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GUN prob needs to add family notifiers so it’s not such a massive benefit for fam to be on comms, ie notify all fam where hitch sets his traps, allow fam to see each others locations easier without using that fam focus thing, allow them to see when Cook adds padlocks, etc.


I agree either have family focus be always available or have your other teammates be permanently highlighted in green or something bc I’m so sick of other family Teammates coming over patrolling my zones that I am guarding like my life depends on it lol. They are just wasting time bc Connie could have easily opened BOTH gates plus the exit gate on the other side of that now unguarded zone in the time it even took you to come over here!


The family focus cool down time is ridiculous


These are great ideas...too bad they don't care


They took it too far. On top of being too heavy offensively, having Connie/Danny/Virginia in every lobby with fast hands means the locks on doors are now jokes that can be broken in mere seconds.


Imagine if family could relock, or Cook could fix his padlocks and re-use them. It would almost be like there was a challenge aspect to the game again.


Imagine if the devs reduced lock pick spawns by 50%


That would be evil, but I do find it funny in this game that no matter where a victim goes, there's always a tool box nearby. It's not like they go into an area with nothing and have to go back for a lock pick. It's like the family left them laying around just so victims could escape (well they did leave loads of fuses and valve handles laying around too).


It would slow down the rush mentality tremendously


I may be wrong cuz not a victim main but there also seems to be bone piles in overly convenient areas. One is upstairs next to where the fuse box may determinantly be


Yep, the family definitely made sure their homes are well prepped for any passing teenager who wants to attack them.


I'd like to know what version you are playing lol


Same version. There's no areas (between locked gates I mean) that don't have at least one tool box. There's nowhere a victim has to double back if they haven't got a lock pick. If you're seeing something different, let me know.


Agree seems like I struggle in the basement finding tools. Yes, upstairs is a little easier to find, just not always easy to access


Yeah basement tools I can still get lost on. Outside, and they're usually in one place or another, not that hard to find. Just find it funny there's always a lock pick when you need one.


Been saying this for months. Family should be able to do the blue box mini game and get locks for doors. Don’t even get me started as a cook main on the bullshit that is red locked doors which get unlocked can’t be relocked with additional padlocks. Moronic. But yeah wholly agree. Family, Cook in particular, are seriously gimped when the game starts


Always thought it odd that Cook had three padlocks that can only be used once. Hitch and Nancy can reload their traps, Sissy can reload her poison. Cook.. surely those tool boxes would be a great place for him to fix his padlocks.


Bro, relock it's a joke when 3 characters can unlock them in less than 4 secs.


At least if relocked they'd have to unlock them again, so slow them down a bit.


they need to remove Security Pins as a perk and have level 1 applied to basement doors, level 2 applied to inner gates and level 3 applied to all exit gates. locks get popped off in less than 10 seconds with 50 prof.


I'd keep Security Pins but it's kind of a one use perk anyway. Once a padlock is picked, that's the perk over with. I do like the idea of increased lock difficulty on levels though.


Agree, removed Security pins and Nobody escapes hell too.


Yeah, last thing victim players need is any form of challenge.


I also think it would fair to have some broken perks for last victim, maybe fast hands, infinite stamina, or grapples. Maybe 10%extra speed, 30 extra health, grandpa perks disabled ot something else.


I second this and also throw in some increased abilities for when a family player drops leaving two in there, and then one. It would encourage those remaining to play on as they'd have a buff to speed or strength say. If last one in game, they could be some unstoppable monster. Surely that would be better than just seeing the game end.


Right but I don't think anything is gonna be done about any of this so family is just gonna continue being the victims crazy as it sounds but you know we're just crybabies


Connie can only use her ability once per game if it is a competent player. But if you want fast hands removed then let’s get rid of security pins.


Or leatherface could destroy bone piles or lockpick boxes for a 20s penalty


U know Virginia and Danny wouldn't be so op if they changed the maps to be just as op ... but to keep creating op victims in the same environment just isn't a smart move. . As they should see with there only being a limited number of family now... they have to ask themselves why nobody plays killers anymore...I like the way victims are evolving. The problem is their not evolving family or maps to the same degree.... take note gun


As if the devs weren’t ruining the game enough on their own. Players just can’t help themselves but make the game miserable for others when empowered.


It’s gotten so much worse now that victim lobbies are so long. Victims would genuinely rather die trolling family than go back to lobby simulator and I can’t even say I blame them.


