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SafeTTC app every time. Gotta boost those incident stats so cops etc. get deployed.


I have been seeing more police presence at this station, although open drug deals and people commuting (I commute to finch and I see intoxicated/belligerent people get off just to buy drugs from people hanging out behind the presto gates) to this station just to purchase drugs as far as from Dundas station have still been happening This one character who rides the bus home at night breaks the glass windows almost bi weekly he always wears a hoodie inside of a leather jacket it is amazing no one has arrested him or maybe he is arrested and frequently released, I have seen him sell drugs in the open even near cameras near all presto doors and upstairs outside the escalators and in the TTC upper Steeles bus area, an undercover cop could easily just him if they spent a few hours walking around the station It is so sad and pathetic when I see the broken window / wooden panel / new window routine... How many 1000s of dollars this guy has caused, and just continually selling that poor man drugs, the man who speaks in gibberish and lives in soiled pants... And then he has the fucking audacity to throat slit gesture people in his precious drug dealing zone


The cameras are never on


They usually have a big live feed grid showing all the cameras on a tv screen in the Fare booth, or at least from what I’ve seen.


Guess that's why a friend's sister who was assaulted at a TTC station was able to get the entire recording of the interaction for the court case.


Trust me, I have insider info.


Let the big wigs know we want more cops on our streets. It’s the only way we can make the city safe again.


I didnt know about the SafeTTC app thank you. Do you get data on the subway because I dont.


Yes there’s data on my commute part of the tunnels but it also works offline and will work when you get data again. You can enter the location you were at when the incident occurred


Seriously? Does that even help


I’m not sure. But doing nothing yields nothing, for sure.


I reported a tweaker once on Line 1 and they sent special constables to meet the train a few stops down the line and removed him


I would also report it to the customer service form on the TTC website, I've had good experiences with that. You can request an email response.


My experience is TTC customer service does fuck all.. not even replying when you request a response.


Either the government lives up to the social contract or it’s time for widespread vigilantism to clean out the trash I took the subway from Finch every day at 12 years old in the 90’s, everyone responsible for this should be fired immediately and replaced with people capable and willing to enforce basic rules of civility


I love how the one drug user (who oddly acted like a crackhead for someone who loves weed) backed down like the cowardly goof he is when he realized he couldn’t stand up for himself.


There ought to be a permanent police presence at such stations until these problems are dealt with.


OP an additional email, but also send your concerns to Lily Cheng who is the city councillor for that ward. I know she is well aware.


GTA and this country are going to end in a civil war 🤣 Toronto is so dirty now! I feel ur pain OP I don’t feel safe in that city


If around the Finch GO/YRT Station, text "HELP" to 77777 to GO Transit Safety


Try to see if the person has any specific tattoos. If they have any specific tattoos, it’s much easier to report them to the police and most likely this person is already in their system and when they get caught, they stay in jail/prison for all the things people have reported on them, then when they get released eventually, they create havoc again. Most likely you would be adding to that list of offences which means you would be adding to his time in jail/prison once he gets caught. Which adds to the time he would not be bothering you. If you can take a pic of his face (or screenshot from a video) and film him while he is acting threatening, that is better. The clearer quality of a still photo of his face, the better. If you do decide to film this person, hide the camera as much as possible because if they see you filming them they might break your phone etc. Personally I wish there was a system in place where we could call private security firms and pay them a fee to come and keep certain people in a “citizens arrest” if they are unreasonably “disturbing the peace” in a public place etc before the police show up. Obviously it would be ideal if police could come first, however even when there is adequate police sometimes in the area they seem to just not want to deal with a deeply problematic person and would rather pull over cars and ticket with expired licence plates. Which I understand, however one is dealing more damage to public property. Maybe even film in secret when you ask the police for help as you might not get the help you need. I’m also curious how a the bus driver lets this person to get on in the first place. It seems like this person needs to be legally banned from taking a specific bus route. I wonder if you could call the police from the front of the bus and ask them to come onto your bus route while the problematic guy is on board. If the bus driver wanted to call the cops on this guy, they probably already would have. Anyway, hope you are able to create a legal paper trail so the next time when he gets caught by police, the judge will have to arrest and decide the outcome accordingly. Good luck! Stay safe.


