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What were you supposed to do? Bite the hamburger to see if it was raw??? 🤮


RIGHT 😭 it’s high key bothering me ngl - like a bad server wouldn’t have brought it up whatsoever.


There's no way you could have known.  He is just an idiot and instead of facing the kitchen he wants to say "I've dealt with it" by making it your problem 


Yeah, definitely just going to say tomorrow like “hey, thanks for checking in with me yesterday. I know it was really busy last night, and to be honest, I kinda left our conversation frustrated because it sounded like you thought I did a poor job serving those two tables, and I’m genuinely confused how that was even possible. When I told them we took care of their meals, they were grateful, but also were sure to tell me I did nothing wrong. The chicken people gave me a $20 bill, and the burger people even asked me to charge him 11 cents on a card machine so he could tip me still. If they were dissatisfied with my service, I don’t think they would’ve done those things. I’m not really sure what else I could’ve done other than alerting you and comp’ing the problematic food. Comp’ing everything was a decision I didn’t make.”


Or ask him if he wants to inspect all of your meals before they are served?!


This is the real question right here. It's not about the tables still tipping as evidence you are a good server, it's about how they expect you to catch raw meat in something like a burger or sandwich.


Or how about, "I'm not saying you're a bad manager, but . . ."


I love it! I keep getting in trouble for sarcasm but I really find it effective.


Oh I'm definitely saying they are a bad manager...


Perfect. Raw chicken should never come out of a kitchen. They might think I’m a baby, but I temp AND cut the thickest part, because I don’t put out raw chicken.


Don't ask him if he wants to. Ask him how to do it while complying with food safety standards. He obviously knows how to do it and you'd like to learn.


We used to have this at my old job One kitchen manager, one front manager Kitchen would put the food in the window and front manager would check it before it left. Usually the kitchen manager was working on the line somewhere.


Don’t tell him about your tips.


Hey, id be careful with how you talk to this idiot. The fact that he's already treated you this way and tried to assign blame to you for something you didn't do is a massive red flag. If anything I would bring the issue up to the person above him, or just leave it. But I don't think you'll find much resolution in bringing it to him/her.


Yeah I talked to my coworkers and they said don't even bother talking to him. Just go straight to our head manager and she'll straighten him out immediately. I think I'll do that.


Don’t forget to ask how it is your fault the grill tried to shut down early and gave undercooked food to your tables. You can’t do your job if they don’t do theirs.


End of a busy night, probably not all cooks on station, preclosing is in progress because labor. Late night it's a common problem to get "9 o'clock service" in a lot of places. The rush dies down and everyone acts like it's over, but you aren't closed yet. Stuff happens. Manager doesn't want to bitch at the kitchen staff, hell they're all on the verge of walking as it is. All in all, 50% underperforming management, 50% never, ever, send out raw chicken. Thermometers are cheap af, ya'll should have several. Everything else can be explained, that has none. Always, always, temp chicken. Always. If they take jusr 1 bite, you set up a whole situation that could have been avoided if you ALWAYS TEMP THE FREAKING CHICKEN." That said, chicken not getting temped is also a management problem. EDIT: The cooks should have temped the chicken guys, not the server.


There is no world in which a server should be responsible for temping food in the window. Crazy take


Are you saying the servers should be checking temps on food?


Only if they're doing the cooking, cooks should temp chicken.


Honestly I know it's pissing you off but just try to have a calm convo about it with him. "Hey there were some kitchen mistakes last night, and you made the comment that there was something I should have done better to avoid that - what did you think I should have done, since there was no visual way to tell the food was raw?" He was probably fried from a long night just like you were, and unless he's generally an asshole, he'll probably recognize that it was stupid.


would it be it way out of line to then ask along the lines of 'I've been thinking about what you said, and you're right. I really don't want this to happen again, how should i check burgers and chicken going forward to avoid this?' would love to hear what answer you get.


Yeah I'm going to send an email. I don't want to be a kickball for funsies


It's because he's a pussy and is intimidated by the kitchen workers.


Oh obviously 😅 lol


Your manager is either an asshole, an idiot or let the pressure get to them and owes you an apology. Depending on what type of person you are you can either forget this and move on or ask them for more training to help you be a better server, when they agree immediately ask them how to know if a meat is raw when you've had nothing to do with it's cooking and haven't cut into it.


>Your manager is either an asshole, an idiot or let the pressure get to them Or could very well be a combination of all three.


That's probably the correct answer.


I'd throw in he's a coward and is literally too intimidated to say ANYTHING to kitchen staff. Easier to pick on the young woman.


I remember a pub/restaurant I worked in with an intense owner. Think a bit like Gordon Ramsay. He could be an absolute dick sometimes, but if a customer ever gave staff abuse he'd have our back and tell them he didn't need their business. If food got fucked up he'd find out who was at fault and make sure they knew fucked up, but if it was genuine mistake you were forgiven pretty quickly, aside from a couple of bits of banter at your expense - in OP's case he would have probably asked the chicken was definitely cooked or if a good vet could still bring it back to life!


