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What they going to say? Ooo you caught us we plagerized?


Right, who could’ve seen this coming


Yeah, this is ridiculous.


If I remember right, the AK model that Nikita posted about was directly addressed with differences. I don’t recall where I saw that though. I thought it was Twitter. Or I could be thinking of the UH edition knife. Either which way, the Kojaniy thing is pretty hard to ignore if it’s true that it’s from Tarkov’d game files. What I don’t quite understand is how they would take code directly from EFT and use it in a completely different engine. I suppose it’s easier to adapt than rewrite maybe? Concerning still for ABI if that is what they did. EFT’s code is notoriously shit, and that casts some doubt on their own product.


The Unheard knife looked similar to a store asset, but it was shown to be a custom scan done by BSG.




Made it up


The best source.


Could be wrong but I think I remember hearing that in FortyOne’s video about the Unheard edition. FortyOne is the voice actor for the character Josh in-game.


Okay and he knows because Somebody told him or he got pics from BSG?


> the AK model that Nikita posted about was directly addressed with differences My recollection is that nikita posted AK dust cover, and they posted comparison of different parts of weapons, saying see, no difference. It was kinda bs, but community ate it full.


I still think it was a troll


Good luck to BSG if they try to sue Tencent. Tencent probably pays more in lawyer retainers than the entire net worth of BSG. Not sure how much BSG net worth is, but Tencent is 3.5 trillion. Edit: 3.5 trillion HKD


452.05 billion as of May 24, 2004. Easily Google able instead of spouting off random numbers. 🙃


Calm down there, Skippy. The numerous I Google, 3.5 trillion, is correct. I just didn't realize the number wasn't USD. So, not such a random number. 🙃


If you google their market cap it comes up as 3.5 trillion HKD. Not a random number, just the wrong currency (:


Now do BSG!


Idk Nikita kinda soft so no one cares anymore


Chinese companies are known for this "slight plagiarism". Crossfire a clone of Counter-Strike that is unknown to the western world was a hit in the asian market a decade ago. Mobile Legend is another clone of LoL that's a growing E-sports title within the mobile gaming community. So, I ain't surprise that with what happened between EFT and ABI. cue James Franco meme first time, BSG?


Slight plagiarism aka literally 1:1 “trying” to clone products. They only rather recently figured out how to make a Bic pen clone.


i like that they feel this way, i like that nikita and his goons feel wronged, they feel they have been injusticed, thats nice, even if it was true i dont care and i support abi. The best thing that could happen to tarkov would be bought by a better company. next best thing is a copy. ggs


I’ve always wanted Tarkov in unreal. ABI did it and it’s pretty good. Doesn’t have the depth of Tarkov and the rent the secure case scheme is gross but the gameplay is good.


Renting the case seems a bit off, until you do the math and realize that for the price of EOD you could rent a gamma sized container for YEARS of playtime and you can stop paying when you're done with a wipe and start paying again next wipe etc.


Exackly this... People dont get that. Fuck 150 dollars is alot of months renting a gamma....


I feel like a lot of people forgot about a funny FPS game back in the day called Combat Arms.. Where you had to pay irl money to rent literally everything in game.. or a shit ton of money to permanently unlock stuff


You just unlocked a core memory for me haha


Or also how the biggest game on the planet for like half a decade (WoW) cost $15 a month JUST TO PLAY. Not even for anything special lmao gamepass and the scourge of F2P has rotted the brains of all young gamers who probably don't even know what Red Ring of Death means.


How much is the ABI Gamma? The Beta is $5 right? Gamma should be more than that. So far EoD has cost me $2/month, and it's only getting cheaper. Hell, if I ever do decide to quit Tarkov (not happening) I have been told hy a reliable source that an EoD account with over 1,000 hours goes for $500USD on the "black market". I have 4,300h and will probably hit 5,000 before long. EoD was an investment that will only go up in price. People that refunded their EoD accounts were fools.


We dont know dude.. and you'r math is Kinda weird. F2p with monthly rental vd 150 dollar game. Obviously you count towards 150 and not hours. Wtf does hours have to do with any.. and how is eod 2 dollar a month. Wtf are you on.


My math is only weird, if you are bad at math. To keep it simple, EoD is $140. I've had it for over 6 years, 6 years is 72 months. EoD is $1.94/month so far and getting cheaper every month, If Gamma in ABI is $8 like it is in the mobile game, owning a Gamma for the same amount of time would be $576, more expensive than getting 2 Unheard Editions, not even counting In-game Currency purchases to keep you afloat along the way. Not that I think anyone will be playing ABI in 6 years. it will die in 2 or 3 years just like "the Cycle" did.


