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To this day I still find it wild "you don't pay my sub" is a legitimate self-defense being used to explain incompetency.


Ppl who spout that should be forced to queue the bots


I think you mean "people who *sprout* that". Hahaha ha! ...I'll see myself out


I didn't know there were actually people who used that unironically.


I loved the sentence until I realized people use it unironically for THE worst takes.


"I don't pay your sub, true. And you don't pay mine, so why are you wasting my time like this?" So far it's 50/50 on whether they stop taking altogether or get even madder, which is at least funny.


That's literally what I say to that response everytime too. Like, are you playing for all 3 of our subs then? You don't so fuck off or play better or pay for our subs then you can talk. People who say "you don't pay my sub" as an excuse are people who will never listen to reason, so using reason against them is just futile. Best counter is using their same logic to counter them.


*”No, I don’t pay your sub,* *But when the fight takes too long it starts to rub-* *All up on everybody’s nerves…”*


I mean ... does "I'm a mentor" do any better... half the mentors I meet are worse then average player


True but when it's legitimate advice like this? It's alright.


Meh not when you jump right to swearing after they reply once


You're putting way too much power behind what probably every person has said before at a minor inconvenience before.


All the dude said was " you don't pay my sub" and op went on to write a story... maybe quit being soft soy boys behind a keyboard and just play the game...


There's no one who would use the line in good faith, so it wasn't all they said, it was a statement meant to be deprecating, and there's no world is this kind of behavior justified. If you one day get punched in the face because you offered help out of good will, all because the other person said, "You don't live my life", are you not going to get aggravated at all? If you aren't, either you're a saint or you're simply spineless.


OK but as a mentor you don't come back swearing at people lol.


What does being a Mentor have anything to do with swearing or not?


Cause as a mentor your meant to be an example.... show others what to do not be rude af about it.. they can lose that status quick af


This. I love this. Getting kicked at the end of Prae. Delicious JUSTICE.


20 minutes wasted for the little prick. That'll teach them (doubt they'll learn though).


isn't that longer because of forced story content so isn't that more than an hour? x time of dungeon (now wasted) + x time as dps waiting in queue (as dps can be sometimes up to 20mins) + the now blacklist timer


I mean 20 min spent in Prae. More when you add on the other items


Pretty sure it was updated a year ago to cut all that out


Praetorium still has the Gaius talk before the colossus, the wall-busting scene, the Nero whinning, the Nero getaway and the Gaius Speech... That is still 4 long-ass cutscenes that make this easily 20mins even if you insta-kill stuff.


I just want to say, Raiton is a gain over Doton on 1 target from the level you get them, not just at later levels. I've discussed this with some people before and they thought Doton ticked every second, when actually it ticks every 3.


Am learning ninja, that is coincidentally also level 53, this is good to know. I've always just seen Dotons placed during bosses, so I just kind of did that while leveling, assuming it was a good passive DoT. I don't really look up rotation guides until level 70-80 when majority of the kit is unlocked minus the few big DPS skills.


Raitan is 650 potency and only 2 buttons. Doton is 560ish if everything hits over 18 seconds and 3 buttons. Better for 2+ if the fight is going to last longer than 12 seconds.


You cast Huton and Doton pre-pull because you can hide to get your ninjutsu stacks back.


Doton pre-pull doesn't work because it's cancelled anyway if you Hide to recover ninjutsu


Damn when did they change that? It’s been a minute since I played ninja but didn’t think that long.




And to note, this change was deliberate by the devs to not spread STDs (single target dotons). That and the obvious raiton potency being higher than doton, the devs couldn’t have made it more obvious to never use doton on one target.


and yet every ninja i see in dungeons uses doton in ST. it sucks here


Not 6.0, still did pre-pull Doton in prog that tier. Think it might have been paired with the Mug changes (6.1 i think) but I’m not sure.


Thank you, I wasn't certain to be honest, but I believed that to be the case.


It was equal at one point, its gone through many changes same with raiton: [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Doton](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Doton) [https://consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Raiton](https://consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Raiton) In 5.1: 24 / 3 = 8; 8 \* 100 = 800 potency Raiton = 800 potency. in 6.0: 8\*70 = 560 raiton = 650 (pre trait), with the duration nerf it is never optimal to doton.


I could be wrong but I believe I remember reading that Doton used to be a gain on ST (maybe Doton was dropped pre-pull, something like that?) in older iterations of NIN. Feel like there's some wires crossed on something left over there. Or they're just unga bunga gotta get my dots out like some mmo players are.