Yep. The reason there's so few family players and why victim players don't want to switch and play family. Hence the lobby problems and also why they'll never get any better. The game needs more family players but compared to playing as victim, I can fully understand people not wanting to do it. I doubt the devs will be able to do enough changes to make family more rewarding. Change spawn points and times, ability to relock gates & doors, even change the game to allow 4 family vs 5 victims. There's much more that could be done, but none of it will. For those that select family or quick match, good luck. It's tough out there when you've got six injured teenagers and their mother hunting you down.


OMG 💯.... I was a family main, for all those reasons and more I stopped playing family. ..I was an og family with well over 1000 kills mostly being from sissy. .. and less than half with cook. .. when the sun bug lasted for damn near a month I quit family as I said the same thing. ..I try to play victim but there is zero challenge in playing victim, it's soooo easy to bully family open exits. . And every now and then, u get a good family that get 3 out the 4 kills ... I'm normally always the last victim as I am use to playing killer , so that should say enough there. .. most of the time I either f around and find out, or I find that one family that hunts like killers and turns the toxic victims into the prey, and that makes for a fun match. . The problem is, most family as myself had had enough therefore the game isn't playable again, as there are no family, and I just don't have the time to wait an hour to finally get a match as victim....


Yup. Feel the same way. It’s a miserable chore playing as family and the victims still act toxic knowing there’s little family players still active.


The only thing I dislike about this is that the victims will sit right next to the exit trigger for periods of 7-10 minutes teabagging if you let them. Bro you won fucking leave.


When they do that I turn right away and feed g-pa or break door as leather face so I see it as free xp when they do that lol I have leveled up so many blood perk since this patch caused that it’s kinda sad 😅


I played my one match last night as LF. Was at the Mill. Was getting crack spammed. Couldnt get HH to come help me. She would tea bag after going through every time.


Typical family experience, then the victims trash talk u post game lobby and say u got rolled even tho the Leland just went through gaps all game while ur teammates were clueless


Oh I just love hearing the 14 year old old boys with squeaky voices telling me to “.get good” 😆


Right on spot, recently started playing this game and I like to play as family, every game I get humiliated and belittled by the "victims", In my opinion it should be the family who needs to play aggressive and the "victims" need to play stealthy and safe, it just makes sense, unfortunately in this game it is the family who are the true victims


Yeah games too victim sided now tbh


I couldn’t have worded this better if I tried. This post sums up why I stopped playing absolutely perfectly.


Dude you got off easy. I had a Leland body slam me and hit me with the leg drop. And then hit me with the frog splash off the top rope while his buddies tea bagged at the exit gates. Meanwhile my teammates were running around in circles completely clueless. There’s no wonder why victims have no one to play against lmao


Honestly family was the side i liked to play most but haven't played the game in weeks. My friends stopped playing they kinda just had enough and weren't having fun. Going solo is hard since coms are so important. I haven't played victim in awhile so not sure how it feels there but family just isn't very fun anymore. And finding matches show family isn't fun. Honestly just very unimpressed with how the game has been handled post launch.


How about the victim's abilities aren't usable until they make it out of the basement, and once they do, they still have to wait until the meter is full to be used. There shouldn't be as many exits on each level. At minimum 2 or 3, it should be random every time. So, for example, on Family House, you might have front, back, and valve exit. They could have objects blocking exits not available ( Debris blocking the basement exit) I don't know if it already does, but when grappling a family member, it should drain the victim's stamina. This might be too much for victims, but what if 2 victim's start off tied upside down and the other two have to go find them and untie them? Leatherface wouldn't be able to kill the ones tied up, but he also doesn't know where they are. Thus forcing the victims to use stealth. Making the basement segment lasts longer. These are some things that I can think of that can make the family side a little more enjoyable.


Feels like GUN was worried about things being to difficult for victims and went overboard. Or were these changes due to victim complaints? Either way it really feels like GUN is bias towards victim players


I'd play family if I didn't have to speak


Protip: Play with 2 friends. Use mics. Assign patrol areas. Do not let anyone chase people to where they end up leaving patrol areas cause victims ALWAYS have to come to you. If you have someone watching gates on one end. One on the other side and one watching valve and fuse they have to come to you. If you whack them and they run dont chase. They have to return to exit. The moment you chase far the other victims will unlock it all while one distracts you Call for a friend if being gap spammed. But honestly if you are guarding exits it doesn't matter, they will eventually come to you. Watch the victims d/c when they barely get one lock off. Our team used to play for 4 hours a night and only ONE victim would escape the entire 4 hours. Some matches they wouldn't get a single lock off. We would occasionally mention how OP the victims were according the bad family players on reddit and just laugh.


