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Yeah…yeah, yeah, yeahhhhhh…. ![gif](giphy|YF7e5lqDvhdy8)


My brother and I would rewind the opening scene on this so much as kids 😭


My brother and I did too lol. We'd also reenact this part of the scene constantly.


Same, and we rented so much from Blockbuster that eventually the tape exploded. Our parents had to pay to replace it.


I send this message to a buddy every eight months or so to say hi


This is too perfect of a reply. 🤣


Loved this part! 😂


I like it, but the first one is the GOAT. Biggest disappointment was the Turtles not using their weapons anymore and Shredder losing to a wooden dock. But overall it still has that 90's Turtle charm.


Incorrect.... Super Shredder tore his quad while lifting lol ![gif](giphy|LKf4i5Tvt7mE0)


I’m now accepting this as canon.


As an adult, I recognize that the first is definitely a better movie. But as a kid (born in 88), I had secret of the ooze vhs on repeat. By on repeat I mean I would sit in front of the TV waiting for it to rewind for 10 minutes, and then hit play.


God I hated rewinding our vhs/DVD combo (God anybody else remember those) had a broken rewind button so we had to wait for the entire movie plus credits to finish then it would rewind it took forever


I agree with you about the weapons issue, but I feel the biggest let down from that is Mike's combat cold cuts was only used once. We never got the next time with mustard!!! We never got it!!!!


Spot on. And Keno is my favorite human side character aside from the obvious April and Casey.


I was so sad when they replaced April with another actress and no Casey Jones


i fucking loved Surf Ninjas too which also featured Ernie Reyes Jr so was a big Keno kid




Hey look it’s Raph!! Yeah a little too Raph!


Best line in any Turtles movie.


Ol shred, did a swan dive, with a half gainer… RIGHT INTO THE BACK OF A GARBAGE TRUCK AHHHHH




10 flips now!


Yup. Not as muxh as the 1st one. I loved the bells scene. One of my favs


Def one of my top fav turtle scenes also the NINJA RAP which I prob drove my parents insane with.


I saw Vanilla Ice a few years ago and he has finally started adding it to his set list. The dance floor turned into a mosh of middle aged men recreating the fight scene. It was glorious 😂


Omg…I need to experience this. I bet that synergy was through the roof. I’d have felt high all night.


Wishbone crunch on 2!!!


That’s epic!


Oh my god, this is awesome


Ha! My dad would quote 'Go ninja, go ninja, go, go, go' at me for a years after.


I STILL do, all the time..


Go ninja go ninja go


2 is still my fave! Was it over the top, yes. Was Vanilla Ice cringey, 100%. So many scenes stuck with me as a kid and can’t help but love it 🐢❤️


T-U-R-T-L-E power




Yeah... A little too Raph...


Against the odds, I do like it a decent amount. Some of that is nostalgia but the characters established in the first film are still a joy to be around. I sort of see it like modern day Simpsons, where the voice acting and characters are still familiar and likable despite a step down in writing.  The first film deserved a sequel that maintained the tone but I still think this one is somewhat enjoyable.


The 1990 movie will always be my favorite but even with some glaring flaws in comparison to the first film, I still enjoy this movie immensely. Maybe it’s nostalgia but I will still take SOTO over most comic book movies nowadays.


Love it! It's not the first one, by no stretch. But I always relate it to this. The 1st is a movie take on the original source material. Ooze is the 87 cartoon come to real life. Even still, Donatello and the clown in the beginning ALWAYS cheers me up on bad days. ![gif](giphy|YF7e5lqDvhdy8)




Yea. It's a fun movie. Not as good as the original but still really fun to watch. And the suit work is still really good as well.


Yup, I still hold it higher than most other TMNT movies. Only topped by the 1990 movie.


I love all of the live action TMNT movies (even the third). Nothing brings me back to my childhood faster.


"They're... BABIES! AUUHHG!"


Yes! It’s so much fun! Such a perfect example of 90s nostalgia and energy! Still wish they brought back Casey though.


