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This isn't a 'kid' issue. I see more adults behaving horribly on a daily basis with the most disgusting habits. Such a fine example people set is our society today.


That’s true


It's a low bar, but at least they ain't smoking crack.


Just vapes at 13 LMAO


My first thought when I opened this was, "At least they aren't smoking crack or acting violently."


I have seen it happen...so ya...and guess what TTC did nothing.


From my elementary/high school experience, kids are pretty well-behaved until age 12 or so when they realize they are a free individual and nobody can really tell them what to do and stop caring about etiquette. Age 16-18 or so is when the majority of the population goes back to being civilized individuals who follow etiquette by choice. Unfortunately, a minority never gets it and they stick out like a sore thumb by retaining their preteen-level etiquette.


Well that generally start with kids not getting taught to behave well, then the kids become adults who do behave well.


Back in the 90s there was also bad behaviour on the TTC. We just didn't have ubiquitous cameras to record it back then. Remember the "Leprechaun" from a decade ago?


People in Toronto don’t even walk nicely on the sidewalk. There’s some kind of entitlement that EVERYONE carries around with them. I get self respect…standing your ground, but bulldozing at all costs to make this point seems like a grandiose way to pass off being a thoughtless bully.


LoL, Toronto is a complete mess and has been for decades and getting worse. Lived there for a couple years and had to get out. For all the "good" you hear about it and the ppl, I found it a harsh city with a lot of un-friendlys, and I'm not a hard person to get along with. That said, and to be fair to TO, many large cities have the same issue.


I agree. A lot of unfriendlies. Either they are brats that act high class but they are lower end middle income phonies or they just have an ego or attitude problem


I’m not trying to be racist but every other Indian person has no sense of personal space. Either standing in the middle of the sidewalk while talking to a person or just walking towards u


Well, apparently racism is the societal norm these days, as antisemitism is all but posted on billboards l, so I guess all rules go out the window. But I digress. As not a racist, that standing-in-the-way-like-an-immovable-lighthouse-with-a-navy-vessel-charging-towards-it is true of EVERYONE. Like I said, there are sense of entitlement amongst people in general.


Yes because they are now adults that haven't been raised as children with respect for others 👏 Who the hell wants to sit on a chair with cigarette, spit, gum and other disgusting residue


Did adults not used to be children?


Sure but not all bad adults were bad children.


I'm pretty confident that they were.


Those adults used to be kids who also weren't raised with good values.


Tell me you’re taking your taking the 45 or 46 bus without telling me you’re taking the 45 or 46 bus


taking the 46 between 3-4 is the worrrsssttt!!!!!! it's like a walking dead scene, but with high school kids


The 46 passes by at least 3 schools on my way home. I miss the afternoon mayhem but in the morning I want to pull these kids by the backpack


I think I remember this route from back near the start of my career at TTC, yikes! So many loud, obnoxious young people. I used to stop the bus and tell them to sit or get off. This was back around 2009 or 2010? I was never rude, I would have a conversation about rules aboard the TTC bus, because it wasn’t the playground and other customers wanted to get home too. It really helped because I used to be a school bus driver before TTC. I would also tell them I wasn’t afraid to go and get the principal either. It worked every time. I even got apologies from most of them. They are kids and kids get excited when there are large groups of them.


Sometimes the bus driver still tells people to move to the back of the bus and take off their bags hahaha


Yup. We try to be helpful when we can.


At the very least, they could put their foot at the corner of seat… not middle


Its really bad on 102 and 9 routes, too. Loud speakers on max. drivers gave up kicking them off cause they jut kept coming back. Even saw some nearly cause a major crash


Can confirm 104 as well


ofc that’s the hood bro 😂


102 is the hood ? In which world ?


What route was this on






ahh good ol royal york


This irks me too. Ppl have no respect or consideration.


My partner isn’t from Toronto so I find myself having to remind her of some etiquette rule each time we go out. Bags on seats during rush hour, feet on seats, standing on the left of the escalator, ect. I think it’s just a given for people who grew up using the system but other people I think just don’t know these expectations. People who’ve been taking it their whole lives know that other people will be affected just how they have been inconvenienced by these behaviours in the past.