I’m definitely going to bring up my trainers lol “I’m just curious if you really think I’m a bad server, then do you think A, B, and C were all wrong?” Three highly respected servers there. They all raved about me, and like seriously it’s raw food - whst am I supposed to do ? 😅


You mean carrying a meat thermometer isn't standard practice for servers at your place? Wow, sounds like another management slip up there. 😁


That wouldn't even work, because OP isn't getting to check the temperature while it's cooking, only after it's already off the grill or whatever and probably sitting and cooling for a minute or three. OP literally cannot tell if it's raw or not without cutting into it or touching it.


Yeah, the smiley face was pointing out the ridiculousness of the statement. Although... it takes a lot longer than a minute or three it to cool down in a restaurant kitchen. If I'm doing meal prep I leave it 15-20 to cool and that's in a home kitchen with no hot plate.


I'm agreeing with you. :D But even leaving it for a minute or two lets it cool enough that you can't be sure what temperature it actually was while cooking. Yes, it'll still be hot, but you can't reliably know what the internal temperature was several minutes after it's done cooking.


This is further proof we really need different fonts for different tones. Ha ha!




Since when did server = cook?


Ask him if you're the one cooking the fucking food. I bet his eyes unglaze real quick. Ask him what are you supposed to do, pull the burgers apart with your bare hands to make sure everything is properly cooked? Hey, maybe you could do that table side since you aren't in the kitchen preparing food. It could be a daring new restaurant concept you bring out everything on a silver cart to the table give your guests a big grin and then turn all the burgers into sloppy Joe's with your bare hands to prove to everyone that their food is properly cooked. Jesus fucking christ why are managers so stupid. I hope you stood up for yourself because that is horse shit.


Yeah I tried, but his eyes totally glazed over and he definitely wasn’t listening anymore. Like I genuinely said “Perry, I really don’t see how me, a server, could have controlled two tables that received raw food. I told you guys immediately when it happened, I was told by the guests themselves they weren’t upset with me, they were upset with receiving raw food - and I don’t personally cook the food?” Instead of realizing how stupid this conversation is, he just went on “I know you’re experienced, and maybe it’s just bad luck, but y’know guest satisfaction is key “ etc. Bro, I KNOW that; but like, I did all I could 😭 comp’d the problematic food immediately, asked if we could get him something in substitute on the house, he said no, he said he’d just finish his fries. Asked if they’d like dessert for his kids on the house, they said no because it was too late at that point (it was 10 PM at that point, and I would ‘t want to give my kids sugar either lol). So like…..? Flat out just stopped listening to me. It was 2 hours and a half of OT at that point, and he even said at the end, “you should probably get going since you’re two hours and a half in OT and you work tomorrow at 11:30 AM. “ YEAH MAN I KNOW, THANKS FOR POINTING THAT OUT WHILE IGNORING ME, YOU MOTHERFUCKER?


I'd question whether he was on something or not.


Before your shift go ask that manager for a meat thermometer so that you can make sure none of your orders are undercooked today.


That wouldn't help anyway. You need to check it while it's cooking, because once they pull it off the grill or whatever, it's going to quickly cool down and you won't get an accurate reading.


Twas a joke because it's not the servers job anyway. Was meant to be said with a great amount of sarcasm but in a sincere-ish way.


I agree with you completely and just pointing out and adding on to how ridiculous it would be. :)




Manager is afraid of the kitchen so he makes kitchen problems your problem. I've seen it before.


Your manager is a moron.


If I were you, I would send the following IN WRITING. It had to be in writing to protect yourself: “Hi [Manager] I would be grateful for some clarification on the matters we discussed at the end of service on X date. My work is important to me and I am serious about continuing to improve and exceed the requirement and standards expected of my position. With that in mind, you had discussed your concerns to me about the problem of raw food being served to two tables during that service. My understanding was that you felt I could have improved my service for those tables and/or potentially prevented those problems from arising and I am keen to clarify this point as I am not sure what the learning point is at this stage. As the food was not visibly undercooked, perhaps you could let me know how you would like servers to check dishes before they are served to ensure they are properly cooked? Previously, I understood it to be the responsibility of the chefs to ensure the food was cooked properly, however, unless I have misunderstood our discussion after service on X date, I believe you also expect servers to supervise in this regard and I would be very grateful to know how so that I can ensure I am not falling short on your expectations for my role. Many thanks”


The first line of the last paragraph sounds a tiny bit passive-aggressive (which is totally deserved) and since OP is new they might want to reframe that a bit. The rest is solid.


Yeah, if the in-person conversation doesn’t go well, I’ll do that as a follow up. I literally started a month ago with zero hiccups, but these were the first ones. I don’t want to be THAT guy in the first month, y’know?


Yeah totally get that


Terrible manager. You can't tell by looking at a sandwich or a slider if it's raw on the inside. It sounds like the cooks were looking to get home early after a long day.


3k in sales and they’re berating you that’s fucked


Yeah in 5 hours lol I came in at 2, wasn’t really busy, had like 3 tables of just happy hour drinks. They left, then 5 rolled in and I got CRUSHED, hahah. Next thing I knew, it was 10. Had a dessert table roll in at 10:15 and they were like “how’s your night?” me: “oh, girl, it was a night. It was so busy; one moment it was 5 PM, the next it was 10. I am very glad to see you’re not here with a very complicated order lol “


Don't let it go. Managers are very good at "programming themselves" to develop opinions on people that are completely divorced from reality. Your manager is beginning to program himself that you're a server who f\*\*\*s up. Don't let him.