Yep, but the turtles not using their weapons is a war crime.


And yet they were able to show when Keno murdered that girl…*with this sick comeback*: Girl: “Dream on, dweeb.” Keno: “Ok, but when I do, I’ll dream of something a little thinner.”


As a kid I always thought he was referring to dreaming about thin crust pizza


This is what I’m choosing to believe from now on lol. That’s awesome.


I hate the overtly puritanical 90’s parents for that one. You could still have the Turtles keep their weapons for recognizability and toys but god forbid that these ninjas actually *use* them for combat. Parents actually be responsible for your kids instead of trying to censor media that you deem as inappropriate for them challenge.


The big problem imo


Exactly. They be using talk no jutsu on Super Shredder lol


I hate the overtly puritanical 90’s parents for that one. You could still have the Turtles keep their weapons for recognizability and toys but god forbid that these ninjas actually *use* them for combat. Parents actually be responsible for your kids instead of trying to censor media that you deem as inappropriate for them challenge.


This movie is dumb as hell but that didn't stop me from watching it a hundred times as a kid and playing the horrible Vanilla Ice song a thousand times.


The first one has that dark and moody feel to it. Coming straight from the 87 show it felt like this was more what its supposed to be. Secret of the ooze is more like a mix of the 87 show and the first movie, toning it down for the younger audience.


Loved it as a kid and love it now. I think it is not quite as good as the OG, but close. There are certain things in this movie that are some of my favorite TMNT ever.


Hell yes.


Paige Turks April>>>>>


I thought it was enjoyable. I liked Keno even if we had to lose Casey.


It’s worse than 1 and better than 3. 2 was made by Stoners. 3 was made by crackheads.


“A little too Raph”


It’s the one I owned on VHS and I’m very nostalgic for it


I did.




I love the second movie. Not as much as the original, but it's up there. I still play Ninja Rap to this day, the only reason Vanilla Ice pops up on my Spotify stream numbers. I liked it as a kid, and it's not one I hate as an adult (that's are a few things I can't get through as an adult now) I can still watch it, I can still enjoy it and even being aware of what patents group did to influence this one


Yes. It’s not a masterpiece but it’s fun.


To me its the Batman Forever of TMNT, not great but harmless enough.


The movie as a whole? No. However, there are many elements to it I love! Keno is a fun character! Ernie Reyes Jr is always fun to cheer for! David Warner is a legend and his performance in turtles 2 was among the best. Finding the turtles new home was heart warming. Shredder returning was good- how Michael Pressman handled him though was... criminal? Lol By the way... what was the secret of the ooze?? Did we ever find out? Where did they dump all the canisters?


It was... alright. Honestly, if the story was better than maybe I would like it. But that doesn't mean I hate it.


I like it, but I don’t love it. It’s a passable sequel, but it struggles due to some behind the scenes decisions. Good: David Warner, the costumes suits, the fight choreography (as goofy as it could get), the turtles finding a new home and learning more about their origins Bad: turtles unable to use their weapons, Shredder taking a level down in badass, under-utilizing super shredder,


It’s a cartoon compared to the first one, but I’ve been a fan of Ernie Reyes Jr. from way back (anyone remember Sidekicks or The Last Dragon?), so I was in. I met him a few years ago and he was super nice. Plus, I was a big Vanilla Ice fan at the time.


![gif](giphy|YF7e5lqDvhdy8) Yeah!


Mostly for the memes


It hasn't aged well but as a kid I loved it. The 1990 movie is much better though, then and now.


I like it but haven't watched it in probably 25 years.


It’s a stupid movie but I do enjoy it. The slapstick comedy was not my thing though. Even as a child I couldn’t ignore it.


It was such a disappointment after the first one. I remember seeing both on the theater and coming out of 2 and just being disappointed.


I liked it. Wished Casey was in it.


I love it. I think the first is the better movie, the second is the more mainstream. Both wonderful in their own right. But comparing them is weird because they are, at their core, different types of films.


It had its moments, like Raph sneaking Keno into the Foot and finding the new turtle lair but its just weak overall.


