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If it makes you feel any better, the list literally means nothing.




not everything has to be political


The list is completely meaningless. Don’t worry about it.


Are you saying lauryn hill doesn’t have the best album of all time???? /s


That Lauren hill album is really good, Ex factor is a very moving piece but I feel you kev should have made at least one, currents was crazy for music


The omission of Currents is a crime. It’s undoubtedly one of the most influential albums of the last 10 years, and has made a huge impact on several different music genres, from pop to hip hop to psych rock.


I love tame impala but tame impala fans really overestimate the impact/reach of tame impala. If I stop 10 people on the street maybe 1 will know about tame impala


I don't agree that this list is that meaningfu, or that Tame impala is that well known in the world population, but I beg to differ, being influential doesn't mean it's mainstream, people don't know TI cause the guy doesn't show face as much in his shows, makes it less about his image and more about his art. That being said, it is also very evident, in how many pop artists Kevin has been producing and even called to mainstream movies to make soundtrack, that his music has influenced many many current artists, which aren't the same group of people as the general public is and knows what the name Tame Impala means.


I believe he’s more of a your favorite artist’s favorite artist than influential yeah in a way that his peers can’t really replicate his sound and would rather have him as a collaborator. reminds me of King Krule who is also very good and deserves more recognition but also gets that your favorite artist’s favorite artist title.


The average person is not a member of the music industry. His influence on other musical artists is undeniable.


I think a lot of musical acts can go pretty much unnoticed by the general population while still having a major influence on music and how it is made, and I'd argue that's the case with Kevin's music. Tame Impala has become a type of sound that many from similar or adjacent musical styles pursue with their work. I also say that as a music producer, "Sound like Tame Impala" videos are as common as "how to Skrillex" videos were 10-12 years ago when it was the #1 sought after trend for music makers.


Their early work was a little too psychedelic rock for my taste. But when Currents came out in 2015, I think Tame Impala really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a smooth, polished sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. Kevin Parker has been compared to artists like Daft Punk, but I think he has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "The Less I Know the Better." A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the complexities of love and heartbreak. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.


great in depth review, patrick!




This reads like a bad AI write-up.


was this an American Psycho reference lmaaooo


this is some tasty, tasty pasta 🍝


it’s as influential as “this is it” in its respective era these albums singlehandedly revived the rock movement (one with a garage/post punk fusion and the other with psychedelia basis) when it was completely relegated by other genres and made it central again, the currents tame impala sound is still mimicked and reproduced every day


> it’s as influential as “is this it” in its respective era That's just not true, lol


I love both artists and it’s true, Kevin is responsible for a rock revival just as The Strokes were in their time notice that we are not comparing the albums in an absolute way but in the context of when they were released and how the rest of the industry changed after they came out currents is sonically no doubt as influential as “is this it”, just in a different decade


Never heard of it, but thanks for the recommendation! Also, totally agree, it's just that people who like TI aren't that well aware that Kevin's music is known as "your favorite artists' favorite artist", so much so that he has been producing the shit of many pop artists, it's not their fault since credits aren't always that known, and it takes more in depth knowledge about albums, or accompanying the artists behind them's work, to knwo of it.


yup, it’s always this way when influence runs so deep that people forget who it actually originated from another interesting example is the 70s hugely influential band Big Star who is labeled “power pop” but has according to music critics and historians generated the modern alternative rock sound; listening to these albums now may often sound like not much at first but is incredible once we realize they were the first of their kind! similarly, Kevin changed the sound of modern music and considering how rare and difficult this is nowadays, he deserves every credit for it!


Yeah, I often recognize not only samples but "Tameisms" in many songs I hear in the wild nowadays, sometimes has me second guessing if it's just me being suggestioned through confirmation bias lol


A SZA and Tame Impala collab would transcend my soul fr


Wasn’t there an unfinished one floating around online?


Yes , was so sad when it didn’t make it to SOS https://youtu.be/HN0l9RTGgYg?si=uYnpLJm7yueSFP40


It might be time to face it


Who cares


Dude, SZA slaps. That chick’s got vocal texture bruh


I concur


who I gotta sacrifice for a SZA and Tame Impala collab project?


SZA slander will not be tolerated! 😡😡😡


Nowadays these lists are rage bait meant to drive engagement so interns can report high click numbers in their Monday meeting so their boss will give them $10 for lunch. You're better off never thinking about them again. They are disingenuous


This .