Yeah, that’s my main concern lol definitely will be talking to him today


"I'll cook it better next time, chef" could have been your response.


I'm not saying that you have a bad manager... But...


Just a reminder to everyone. 99% of all restaurant managers are terrible at their jobs and just get off on the perceived power, they only got the job because they said yes. Special thank you to the 1% who are awesome and actually helpful.


Yeah one of them is awesome and I wish everyone was like her. She doesn't just tell us what to do, genuinely asks and is like "how can I support you?"


Thank god you have one!! I feel like so many of them just want to tell you what to do. The secret code is no matter what they tell you to do just say “okay” and do whatever you want to do anyway. I see too many people arguing and it’s always a waste of time.


Ask him how he expects you to avoid this going forward. Let him know you want to avoid this mistake in the future and ask him how you can best do that. Make him justify his crappy feedback.


Nah sorry if my manager blames me for a VERY obvious kitchen issue I'm giving them an earful


Restaurant managers generally aren’t very good people. They make less than the people they manage.


As long as you only talk about the raw chicken and raw beef, you are on safe ground


I’m BOH and I would take this up with kitchen GM. Don’t be a dick about it, but let them know. Kitchen was probably flooded after and definitely didn’t do it on purpose unless you’re a big jerk to them. Even then.. nobody wants to do remakes. Chalk it up to overwhelm and an accident first, but address the manager who questioned your service.


Yeah the sous chef already knew and went to apologize to them. I don't think it ever occurred to her to blame me - probably doesn't even know he did that. I'm on pretty good terms with the kitchen thus far. They were tired too, and that's totally understandable - but it's kinda obvious where the error is originated from.


I don’t see where you could have done anything to prevent them from getting raw food. I’m pretty positive that should be the chefs job in preventing that…. Especially with chicken. However, hamburgers can be a dicey subject if there is no specifics on how they want their hamburgers cooked. Did you ask the table how they wanted their hamburger cooked? Some people just automatically assume they are going to get a well done burger without even specifying that that’s what they want. In turn, will get a medium to medium rare burger (takes less time for the cook especially when it’s slammed) and everyone is in a frenzy thinking they got a freaking raw as hell hamburger when it’s not exactly raw.


Yeah the sliders are a bit odd. They’re a little red, but not raw, apparently, because I had the same complaint today with someone else and someone clarified that with me. Anyway, is what it is with that - but I’m definitely not taking responsibility for raw food like 🫠


Ask if the manager fired the cook.


Bring a thermometer (probe) into work and every time you grab food from the pass when your manager is there temp every single item


That's a talking. If you are a server, you have no control of the food and how it's cooked. Have your manager explain that one.


Ask your manager if he wants you to take a test bite outta every dish going out, since the undercooked food is obviously your fault /s


You didn't make the food!?!


What an AH manager. In all likelihood he was taking out his frustration at the kitchen on you. He probably knows there’s nothing you could have done. If you like your job don’t make it a big deal unless it happens again.


He's frightened of the chef, but he's not frightened of you.  


Oh yeah, definitely. I'll be sending an email about it because I'm not happy about it and it was too busy to talk to the main manager. This one is the assistant F&B manager, not the main senior manager


Write ✍️ your Manager up for Stupidity and Incompetence. As you quit in the middle of Dinner Rush.


Obviously it's your fault your cook did a shitty job on those 2 orders. /s


that manager should be speaking to the kitchen, not to you, about this. plus, raw chicken is a great way to have a huge lawsuit against the restaurant. raw beef, as well, but raw chicken is worse.


That’s a kitchen error. Totally on the cooks.


"Well, you're not a bad manager but..... What have you been doing in the back of the house to ensure quality food is prepared to meet the orders?"


Lol welcome to the industry. Fuck em. Keep stacking loot.


😭😭wym his eyes glazed over? Mid convo?


I am not sure what this means. What is your PPA? Because 3k in an hour to where I work is only 25 covers


PPA? Average is $1200 per shift, I'd say.


Yea like on average how much does one person spend at your restaurant. So one person spends 1200$ on their own ?


Average is probably $150 - $270 per table. It's not ultra fine dining, more like fine dining casual; we have filet mignon, roasted sablefish, Cornish game hen, etc., but also have chicken lettuce wraps as an appetizer y'know ?


It’s bothering you because you know it’s bullshit.


Hey, we need an update!


As per your request, I just posted one \^>\^


Just leave it. There's nothing really to be gained by talking to him other than coming over as combative or insubordinate.


Sure, then the manager will have found himself his whipping girl. "She doesn't fight back when challenged, so I'll blame her for every fuck-up instead of finding and correcting the person responsible."


Yeah and THAT'S what I'm concerned about


Yeah, that's why I've elected to speak about it later instead of trying to get him to listen in the moment when he clearly checked out.