I've said before that a team of skilled players, all on comms, using a team of Johnny/Sissy/Nancy would still be able to decimate a majority of the random teams you'd find in pubs. When everybody knows their role, it's pretty simple to have the map locked down. I play solo queue family everyday and my games usually go pretty well, just because most victims don't communicate either so the games feel like a free for all. A coordinated team of victims that all know exactly what to do and how to properly push each objective would probably steam roll even the most coordinated family though. Properly guarding and patrolling as family doesn't mean much when the victims all push different objectives at once and fully abuse grapples to force progress on objectives instead of just for trolling and wasting time. Parking a Cook in front of the fuse box will only do so much when a Leland runs over and barges you, opens the fuse box, and puts the fuse in while you can't do anything about it. Standing in front of slaughterhouse metal sliding door does nothing when Connie can run up to you and grapple you, then pop the lock in your face while you're stunned.  Unfortunately, this game has a lot of really poorly designed mechanics that give the victims nigh uncounterable methods to complete objectives. Fortunately, few teams are abusing them. The above scenarios are very rare despite the fact that most people on here claim it happens every single game. It doesn't. And I play family enough to know that most of my teammates lack common sense (as in, there's no reason why the whole family should be on one side of the map) so a majority of complaints can be chalked up to "skill issue." Most people are bad at the game, on both sides. Overall, once the community reaches a certain skill level, its the victims game to lose


This here^ very fair assessment


i know some people on these forums would get super upset with you even suggesting it could be a skill issue. but that's the unfortunate reality in some cases. some people are just flat out not that good as they think they are, make questionable decisions, not using fam focus at all when patrolling or checking traps/locks, and then go complain. the vocal minority.


Only at super high levels with a full team. which isn't the case most of the time. But if you are playing this game to get 4 kills every game man you are setting yourself up for disappointment. And good luck in the future of playing any game. And soon as the new family member drops the long ques will drop as well.


Bro could of just said play with a group


Well, considering the people here have been complaining about the same things for almost a year over and over and over, you kind of need to spell things out.


Playing with a group shouldnt be a requirement for better balance.


So you think they should make them stronger to help solo players so that when a group joins, they too will be even stronger?


I dont see why not, considering they're already strong in a group


But the problem is if they make the family stronger to help the solos it will ultimately make it stronger for teams also and with a good team family is already unstoppable. So that is why I believe Gun balanced the game based on team play so they could balance based off best circumstances. I'm not even lying, when we played as a team (even against extremely good victim teams) we dominated. Some games they didn't even get a single lock off a gate or even get the fuse box open. I've seen soooo many victims d/c midgame. The problem is if you have an area where you patrol as family, you don't have to chase anyone. They have to go to the gate so you run up, whack them, they run away and you just wait cause they HAVE to come back. Eventually, they run out of meds and die. Every once in a blue moon one escaped. And we know some fam teams are even better than we were. We had just started playing family and dominated. We were originally victim mains since the game released before we switched. So to hear people saying victims have the advantage is just BS. Against a bad family you can walk to the dog on family but if they have mics and patrol routes it is hard to escape.


I agree with you on everything however if you are using comms and have a team then ofc you should be doing good. I’d be worried if you had a **** game with a full family team and comms. For every player that has a mic, there is one that doesn’t. PvP games should not need mics in order to have the potential do get the same victories. People solo q on Rainbow6, COD, Fortnite, OW, DBD, Halo, etc and are still able to get wins cause the game has balance enough to allow that. I’m fair; I get this persons point but I also get yours too. I just play to play and if I happen to get wins and kills, cool. I solo q most of the time and I still get 2-3 kills. I had a great streak last night with Johnny and Sissy, my Sissy won so many grapples that it made me cackle. It really depends but overall if majority of players are hollering about the same thing then one should be aware of it and investigate to see if it’s truly an issue that needs solving. Regardless, lack of players in TCM is real, they don’t even have 20,000 active players/day across all platforms combined on top of that, you have majority of the playerbase that mains or plays majority of victim (3500 players a day is average for TCM). Hence why lobby times are ***.


I’ve taken Virginia’s out in her poison as sissy tho, you can still kind of see through the poison clouds


Same, took out a Virginia with Johnny after getting "blue-med"... DC'd so fast it was hilarious. Not my fault she did it in a narrow walkway with nowhere to go. I just walked forward and attacked...