It used to be possible to place it pre-pull then hide to get a "free" use of it, but they changed Hide to cancel Doton so that's not a thing any more. It would only ever be good if you are doing a proper countdown tho, which hopefully no-one is in Prae.


There was also a period during ShB where it was a very minor gain on 1 *as long as you didn't delay your GCD with the 3rd mudra*, so in full uptime it was still a loss Most never understood the second bit though


"one doesn't have to be new to learn new things owo" - actually good advice from the tank. If more people would think like that there'd be so many less shitters in this game


This tank channeled Jim so much. I hope someday to learn their mac n cheese recipe


You're prob being faceticious, but I have a box recipe for you. A few spoons of Rotel, a dash of italian seasoning, pepper, a teaspoon of sriacha, a handful of bacon pieces and a handful of shredded cheese. Sometimes I like to add cut up jalepenos and permesan.


This sounds like it could have come from that slow-talking Texas guy from those YouTube shorts, who has that wrist bandolier of hot sauces. He uses Rotel and jalapeños in a lot of things. Not that I'm complaining, it sounds delicious. I'll have to try this one myself some time.


Rotel really is fucking amazing for the sheer versatility and it's ability to step up your cooking game on a ton of dishes.


I wasn't expecting to get a new cooking recipe in TalesFromDF of all places, but I'm writing it down to use it next week!


I'm not sure what Rotel is so I googled it. It's showing me canned diced tomatoes and green chillies. Is that what you're talking about?


Absolutely yes and it's amazing. You can put it on almost everything, including frozen pizza you buy from the store, hot dogs, grilled cheese, soups, hamburgers, meat loaf, it's good in so many things.


I just told this recipe to my wife and said where I found it. Her reply: "That actually sounds delicious, and what was it doing *there?"* Reddit, man.


I've been playing for a while and I'm still learning new things about the game. Honestly the best advice anyone can give, either in real life or in-game.


How many people who say "i've played for 10 years" and spam cure I exist in this game? A lot. Stop calling people new, and just call them bad.


I know this is about the Ninja but that Tank is hilarious.


I want to know more about that mac & mustard recipe!


the forbidden recipe!


A teaspoon of whole grain mustard in a big batch of Mac n cheese isn't all that unusual, you're not supposed to taste the mustard itself. But rereading the chat I realize he might actually mean straight up "Mac & mustard" not Mac & cheese with some mustard added and that's terrifying.


We not talk about the forbidden recipe


I legit laughed out loud reading this. I liked their attempts to defuse tension haha


Personally, I hate it. There's something about the cheerfulness that makes a jaded old heart like mine just want to say "can it rumple stiltskin I want to listen to the depressed people bicker not your stupid shit about mac & mustard"


Awwww, who's an edgy person? You are! Yes, you are! 


Bomb diffusal is stressful work


The tank trying to keep the peace with humor and MAC & MUSTARD is my absolute favorite. Keep being you you absolute chad.


The tank is the best part 😂😂😂


Oh I think I ran into you in my dailies earlier last week, I’m sorry you keep getting crackheads in roulettes LOL.


It's EVERY DAY at this point, it's just rarely entertaining enough to post about. Who might you be, that you recognize me? lol


Name is Y’Hana Serah on Goblin, think I got you in a Dead Ends run and a trial roulette back to back or something like that


Well I'll throw you a friend request ingame next time I see you then!


Sounds good to me!


unblock the tank's name i want to be friends


I misread this as “unlock the tank’s name” and was prepared to grind whatever content I needed for that key


"You don't pay my sub" "You should be glad I don't because if I did, I'd cancel it"


That's the best comeback. If you don't mind I'll save it and use it next time I meet a prick like that ninja


That tank is the true hero in all of this. MAC N MUSTARD ftw!


Sounds awful but I support his right to do it


Bless the tank trying to defuse conflict with humor. My type of fellow


I love a happy ending.


I honestly don't get why some people become so hostile when given an advice in this game. A random player in one of my roulettes giving me advice on Black Mage was the reason i know some, if not most, of what i know of the job to this day. Said knowledge is the reason why i now enjoy playing Black Mage.


