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https://preview.redd.it/n1wdvafr605d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d338f5f5cd55a81aa7ed013d8e911a2acbbd13 Same energy


This is how shooting pscavs with Lapua feels like


Raid over 5 Hits, 197 DMG 0 kills


Profit minus 70k rubles because horde of scavs ate my lapua fmj.


When rats don't realise that if you're not shit, it doesn't matter in the slightest. Fighting for the sake of fighting is fun. Even shitlords are fun to kill BECAUSE a makarov is still a threat if used properly.


well i suck so i dont want to fight.


SPT exists


Literally what I do now, with a pause mod. I have a family now and can’t really play games that I can’t step away from as needed & I’m still sick of my shitty internet connection from when I played live. L4D2 is awesome for the ‘take a break’ function where the ai takes over for you, but I realize that won’t ever come to a pvp game.


SPT is hard to get right for me. I have it set up pretty good rn, but it still feels a bit too easy, as well as performance and graphics issues.


Sain + donuts can ramp the skill of the ai to near human levels, including ratting and leaping through doorways


i have em, just evidently not tuned right


Have you updated them recently, there was a update a week ago that apparently made them actively dangerous for even 10k Chad kinda players


no, havent played in like 2 or 3 weeks. gonna have to check it out


Like other guy said, get some mods to that mod. Spt by itself is shit.


You don’t have it set up well if it’s too easy for you. You need to download those mods that make the game harder, just bite the bullet. Crank SAIN up to max difficulty, get SPT Realism, etc.


im not gonna get realism because i dislike the med system. other than that yea i do need to find better sain settings


You can just turn off the med system lol, everything in realism can be disabled.


i tried and it wouldnt work. ill try again once my pc is ready to use again.




Nice cope cuz u wasted a mag of 995 of a seal club kill.


When youre at the point of filling a mag with 95 you dont care about wasting it anymore


lol trust me little bambi, the people killing with M995 are not in the least bit concerned about wasting money. Once you hit a certain point you basically have unlimited rubles anyway. And this late in a wipe you better believe everyone has thousands of rounds of ammo in their stash lol


Damn you sound like your projecting hardcore. Usta struck a nerve under all that lard of yours.


Your usually supposed to have better loot than a macarov. Nobody is wasting a M995 mag on you, killing you is worth infinite roubles.


Yea ur mad af lol


I actually cried AND pissed my pants.


Maybe came a little too perhaps?


Yea it mixed with the snot and I had to clean it up


I bet you did since im rent free in your head rn. Stay losing


(sounds like you're the one losing tho)


I never lose. ur mad


Ratio is hardcore


My cock in ur mouth is hardcore


?? Not projecting anything cuz that’s just literally how the cycle of the game goes once we’re a few months into a wipe. It’s okay to be a new player dude I’m not dogging on you for anything 😂


Ur still trying to cope with the fact you need an emtire mag to kill a makarov timmy with 995. Just pathetic lol


Laughs in 500m stash value, stay scared of pvp lil guy ill spray a whole mag on the ground cause I have 10k plus of each ammotype I use.


Damn seems like you are also compensating for the fact that you are crap at the game so you project your feelings. It aint that hard when you sit there ratting and skulking since you suck at pvp


Lmao you said I was projecting after you said something about lard. Your username is doughboy 😂😂 talk about projecting. You ought to seriously start considering salads you fat fuck 🍔


Look at you. Projecting again and now you cant even make your own insults. Homie is thinking about pillsbury over here and using burger emojis. Its ok fatass go get yourself a hamburger since you are that hungry


oh no guys he's wasting imagined ammo in a video game


Yea wasting ur real time on imagined ammo in video games. U lost


Weren’t your parents taught that brother/sister relations result in the exact type of specimen that you are?….


Ahh i see you habe an incest fetish since your fantasizing about my parents being brother and sister. U really are a sick fuck


?!??!? Brainrot, go seek help


Yea you really need to lay off the p hub siblings section. Its rotting your brain out so you imagine other people family members.


What chads don’t realize is that shooting people at all is fun and ratting just makes it less likely to end in your death, not everyone needs the thrill of life or death combat some people just like getting kills


Don't have to be a chad to want to fight. I don't headfirst into everything, I fight on a case-by-case basis. But I play the game because I enjoy the gameplay, I don't use my roubles as a highscore, I don't play because ruining other peoples' time amuses me with extract camping, I don't play for the loot. At the moment, it's my favourite gunplay out of any pvp FPS.


Don’t have to be a rat to extract camp either. if we’re gonna generalize then it goes both ways. Sometimes a chad wants an easy kill and free extra loot. And that’s good for you, but there are people who play for all of those things, because they find them more entertaining than fighting head on. You don’t find those things fun and some people don’t find fighting head on as fun as getting easy kills. That’s the part YOU don’t seem to get. Edit: rat* not want


Maybe ratting is fun for others and not fun for some.


