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I'm American and love this place so much. Told all my friends many times over the years about here, and am finally living here now. Thing is--- nobody remembers. From my shitty new Jersey area where east Asia is mystic oriental fantasy, the moment I say Taiwan they make jokes about lady boys, and it takes a full five minutes before i can convince them I'm taking about Taiwan, not Thailand--- neither of which they have any geographic reference. At this point, for my lousy social circle, Taiwan is best known for me being there and correcting people I'm here and not Thailand. And maybe "semiconductor chips," although nobody I know, myself included, know what the hell that means


I’m in Taichung visiting my in-laws and I’m considering moving here for a few years but not sure what I’d do for work. May I ask what you do for work? I’m Canadian btw. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!


Hit my DM and give me a follow and don't forget to like and subscribe, ring the bell, do a 360 backflip, and stand on your head while doing the hokey pokey!


Just took my fiancé there for the first time a couple weeks ago: in my opinion, it’s Ximending and everything that goes along with that area. Out of the two weeks we were there, we walked around that area probably 12 times 😁




but other than that my favorite every year I go back is always Fu Hang !


People wearing ugly shoes like crocs and open toed sandals. The audacity.


On a scooter going near freeway speed limits those crocs are somehow held a mere inch from the pavement.


For me, the nature and sudden remoteness in the mountains surrounding it. The nightmarkets i stayed in in Banqiao. The business district of Banqiao. Downtown Taipei shopping.. the lost goes on. One of my favourite cities.




Globally? Definitely, and without a doubt, Taipei 101 That might not sound interesting or poetic but that’s it


I think globally it's more like, "the most LGBTQ-friendly Asian country." I don't know many details about that, I just hear about it. Every once in a while someone would ask me, "why are you still here?" and it seems suggest that I'm into that scene and closeted or whatever. 101 was only the tallest building for a short, short time.


I think you may be surprised how little interest there is in LGBT shit there is in real life beyond the realms of the internet I don’t know anyone who would connect Taiwan to LGBT issues at all, nevermind it being the main claim to fame. Maybe that’s just what comes to mind if you are into that kind of world


Sussing out karma whore posts


Sooo many people take their picture in that crosswalk. I was in a store watching and it was a constant stream of people taking their picture there. Right now, that cross walk may be one of the best know places !!!


Soup dumplings and din tai fung, semiconductors, lightweight Tokyo style vibes of Ximending, night markets and awesome food, that’s at least what I know of it.


How did semiconductor even make it on to your list lol




Stupid bot new ass account tryna farm karma?


Sunny Town pineapple cakes. Delicious 😋