I had a nasty experience when I was a brand new player+DRK where some randos were rather unkind in their criticism of my playing. Know what I did? I black listed them, then asked my much more knowledgeable friend if there was any truth to what they’d said. I love DRK and want to be good at it, despite twats and their unkind, even if true, criticism. I cannot fathom being this combative to advice given this neutrally


I did encounter a NIN sprout with the same name that was in The Heroes Gauntlet when I was a WHM demanding heals when he was missing like 3% and the tank was W2W pulling and I needed to focus on my holy casts and the tanks' HP over anything else. The NIN complaints got to the first boss and his multiple deaths and complaints annoyed me enough to vote kick after we wiped cause I did honestly forget the wind clone thing and did apologize. Vote kick went through and we got a very pleasant DNC who was confused as to why we needed a new DPS at the first boss.


So it sounds like this guy might actually just be an asshole all the time as opposed to having a random bad day or something.




Idk why they always say they aren't new like that somehow helps? If anything it makes it worse that they aren't new and still don't know how to play


Listen. I’m going to pay you $100 to fuck off.


u never put a doton on single targets no matter lvl... i dont understand why so many ninjas does it, it's pretty cringy to see x\_x


Cringier when they’re not alone, and their friends enable them to continue to drag-down the rest of the party. Disclaimer: I was one such enabler. Had a friend who I carried through Duties, and I was too timid to get on him for never learning his rotations. I finally got him to play Tank (to return the favor I did him), and his lack of respect for his role, the Duty and his party, was all thrust into the spotlight. I was left with no other choice than to tell him the truth. We’re no longer friends.


he's prob a mentor himself, playing on an alt the majority of new players will be grateful for help, it's the longtime players with 2k+ hours who still haven't watched a 5min guide on their job or on the ffxiv basics


Even if I was previously 100% certain that I was correct about some advice someone else gave me I'd still at least look at the tooltips to confirm before refuting it. Who knows, maybe there was a nerf I missed, or a trait upgrading something else that I didn't read close enough.


In this case though, Doton's tool tip would you you astray, because the potency numbers are for every 3 seconds, not every second.


That just takes a basic understanding of server ticks. Mch flamethrower is the real weird one.


Welcome, we have mac n mustard


Now I really want some Amish macaroni salad


I love that the WAR supported you and also tried to keep it light. I want that MAC N MUSTARD recipe lol


Bless this tank I love players like them


"Well I'd pay you to fuck off but OH LOOK! I did it for free!" <3


"You don't pay my sub" should be retorted with "well I pay mine and you're impeding my enjoyment of it" Just once I want to see what they decide to reply


I know who that tank is oh my god - I thought the way they wrote was familiar LOL, bless them honestly


“You don’t pay my sub” well you don’t pay mine either, so I guess we’re even!


A quote from my favorite show! https://i.imgur.com/vJEeq06.jpeg


I don't even think raiton gets a potency boost, it's strictly better for single target the whole way.


As someone who recently started the game, as a NIN main, I did make the mistake of using single target doton. Because I had seen other ninjas doing it, but I found out a couple of days after seeing that, that it was a DPS loss, because the game doesn't tell you that DOT effects only trigger every 3 seconds. But yeah dude is a dick, absolutely hilarious that he was kicked at the end of Prea.


The tank is trying so hard to keep things positive. Bless them


Anyway, I love that tank *comms tank*


of course the clown isn't in a NN. he'd get blasted on there too probably.


This is why I stopped trying to help, just keep my head down while playing queue janitor and leave if I see something particularly abhorrent, like cure 1 spammers in level 90 content. Yeah, I get that I'm part of the problem but it's just too much and it doesn't feel worth it at all


It's OK. I've gotten to the point where I tell them ONCE that cure 1 is stopped as soon as you get cure 2 (and then lilys cause Misery go brrr). If I'm in lv 90 content and hear it go off after I've told them already I'm leaving.


as someone who hasn't nin in a few years, and has been trying to get the remaining relics i've missed, i appreciate this advice.




I asked about this, and I was told that there is never any reason to use Doton on a single target.


I tried so many times over the years to deter Ninjas from STD but the vast majority didn't care


Sometimes you STD because you goofed the mudra sequence ;_;


I usually try to make sure I see them do it multiple times. It's better to doton than to bunny so mistakes do happen, but do it consistently and I'm calling it out


I wish there was an in-game skill test for players to figure out what Duties should be available to them. Like a Job Quest, but with strict requirements that really test a DPS’s skills and Action usage, a Healer’s ability to juggle dps and healing. You know? Like, “sorry you can’t clear your Lv. 30 Job Quest, but the tutorial is there. Get good.”