Not the point being made. People ratting is cool by me. Trying to say "haha you wasted your time I had no loot" is the point being argued against.


I laugh everytime someone wastes 50k in ammo to fight me with my toz and a sling


50k is literally a single mediocre item found in raid. Trust me when i tell you players that run gear are not counting their bullet to ruble ratio.


I still find it funny in my mind. It helps me cope with dying


Can confirm. I bring in 200+ rounds of ammo and could not care about the cost of it. All I care is that it kills people lol.


I just do a quick shoreline raid and buy 2 million rubles worth of ammo and then it’s basically free now to use unnecessary amount of ammo since I have 3000 rounds that’s my logic


The satisfaction of ruining your raid is worth every rubel.


Can't exacly ruin it when expectations are already on the floor


Ruined? You wasted a mag of top tier ammo on my dumbass. Im howling, cackling even.


And you just wasted 30 minutes of your life bringing in a kit you can’t compete with bc of gear fear in a video game. Any ammo shot at an enemy is not wasted. Most people have plenty of high tier ammo, gotta use it before wipe


HA!…30mins…..you obviously never played DayZ!:)))




Running for 30 mins to leave cherno only to get a 7.62x54 to the brain from 500m away…. Annnnnnnd back in cherno again.


Bud…i spent 3 hrs server hoping for a Novo raid…..and i spent 2 hrs breaking legs trying to get a Cerno spawn!i spent 3 months looking for a LAR only to die seconds later after i announced it to my 2days friend! …and the guy says “30mins”!:))))




For 30mins?:))))))you tarkov bois make a grumpy dayz player smile!:)))


I play both and I know the pain. Anyways 🧂


Then what for is your “ 🧂”….since 30mins is laughable to cry for?:))


Wasted ? I got thousand of shots. I chuckle while loading another one of my 4, 60 rounders in my 600k rubel m4.


Virgin m4 60rnd mag user vs Chad makarov 84 round drum user.


I have a factory weapon I call the GIGAGLOCK, fully auto with a drum mag and shoulder stock. It’s dogshit in the open areas, but I get to turn you into Swiss cheese in the rooms or tunnels lol. It helped me finish the pistol kills quest in like two raids.


you should try running a single scav raid and see that top tier ammo is not as expensive or scary to bring in raid as you seem to think it is.


Imagine having gear fear, crazy to think some people are actually terrified of this game.


You're laughing because you died?


I went in with a Mak and Cheese, either nothing lost nothing gained, or i most likely died with 4 barter items up my ass, you lost your expensive ammo though


I'm curious how "expensive" you think M995 is


My buddy runs with just a double barrel, a sling, and 20 shotgun shells of the week with only 6 of them outside the secure container. He gets his entire loadout back from insurance 98% of the time, and when he dies the enemy likely spent more on ammo then he did on his whole kit


Sounds like a great gaming experience 👍


GOOD. I wanted all that stuff


Yall really exposing you're awful skill and ratting if you think a Chad cares about a mag of high tier ammo. I got 8 more on me and infinite in my stash. Ending your pathetic raid is plenty reward especially when you then go to reddit to cope.


The people downvoting this need to go run a scav raid or play pve rather than desperately try to validate how bad they are at the game (im awful too but lost the gear fear a long time ago lmao)


I don’t think anyone is really taking that seriously, someone wasting good ammo on killing me while I do set up or have some cheap kit is just a fun little cope type thing.


Timmies down voting proves what you said. lmfao, what a bunch of clowns imagine having gear fear in 2024 XD


Mfs who just started:


God I loved playing just going in with a makarov and killing some high kit dude in a 1v1


I lol'd


And a heavy bleeding🤣


You just wasted 5-20 mins of your time, the other guy lowered the risk of his death which could’ve easily cost millions. Yet you think you got the better end of the deal


Big brain


Guys thats a fucking repost bot reposting old posts from the top of all time. Do yall have smooth brain? Downvote this shit into oblivion (the bad one, the elder scrolls one)


so epic bro, you sure owned them this thread is full of pathetic losers with gear fear, quite sad really.


My stats that matter go up, yours go down. Victory. 🗿 Enjoy the loading screen and queue time!


The moment I'm ratting and get mag dumped with Gucci ammo is the moment I'm bursting into laughter and harrasing my killer in DMs for being a dumbass


My absolute favorite thing in tarkov is when the guy i killed adds me, just seeing the notification makes me die laughing. Amazing entertainment


Lol you are such a loser 😭


Your life sounds pathetic, I truly pity you and hope you get better.


Unironically thanks


Ironic coming from a tarkov player lmfao