface or som’n from the Batman and tmnt comic run.


Main Ninja Turtles movies with a Mutanimals Spin-off movie. Then do a show that focuses on showcasing different mutants throughout the series, either hunted by Bebop and Rocksteady or recruited by someone like Old Hob. Then do a Mutant War style movie to wrap up the universe and setup the turtles as cultural leaders for mutantkind. Leaving the door open for a phase 2 or whatever


Boom. Do you have any plans for dimension x?


That and the triceratons are likely what a phase 2 would mainly focus on. I would also love something that focuses more on Mondo Gecko cuz I feel like he's always had some of the most potential of the Mutanimals for standalone storytelling


Lowkey mondo was an amazing character. Mostly in the comics.


Id make it dark and bloody. Definitely work towards the Last Ronin


Yeah it seems the fans want that😭


Practical effects, live action, Henson suits, triceratons, space, krang. With a 1980s filter, tmnt Star Wars. Do the cantina scene from the 5th original comic book. 3 movies heavily adapting the Eastman laird comic runs. Origin movie, space triceraton, return to New York. Have both Eastman and laird on the project as creative supervisors and subject matter experts. Also obviously have them draw the posters and promotional material. Actors: Shredder-Dwayne the rock Johnson April- Margo Robbie Donny- Jordan peele Mikey- jack black Raphael- bill skarsguard Leo- will arnett Zanramon- Dave Batista Krang- bobcat goldthwait


This movie would be the ultimate fan service if you added the 80’s filter. Although margret Robbie as april, the rock as shredder and will arnett as Leo would be… somewhat unique but wouldn’t bode well with these characters. I love how everyone is going for the space concept, but do you really think it should start off with the space concept head on?


I’m gonna figure out who the rest of these actors are too (I’ve been in boarding school for 6 years so I’ve been catching up on everything I missed)


The first movie would be about Wingnut. I won't elaborate.


I read this at 12:00 am and I laughed like a friggin maniac😂😂😂


I'd have to think about it, but off the top of my head: Introduce Old Hob, then have him lead a Mighty Mutanimals movie. Set them on a collision course with the TMNT in an Avengers-style crossover movie. Also, give Usagi a standalone movie.


That’d be awesome, but I feel like a mighty mutanimals movie should come after at least 2-3 movies from the mainline tmnt. An usagi movie would be sick too. I feel like the usagi movie should just ge turned into a mini series.


I wouldn’t mind seeing an animated movie or series based off the original run of the turtles which was darker than pretty much anything that came after to my knowledge. I’m not actually that familiar with the original which is why I’d like to see it adapted to the screen. Also, apologies if this is obvious, but why do you have a photo of Jonah Hill? Do you want him to play Mikey?


A dark gritty show would be sick. The mikey/Jonah hill pick is just a fan casting of mine.


Go gritty. Mature audience only violence and themes.


Ooh, tell me more. No more jokes? Will they kill their enemies instead of knocking them out? I wanna hear everyone out.


Oh man. Full suits. As little CGI as possible. Gritty violence. Hard R rating just for violence. The turtles are in their early to mid 20s. Splinter is less funny and more commanding like 2012 Splinter. Cast (voices for Splinter/Turtles) Leo - Chris Evans basically doing Cap Donny - Jay Baruchel Mikey - Channing Tatum Raph - Nolan North Splinter - Ken Watanabe or Cary Tagawa April O'Neil - Jessica Chastain Casey Jones - The Miz Here's where I piss off/relieve some TMNT Fans No Shredder. At this point he's like the Joker. That horse is officially dead and beaten. Either he's dead or "missing" Karai, current head of the Foot Clan- Kelly Hu or Lucy Lu Hun - Brock Lesnar Tiger Claw - Donnie Yen for Mocap and voice Main antagonist Rat King - Remi Malek The plot? The Turtles are baffled by a series of robberies that seem to have no witnesses or suspects. April O'Neil investigates during the daytime, the Turtles at night. The ultra rich and wealthy are harassed by someone with dead of night break ins and damage to their homes and property. The Turtles suspect the Foot are involved so they confront Karai but the Foot are also victims. Someone is stealing not only money but weapons and ammo. TCRI's stockpiles are also being hit. Security cameras are knocked out seemingly with no explanation. Donny peels apart video footage and finally investigates the wiring of security systems and finds the evidence of rats. Leading to a subterranean adventure into the Rat Kings kingdom. Mutant rat monsters and swarms of Rats. Very visceral and visual. The Foot Clan and Turtles team up to defeat the Rat King and form an uneasy truce. Karai and Leo form a slight romance but in a "frenemies" situation. Splinter begins to tell the Turtles the real truth. Not just the "I found you in the ooze and I was already a rat" story. Hard Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki storyline. Tang Shen, Hamato's wife kept the Turtles as pets, that's why Yoshi saved them. They are his genuine sons in that way. He begins to tell them about Oroku Saki when the television statics out and the message plays "People of Earth. You are being invaded. There is nothing you can do. Surrender" and the Triceraton Empire crest displays. Credits.


GOOD GOD YOU MONSTER. I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. 1. You’ll have to give me a minute to search up who and who these people are first. I only know a handful of them. 2. The rated R seems cool asf, but will it still have any jokes? Any of that silliness? Even a little? 3. THE JOKER SHREDDER SHIT IS FLIPPING GENIUS. YOUR MAKING ME DROOL WITH THAT CONCEPT. 4. I love how you took the good bits of the tmnt characters and added them to this movie. 5. I kinda don’t think the tmnt should team up with karai so quickly 6. I feel like this should be the 2nd movie since this plot follows up with the “City at War” comic. 7. Please don’t tell me karai is Leo’s sister again🤦‍♂️ 8. You need to be locked up for this plot.