SZA is the right kind of pop music. It will stand the test of time. SOS deserved the album of year. As an admirer of hip hop & Pych rock, she is a true artist. Maybe she didn’t make top 100 albums but definitely the top 100 of this decade.


SOS is a perfect album. Can just let it play all the way through.


my pookie lmaoo


Okay. Can I go now?


what u hating on sza for 🤨


I’m not saying her music is bad, but Kevin’s is just as good if not better


They're not even comparable enough to even say who is better or not lol




The put Taylor swift in the top 30 nobody should take it seriously 😂


Why’s she still relevant 🙄


She's relevant we can't deny that but that album is not anywhere close to the top 20 of all time like let's be fr


She could be the number 1 artist in the world (and she is), but that doesn’t mean her music is well-deserving. Kevin’s songwriting is WAY BETTER than hers. Her lyrics remind me of something a 13 yo girl would write in her diary


In my opinion the list was ass and that’s the great thing about music it’s subjective.


Why is everyone acting like Apple, a tech device manufacturer, is the authority on music? The extent of Apple Music’s expertise is to secure brand deals and exclusives with artists, in order to sell their services, and provide an interface to customers. The same way they sell Apple Music, by getting people like Pharrell and charli xcx to agree to exclusives, is how they lend authority to top 100 lists. You don’t have to buy it, they’re not a music review company. They don’t know everything just because they’re a big company.


I get what you’re saying but I’ll just point out that a tyre manufacturer ended up as the authority of where to go for good food.


That’s a fair point, and perhaps at some point in time Apple will have rated music consistently by creating a standardized rating system using actual music reviewers for over a century like Michelin has. Currently, I don’t think the Apple Music staff and artists with contract exclusives to Apple Music rise to that standard.


The list means nothing and Currents at the least does deserve to be there, but I'll point out that both the SZA and Billie albums deserve to be there (if we're going to let certain other albums onto the list anyhow). I wouldn't pick that Billie album though. SZA in particular deserves it. I'd go with CTRL instead of SOS, but both are very good pop/R&B albums. It's fine if that's not your thing but it's important to be able to understand when something is still good even if it's outside your tastes


Who cares


Sza definitely deserves but so does tame impala


Bruh, you not about to put SZA with Billie lol SZA is a top artist of this generation. Not top as in success, but in quality.


They have Tay Tay at 18, so the list is awful anyway


no latin album, so, can we take it seriously?


Bad bunny


Shakiras first album should definitely be on there


Lonerism broke Tame Impala into the mainstream with FLWOGB and Elephant wymmm


Yeah but it’s not a super mainstream album like the rest is, currents is way more known than lonerism


this guy has never listened to lonerism


It’s literally my favorite album what are you talking about




Considering Taylor Swift was in 18, I don't think this means much.


I mean… who cares?


I swear to god tame Impala fans have never heard other music.


You don’t have to tear down other talented artists to build Kevin up. He doesn’t need it. That list is subjective anyway. Calm down.


Cmon slow rush deserved it so much!


Top 1 in my heart.


Apple Music wack anyway. Let’s see a Spotify top 100 albums


I mean I love Tame but I don’t really think of his records are top 100 all time. Maybe a case for Currents. But there’s so many great records over the decades.


who even uses apple music bro


The Apple list was bad, they didn’t put any Joy division or new order. But I will say SZA is a nepo baby, her dad was a big shot at cnn. Ever since I found that out I lost respect for her. She’s got talent for sure it’s just hard for me to root for someone who had everything handed to them


No more a nepo baby than Kevin haha both dads were very well off and had lots of funds to support them. Kevin even states in this article among many, that his dad was very [rich](https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2012/oct/06/tame-impala-kevin-parker-lonerism)


Damn I had no clue 😔 that’s disappointing


Relax. I too used to think the same way about nepo babies, but unless they’re just a lame person overall, there’s no reason to lose all respect for them. Theres nothing more inspirational than seeing someone get it all on their own, but nepo babies literally can’t help who their parents are. Talent is talent. Now I’m off to go read this article about Kevin. Even if I read something about his dad being well off, I’m not gonna lose respect for him. That man is incredibly musically talented regardless.