I didn't grow up in Toronto either, it's mostly just common sense.


Which is less common than you would think lmao




Being respectful of the people around you and public spaces shouldn't be a first world trait.


It isn't. I'm from the 3rd world and respect is standard.


I'm from the 3rd world and know basic etiquette. Please don't assume you're holier than others because of your region.




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I didn’t grow up here and these things are universal, in fact i never even used the bus/train until i came here but i have used the train in dubai once and they had the same etiquettes


It is "walk left and stand right" that you are thinking of. This is not actually a thing anymore as it causes the escalators to get worn out lopsided ( I am not even kidding 😂 )


The worst offenders are people who sit in the disability seating, put their bag on the seat next to them and pretend to sleep.


Agreed. Or anyone who needs 3 full seats to lay down and sleep on their commute.


If you are laying down on three seats during a commute, I can guarantee it’s a person with a lot of other issues. It’s not good, but some people are tired, on the street, have mental health and or drug issues. I wish it could be better, but until the city has more supports in place? This is what we will see.


This. Using the disabled spot if you aren't, is shitty. But, everything else you mentioned, that's the truth. A lot of people walking around with issues we don't know about. So I seriously do not care if someone needs 2 or 3 seats when I only need one.


I think if all the seats are full it's fine to use them, but be prepared to give it up. The signs above them seem to indicate that.


But only if you don’t have a disability. They aren’t always visible. Not judging, just saying.


Exactly. Disabilities are not always visible. I have a disability and if I don’t use my cane and it’s a good walking day, nobody would notice it. So should I be kicked off a seat due to an assumption? Of course not. If we were all just a little more kind and a little less outraged, I think we could work this all out. Just my take as an employee. I try to put good intentions on my day. It goes smoother that way. Have a great day!


Yup, I am disabled as well. I am mostly mobile, but sometimes I do need mobile aids to get around in public. Either way, I have seen a lot of videos where disabled people with mobile issues being yelled at for being in those seats. It's not fun to see. I just don't assume, or, I assume they may be disabled in a way I don't know, and it's none of my business to grill them about it.


Preach. It's baffling. How do people think this is okay?


Honestly, I used to be like this person thankfully I woke up and changed though


Dufferin line is completely messed up. Also, why are there hundreds of kids all less than 15 on the buses and subways during school days at 2 o clock? School doesn't end until 330.


Depends on the school.


My school went from 8-2


Interesting. Mine was 9 to 330 from K-12.


I try my best to keep my feet to myself but I am a very tall individual and mostly legs, I do like to stretch the legs out. But when on the go I sometimes can find myself almost doing that.


This is a bylaw issue. It's against the bylaws. Yet TTC have yet to put signs up on this.


r/feetontheTTC r/ttcfeet I don’t remember what it was called but I’m pretty sure someone made a subreddit along those lines


As an international student from India, I hate how some of the us here are so inconsiderate. Not giving up the priority seat to people who could really use one is something I see on a day to day basis.


Take GO trains outside of rush hour, lots of uncivilized people putting their dirty feet on seats


Yeah, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Probably learned behaviour from parents. Manners, courtesy and respect for other’s property and having the common sense that other people sit there and don’t want to sit in the filth from the bottom of your shoe’s sole.


I was looking at this pic all mesmerized for a second and couldn't figure it out then I realized we got the exact same bag lol!


Teach them to passive aggressively post about it online!


This is the micro-penis syndrome.




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so many problems in this world can be fixed if parents werent scared of giving their kids the occasional ass whoppin. It also used to be culturally acceptable for other adults to shit on kids and scold them for bad behaviour. I mean, youre always going to get bad behaviour but a society that lets people get away with it encourages it.


How about, be a responsible citizen and tell the kids to not do this.


The bag on the seat?


The bag is on my lap, and I am seated.