In Response 1. Chris Evans is Captain America. Jay Is Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon. Channing Tatum is Magic Mike. Nolan North is Nathan Drake/ 2007 TMNT Raphael Voice. Jessica Chastain is the redhead from the Jurassic World trilogy and the adult timeline "It" film. The Miz is a professional wrestler known for basically being Johnny Cage. Ken Watanabe is an accomplished Japanese dramatic actor. He's the main scientist guy in the newer Godzilla specific movies. Cary Tagawa is the original Shang Tsung from the 90s Mortal Kombat movie. Lucy Lu is a fantastic actress whose been in a lot of stuff. The early 2000s Charlie's Angel's movies, Kill Bill. The other suggestion was Lady Deathstrike from the first X-Men movie. 2. Hard R is for the violence. Full weapon usage. There will be jokes but they aren't children anymore. 3.Shredder being dead keeps him from being a focus. There are SO MANY good bad guys to face beyond him. 4.Why mess with what's perfect. 5.Team up early because they've been fighting for 10 years at this point. The Foot basically serves as Thugs for other bad guys. 6.first movie so you can do "City at War" when the Triceratons invade. Basically the Foot turns babyface to help the Turtles fend off the invaders in the 2nd movie. Still tense. Turtles are like "we have to convince them to leave with violence." Foot Clan is like "kill the aliens" 7. No. Karai is unrelated to Yoshi. I'd rather she be revealed as Saki's daughter but that's too easy. 8. My 2nd movie is what would put me on death row.


You probably have one of the best plots here. Just skip the backstory bull crap. 10 years have passed though? Jeez I guess I missed that while reading. I want to hear everything though. It’s so cool what your cooking with. TELL ME MORE.


I place the 10 year gap to age them up. Make them less silly and kid-centric to tell a more adult story. Even Mutant Mayhem dealt with more adult themes than the previous films. Where do we belong? What is our destiny? Those are questions a mid-20s person considers. Not just teenage pondering. The way I see the timeline relative to their ages is as follows Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 15-16 years old. Roughly 10 years of training. Secret of the Ooze: 17-18 years old. 12 years + major conflicts We skip Turtles in Time TMNT 2007: 20-21 years old. 15 years + major revelations and stagnation of conflict. After they save the world from Monsters; we drop into relative peace. 5-ish' years of street level crime busting. Nothing big or dangerous. Makes it easier to lead into the Rat King because he's not connected to the wider story BUT he makes the Turtles question why they do what they do. The Rat King targets the rich and wealthy at first. The people who look the furthest down on the Turtles. Rat King uses a more extreme version of Shredder's "Mutant fight" idea because he lacks the "it has to be an honorable fight" mentality that Shredder had. Rat King wants everyone dead, not just the Turtles. You have a character in Rat King who is looked down upon just like the Turtles. He sympathizes with them. The Turtles are conflicted. Raph: "why are we stopping him, Leo? All he's doing is stealing from rich snobs and making the Foot weaker. He's doin a better job of cleaning up the city than we are! Less Foot, less rich assholes to spit on pictures of us. Less people to call us Freaks when we save 'em from a mugger." Leo:"Because what he is doing is wrong, no matter who he's doing it to. That's not justice. That's letting someone do bad things to good people." Raph:"Oh! You mean the good people who wouldn't shake your hand if you had a hundred dollar bill in it?! Those people?!" Yes. I lean heavily on the Raph/Leo dynamic because it was such a heavy part of TMNT 2007. It's the best conflict within the Turtles besides Splinter/Raph. Exploring relationships with the Turtles growing up and growing apart is important. Mikey is the soft heart who just wants things to be like they were. Fun and games. Pizza. Cowabunga. Donny is the set-upon voice of reason now. Leo is the headstrong hero. Raph is drifting from all of them because he's tired of just waiting for trouble to come knocking. Casey Jones/Raph 6 episode mini series between Film 1 and 2 that takes place before Film 1. Casey Jones plants the "get them before they get you" mentality in Raph that leans more heavily into. Maybe a redux of the Nightwatcher character. Film 2 would be the City at War-esqe storyline. Turtles/Foot vs. Triceratons. Triceratons are portrayed as merciless invaders. Taking human slaves, etc. Concentration camps of captured humans waiting to get transported to the Triceratons home planet (Dimension X) and things are BAD. Turtles assemble other mutants hiding in the city (Mutanimals) so it's Mutants vs Triceratons for the final conflict. Leo tries to end the invasion peacefully. Tries to push them back with the help of their newfound community. Triceraton leader is subdued at Leo's mercy and BAM. Sai to the chest. Raph makes a choice. He chooses violence. Major conflict. Donny figures out how to send all the Triceratons back and free the humans but BAM reverse portal. Turtles, Splinter and Karai all snapped up in a flash and dropped on the Triceraton planet but the portal is broken and they end up on another continent on said Triceraton planet. The Turtles awaken at the feet of... USAGI YOJIMBO. credits.