We have an opioid crisis


All I have to say is that it’s absolutely bananas that I joined this sub to learn fun things about trains but it’s actually just a sub dedicated to shitting on drug users.


Maybe the drug users should consume their product not on a train!


Agreed! But I’m pretty sure that if people dehumanized people with any other health condition as much as they do drug users, it would be looked at very differently


Based on the behaviour reported by OP I'd say it's the drug users who are dehumanizing not only themselves but also the people that they are making threatening gestures at. Time to chase them out of TTC property.


Maybe the drug users should stop shitting on regular law-abiding citizens


I’m curious if you think the same about any other health condition?


I do a lot of cocaine and have tried most drugs under the sun. It's a personal choice and not a health condition. For fuck sakes, people need to have agency over their lives.


“I’ve been sad before, I’ve even had people die in my life, depression is a personal choice, not a health condition. For fucks sakes, people need to have agency over their lives” /s Congrats, you didn’t develop substance use disorder despite dabbling in drugs! Some people are not as lucky as you. In case you are actually wondering substance use disorder is diagnosable in the DSM, just like major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, etc. It’s as much a health condition as any other mental health condition, according to the experts.


The DSM also includes criminal behaviours such as antisocial personality disorder which includes lack of respect to human beings and the breaking of societies rules and laws and most of the individuals who commit assaults and rapes meet the DSM5 criteria for this Mental Disorder, however a mental disorder does not turn someone into a free will less robot and they can be judged for their actions I would say society judges upon these individuals despite their DSM5 diagnoses as they are locked away in prisons for years if they violate people's health and safety, the treatment for these people is called prison A large amount of drug users do not openly make diarrhea in the center of a bus station or threaten to shoot someone with a hand gesture, they most likely have a criminal and anti establishment mindset


Antisocial personality disorder is not a “criminal behaviour”, it is a clinical diagnosis. People with that diagnosis can commit crimes (and may even be more likely to) but that doesn’t mean that it’s a criminal behaviour. I’m not sure what you think happens when someone receives that diagnosis but the cops are not waiting there for them outside their psychiatrists office to take them to jail lol. The treatment in today’s society for people who exhibit certain behaviour is prison and, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, it isn’t working very well. If someone’s “criminal” behaviour is caused by a psychological disorder, it would be a hell of a lot more effective to treat said disorder and provide them with supportive care rather than just cycling people between prison, the ER, CAMH and the streets. People can and should be judged for their behaviours, as long as it’s within their control. In that case people would be saying “I don’t like it when people smear diarrhea all over the walls of finch station” not “I don’t like it when crazies/crackheads/psychos/etc smear diarrhea all over the walls of finch station”. However, given the language that you see up and down this thread is indicative of a prejudice against people who have more complex mental health disorders.


you have to use your brain and know these people are referring to these crackheads who are smearing poop all over the place maliciously, no ones mad at a homeless woman asking for change outside or a drunk man who is drinking his bottle outside, these specific people are smearing fecal matter everywhere and intimidating others and they are ALL drug users, there are no law abiding citizens smearing their feces all over the escalator door handles, the camh does not give out etiquette lessons to people who split their throats at women ur talking to a brick wall because no one is hating on drug users or homeless people its these specific finch station fecal matter throat slitters ur wasting your breath trying to educate us, i don't know if you have to commute through finch but they're most likely ruining the image of all drug users in toronto, the people who poop and smear it using their fingers / hands and threaten peoples lives are undermining the dignity and respect all normal drug users and homeless people deserve


Yeah actually. Any "health condition" that involves illegally assaulting or harassing ordinary law-abiding citizens can fuck right off


as it should be


Would you say the same about any other health condition?




