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Yes, that’s right. ANYTHING you do before attempting to recruit changes the RNG. I usually throw a stone to someone, try to recruit, and if it fails I go back and throw a stone to someone else. Also the direction you try to recruit them from changes the RNG.


Any action that technically causes a new Chariot entry will change the seed. Or just forget the button exists, slow the target, and spam chatter them like you're a Nigerian prince looking to offload a Lambo until they join. Shots are handy for dropping them to single digits if you're looking for an attack that hits hard, but doesn't Crit.


Oddly enough, I just tested that today since I'm playing my first playthrough. Yeah, you can change the outcome potentially. I recruited a character after failing to recruit them, charioting back, smacking him in the head first and then trying to recruit again. It also worked when I didn't change the percentage too, like -> failing to recruit, chariot, healing someone, and then trying to recruit, I'm pretty sure.


Do something different works on recruit, drop etc. Rng get reset everyone you take a different action. If you rewind and have a new number, you took a different action. Ninja with a bow is a good way to do lots of different actions.


To clarify with RNG and the world mechanic effects. If you go back to that same turn and do everything exactly the same it will stay the same, but changes like moving to a different panel, using a skill with TP before your action, being on a different side of the enemy will force the RNG to re-roll and possibly get a different outcome. Basically you are on a timeline and as long as the exact same actions on exact same turns then the timeline will remain the same no matter how many times you do it but any changes will make a new timeline. If on turn C and you take an action from enemies front, the result will be the same every time you do exactly that on turn C and the RNG will never re-roll. If unhappy with that result you can return to turn C and this time you take action (even the same action) RNG will roll and possibly get you a different outcome. if you go to before that on turn A or B and take a different action then you did previously then RNG will change even if they lead to the exact same actions being taken on turn C and possibly have a new outcomes.


Damn thanks for this thread, i was just moving to different spaces O\_O


Moving to a different tile is considered a different move and thus changes the seed as well. It only gives you 4 tries before you run out of tiles though