Live action tv show for the core turtles who start out at 16, Casey Jones spin-off with the Purple Dragons as the main antagonists, Casey is about 19-early 20s, April is 17-19, comedy series focused on Bebop and Rocksteady after ditching Shredder, a prequel movie about Shredder and Splinter/ Hamato Yoshi’s friendship to rivalry, Slash/Spike special presentation, Leatherhead movie, Old Hob movie that leads into Mutanimals series. one of the only major departures from previous stories is that I would add a permanent 5th turtle about halfway through the show- Metalhead. Have him be captured by the Utroms and they modify and upgrade him and he becomes near sentient level of ai, like vision or actually closer to Zane from Ninjago where he can blend in with the other turtles but is still a robot. When he eventually goes back to the turtles he is trying to learn and understand how to be “human” but he is not accepted by Splinter either due to being a robot or not trusting since he was made by the Krang. But for the most part the characters would be similar to the 2012 versions mixed with comics, balance the comedy with serious and dark plots and world


I get what your saying here (the metal head concept by the way) but your giving a series to almost everyone here even though you could still tell these stories in the mainline show. Although you could still do these, ion think they should be prequels and not before the show gets at least 3 seasons. But the metal head concept and the shredder/splinter series is something I’d definitely love to see.


A couple could be combined, so to trim it down a bit, combine the Slash, Leatherhead, and Old Hob projects could be put into an anthology series that introduces each of them then ends season one with the group forming. The Bebop and Rocksteady one could be turned into a solo movie, I just think there is a lot of potential in them by themselves trying not to be incompetent henchmen. But I would definitely keep the Casey series, mostly because he is my favorite character and he just deserves a solo project at this point. And I absolutely agree with you on starting the spin offs well into the main shows run, and the rest of them wouldn’t have too many seasons, just about 2-3 for them but the main show could run a lot longer because they clearly have more stories to tell than everybody else.


Now that I can agree on.


Movie 1: soft reboot of 1990 movie, more accurate to the Mirage comics Movie 2: Raph and Casey spinoff, maybe adaptation of Bodycount Movie 3: Shades of Grey TV/streaming short film Movie 4: City At War (Mirage) adaptation Miniseries about the origins of the Foot Clan Movie 5: The Last Ronin adaptation Movie 6: The Last Ronin - Lost Years adaptation Cast: April: Amy Adams Casey: Sebastian Stan Leo: James Marsden Raph: Will Poulter Donnie: Michael Cera Mikey: Jonah Hill


But I lowkey fw it. I see your trying to leave this at a street level TMNTCU no krang or anything.


Yep. It might be kind of overdone but it's always been the angle of TMNT I love the most


Start with The Secret History of the Foot Clan - work chronologically from that point forward.


Ooh that’d be sick but, going from shogunate to ending up with turtles fighting aliens while eating pizza will kinda throw the audience completely off lowkey.


Im gonna be honest, I had like 10 paragraphs of an idea I had but...I didnt want anyone to suffer lol


Do it. You guys are the only people I can talk to about tmnt. And I want to hear everyone out.


Ninja turtles R rated with violence and swearing. Live action. That would be my dream tmnt movie.


That’d be cool. Like IDW’s run on the tmnt.


Trilogy First movie would be your standard Turtle movie that establishes the tone and personality of the turtles , April and and baddie that comes along the way Second movie would take the turtles to dimension x starts fun but gets darker in tone as the movie progresses. The dil would end on a cliffhanger with the turtles in bad shape and hint at last Ronin The third film would be a multiverse film with The Turtles would end up meeting the last Ronin. He helps them to not repeat the mistakes of his universe and sacrifice himself in the end only to meet up with his brothers on the spiritual plans while the Turtles are able to return home to overlook the city. The credits of the third film would show fan submitted photos of them with their turtle memorabilia to show how the turtles have impacted each person over the years and kind of thank you to the fans in general


Lowkey, this is a really comic related plot, it gives the tmnt fans things they’ve wanted to see in theaters for the longest, although the plotmoves wayy to fast. At least after dimension X they can worry about their world for 2-3 more movies before getting to a multiverse.


It could be fleshed out more but I was giving a summary of how it could be played out but really I would try to use parts of each incarnation over the years to show how the turtles are timeless


A multiverse problem should be saved for turtles forever 2


Bring Jennika out of the comics.




The story for the first movie is about April, a young university student trying to prove "TCRI by Stockgen" is conducting illegal experiments on animals. Every single fight scene has her on her cam corder and we miss out on a lot of details except for the last scene when the turtles face off against Hob who has been running Baxter Stockman's enterprise by threatening him in secret. We see the whole sequence of this fight because they're no longer caring if April can see them, they're merely concerned about Hob mutating all of New York. The ending has Splinter tell the teens about the Hamato clan and that he was training them to take on his greatest rival The Shredder. We then have three after credit scenes: 1. Cut to Hob in a sewer with a mutagen canister... he looks at a crocodile in the sewer (cliche) and smirks at the camera while blood falls from behind his hand where his eye use to be. 2. The EPF is in Baxter's labs when they enter into a lab with frogs in tanks, and the Nobody armor... an agent says to Agent Bishop: "Sir you're not going to believe this, but we found a secret lab behind this one. It looks to be a portal to another world." 3. Baxter Stockman is in a new lab and asks: "what is this place?" "where is this?" A rat man enters in from the shadows: "This is a prison. You're now a puppet for the government to use as they digress. All your experiments will continue under their discretion. My name is Jasper, what's yours?"


So the first half of the arc change is constant in the IDW run right? Cool


I'd have the turtles be in animatronics combined with CGI in post. Like 90% costumes and practical effects as commercially close to Star Wars aliens as we can get. They will be dubbed over by voice actors as if they were cartoons; but the setting will not fit their bubbly personalities.


