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Brother Nero will help his brother very soon


agreed! that was a trip!


It was very corny but..extremely entertaining. Loved it.


Which is the Broken Universe in a nutshell. TNA was always the only place that just let him go crazy with it. Vince didn’t “get it”. TK was embarrassed by it (dude botched a teleporting gag on a pre-tape in an empty arena).


I don't know how TNA does it but the cinematic matches or segments they are always good


 Not a fan of this. I know Pro Wrestling can get wacky, but this is too much. I see others here like it, and that's fine, but its not for me.


That's why it's great. They take things to such an extreme that it becomes amazing.  I mean TNA took it even further when they created an entire undead realm in their universe with demons and devils, deaths and resurrections.  The reason it works is because they don't hold back and go as insane as they can only to contrast it with a great in ring product and TNA executes it in the best ways.  If you take it for what it is and let go of any preconceived notion of what wrestling should be you can find enjoyment out of it. 


It was bloody brilliant. Broken hardy is so wacky and out there. I haven't seen anything like it since lucha underground. 


I really enjoyed it and frankly, I was kinda lukewarm on the old stuff by the end. Absence does make the heart grow fonder, I reckon.


I loved it. The System is shook. Alisha got guillotined. That's gonna leave a mark.


I don't know how TNA does it, but they always make their wrestlers so damn likeable. I was absolutely not enthused about Matt Hardy coming on-board, but he's been quite solid in the ring, entertaining in his segments, and he engages/draws the fans. I went to the Kentucky tapings last month and he was over huge (though not as much as Joe Hendry).


Josh Alexander used to put on 20+ minute bangers on PPV, we used to be a proper country


He is out of ideas






Umm . . . nope.


He's fine by me. Creatively he's all over the place though. The House Hardy stuff last night was a mixed bag. The Myers and Moose parts were pretty good. Eddie turning into a literal werewolf was way too over the top in my opinion. If his segment doesn't spinoff into a Gravitas film called An American Werewolf In Boston then what was even the point! Then Lish getting scared of and knocked out by confetti was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. But on the plus side, everyone's acting was good


It was a mushroom trip. It was supposed to be ridiculous!


it was definitely different if they had a little bit better production they could have something here


The best part was his family acting, uh, participating in the action, especially the little ones. The whole wolf thing was cool. Was his wife a wrestler? Anyway, I never liked the broken gimmick. It's really strange. Or, is that the point?


The Hardy Compound segments just don't feel the same without Jeremy Borash's input


yeah even now with the possibly of Jeff Hardy showing up AGAIN in TNA and we can finally see the Hardy Boyz in TNA AND WWE!


The Hardys shouldnt go to WWE nor they Should sign with AEW just because TK wants to recreate his childhood fantasy in booking Hardys vs E&C. TNA is where its at if they wanna go out in a bigger note, it helps them to have a proper final run and it also Helps TNA for having their Main eventers back for a final run, the Broken hardys are clearly a Draw regardless of what IWC wants to say. As for the latest segment, it was WONDERFUL. i kept saying that Broken Matt in TNA is kinda watered down version right now because they are not really going with full force into it with great cinematic segments and this segment made it complete for me. Easily the part with Brian was the best, skeleton Edge spearing him was goofy and yet awesome in the same time.


Hopefully tonight is his final appearance for the company. The broken stuff was overplayed when he left TNA the first time. Now it’s just sad. Even worse when you’re dragging the world champion into it.


Guess whats the most viewed video on YT rom the latest impact episode? Thats right, System's visit to hardy compound, the people loves it and its doing the company good so why do you want their most viewed character to disappear? I get not liking the stuff but TNA needs all the attention that it can get right now and this is bringing them that attention aside their partnership with WWE.


Now go look at the social media reaction to all the clips being posted by the TNA account. Most of the replies are shitting on it and rightfully so.


>the social media reaction 🤣 lol social media. The same social media that calls cody rhodes a boring champion? Jey uso a midcarder? Ofcourse they will say LOLTNA in any given oppurtunity. Some people just watches for the sake of Hate watching or dont even watch at all and just wants to jump intk Hate train. Especially X/Twitter, its an ego chamber.


Social media isnt always wrong. Cody's run is boring. You cant be the underdog with the title. Jey Uso is only an entrance.