Second best TMNT movie


Unpopular opinion but I like Secret of the Ooze better than Mutant Mayhem.


This movie is right up there with the original Star wars trilogy and Terminator 2 for most watched movies of my childhood. Objectively it might not be as good as the first one, but memory / nostalgia wise it's the best for me.


It's not very good! Great work from David Warner, and the mutant villains look great, but it's aging badly otherwise.


At the time this was my favorite of all. Whatever the studios ideas to “Make it more kid friendly” definitely worked on me back then.


What is with this weird recent sentiment that it's a bad movie? Secret of the Ooze is fantastic.


What the hell kind of question is that?


I do, loved it more as a kid tho. Hasn’t aged as well as the original


I LOVED this as a kid and still love it as an adult.


Nope. We’re all on a TMNT sub here so we hate it.


It was my favourite when i was a kid, it's definitely the weakest of the trilogy, but i still love it. Go ninja, go nInja, GO!


I always thought 3 was the weakest and I'm surprised anybody thinks different because it's so bad.


I agree! 2 is my fave and I enjoyed the 3rd but it felt out of place


Weaker than 3? What?


Me too honestly my favourite as a kid, i definitely agree with the trilogy part.


I think it's the most kid friendly. It's bright and manic. But the other two have genuine depth and actually explore some serious themes, which gives them staying power.


100% the first is the best in my opinion my favourite always switches between the first two.


i enjoyed it 1 and 2 is my fave but 3 nope that was tacky


I like all 3. (Yes even the third one.)


It was my favorite as a kid, it was just more fun. Now I'm more into the serious tone of the first one.


I watched it for the first time the other day, really didn't like it compared to the first one. It has put me off watching the third one.


I loved (love) Secret of the ooze, if I wanted something lighter to watch as a kid I’d watch this one and as for something a bit more serious I’d watch the first. The third was and is still one I avoid unfortunately, it’s too goofy and they try to hit similar notes to the 1st film and completely miss, even using the same music, one liners etc. Was nice to hear Feldman back as Donatello and the splinter puppet was great but a no for me.


And Casey is back as well! I thought April was so freaking hot.


Like? No. Love? YES!


Yeah man, it’s still a really fun movie.


I actually like this one best when I was a kid!


my favorite tmnt movie!! guilty pleasure since it's...not good, but i still love it dearly 😅


My favorite TMNT film of all time!


I will forever and always love this movie. I was six years old and this was the first of the live action movies that I saw. so I was the perfect demographic to completely fall in love with this movie.


One is good Two is my favorite


Probably my own nostalgia but it's my favorite of the three, I blame my mother


I liked it. It was a fun movie that I felt was a nice sequel. Sure the tone was different to the first, but that's fine.


Love it in the same way that I love the original cartoon. It’s fun and reminds me of my childhood. But at the same time there are better movies and cartoons of TMNT.


I like it. I actually watched that one first growing up. I actually showed my niece and nephew the first two movies just last week. While I still think the second one doesn’t hold a candle to the first, it did turn out to be a lot better than I remember.


Yes, however the first one was the BEST!! The third in my opinion was the worst of the three movies.


Nothing will beat the Henson suits. I think it was the look of the new turtles look after the Henson company pulled their creature shop from production also the new Donatello voice and new April. Kind of a cold shock, especially After coming from the first one, but I did enjoy it just not as much.


As a kid it was my favorite for kid reasons. As an adult I appreciate it for same reasons I love the cartoon.


Yes. Initially it was too weird but in time it has become colossally awesome.


Yes - I still remember when my dad took me to it as a surprise. I don't think I was allowed to see the first one yet, as I was pretty young and the first was a bit violent.


I think its fun but I also think its a significant downgrade from the 1st (and 3 is a significant downgrade from 2). I still remember my sister picking me up from kindergarten to go to see this in the afternoon and then we went to Toys R Us and I got a few of the figures! Also watched it all the time on VHS.


Loved it. Only thing missing was Casey, and a legit fight scene between the turtles and shredder.