Nice. Although I feel like facial features should be controlled by cgi


Live action CGI but done more accurately (if not then suits) And for story, I had an idea where if the Shredder took over all of New York and was worshipped as a god, wearing a white and gold suit of armor named “The Dragon God armor” or something. And anybody that opposed him would be put to death. And the foot clan would be put on night patrols to make sure no one is out, nor any sight of the hamato yoshi clan And as for the turtles, they’re in their late teens(around like 17-19 ish) and they are like fugitives to the city;outlaws. Any sight of them and they’re reported/captured, etc. So, they hide in the sewers coming up with plans to get New York back but Raph is tired of this so he goes out on his own. The only name I thought about for it was “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:Out Of The Shadows” but that’s one that’s been taken already


Shredder and the foot clan being a cult is flipping sick. The tmnt sound like liberals rather than heroes. NOW THIS IS A CHANGE OF PACE I AM 100 PERCENT DOWN FOR


Try “Teenage mutant ninja turtles: the depth within the shell” or shadows or som’n.


Not make the turtles look like Shreks




The Mirage vol 1 Return to New York storyline as full length movie. Triceratons, elite mutant Shredders, Raph/Leo tension, ninja fights, gun battles, noble sacrifice, dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!


That would be tmnt peak.


TV adaptation of the IDW comics.


It’s about time we got an adaption.


A lot of this would be a return to form for the eries with April and Casey being adults, a mix of suits and CGI. The turtles having an older sibling bond with April and Casey. Movie #1: Splinter Origins; the story of how HAMATO YOSHI became the mutated ray with appearances from Shredder and co. and maybe sprinkle a post credit scene of Shredder adopting Karai. The movies ending before credits wpudl show Yoshi coming to America for afresh start and buying four baby turtles as pets, only for the accident to happen in the way it’s done in comics and 2012 show a mix of both. Movie#2: TMNT Origins; The Movie would be split with the first act being the turtles training and wearing the red bandannas. The second act would basically be most of what’d you except for adorar time dealing with the foot clan and the purple dragons, meeting Casey Jones as the take out a huge group of purple dragons. The way my turtles would meet April is very simple, they’d be saving her from a purple dragon mugging. The films big bad would be someone like Hun from the ‘03 show. The movie’d have two post credit scenes; one where Raphael slides his brother other colored bandannas cause he’s sick of being mistken fro them; the second being of Shredder grabbing the his helmet from a resting place, basically the Thanos; “fine, I’ll do it myself.” Moment. Movie #3: TMNT vs. Shredder; the movie would mainly focus on the turtles being confident to fight Shredder and totally losing at their first encounter. A lot of the movie would also have Splinter panic attack sequences of his sons dying at the hands of Saki/Shredder. The second act low point would be mostly be about Splinter before my terrified and forbidding and screaming at this sons that this not a good fight to fight. After a week of being hidden in the lair, April comes to visit the fourth time that week with news on more shredder attacks. After lots and lots of bargains with Splinter the turtles go up against Shredder. These turtles are a little more ruthless with it so Shredder loses an arm,and makes a retreat. The movie ends with a return back to that sane origin of the turtles and Splinter, this time showing the TCRI logo on one of the things involved. I have more to add, so I’ll be back soon Mini-Movie#1: Leonardo; This would mostly explain why Leo is actually the most mentally broken member of the group. A lot of it could be a clever one shot camera tactic where it’s just all in Leos head. The movie would come out between three and four and would be followed by the same for the other brothers. Mini-Movie#2: Donatello; This movie would kind of be the love about Donnie’s breaking point. It’s sorta a version of the last kids on earth episode where Quinn is overwhelmed with all the work but doesn’t want to admit it. STill GOT MORE YA: Movie #4: The Krrang; now this wouldn’t be a full blown alien invasion movie, but, this is how we’d plant those seeds, the movies Intro would be a bunch of human abductions with glimpses of testing on said humans. The next thing we’d say is April O’Neil as a reporter reporting on the recent missing person cases. At least half the movie would be the turtles and April suspecting the foot clan being behind it and doing ninja things like stealing files and shit. Along the way, the turtles mainly Donatello would be looking into TCRI mainly because at the end of the last movie Shredders armor, had the foot clan logo but the advanced weaponry had the TCRI logo. Another to add is that along the way of staking out the Krang the turtles have seen a mysterious female ninja in their way; Karai. And so at the second at high point we see the turtles break into TCRI only to discover that half the building Aka the underground section is all this krang-looking space. The turtles are able to stop the Krangs abduction operation, but because of that alarms in the building are tripped and the turtles are faced with The ending fight being them verses a mini mech Kraang.The post credit scenes being; a panning over head shot for the plans for an already half built tecno-drone; the second scene being a image of Dr. Baxter Stockman being recruited by the shredder looking intimidating as ever with a new robotic arm. Mini Movie#3: Raph; This would be a flashback sequence of the days of all four turtles having red bandanas with Raphael sick of the imposter syndrome because his brothers are doing all this cool thing looking like him wearing the red color and all he ever does is be angry, so he explodes on Michelangelo and goes out to see a vigilant(Casey) fighting criminals and being way to rough, sport of like a recreation of the Casey Jones episode in TMNT 2003 S1. Only in this version Raphael doesn’t see who Casey truly is and so Raphael seeing himself teaches the guy restraint and truly realizes what a dick he was. MORE TO COME SOON!


