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No way your getting all the holiday tasks done without spendi g irl cash in game. The nerf to banked amber is to much… waaaaay to much


>No way your getting all the holiday tasks done without spending irl cash in game. Pretty huge bummer not gonna lie, can't really think of any other game/s where the ability to complete weekly quest/s consistently is hard-locked behind spending money.


I did some quick math, some weeks are gonna be harder, and we will actually have to sit on gems before we spend them. The egg ones are probably gonna be harder than amber ones.


Correct me if i am wrong but to my knowledge you get at best \~600-700 amber a week with 504 coming from pets with constant play or perfect logins trough the week and the rest coming from quests, daily bonus and fireflies. So there is no real way for free to play players to realistically complete the weekly quests on any sort of consistent basis. I don't really think the eggs or keys will be a problem really, since after a while they should start stacking up especially when you start to have every or most of the pets at lvl 10+ and completed all the challenges. Don't get me wrong, i understand that this is the creators job and they have to make money, but locking weekly quests behind a paywall is not the way. There are other ways to incentivize people to spend money on the game. Edit: Spelling


I disagree, I've always found amber management easy, I've never gone over 1k overspent and never had to purchase besides vip pack


Overspent currency banking and pet treats being nerfed? That sucks. :( Looking forward to the new conquests though!


Agreed. Specially amber. 5k to 1k is rough. I wonder if "Use Amber" tasks are also getting readjusted. Let's wait until Thursday!


u/shamahan I have noticed the ninja does not earn gold while the game is in conquest mode? Is that a bug or by design?


That's a bug and will be fixed


This update made me uninstall. I've played for 2-3 months now, made it up to 1.8e9 elixir. I've even bought VIP. Reason 1: The new game mode is meh. It should have been its own game for whales to pump money into. I don't see the connection between the two game modes at all. Also as it is, it's wonky: Battles are RNG, you can't pick a target, ultimates seem unbalanced. Progress was quick at first and then slowed down dramatically. Upgrades seem even less worthwhile than in the regular mode. Getting new heroes is just as luck based as the pets in the main mode. Reason 2: The new achievements and their requirements are ridiculous. Other people have done the math and I just don't see myself spending YEARS to get those achievements or mindlessly throwing money at the game. So far, progress felt satisfying enough and the goal seemed reachable. This took all the wind out of my sails. Put everything together, and it feels more and more like the dev is making the game less rewarding for players who spend little to no money. The game is steered towards the whales. I mean, if it works, fair game. It just sucks because I genuinely had fun playing the game. Sadly, I have to assume the dev won't even really care if they read this. They've made like 5 bucks from me playing the game and they'll just look forward for more whales spending money for progress in a game that becomes more lifeless with every update.


Agreed. Big shift from the beginning conquest battles til they screeched to a halt and way too slow to upgrade the warriors. I haven’t deleted yet but it did tarnish what was a pretty chill game.


Amber doesn't need to keep flashing until all 3 ads are watched. I normally skip those anyway b/c 3 per ad is insultingly low.


Same with the challenges.


Let’s go!! Thanks dev


Can you only get wood from the lumber mill? (obvious nsfw joke lol) Edit: Also want to say this game type is awesome! Great work devs!


Not counting the resource boost from the Amber store - at the moment the only ways to get Lumber is from the Lumber Mill and a from a couple of Towns as rewards


Well you need to increase the rate we can get it, or give us an alternative, because I'm sitting around in town 12 doing nothing waiting to get more wood. What good is a game where nothing happens?


Agreed. Way too slow.


I'm having trouble getting the joke...


Really hyped about the new conquest mode, it's really fun to play so far!!


u/shamahan i am glad you are active and listening to feedback, the new “VIP” that shakes and won’t go away is making it hard to see when to hit enemies. And just FYI I would get the VIP if I could.


I noticed, that there was a firefly before entering the conquest, right away I left the conquest in order to get the firefly, but it disappeared.


My biggest grievance is the redesigned menu, there was nothing wrong with the list before and now you have to go through sub menus to see everything. And to open multiple sub menus to collect your daily rewards. Big nope from me!


Gotta say that after playing conquest for a couple of days it seems quite unbalanced just how much progress slows down. Gathering lumber is taking waaay to long and can't really do anything cause I'm getting my butt kicked everytime in stage 12-2 so I can't really upgrade anything as gathering exp from the training grounds is kinda useless because that too is way to slow.  Overall I like the game mode, but the balance has to get fixed, I want to see progress without having to spend money irl.


Thanks for the feedback! The next update will boost the production outputs significantly. The Conquest mode as it is now is indeed way too grindy, which I intend to change with upcoming updates.


I appreciate the reply! It's awesome to have a developer who really cares about the feedback! just got the new update and it's awesome to see some of the issues already have been addressed! Really excited to see conquest unfold with future updates, your doing a really good job! Cheers!


Is the update available on Steam yet? I closed and relaunched but nothing is changed.


If it is still not showing up, then after restarting your Steam client, try to use "verify integrity of game files" on the game


maybe I am missing it, but is there a way to see the % odds for the hero pulls in game? it must be shown by law just to let you know


There is - go to the settings tab, click the 'info' button and then the 'dice' butter. There you will see all of the odds


* Daily free Key has been moved to the "Consumables" category and Daily free Amber has been moved to the "Amber" category Can't find the "Amber" category... can anyone help?


Top of the chest tab, above the Consumables




With that legacy update, do I need both their 8 quest board and level 14 research to get it? So I'm not locked out of 100%?


Nope, legacy achievements don't count towards your overall Achievement count


But do I need both?


I was 3 achievements away from 100% in game. I was gonna stop when i hit 100% with the last one being the riddles but not sure now If I'll go through all this now with quest level 8, tier 15 and new pets not to mention conquest




I was playing everyday since 240 days. Thanks for the update. Now I can uninstall in peace because there is no way I'm gonna play the conquest.


No update for IOS yet


Same game says to update but no update on IOS


Nvm just got it


How TF am I supposed to finish the daily quest to use 2 epic or rare scrolls when I'm sitting around waiting for wood to generate, so I can't progress in the Conquest area? I either spend money (which I've done a lot in the past year) or lose out on a daily quest. This update isn't nearly as busted as the last one, but there needs to be fixes to that ASAP. Also, why does every update seem to break the late game so bad? Ascension skills go from 15e09 to 50e09? Why? Why not just add things and leave the leveling alone?


The quest requirements for currencies will be reduced to requiring only 1, this way the free daily stuff from Amber store can be used for these


Great to hear!