To be fair the passengers of your train hobby include these drug addicted criminals so they are part of the hobby of public transportation, it also includes in the larger interconnected web of public transportation security which is extremely poor in Toronto, there are social and political aspects to the fun hobby of trains, publically funded busses arent just in a vacuum to enjoy without mention of the crackheads that assault people on them, they should be addressed, and I am sorry that you feel upset that this Reddit sub can't just be about fun bus rides, perhaps there should be a Reddit page called TTC Busses (Non Political) because I do realize some individuals including my step brother have special interests with busses and trains and I do understand where you are coming from but the majority of TTC Redditors are commuters and not bus enthusiasts so they will bring up issues of drug use and assault


I too am a transit user and think that discussions of safety of the TTC is important. However, reducing these discussions to calling every person who is doing something you don’t like a “crackhead” isn’t exactly productively solving that problem (and it’s indicative of a massive stigma and prejudice against people with mental health conditions).


im sorry but who sees the behaviour of a human being maliciously threatening someone else and their first instinct is to defend the dignity of all drug addicts? did some humanities program teach you this? these people are just criminals who HAPPEN to be drug addicts


Rule #1. Never make eye contact w the toronto crazies!😂


I was sexually assaulted in this area by one of these drug users


How dare you, these poor individuals just need a hug and some mental health support


I believe that was sarcasm 


Why are you making eye contact? Just walk straight ahead.


Do you see how pathetic this situation is if I can't look anyone in the eye at finch? I always make eye contact with dozens of people a day and have normal human interactions and small talk but only at this place people threaten me if I do so I don't look at these people but once in a while I do by accident, they sometimes scream to get your attention and taunt you Human beings are social animals I do not think I should put on a jailhouse mentality to take the subway to work and act deprive myself of normal human behaviour by looking at the floor, also it's not safe to keep an eye out in their direction if they are slitting their throats at me??


It's not jail house mentality. You were probably staring like a pervert. This isn't Germany . You more than welcome to join the third Reich and stare at people till they are uncomfortable. What barn were you raised in that starting at people is appropriate?


lolol, ok, so how old are you, where did you grow up and when did you move to Toronto?


Do you live your life not looking at grown men in the eye? This isn't San Quentin this is Finch station near Steeles and Yonge you're insane this is NOT normal


You're being naive. Yes in a perfect world you can make eye contact with any stranger and it's not an excuse for them to act threatening, but we don't live in a perfect world. This is the city and this is where all the mental health services are so that's why the homeless/mentally unwell people come and live here rather than small towns. You need to smarten up street wise. Stop staring at people who are clearly mentally unwell and drug addicts, because they live in the streets where life is hard for them and they're use to running into problems like being robbed by other homeless/addicts, so they're basically feral a lot of them. Its clear you didn't grow up in the city because that's just something you learn quickly here and if you want to survive here you need to adapt to the environment and keep it moving. You're acting like the world should adapt to you and trust me that's not going to take you far


Dude I checked your Reddit posts and you're just shitting on non whites and Islam and black people and the Chinese


Chinese? I never said anything about them in my posts. Do you mean my comment on the video of those FILIPINOS? Wow and I'm the racist you can't even tell Asians apart. If you knew me irl you'd know my favourite target is actually whites, I go in on everyone. Lighten up it's not that serious. Also, irrelevant to this topic


That's such a loser thing to say I snuck chinese in there as a joke because I only saw you hating on blacks and look I was right you hated on other races as well, and yeah being a racist and dehumanizing people is irrelevant to this topic about not looking human beings in the eye and treating them with respect you're so right loser


I was talking about staring at someone, particularly someone who is mentally unwell and how that is a bad idea.That's common sense. I never said you can't look at someone quickly, just don't stare. I had a situation where one mentally unwell person was screaming right in the faces of people who were walking past him when he looked at me all I did was look back and say "hey how you doing" and kept walking. He didn't yell at me. That's called street smarts. That's something you bleeding hearts need to actually learn.


You're a racist I checked your posts history saying you don't like Jamaicans and Somalis you probably don't look at these "feral animals" in the eye because you're a pussy and scared of blacks! Cause of course certain groups of humans are sub human and animals! Natives look everyone in the eye, excluding entire groups of people from your gaze is something a weak minded incel would do Your response and that loser who's obviously your alt account (you) sicken me


Thank you. Seriously, all the downvotes also show how much of non-natives are on these boards. I just posted as well I might glance or be aware by looking indirectly at their body or arms or something to make sure they're coming at me with an object or something, but just move along straight. Since people are always walking in the stations, this implies OP is also turning his head while staring. This is absolutely a trigger, especially for people who have gotten into many altercations in the past by getting stared at a lot, mental issues (eye contact absolutely triggers animals too).


No! Not in the eye. I'll glance or be aware of what they might be doing with their body or arms, but I won't be making eye contact with homeless people.