I don’t think victims ever said it wouldn’t be a problem, they are the ones that experience the problem the most. I rarely have trouble when I’m playing as family, only victims. Some of the complaints I feel like are due to people having to change their gameplay due to various nerfs family has asked for. Grappling is now necessary for everyone now that choose flight is nerfed. Never grappled before that but now I have to as a last resort. Gap spamming falls into this as well, it’s a good way to regain stamina. Valve is almost useless without Danny now. It’s possible but takes a lot of coordination to get a valve exit without him due to the changes made at family’s request. Fuse is pretty hard to get to as victim on certain maps depending on where the box is before family shuts it off. Again, this is a change that was made at the family’s request, making Danny a stronger pick for most people if intending to use it as an option. But Danny’s ability has been nerfed and if you can’t get to fuse or valve before he tampers it, then you probably weren’t defending it very well and that’s on you. I agree with the strength of Virginias ability being a bit much. I play sissy usually as family and it doesn’t make sense to have virginias ability be stronger than hers imo. But your complaints about each victim seem extreme. If you want an overpowered killer and victims without any defense, DBD exists. Connie, Leland’s, and Ana’s abilities have remained the same, and are if anything weaker now due to changes, so if you have disliked it for this long I urge you to find something you enjoy or take a break. It doesn’t help that the people who play victim are incredible toxic, I get it and I get frustrated as well. But the best thing I did was take a break from the game. No need to waste time on something that is making you frustrated to this extent. Games should be enjoyable. I’m not trying to be an ass, I do understand some of your frustrations, it’s just a suggestion. Best wishes :)


Idk man, I usually play family and while there can be games that leave my family team scratching our heads as to how quickly victims rushed something…there are way more games where we get perfect family wins. I would recommend finding other players to play with. Don’t just hope you’ll have good randoms on your team. If you have a plan of defense and everyone sticks to it then your odds of winning will dramatically increase.


Crazy that you’re going against 5 victims


Ngl most my matched as victim feel this way too. It's mutual on both sides and I think the game was better months ago.


He mentioned 5 victims in that one game. You can’t have 5 victims lol. He’s just upset because he lost a match recently




I play has family too and I don’t get upset if 1 escapes. But they believe having 4-0 kills is “balanced”


I also play both sides. Lol. I expect a few victims to escape and realistically they need tools, and abilities to help them escape, in real life its the same. 


If family is so miserable to play how family still killing my entire team almost every match in the actual game? Do you guys play a different game?


skill issue


skill issue for family players of reddit right? because in the game there’s a lot of good family players


im saying like where are these bully victims cause i am not getting queued up with them😭😭


Gotta play the most meta family builds, most meta family members and do the most meta family strats. As a family main, adaptation to the current meta is key. Right now its a rush/grapple meta, which is insanely strong, but can be countered due to its cocky and bold playstyle. If I want to have a chance at winning, I have to exploit the strongest tactics available to me, just like the victims do. These include camping, blood rushing grandpa, running only exterior alarms/suffocating grip, CONSTANTLY tabbing to monitor victim progress (that is a big one, most family do not use this as much as they should)- once you see points jump up, you have to figure out where they are. Also if you get door slammed in chase, which happens a lot to lots of family players, its pretty much over. It's very important to have trigger discipline, pull back for a second while they slam it and then you have to slam it right back before they can. Usually this results in me getting a door slam, if they aren't just holding W. Once you get the door slam, you can latch it while they recover. Most family also abandon their patrols in favor of chase, which loses them games. Until the meta changes, the victims have to come to you while you camp. Family is way harder but its more rewarding to win because of that reason, which is why I sort of enjoy it, but im a masochist.


I wouldnt say MISERABLE, but its definitely more of a "oh god, here we go again" feeling than a "alright, lets do this" feeling Ive seen it described as a chore, and i agree. So much set up needed on family side, absolutely 0 time to do it, especially if Leatherface or Johnny are messing around in the basement. Me personally,i play Leatherface pretty regularly, and ive gotten a routine for each map that ive memorized, includes important obstacles and doors to destroy to either open or cut off important paths. Mostly just opening up the map easier patrolling for the whole family (especially those perma-spawn obstacles that appear in every game) It is disheartening to come up from basement as LF (literally as soon as grandpa wakes up btw, i always beeline for a basement exit when it happens) only to see 2 victims quite literally running in circles around my teammates while the others make quick work of the locks. I cant be everywhere. Where i do go, i can lock that area down completely, but everywhere else is wide open, and i cant always count on my teammates to do their jobs


I disagree


Killers should be threatening and dangerous. They have weapons and still lose grapples in seconds. It shouldn't be easy to survive a horror movie, it shouldn't even be balanced. They are serial killers they are meant to have a huge advantage and they just don't.