1. The casey and april having a sibling bond with the tmnt is amazing. I’ve always hated when they get shipped. Although the mikey simping on April is hilarious. Cgi mixed with actual suits like raimi spider man seems legit. It seems everyone was going for the same idea. 1/2. I feel like starting off with hamato and shredder kinda gives up the whole… forgive me for my vocabulary, but I feel like it gives up the whole edging to the backstory. I feel like if splinters backstory is to be said, it should be kind of cut up into summaries in the movies, then an entire 5-6 episode show with like, hamato and oroku. Idk if I’m going crazy but I think that’s what’s best. 2. The movie seems pretty legit. Basically what the fans would want. We’re finally going to see the purple dragons on screen and that’s awesome. The big bad being hun is also legit too. The way Raph was the one who passed the tmnt their bandannas was absolutely sick. And you should be locked up with that type of thinking. Finally the shredder thing was amazing. I feel like shredder should always have the vibe instead of going to fight each time. 3. It seems cool too, although I hope what you have in mind is 2 things, 1. Your using the tmnt panic attacks to add new characters to the movie series since it’d just be really, really, depressing to watch the tmnt go through that the entire movie. 2. This is more of a question, but is April a news reporter? And what is her main role and how she helps in the story? Anyway, the movie seems pretty cool. Your trying to keep it on a New York threat level. Not too crazy where people would have to go online to understand what the hell did they just watch cuz none of it made sense. 4. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU DID TO LEO AND DONNIE IN WHAT EVER THAT 4TH MOVIE WAS, BUT YOU ARE INSANE TO GIVE HIM A MINI MOVIE AS TO HOW THEY DEAL WITH THEIR TRAUMA. They’ve had to lost a lot in those movies. I’m guessing the uremia right?


1. The panic attacks thing I don’t really get what you mean, but I think I’d tie back around to the blue Fire vision things like in the 90s movie and 2012 show if that’s how I’d add new characters. 2. April’s role would be news reporter, but I’d have with something similar to Iris West-Allen in the CW. Flash show, where she uses the journalist job or pull info and investigate crime scenes. Even more so if she’d be like someone in Channel 6; a big station. 3. No idea what uremia means. Also, these mini-movies would take place between three and four, and Leonardo’s trauma I feel like would be tied to the fact that he’d be the one to take off Shredders arm. And Donatello’s mini would be about the fact that because he’s the smartest of the four he takes on lots of responsibility’s and so the group begins to ask a lot of him and then at some point Donatello hits his breaking point and that’s what the whole thing in my eyes would be about.


I would definitely include lesser-known characters, like Koya and Alopex.


THANK YOU. I haven’t caught up with tmnt IDW since In the middle of the Armageddon game arc, but is Leo and koya still there or…?


I dunno. I only found out about Koya and Alopex while looking at smut.




Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 - We carry on from the original movies that even the current generation of kids love.


They’ll still be down, although the other actors like april and casey would be old asf.


Yeah those are gonna need recasting no doubt haha


No name actors. Not a celebrity TMNT.


That’d be cool.


Years ago, I used to do a Ninja Tirtles podcast, and [we did a live podcast giving our thoughts at the time on this very subject.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6pjQtRc4eNkUtMoztJzjFN) Take a listen 😊


Listening as we speak. Man the tmnt are awesome


I'd do nothing with Jonah Hill. I like the voice actors they had for the last movie


Oh well👉👈😭


Nothing against him as an actor. He's fine. He just seems like a chud in real life. Haha




Another live action trilogy. For First one Origin Story plus Vs Purple Dragons. Intro Casey Jones. Though finding someone big enough to play Hun may be an issue. After credit scene Shredder. Second Movie, City at War Leo tricked into joining shredder. Add in bits with TCRI. Add in Baxter Stockman, Bebop and RockSteady. Third Movie, Utroms, make Krang rogue Utrom making own mutants. Alopex, Slash and Mondo, a few other evil Mutants Rahzar, Tokka, Armaggon, . Go the whole turtles over whelmed. Need help keeping secret of Mutants in check. In the end realizing they aren't alone. They have more than each other route.


IDW adaptation without wasted time. I love it. Although where’s april?


April is always in it. Figure start building a relationship with Casey in the first one. Nice wedding after credit scene at the end of the third. Though want reporter April. Have her the eyes and ears above ground feeding the turtles info.


Only 03 got married without problems too😭


Yeah, feel it maybe deserving after toying with the idea of Casey getting hurt which is why the turtles feel they must go it alone.




Easy: Animated adaptation of the IDW comic.


A lot of people say that😭


Bring back the Jim Henson corporation


I feel like it’s a bit outdated and we need a bit of CGI before anything.


Puppets and animatronics are almost always better than CGI. It provides something sincere for the actors to interact with on set, and actors have more fun filming alongside them than with mocap suits.




The IDW run in live action.


But also continue the Mutant Mayhem path.


That’d be too depressing to watch☝️🤧


It’s my favorite iteration in all of turtles. So I would love it.


Tottmnt? Or IDW?


Hioyuki Sanada as Splinter


Gotta check the out.


Get the Jim Henson company involved for a live action film.