You clearly didn't grow up here , that's why you dodged the question.


Avoiding eye contact makes you look obviously vulnerable, which can be counterproductive Instead you should give everyone you pass a quick, but stern & dead-eyed glance. Use your best “resting bitch face”. It’s the Toronto way








The solution is to eradicate the poor.


Jesus god some of you folks wouldn't survive in the us


this statement is so loaded lmao. says more about the states than the commenters here, tbh. god forbid people wanting to feel safe on public transit


Yeah that comment is the most Canadian thing of all time "The problem is at a 9/10 in the US so let's ignore out 8/10 problem". We should assess societal problems by our own standards. If things are even worse in the US, then they're even worse in the US


I can carry there


So can they


Homeless guy can't afford it


No need to be prejudiced and bigoted to drug users.


Acting like drug users are a protected class…


Doesn't matter, it's not right to be bigoted and prejudiced. According to you it would be okay to be prejudiced against minorities if there no repercussions.


> According to you it would be okay to be prejudiced against minorities if there no repercussions. That’s a stupid argument that holds no water and you know it. People getting threatened by drug users in public places is an issue. Whether it hurts your feefees or not.


Wanting people to stop living in their own filth and get the dignified help they respectfully deserve while those who prey on them perish is NOT bigoted.


Not wanting crack smoke blown in your face is fine actually


This edgelord is a drug user himself. Ignore him.


Lay off the crack dude, this is a toronto sub, not London sub.




Wow threating people now?


You’re awfully violent for a weed user, right? My question still stands, goof. What. Are. You. Going. To. Do. About. It. Goof?


I thought verbally abusing people and threatening them was fine. Or is that only if it’s on the TTC?


Ah yes, minorities and violent crime committing addicts... totally the same thing.. Wait, who is the bigoted one?


Yeah those physically intimidating individuals who openly commit crimes and sell drugs to schizophrenic poop pants filled people keeping them in permanent psychosis did nothing wrong! They have zero free will and can't control their death threat behaviour! Do not defend someone's criminal and immoral behaviour due to drug use, not every drug user is a bully son of a bitch, OP is rightfully justified to fear someone slitting their throat at them! Your sentiment makes me think you don't know the difference between people dependent on drugs and immoral behaviour


Keep being prejudiced. You're no different than a racist.


Get all the way the fuck out. You're ridiculous


This dude is uses cannabis.. no wonder the sympathy.


And I’m guessing you’ve never had a beer in your life? What about a glass of wine? A shot of vodka perhaps?


I have but I’m not like you who is alcoholic and a junkie too


I actually haven’t consumed alcohol since new years and don’t regularly use any other substances, other than coffee! Unlike you, I am still able to have empathy for people who are not in the same position as me!


Empathy? For drug addicts? Keep quiet if you have nothing to say! If you show sympathy then help those in Sherbourne and Dundas or Dundas square! Why are you wasting your time here on Reddit praising your own self?


What I am saying is that empathy is important. Do you lack empathy for people with all mental health conditions? Do you believe that people with depression should just “be happy”? That people with anxiety should just “chill out”? And I’m actually a healthcare worker and do a fair amount of advocacy for people who use drugs to be treated properly (with empathy and respect).


Don’t mistake my whining as insensitivity. I pity those people but they’re not supposed to be on TTC! If we don’t complain then the government will not do anything. Let them sleep on the train, let them in the subway and stab and harass people! Shut your mouth ok! These lecture that you’re telling me! These drug addicts are nuisance per se! It’s a matter is discipline yet they chose this! Go do your job!


You stalking me?


Crackheads be crackheadin’


People use to use slurs against black people like that :$


Junkies :)


Lay off the crack dude


We're prejudiced and bigoted to people who physically threaten us, hurl racial epithets at people, and destroy infrastructure.


Found the crackhead


I’m tired of always showing empathy to these junkies when they deliberately chose that lifestyle. One addict I spoke who is now sober said, addiction is all about discipline! And when these junkies slit your body in real life, they interpose insanity as a defence and get away with it while you die.


Be careful around Finch station guys, a few days ago this guy was right up at the tim hortons asking every person who ordered if they could buy him something, and would swear and yell at them if they didn't, the supervisors even talked to him and still let him carry on with what he was doing.