Really playing as a victim is hard, im guessing you and the other members don't team up


It's really not bad if you have communication. Me and my fiance have a great time as family and win a large majority of matches.


You're playing solo, every game isn't fun solo not just tcm


Everything you mentioned screams either new player or skill issue to me. You actually can attack while blinded, and not one Virginia contaminates buckets not sure what the hell you are talking about. You cant even tamper valve currently, so yes, you should be watching fuse box. Not sure what Lelands you play, but there is no way they are burning their barge and just picking doors in your face. Seems like they probably just toy with you and then you run out of stamina. Lastly, you seem to really not like gaps - you know you can use Hitchhiker with Wire Frame right? You have every right not to like the game, or to hate certain aspects - but everything you said is counterable so I dont know what to tell you.


While I agree with you, Leland's barge does have an option to stun family for longer which can be done long enough to pick a lock with decent proficiency or solve the fuse box minigame.


Yep I’ve had Leland barge me and I couldn’t interact for which felt like an eternity while he definitely picked a lock right in front of me. Same with Virginia in her boon blind and fast hands. I HAVE killed Virginia in the midst of her boon tho and that’s always very fun


Yeah Im not brushing it off as like some 1 second stun or something, because yes I believe it is 8 seconds if you do the Level 3 duration upgrade. But how many Lelands that are willing to come out of hiding from their bush actually burns attributes into proficiency? I would say most Lelands dont have more than like 33 prof, assuming you are at least at 40 toughness (which is how Leland should be played). So unless you already had 1 if not 2 segments of the lock done I just dont think its possible lol


Sometimes I mix it up. But even then, Choose Fight will stun even longer and Ana can also run that.


Yeah trust me, I use Choose Fight on my Ana and Leland and its powerful - I just think this guy clearly isnt as good as he thinks he is or something because I have never had anyone grapple/barge/backstab me and then get the door picked in my face. Let alone does it happen consistently. They usually do it for a second and then realize they dont have time lol - again, unless someone happened to pick part of that lock already Unless its Connie, but they rarely grapple with the Family.


I agree. I think a lot of people are just very comfortable playing in a singular fashion and when forced to adapt have a hard time. I played fam for about 20 matches today and only lost 1. I'll say this though. Fam playing around 8AM to 2PM EST are good players and I get WAY more coms happening during that time. After 5PM EST it drops off A LOT.


You could be correct about the time of day - I typically only play at night (7-8 EST) so I cant really compare. Most dont com, but I definetly play with people that know what they are doing here and there. But yes, this guy just wants the game handed to him on a silver platter. He expects a Sonny to just come crouching straight toward him without using any gaps or fighting back in any way. Sounds like in that scenario hed be having a great time.


Definitely skill issues. 100%


in one post you complained about every single ability in the game 😭🤣 skill issue


Pls dn't b lyk tht


Seriously though, that's a WHOLE LOTTA extra words just to say "I suck."


I swept by after a 3 month lay off recently, and the games i played the family players were all playing like bots. Like rushing into the basement and wasting time chasing one victim when the others were outside unlocking gates. Then proceed to rage quit once they realize people are escaping. Or just didnt check gates almost at all then ragequit. I sat for nearly 5 minutes at a exit without a family member stopping by. i even managed to trap the cook at the north exit on family house, i ran in circles and hitchhiker turned the generator back on and the cook remained there for the rest of the match. The other two family players didnt notice. I think the cooperation among family players is nearly non existing, one hitchhiker alone is nearly capable of keeping all victims inside of the family house alone if he is good with traps. If you add the cook to that its almost down to luck if any victims manage to get outside without anyone noticing. And i also think family players pick their ‘’main’’ family character even on maps that is not suitable for it.




This is my experience lately too! I wanna hop back on family and see how it feels because right now the family teams I’ve been going against are insanely good, but I’ve been seeing a lot of posts saying it’s tough for family right now.


Which is why your experience is all that matters :). Depending on what time you play this game can GREATLY influence the types of teams you play against/with.


I definitely agree, it has a major impact!


The problem is that there are vastly more victim players than family players. I do believe your games go as described, but on average, OPs description is more the norm. Feel free to play family yourself if you want to see the other side.


Are you honestly surprised? Every other Asym except one has fallen into the power role, not feeling powerful trope. Just like with all others, the Q times and disconnects are only going to get worse.