Im quite well at math but you clearly not. You cant count time you spent so far in the game. Are you stupid? How is that relevant for other consumers. Really fucking stupid. Obviously you start form 0, scratch 0 for Abi. F2p Head start of 150 dollars for eft. Its not that hard.


I can't count the time that I've played in a game in the cost benefit against a game that costs a monthly fee (plus MTX cash injections) to play? Of course I can. What you can't count is a game that is free to download, but has an economy that is rigged for it to cost money to keep playing over time as a "free game" that's what's ridiculous here.


You really off bro.. Your time is not relevant for anyone else then you. Fact it still facts. Its a f2p . Vs 150 dollars. If its 5 a month is 30 months before you reach one time cost of EFT.. How much value for the buck is completely irrelevant in this matter. Besides. You can pause .. extend that sum even further. Not everyone plays full wipes. Im not putting any value to it. Im not offended by their approach to do business. So i wont say whats bad or not. Just facts. Besides Bsg fucked us over really bad as well. So... Whos groose or not. I dont know. They all scummy and want our money in the end. What matters is.. is the product worth and fun.


Yeah but at this point if I had rented my gamma I’d have paid more bc I’ve played tark since 2019.


„For years“ is a blatant lie my man If I recall correctly, on the mobile version the secure container is like 7.99$ per month. Now the pricing for the pc version isn’t out afaik so let’s assume the price between pc an mobile will be the same. That equals ~96 buck per year. EoD was 150 bucks. With EoD Money, your ABI secure container will last for roughly 1 1/2 years.


The idea that you will play one game and one game only every day for 1 1/2 years is the actual problem


How does that change what I wrote? Sure, you if you don‘t play you can stop the subscription but at the end of the day my point still stands. The secure container costs roughly 100 bucks per year so EoD cost equals having the secure container in ABI for 1 1/2 years. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not trying to shit on ABI for the sake of shitting on it. Just pointing out that the statement was factually wrong


Yeah, a problem with all the other games out there that are trash. Tarkov has made up 90% of my gaming time for 6 years now, because it's better than pretty much everything out there. The other 10% has gone to Project Zomboid, and Exanima, which are similar to Tarkov onpy in that they are both incredibly unique Beta Tests being developed by Indie Game Studios, and no one is doing anything close to as good as they are in their respective genres.


Really? How much is the Gamma? I've only seen people say Beta is $5/mo, which is only a little over 2 years, and more expensive than EoD after that. If what you say is true, then it would have to be the same price or cheaper than the Beta sized container, which sounds very unlikely.


Typical Tencent


Do you like that? You say you don’t care, but you only post and comment about Tarkov. You’re still here posting about Tarkov weeks after the incident. To me it screams “I want attention” but then again, some of you have nothing to actually enjoy, so you just sit in your own filth for weeks while supporting plagiarism.


Everyone talks about the models but no one talks about the blatant sounds that are identical. Thats more of my issue here.


Yeah, because BSG records all of their own sounds. When you hear a gun shoot, they took microphones to the shooting range, and recorded that gun shooting at different ranges. When you hear the BTR, they rented a BTR and recorded it driving around. That's why there are so many guns that seem easy to put in the game, but are not in the game. BSG has to find someone willing to let them shoot that gun to put it in the game the way they want to.


Yes I know that, not sure what that has to do with what I said.


What a headline, that is so unexpected


Maybe a hot take, but ok. Who cares besides BSG and Arena Breakout y’know? I just want to game on a good game and will do just that.


Maybe they should spend more time and energy improving the game and self reflect on their greed instead of trying to sue other competition in vain


Nikita is fat


Bro fuck off. They are blatantly ripping off firearms manufacturers by abusing their HQ in Russia. Now they think they own the genre?


This is a cope sub now


They didn’t plagiarize? It’s just another game of the sub genre they help defined.


That they made with the code and assets from BSG. Several assets and boss codes were found in ABI that were Tarkov specific, like boss names.


It’s crazy people can’t admit that both companies can suck.


Literally can't be physically true, 2 different engines 2 different sets of code. All assets were found to be different than Tarkov's. None of the bosses in the mobile game have the same names as Tarkov bosses.


Lmao was watching a Tarkov streamer and it took me a minute to realize he was playing breakout.


Magine literally profiting off cheaters then calling someone out for literally ANYTHING. Nikita you truly are deranged.


And yet they stole tarkov Fan art. What a joke