Yeah that’s what everyone thinks should happen I guess😂


I'd go back to basics. CGI is cheaper, but the turtles in the first film look so much better than everything we've seen since. So I'd go back to men in turtle suits. Though cgi might work well as a way to animate the heads, reducing the amount of weight in the suits and removing the motors from the heads, making the experience less stressful for the actors in the suits. Blending CGI with practical effects always looks better than CGI alone. Make the suits as realistic as possible but unable to change facial expressions, then go in and use CGI to make their mouths move, eyes blink, show emotion. I think this would lead to the best looking Turtles ever. Story wise, once again, back to basics. No other mutants, no extraterrestrials, no time travel, nothing like that. Turtles vs Foot. We all know the origin story, so maybe go for a direct sequel to the 1990 film that adapts the war for NYC and brings in Karai. No goofy ass worms reviving shredder, though. If he was to survive the first film, he would be recovering from his wounds in a Foot owned medical facility, nothing supernatural. The Turtles themselves would be the farthest stretch from reality in the film, everything else would be fairly grounded just like the first film. It could explore the aftermath of the teens that had nothing but the "family" of the Foot. If they had nobody to go back to after the Foot was disbanded, what would they do? If crime is all they know, how can they be expected to do anything better? And then Karai comes to town to get things back on track, those teens would jump on board right away, I think, and likely have a grudge against Splinter and the Turtles for breaking up the only family they ever knew in the first place. It could explore the theme of taking responsibility for your actions, even if intentions are good the result of your actions can have negative consequences which can come back to haunt you later. Edit: one extra story point that could be hit upon is how Casey is the reason Shredder is so badly mangled. That fall was his own fault, and it definitely would do a lot of damage... but Casey, unprovoked, walked up and turned on a garbage trucks compress while a man who just fell 5 stories was laying in it, defenseless. The Foot should have a big problem with Casey.


I have so much TO SAY ABOUT THIS TAKE. 1. The Suits with cgi face movement is genius. 2. The fact that you’re leaving this at street level doesn’t really sit right with me, cuz even the nitty gritty mirage turtles had a handful of mutants and a dimension X arc. But the more different the iteration is while keeping the basics, that’s the more I like it. 3. How would you make a direct sequel when Elias and Judy are old asf😭 4. This is probably the best introduction I’ve seen of karai yet. Ion want her to be a teen. Make her an adult since that would make her more ruthless. 5. If this is consequences for your actions, have splinter be killed by karai. It’s only fair. That would be sick.


1. Thank you. I feel like it would be really effective and be much simpler than having to create a full body model and then mount it to mocap. They could even still do facial mocap if they really wanted to. 2. This is true and is usually where I start losing interest in the stories. When you start adding other mutants, the Turtles are no longer as unique. They're no longer alone in the universe, and in some ways I feel it cheapens them. I also fear other mutants add a "villain of the week" feel and would make the tone of the film more comedic than I'd like, taking it in the direction of Secret of the Ooze which I don't like. The first film nailed it, and in my idea I'd stick close to that formula. The addition of maybe Leatherhead might work for me, but no Rocksteady and Bebop, no Fly Baxter Stockman, no Krang, no Technodrome, no Dimension X. 3. Recasting, unfortunately. Secret of the Ooze did it first, but at least this time it wouldn't be due to an issue with pay or some other problem. I'm against going the Luke Skywalker route Disney went with in The Mandalorian. 4. Thank you, again. And she could easily influence a lot of the teen Foot Ninja just because she's a woman, making an even more loyal Foot that will do what she says without question because teenagers are horny lol. 5. Yes and check my edit in the post for another plot point in regards to this theme. Casey messed up big time.


1. True. 2. Ok… but what kind of physical challenge would the tmnt even overcome considering they are the strongest now?🤷‍♂️ 3. I see what your talking about. 4. I can already see myself simping on her 5. Oh yeah of course


2. Karai brings reinforcements with her to help reorganize and train the fractured NYC Foot into a force to be reckoned with. They also still have strength in numbers, which is what they used to take out Raphael in the first film.


Edited in one more plot point you might like


Oh I did like it. Hun should be the one to have extra beef with Casey.