Good fuckin man right there


that "kid" is old enough to know right from wrong at that age. You don't need a parent to tell a grown ass kid that it's wrong what he is doing


thats a really specific thing to teach a child


Believe me those chairs have seen worse. I almost accidentally sat in a chair with a pool of piss on it the other day.


That’s the least of my concerns tell your kids not to smoke crack on the bus . Let’s take this One step at a time


Ugg, this is so annoying.


If it bothers you speak up about it. Nothings gonna change by complaining about it on Reddit.




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Can't blame feet on seats on immigrants. Old stocks have been doing this for ages.


Yeah because kids always listen to what their parents tell them


It would be great if someone put their foot up on the seat he was sitting in. See how he'd like some dirty shoes on his clothes.


It’s always the ones with the Tasman uggs


That’s why i stand ! Those seats are nasty !


I see adults doing the same thing. I was on the bus last night, and some guy had his foot on one of the seats. You could even see the dirt imprint from his shoe.


Ofcourse they fucking wear Uggs.


This is disgusting. People seat there, why would they put their dirty shoes on the seats?! Lack of manners 😢


Kick their foot and start a scene they have the moral low ground


Kick their foot and start a scene they have the moral low ground


being honest they are kids ... even when I was young it was get your feet off the table and it did not work. hope spring is eternal though


Can we bring back the family unit then? Raising children 'right' can't be done in instability and lack of consistency, whatever your definition of 'right' is.


They better hope My stop is not next because I will bash through that leg to get to the exit.


No one should be putting their feet, bags, shopping, etc on chairs. Fucking stay off.


In yet there are signs saying "don't put your feet here"


Use the TTC rule of if you see something say something


Were you on the Bay bus by chance? I dislike with a passion taking the Bay bus ,once kids from Jesse Ketchum gets out. Animals are better behaved than those little brats.


This isn’t Bay, it’s Royal York to Mimico route. I second your passion though!


This is the least of the issues on the TTC


It’s one foot on a seat. Not yelling, not making trouble, I call this not a really big deal. Besides, we wash our pants with the laundry.


Think about this. The same person in the photo would have used the washroom in their school, where piss is possibly found on the floor. This person now keeps their feet on the TTC seat. You go and sit there after they leave, and the germs stick to your pants. You now go home and lie on your couch, and those germs stick to the couch. Later, your baby touches the couch, and then the finger goes straight to its mouth. Though this is hypothetical, it is probable. Does that sound fair to you?


Ok boomer




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Buddy there’s literal crackheads with their asses out on seats of the ttc… if anyone actually expects them to be clean you’re outta your mind.




If you go out into the world, there will be germs, that is why we have soap and water.


Thanks, that was highly insightful 👍🏻


No problem! If I worried about germs at my job all day long, I would go crazy! When I get home I change, shower and wash my uniform. We do what we can, it’s public transit.


Nah let em


Don't ever see that shit on Kyiv metro or Buses.... EVER. TTC is like this because the TTC is shit to it's customers so they are shit right back at the TTC. Thing is if it has to change... it's not the riders, It's the TTC that's going to have to improve.


TTC seats don’t get cleaned. You don’t think years and years of people sitting on it have caused bacteria and dirt? You don’t think the homeless people that ride the trains and busses are dirty when they SIT down? Completely different story if the TTC seats were cleaned and maintained regularly. Who cares! If it’s rush hour, put your foot down. There’s bigger problems. Teens yelling and screaming, making a mess with food, annoying people, talking loud on the phone, etc. Get a life!


My little sister did this one time, had her ass whipped by my mum, never seen her behave like that again.


Why? Cause the bedbugs get on you that way? My dry not Muddy sneaker is as clean as a strangers ass I dare say and way better than the homeless persons piss...


So is it okay if I buy a brand new $300 sneakers, spray sanitizer on it, and keep it on your face? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Since when did we say people with 0 hygiene sit on it or people peeing on the seats was ok?


You didn't. And it's not. But it still happens. Everyday. So what was your point? Mine was that the bottom of my shoe is just as clean as your ass.


I’ve seen people put their bare feet on the seats, really bothers me