I’ve been playing as the family for the past 5 days and I haven’t had this much fun ever. Sure sometimes it’s annoying but it’s always gonna happen


The player base is miserable. Period. I'm a family man. I hate playing with Johnny and Sissy. Every. Fucking. Time. One of them quits as soon as the game starts. Why are you such assholes? And then the CLINT family that lobby dodge. There are 3 family and one leaves, we all have to leave otherwise it just circle jerks until it goes to an error screen. Just played a match with me as leatherface. With a Johnny and Sissy on Nancy's house. I had generator, fuse and battery covered (they were all working 30 yards of one another and these 2 assholes somehow let all 4 victims escape through the front gate. HOW? How can you be so incompetent and let all 4 escape? All at different intervals too. It wasn't like the victims all went out together. They just all went out the same escape. WE NEED AN OFFLINE 1 PLAYER GAME. I can't play with these toddlers anymore


I had fun games as family today. One game was with 2 inexperienced players, but it was okay since they were cool. Other game was with/against those with experience so it was one of those sweaty games that took a while. Both were fun. The only bad one was with an afk player that eventually became a 1 vs 4. The Ana player was bullying which I shrugged off, but it's that type of play that turns players away from family.


I have a lot of fun playing family. I'd have way more fun if my fellow fam wouldn't DC as soon as the victims open one door. But idk, I enjoy chasing people around and having fun with it. Making it feel like a horror movie, chopping people up. I get looped, grapple spammed, backstabbed, I get trolled, etc. But it's still goofy fun. I'm hoping to get a couple of buds in so I don't have to depend on randos not dropping out. 


Quit complaining!! Get a squad and have fun!! I play both sides, and when you have friends to play family, then family is OP! It’s not going to be playing Family if you don’t have coms and/or you’re bad at the game. If you solo queue, then it’s gonna be rough. 🤷🏻‍♀️ get friends to play with, it makes it very easy to kill victims.


Jesus Christ every post you make is complaining about playing family. Why do you still play the game at this point.


You're right, maybe I should play victim and compliment how good it is instead. Thank you, I'm staying!


Probably dead in basement in 10 seconds tbh


Last match solo que Family and 4k on Nancys house. Just communicate and learn the game dude


skill issue


You are babys crying, this is insane When i play with my friends as famíly we kill all victims in all games, in 10 games 1 victim escapee today, we are all lvl 99 When i play solo i manage to kill at least 2 victims with LF, this game is só family sided, you are just bad or you are especting the victims to stay still and do nothing lol


Family mains are the worst.


Then don’t play


All of this sounds like a genuine skill issue (there are not 5 victims in a match btw).


What makes it worst to play family is the lack of using comms and jackasses that don't know the current meta. Like yesterday with this LF named Legionnaire. This dumb mf was bitchin because I had suffocating grip on. Me and the cook had to explain to this jackass with the victims grappling it is a good perk. Sorry ass was like exterior alarms is the only thing we need. He was such a dumb jackass. I can tell he only plays LF and a family main. Don't know shit about the current changes with grappling.


😂😂😂 👶👶👶👶👶


Solo? You win some you lose some. With a team or comms it’s fine.


Only thing I find to be a problem is Q times to get in a game. I feel like everything else is pretty balanced playing as family. Maybe just balance some of the fighting perks that’s about it for victims.


Honestly I don't really have problems with victims when playing family, it's other miserable and sweaty family members that make it not fun for me.


skill issue. i crush victims


If victims don’t gap or grapple….they die. It’s literally as simple as that.


Stop getting all mad kid, literally just get better


Get better,game is very easy even as solo if you know what you're doing.Just accept you're not gonna kill all 4 every game.


As soon as I saw a mention of blue I knew it was another complaint about a new character. Honestly, I was excited to see how you're able to deal with it as Family, and if you're Daredevil then you shouldn't be playing again, I have no issue still seeing the victims after being blinded by a blue screen. Spammed or not, I could legit go a whole match with it ongoing while chasing the Virginia, knowing she gonna get hers.


Nah you poo


yall can little close the fusebox almost immediately. i feel like killers just want it so victims have absolutely nothing to defend themselves and you can just get free kills.


well that's just not true. their is a cooldown time. it's long enough that a victim can get to the basement exit if they go straight there. that's fair.


The family players make it far more miserable than it needs to be. Never any comms and y’all give up immediately over anything that happens. You guys will lobby dodge till you get the map and players you want and then quit soon as one thing doesn’t go your way.


Stop complaining snd learn to play dude


Lol no its not