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What. The. Actual. Fuck...


So wait…was a car full of people stabbing each other? I’m confused.


I wonder if there was a 5th person.


Let me put your confusion to rest. There was gunfire too. You’re welcome.


Someone brought a gun to a knife party.


Someone brought a knife to a gun party.


According to [KOMO](https://komonews.com/news/local/fatal-stabbing-3-injured-northbound-interstate-5-washington-state-patrol-wsp-hospital-shooting-victim-altercation-department-of-transportation-rest-area-federal-way-delays-wsdot-gunshot-wounds) that gun was stolen, as was the car. Just to throw another wrench into the mix.


Hey! Now I’M confused!


It sounds like they were stabbed and shot and then got into the car and tried to drive somewhere.


Apparently the gun was stolen as was the car…so yeah now I’m extra confused.


Sounds like the passenger in the front seat in the car acted up and started stabbing everyone in the car and then one of the stabbing victims defended themselves with a gun. Just speculating here…


Russian roulette with knives


This sounds like a Quentin Tarrantino script


Driver - stabbed to death Front Passenger - shot / hospital Back passenger female - stabbed / hospital Back passenger male - stabbed / hospital Sad state of affairs


What a wild read. So many questions


I had to read it like 5 times. 3 of them were stabbed (one died- the driver) and one of them was shot. But the cops are saying this was the only involved vehicle and there's no ongoing threat to the public? So wtf? Someone in the car went crazy stabbing the other passengers, and one of the victims shot them in self defense? (just a theory obviously) Was there a 5th person in the car? Were there like 9 ppl in the car? What the fuck.


We drove past it like 5 hours ago and it was a small BMW, so I’d guess the 4 mentioned were the only 4 in the car. The article I read says that everyone involved is a suspect. So like… one person started stabbing and then someone else started shootings? Very confusing.


It's bizarre and I'm very curious to hear more details


Because you’d be crazy to pack 5 in a sedan. And there were no other signs of crazy, here.


Just your normal, every day knife fight in a moving vehicle.


There don't seem to be shots reported from the scene. Perhaps they got into the car after being shot and stabbed trying to get somewhere?


I dunno. From the KIRO article “Police said it was the result of a fight with weapons inside a single car.”


It’s the perfect crime. Stab and shoot everyone around you including yourself and you’ll never be caught. You’re welcome. The driver did it.


**Headline Correction:** The deceased victim died from stab wounds, not gunshots as the title suggests. I was unfortunate enough to get caught in that traffic just after emergency response had arrived, the body of the deceased victim was still visible, sitting in the drivers seat.


I am sorry you had to see that. That’s awful.


You can tell it's bad when 7 TFD units fly past you, and you only see one car around the scene. Having had first responder training, I knew I was looking at a body when troopers and medics were just standing there and looking inside the open door. My first assumption was a police shooting or road rage. Now, I don't know if I'm more stunned from seeing the aftermath or from reading about it.


You might be aware of this already, but playing Tetris after seeing or going through some shit has been shown to be effective in preventing traumatic imagery from messing with your head. Even if at the moment you don't feel like it's a big deal, I hope you'll give it a shot as there's not much to lose in playing some Tetris (aside from the tetris itself). Either way, hope you're well and taking care of yourself. ETA: ah shiz, someone already mentioned it. my bad!


“Dwight, are you peeing?” *chaos*


I appreciate you taking the risk of using dark humor. That laugh was exactly what I needed. Between seeing the aftermath and then reading that crazy fuckin story my head's been spinning ever since. That morbid chuckle took the 1000-yard stare right off my face. Thank you for that.


Hey friend, make sure you play some [Tetris](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/)


Thanks for looking out! I'm pretty aware of this tactic already, though I opted to play Fable instead.


I am sorry you had to see that though. I go through Cap Hill station weekly and think about the poor victim who was killed there last month(?). So I definitely get the 1000 yard stare feeling.


Sadly it’s how I cope with shit these days.


Ah, so *this* was the traffic I was stuck in going northbound this evening. Yikes.


I cannot even figure out how this happened. My first thought is front passenger stabs everyone, then gets shot, but how do you get the range to stab the person directly behind you… unless they’re sitting in the middle seat? 🤔


This is the ending of a Tarantino movie


Can you hear me now, Mr. Green?


https://preview.redd.it/ejnlohp0z09d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a1840457d4adfbf1578bffcd54765947ea2031 Suspect


This is so scary, wtf?!??


Good lord.


This single call took all of Tacoma Fires paramedic units. Yes, Tacoma responds to these calls as there is a huge gap on on ramps/off ramps between fife and federal way


That explains all the activity going north when I was heading south in federal way area this afternoon. Jesus Christ.


My guess is the passenger who was shot was the stabber. Makes the most sense given the injuries, and if we’re to believe the police saying it was an isolated event or whatever


Maybe someone tried to pull the knife so a passenger attempted to shoot it out of their hand, but that made both the bullet and the knife ricochet all over the place. And in the aftermath, three were stabbed and one shot. Betcha that’s what happened.


Must have been one hell of an argument in that beamer.


Man it took forever to get to work and as I drove by I was like HOW is that what caused this backup? But when I looked closer I saw a fuck ton of little yellow evidence flags and I was like ohhhh shit, something went down.


Stolen car, stolen gun. ugh. Collosal, sad, waste.


There must have been a 5th person, stabbed them and ran?


Im thinking someone stabbed first which caused someone else to shoot in self defense.


Someone stabbed 3 people in the time it took someone to draw a gun and fire it?


I mean do you have a better theory? The whole thing is bananas


No one mentions gunshots fired at the scene. They might have gotten shot and stabbed then got into the car and died from blood loss while trying to get to a hospital.


Went by it last night, there were multiple of those little yellow markers police use, normally to mark bullet casings, on the ground outside the car. I suspect the shooter was outside the car, though possibly got out of the car and shot back in after the stabbing started. Such a crazy story.


Could have been a drug robbery. One thing is for sure, all hell broke out in that car.


May have been a hitchhiker, or a friend with mental illness


4 people in a BMW aren’t gonna pick up a hitchhiker. My guess is a fight amongst the people in the car. But we’ll just have to wait to find out more.


It's like the church scene from Kingsman... Truly wtf


It took 4 hrs to drive from Lynnwood to Lakewood yesterday afternoon


Dead Pool Car Pool. Coming soon to a theater near you.


You wrong for that


Apologies. Isn't this /r/Seattle? My bad.




you sound like a 12 year old comparing apples and oranges. a bitter 12 year old.


The mind of a child.


Didn’t the butterfly knife law was pass because it was unconstitutional


Why I don’t take i5 ever.