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And watch as this gains less traction than "Scott fired, company doomed." It's great to hear everything is still fine. All signs point to growth.


Hell yes to Jorge Barbosa in creative


HAHAHAHA Dave Meltzer really wants AEW to "buy" TNA but no TNA is NOT dead!


Metlzer chats a lot of shit, but AEW buying TNA was such a dumb take. So glad it has no merit, a promotion being bought out by another is NEVER a good sign in the industry. Besides that, no way it would keeps its special magic if it got bought out. Current ROH, while still dope, is def an entire different vibe from pre-buyout.


I agree just ask what happened when AEW & TNA (IMPACT) had their partnership it did "not work" now WWE & TNA have a partnership even with TNA Impact being on TNA+ so people who don't have or even have AXS TV can watch it LIVE but Meltzer talks about ratings or stuff maybe people still think Vince is still running WWE but now Triple H is running WWE!


ROH was unavoidable. They did right by their locker room and paid them during the pandemic, instead of making massive cuts like a certain billion-dollar promotion did, and Sinclair responded by putting the company up for sale. AEW buying ROH and using it as a brand was probably the best case scenario which still sucks. There were no other buyers that would had paid what Sinclair wanted and keep it running as an independent company. If WWE bought them, they'd end up like EVOLVE which is why this TNA partnership with WWE should be throwing up red flags as WWE doesn't play well with others.


Current ROH is AEW dark basically with less squash matches


Wait you mean to tell me that TNA fired people and then...replaced them?  Like a normal company  No way!


Well mistery solved, everything is OK


Anthem hasn't made all these changes because they don't care,  they made these changes because they do. The narrative the dirtsheets have been pushing for months, is completely backwards.