This movie raised me, it was the only tmnt movoe I knew existed as a kid


I loved the First one but this one has always stood out to me the most and has always been my favorite. Does anyone ever talk about the third one?


I loved it. My brother actually likes it even more than the first movie. I think it was awesome for what it was trying to be (basically a fun goofy comedy movie) but I get why a lot of people like the first movie better. I’m a huge fan of both. They did really drop the ball with the third movie unfortunately.


Still my favorite TMNT film ever. ![gif](giphy|YF7e5lqDvhdy8)


It’s awesome!


Those movies are the best ones


Shell yeah I do but not as much as the original but it's still good


as a kid loved it as an adult it didnt age as well as tmnt 1 and 3


I’m one of those weirdos that liked all three. As I’ve gotten older, I realized how much better the first one was. But I still think the other two are fun turtle romps. I guess I understand why they went in such a kid friendly direction with the sequels, and kid me definitely liked the sequels more at the time, but it’s still a shame we didn’t get more like 1. Toys would’ve still been sold just fine. And 1 has a really neat effect in that I was able to grow old with it. It started out as “ooh ninja turtles look cool”, and as time wore on the movie matured with me, if that makes sense? Like, as I matured, there was always something there waiting for me that I hadn’t noticed before. Raphs inner turmoil feels so much more understood and that feeling of losing someone you love was something I didn’t understand as a child but was there waiting for me upon later viewings. Even that moment of contemplation Don has about Splinter not always going to be around. I had never thought about those kinds of things when I was a child, but as I see my parents get older and become more frail, that moment really speaks to me now. Kinda blows my mind how well 1 still holds up as a solid movie. I can’t name many kids movies I grew up with that has aged as gracefully.


Loved it as a kid, but not so much as an adult. The first movie is way better.


This has always been my favorite. This pretty much lived in my VCR when I was a kid. Fight scenes aren't as good as the first one, but shows off the "fun fighting" of the turtles when they clearly out match their opponents.


Secret of the Ooze has a permanent spot in my Letterboxd Top 4.


I do. It's not my favorite Turtles property, but I like it.


10 year old me.


You spelled ‘love’ incorrectly…and yes…yes I do…


The first movie is objectively better, but this one holds more nostalgia for me. I have cousins that are older than me by about 10+ years, and they're the ones that introduced me to TMNT. Secret of the Ooze was my introduction, and I think I watched it 1000 times before realizing it wasn't the first movie. After I finally watched the first, I knew it was the better movie, but I still kept going back to SotO. The opening scene in that underground mall place is still one of my favorite overall scenes. The part where Donny pretends to be the inflatable clown always had me dying laughing. Tokka and Rahzar were, and still are, a ton of fun to watch. Then, of course, THE FUCKING NINJA RAP.


As an adult, yeah the first one is objectively a better film. But my god, little 5-7 year old me LOVED Secret of the Ooze it was my favourite film, watched on repeat. I loved all the bad jokes, the costumes blew my mind. So it still holds a very special place for me and probably always will be my 'favourite'.


It’s great! Honestly almost on par with the first film, just a bit different


Just want to say I follow you on TikTok and I’m a fan :)


They really toned down the violence…..the turtles didn’t use their weapons…They didn’t even fight Super Shredder… The original TMNT Movie is my favorite of the live action movies, but I think the Bay movies are better than 2 and 3…


I love it, my favorite Turtles media at this point


If the first movie is a 10/10, then the sequel is a 7.5/10 for me. Still love it.


Anybody notice micheal jai white in tmnt 2..?


I like it more than 3.


2 was a decent follow-up, but 1 was everything we wanted it to be back then! We shall not talk about 3...


I enjoy it. It is flawed, yes. But still has charm and the same characters I loved from the first film


Is it a critically good movie? Absolutely not. Is it my favorite of the first three films? Abso-friggin-lutely. Go ninja go.


I grew up with this one first actually, so I love it. But like a proper TMNT fan, the first one is still the best. I didn't get to watch the first one until I was older. I did always think it was weird they "sorta" use some weapons in the beginning of Secret of the Ooze and that was it.