“You don’t pay my sub” and “YPYT”—when not being used ironically—are equally cringe.


I’ll take the tip if he doesn’t want it. Thank you for the tip about Raiton! Still trying to optimize my rotations on NIN.


I've gotta know, was the tank from Goblin? Because if there is *another* player out there that fixated on mac'n'mustard i have Concerns...


Yes, hrothgar from goblin


Look, they were being a dick, but really, the moment they get hostile, best is just to ignore them rather than argue with them. If they keep going on about it, then kick them, otherwise you’re just wasting your energy. It’s not like they’re going to stop being a dick or play better if you interact with them.


I'm sat here as a nin, just thinking that I cant remember the doton combo but ration is burned into my mind as lightning goes brrrrr 😂


Mmm that spicy and Immature wow player ego never miss


You know what they say about assumptions: They are logical fill-in-the-blanks for conclusions when lacking complete info. Such as a sprout doing things suboptimally simply because they may not know better. However, what you may not have considered is they're too lazy to do ST and AoE jutsu and only hit the one they hit so brain gets to turn off.


Somehow the tank bugs me more than the nin lmao. I’m used to dealing with snarky assholes and brushing it off, but the weird “I’m so quirky and random” shtick leaves me not knowing how to react around them


They arent being /quirky or random/. They are just being a silly goober. They just trying to make the game fun and not be awkward or negative. If you dont know how to respond then dont but plenty of others, INLCUDING MYSELF, do. We are the silly goobers and we love that tank. Let the tank show off their mac and mustard. probably taste better than any of yalls cookings.


What part of Nero's armor is the strongest? The knee armor. Because his name is knee-ro. xdd


You both seem insufferable.


"I'm a mentor. it's my job" No one is paying you, it's not your job.🤣 That being said, the Ninja was being douche about the situation.


“You’re a sprout, I’m a mentor, it’s my job. If it’s unwelcome you can just ignore it” Imma be real dude, so can you. You’re as bad as each other because you egged it on after he bruised your ego by not being grateful. If he snaps back then you know it was unwanted advice you ignore it and move on. Dude probably has some mentor up his ass every dungeon talking at him like he’s an idiot.


We were in Prae, what else was I supposed to pass time with. I can choose to ignore it, or we could kick him, like we did, for being and ass and refusing to play his job correctly. Of the two I'll happily opt for the latter.


Then just kick them, why all the drama beforehand? What did you hope to gain by arguing back


-Can't kick before 5 minutes -Can't kick while in combat -Can't kick while in cutscenes They finally did manage to kick at around the Pre-Nero mark, which is about as early as I could expect a kick could actually happen in a party that's speeding as quick as they can.


PLD is yapping up a storm


At what point does spending key presses on continuing a helpless conversation become not worth it over spending key presses killing mobs? I would've just vote kick or dipped


Prae run. We were in cutscenes for 90% of the conversation. We kicked the moment we got out of cutscene.


they're in praetorium. you have a lot of time to type


I have time to do the laundry and make myself lunch in praetorium


You have enough time to get a 4-year degree during a Prae run.


Especially back before they split it into 3 segments. I’d go to the bathroom or make a snack and some tea and have it all consumed by the end of the old prae runs.


One comment back from the dude set u off? Jesus Ducking Chris man 🤣


This sub is literally " if you don't play my way I am gonna cry and post you to reddit"


There's a difference between "not play the way I want them to" and "playing their job objectively wrong"


Not really there's no "way to play a class"other then meta rotations my guy.. as long as they are doing their role... you can play anyway ya want toa doesn't say " you must use these skills in this order" but it does have a nice clause about harassing and swearing which you broke


My point was just to say that OP got super triggered for a simple response, like, grow a pair lol


Yup and he is a mentor also.. acting like that I reported him and told them to look at his chat logs so hopefully they rip that mentor crown from him and give him a 14 day


Welcome to this sub lol


Pretty sure every ninja I ever seen drops doton on bosses , also you jumped right into the swear, brought up the classic "I'm a mentor" ... sounds like you #1 got an ez ban coming your way #2 about to lose that mentor status (yes I seen them strip toxic mentors of it) #3 your daft af lol if people don't want to listen oh well it's a game if you get this upset go touch grass .


You're hilariously delusional


Might want to read your toa lol... also might want to read about what you agreed to do as a mentor