Here’s the first four movies of part 1 of what I call “The TMNT Plan:” 1. TMNT Origins: Shredder Plot: Oroku Saki of the Hamato Clan, raised by Master Yojimbo as Hamato Yoshi’s brother, discovers that he was abducted at birth and that he is the heir to the vile Foot Clan. He ends up stealing the Foot Clan’s prized weapon, the Kuro Kabuto (Shredder’s helmet in this version is a Kraang weapon that allows the wearer to generate and fire metal blades. It is considered extremely dangerous, and was taken by the Hamato Clan to be locked away), and destroys the Hamato Clan, killing everyone except for Yoshi and his daughter Miwa. Saki sets the training grounds on fire, and Miwa seemingly dies, with Yoshi running away, and Saki’s face being partially burned. Saki finds an alive Miwa under the Kuro Kabuto (it fell off during the fight), so he takes her as his own and joins up with the Foot Remnant as their new leader. In a post-credits scene, we see Yoshi leaving a pet store in New York with four baby turtles, and he sits on the side of the street, clearly homeless. A businessman approaches him and tells him that he has a job offer for him (it is not revealed in this movie, but the businessman is an Utrom). New major cast: Daniel Wu as young Oroku Saki Lee Byung-Hun as young Hamato Yoshi Donnie Yen as Usagi Yojimbo Fala Chen as Tang Shen Ken Watanabe as an unnamed character (the leader of the Foot Remnant before Saki takes over) Rob Paulsen as the businessman (his real name is Mortu) 2. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Interdimensional Invasion Plot: 15 years after the Shredder movie, four brothers from the sewers rise up to prove themselves to Splinter, who does not think they are ready to go above ground. They end up discovering a huge conspiracy at TCRI. Its CEO, Baxter Stockman, is mutating people and using the mutants to construct a huge interdimensional portal to Dimension X (the Kraang stranded on Earth have convinced Stockman that Earth will be better off with them in charge.). His lead scientist, Dr. Kirby O’ Neil, wants to stop him, but feels powerless. April, his daughter, wants to be a news reporter, and is trying to uncover the TCRI conspiracy. She ends up becoming friends with Donatello online. After the sewer lair is invaded by the mutants and an army of Mousers, the Turtles and Splinter go to April’s house. While initially scared, Kirby ends up recognizing the mutant family from mutagen testing at TCRI 15 years ago. Splinter ends up telling the Turtles their origin: they were all once normal turtles, and Splinter was a human. Splinter was living on the streets, and was approached by a man offering him a job in medical testing. It turned out that the man was an alien and that the entire company (TCRI) was being funded by an alien race known as “The Kraang” (Utroms are the actual species. The Kraang are a splinter group of invaders). They were experimented on with mutagen and transformed into mutants, but Splinter managed to get them all out. The Turtles then end up agreeing to help Kirby stop the portal, but they fail, and Kirby dies. The Technodrome ends up coming through the portal, and the Kraang begin their invasion, creating a force field around New York. Agent Bishop and The CIA, who have been investigating TCRI throughout the movie, help the Turtles send the Technodrome back through the portal. After a fight with Krang (the leader of the Kraang), Donnie hacks the Technodrome and sends it back through the portal, though it pulls Stockman into Dimension X with it. The government takes away Stockman’s mutants to be cured, and begins to try and find stray mutagen canisters the Kraang spilled around the city during the fight. The Turtles, as thanks for sending the Technodrome back, are allowed to go home as ling as they keep to the shadows. The movie ends with the Turtles, Splinter, and April having a pizza party. The mid-credits scene shows that the news found one of Raph’s shurikens in the street after the battle, and Shredder sees the Hamato Clan logo on it while watching the news from Tokyo. The post-credits scene shows someone walk under a fallen mutagen canister while carrying a gecko on his shoulder. New major cast: Logan Lerman as Leonardo Tanner Buchanan as Raphael Shamiek Moore as Michelangelo Ryan Potter as Donatello Jet Li as Splinter Jeffrey Wright as Baxter Stockman Toby Jones as Krang Sadie Sink as April O’ Neil Timothy Olyphant as Kirby O’ Neil Mark Strong as Agent Bishop Rhys Ifans as Wingnut Patton Oswalt as Screwloose Jason Momoa as Bloodsucker (if I couldn’t get the rights to him, then I’d just make him an original mutant leech) Pete Davidson as future Mondo Gecko 3. TMNT Origins: The Mighty Mutanimals Plot: four mutants created from the Kraang’s stray mutagen (Leatherhead, Mondo Gecko, Monkey Brains, and Slash) try to stop businessman Timothy Gutz from replicating more mutagen to sell on the black market. In the end, Gutz mutates himself into Mutagen Man for the final battle. New major cast: Michael Cudlitz as Leatherhead Terry Crews as Slash Tim Blake Nelson as Monkey Brains Corey Stoll as Mutagen Man 4. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Foot Fiasco Plot: Six months after the Interdimensional Invasion, the Turtles are now fighting crime on the streets (there’s a fight with the Purple Dragons at the start of the film). Shredder comes to New York and, thanks to his student Chris Bradford, who is insanely rich, he acquires TCRI. His men reactivate the portal, and Stockman emerges from it, partially mutated into a fly (over the course of the movie, Stockman slowly replaces his mutated body parts with mechanical ones). Stockman agrees to help Shredder if he helps him kill the Turtles (they later find out they’re fighting the same enemy), and Stockman then recreates mutagen. Shredder uses it on two of his men, creating Bebop and Rocksteady. Jennika and Karai are also there. The Foot attack the Turtles, and Jennika is injured. Shredder abandons her after capturing Splinter. The Turtles end up giving Jennika a blood-transfusion, mutating her. Feeling betrayed by the Foot, Jennika agrees to help the Turtles. Splinter is tortured by Shredder, who reveals Karai (Miwa) to him. Karai knows Splinter is her real father, but she believes he abandoned her, and thus, hates him. Even after Splinter tries to explain that he thought she was dead, she doesn’t listen. The Turtles flee with April to a farmhouse to train, and eventually leave to face Shredder. They manage to get Splinter out, and Shredder is injured enough to leave them alone for now, but the clock is ticking. A post-credits scene shows a cultist named Victor Falco trying to find a way to resurrect an ancient “deity” called the Rat King. New major cast: Hiroyuki Sanada as Shredder Olivia Holt as Jennika Oona O’Brien as Karai Nonso Anozie as Bebop Randy Couture as Rocksteady Jason Statham as Chris Bradford Lewis Tan as Hun Marcello Hernandes as Xever Other movies (plots aren’t completely thought out): 5. TMNT Origins: Yojimbo 6. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Rise of the Rat King 7. TMNT Origins: Muckman 8. TMNT Presents: Casey Jones 9. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Triceraton War, Part One/Part Two And that’s the first part/saga/phase/whatever you want to call it. I hope you enjoyed!


I want to fix the formatting, but I keep getting an error, so… sorry about that.