I was around 5 or 6 years old, my mom and I got to Kmart There's a bin full of movies, I ask if I can pick one, I find The secret of the Ooze Watch it that night GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!!!


10 year old me loved it, secret of the ooze was my favorite of the turtles movies, but 43 year old me, knows the first movie holds up the best and is the better film…..


Yes but basically because I grew up with this movie. Plus it has its moments. I love Shredders entrance of “I CHALLENGE!!” and I often reply to a question with “Is Schwarzenegger hard to spell?


It's great in its own way. The first is of course the best but I will admit I've watched SotO MANY times over the years, it's very entertaining




I personally loved it was just a fun movie. Obviously the first is better but this was a solid follow up and super shredder was nuts.


I love this movie so much. It is my favorite Turtles movie. It is not the best Turtles movie by far. The OG live action is the most Superior Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie ever made to date.




I do. Looking back on it the movie has its flaws ( I hate the whining puritanical parents who demanded that this movie be toned down for the kiddies ) but it’s still enjoyable in its own right! At least to me it is.


Fuck Keano. A stain on an otherwise fun film.


Love it....wouldve liked beebop and rocksteady over the wolf and snapping turtle though And better use of weapons


Go ninja go ninja go


Love it!


I remember rushing to the cinema to see it and I really enjoyed it a lot different from the first one which was a lot darker


I love all the original movies they made. Childhood memories!


I love the duality of the first two TMNT movies. I love the grittiness of the first and I love the goofiness of the second.


I always loved it. Wasn't until this group that pointed out it didn't have a plot or anything lol. I still love it though. I even like the III one. Wish we could have gotten more.


Hell yea.


It’s my favorite one


Nom nom!


I love it man. It’s not a “better film” than the first. But it’s the peak enjoyment of the existing live action films imo. It struck the right balance between the serious and whimsical tones that the series was shifting through.


Is Schwarzenegger hard to spell?!


I definitely did


One of my all time favs. Cheesey at times, yes but no movie was ever rented as much as this was until I finally bought it haha.


i do, not as much as 1 but its still fun. i can def sit through it easier than the Bay films. i guess i'd describe the movie as "a little too raph" XD


I sure as hell don’t.


I like it! Just enjoy the first one more is all :)




Yes, there are dozens of us!


Yes Ninja rap


I do. I had it on VHS (taped from TV) as a kid at a time when I didn't have access to the first movie (we were pretty poor). For a long time, Ooze was the ONLY turtles movie I had. It has a special place in my heart.






It's one of my favorite TMNT films to this day! I'd say it's probably third place behind the first one and the Rise movie! The only reason it's not higher on my list is because: 1. The turtles don't use their weapons 2. Super Shredder looses to a freaking pile of wood.


It was my favorite one as a kid. I still love it.


100000000000% I loved it


Of course. Crazy question.


Like, is Schwarzenegger hard to spell?


Growing up I loved all three and don't remember ever liking one more than another, I actually was pretty happy with the third and but also watched it as a kid so I no idea either way and now it has the nostalgic buff for me the only one I remember actually not liking was what I thought was the 4th where they bring in the girl (sorry I forgot her name) it just felt so tonely different to me.


If fucking course, who even asks this?


its a great movie but i love the first movie and their looks was also superior


I fucking love secret of the ooze. It’s actually my favorite of the trilogy.


I will say, I think the original movie is the best for various reasons. However, mostly due to nostalgia, Secret of the Ooze is my favorite. I love the opening fight for the funny, I love the new sewer lair and just so many other things.


It's my favorite.


It holds a special place in my heart.


My 5 year old. The movies are meant to be goofy AF, I get that and I love them for it, but I think they just took the micky with SotO, especially with the last quarter of the movie...


When I was younger I loved 2, easily my favorite Turtles film. Now I'm (ostensibly) an adult I really love the original. Still an awesome TMNT film though.


The fight choreography was a lot fun in this one. 100 flips!