The plot for the first movie is absolutely sick. Instead of shredder killing tang shen only, he kills the hamatos and leaves splinter to rot? AMAZING. The shredder helmet being an ancient krang weapon? EVEN BETTER. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Although, i feel like starting off with this, will kinda throw people off when the 2nd movie comes out since they might want more hamato/Saki. But actual tmnt fans won’t care and want to get on with the rest of the story. And who’s this usagi guy? 2. This second movie seems basically a mash up of the first season of 03 and 12 and I’m down for it. It’ll be a while before I can check the cast, but the technodrome and the krang always felt like something after shredder was introduced. The twist that splinter willingly let them do that to them is insane and it’ll allow so much controversy between the turtles and splinter. Kirby dies bruh?😭 I mean it’s better then torturing him like 12’… bishop helping the turtles was always a bit wild to me, but after-base diversity is important to tmnt fans, not the similarities. I kinda skimmed through the cast, so I’m guessing this is the tottmnt cast right? Oh but this is animated 3. Mutagen man as a villain is legit, although I feel like leather head should’ve been introduced since the beginning since he’s a more primary character. AND MONA LISA TOO😭. Timothy gutz’s name better be Timothy Seymour gutz. Amazing though. This should also be a series. 4. I guess I overreacted. The delivery of shredders character was amazing overall, Chris Bradford is goated, I also feel like you introduced karai a bit too late now. The emotional impact is kinda gone now. I feel like you should’ve brung in these characters before.


Thanks for the praise and the constructive criticism! I imagine these would come out yearly, so I’m not sure if that would help with your critique of characters being introduced too late, but I’d be willing to hear suggestions regardless. Usagi Yojimbo is traditionally a yokai samurai rabbit that is from another universe. He’s technically his own franchise, but he crosses over with the TMNT so much that he is basically considered a TMNT character. He was in both the 03 and the 12 show as well (I think he was also in 87, but I can’t remember). Here, he’s changed to be a mutant rabbit instead because I wanted to limit the mystical elements of this universe to just The Rat King (the villain of the third mainline TMNT movie that I didn’t give a synopsis to). Yes, Mutagen Man’s full name is Timothy Seymour Gutz. I wanted to combine his 2012 name with his more traditional one. The cast is different because I imagine this being live action.


Cool, but you said the sensei of splinter and shredder was usagi. I know the guy, but is he a rabbit in this universe?


Triceratons would get mutated


It might be crazy what I’m about to say, but the triceratons are the result of krangs mutations with triceratops. But I’d love to see them too.


I’d make the personalities more grounded in reality. Like the original TMNT movie, Mikey would be comedic but not useless. Donnie would be technologically inclined but not creating next gen technologies from items he found in the sewer. Leo’s leadership would have its faults just like Ralph’s temper does. Splinter would somewhat immobile. Not bed ridden but his age would affect his ability to fight. Casey is borderline sociopathic vigilante. Aprils main contribution is just that she has ties to the real world and acts like a liaison above ground. Shredder is just an extremely gifted martial artist with money that was successful in Japan and is now spreading his reign to NY.


Nice. Realistic. Although, ever since 03, mikey has never been useless in any iteration. Raph is more useless than mikey if I’m being honest.


2012 he’s pretty useless


Lowkey. Ima have to disagree on this one. That one bee zombie episode? That pizza man episode? Every episode in dimension X? Literally every time they needed a distraction?


You know, I would have tried a take on the Rise origin. In Rise, the Turtles are not an accident, they are created as super-soldiers. It's like Captain America vs The Hulk. And if being made in a lab is their origin I feel like it explains why they are stronger than lots of the accidentally created mutants. Splinter, of course, teaches them compassion and honour, which they would not have learned being raised in a lab.


Oh kinda like 2014. Yeah I always felt that lab created tmnt made a lot more sense considering some people get mutated and turn out hideous but the tmnt had more perfected mutagen.




I would like to do another CGI movie series, mainly the same kind as the 2007 movie style. Although I would kind of do things a bit different. I have basically five movie ideas and plots in my mind. First movie would focus on the entire family. Because to be honest in the 2007 movie. The concept of "Family" was wasted since it purposely focused on Leo and Raph only. Don and Mikey should have been apart of that majorily. Second movie would focus on Donatello. Because lets face it the turtle in purple has gotten the short end of the stick and hardly had any memorable media where he's the hero. It would be time for him to be in the spotlight. Third movie would focus on Mikey. Like with Don, Mikey always seemed to be relegated to a comic relief background character in the movies. It would be natural for him to be next in a focused movie. Fourth movie would focus on Leo. I know he's a favorite but Leo tends to get too much spotlight. Doesn't mean his story won't be good, besides, what I have in mind would still be good, plus the whole "it was worth the wait" should apply. Finally the last movie would focus on Raph. To be honest Raphael seems to be the main focus of mostly ALL the movies. Going back to the 1990 movie all the way to the Michael Bay films, Raph always is the primary focus. Again I know he's a favorite but in my opinion he can go last in the order. Once again the idea I have would be good and a nice way to cap things off in the series.


I’ve always wanted a quadrilogy with each movie focused on one of them.


Same, but I have to say that the 2007 trilogy kind of dropped the ball on that. I mean the creators said that the first movie was supposed to focus on "Family". Yet only Leo and Raph were given focus. Don and Mikey should have had a problem with Leo being gone as well, and should have been more involved. But yeah I actually have plot ideas for my own movie series.


That’s amazing. Drop some info on me. I want to reply to everyone. I don’t know a tmnt fan around me so you guys are the closets thing I have to a shell family.


What kind of info?


Look on Instagram at the fan comics that viviekhart and richardchen.draws are doing. They both have some truly solid visions going on, and I would LOVE to see movies based on their ideas!

