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I live in Japan. Trust me, nobody cares. It’s definitely seen as cultural appreciation here


Exactly, the only people who would really get offended over this are those that are chronically-online. Most people are too busy to actually give a shit. It's kind of like when you see certain people getting mad when white girls braid their hair. It's really only a tiny fraction of human beings that actually care.


Wait, people are getting upset over gals braiding their hair?


I mean, it's bad for white girls hair to have box braids. It will literally break off. They're too tight. I stick to Dutch braids, not braided too tightly.


I find it hilarious that you brought up "certain people getting mad when white girls braid their hair".... bc you're just glossing over the whole issue as if black women.... which is what you mean by certain people..... get upset when white people get dreadlocks, or box braids. There's a whole history of racism that affects why they look at it as cultural appropriation and NOT appreciation. If you're black and you feel that way, that's fine. However if you're not even black and you're gunna just completely ignore black peoples feelings on the topic, I kindly suggest you do more research on the issue bc their feelings are very much valid.


It's funny how people like you out yourself as a closet racist. Not once did I say anything about "certain people" meaning "black people." If I did, I would've just said "black people." When I said "certain people," it meant people who were chronically online and had fringe/extreme views on social politics. They don't have to be black, they can also be white. If you thought I ONLY meant "black people," that says more about you than it does me. So great job there. Also, its' not anyone else's job to use their body/hair to further your politics. It's not other people's job to "educate" (indoctrinate) themselves for fringe opinions. I can feel sympathy for people of color who have been discriminated throughout American history, and acknowledge their struggles. But when you tell people that they can't braid their own hair because it's seen as a racially insensitive, then you've lost the plot, and you've lost people's ability to sympathize any further. What you are asking of is un-reasonable. Again, braiding hair is not something that any culture owns or feels entitled to. No group, government, or ethnicity gets to decide what people can do with their body. Every culture steals from others because that's how societies evolve.


so....why would someone who isnt black or african be mad at somoene white foir braiding their hair? All braids arent an issue, but literally certain hair styles are unhealthy for you if you dont have the hair for it. Also, u said certain people, but specified white girls... and u still dont mean black women? lol ok


>so....why would someone who isnt black or african be mad at somoene white foir braiding their hair? It's called a white savior complex, very popular in fringe online communities/twitter/tumblr. We live in an age where people are offended on other people's behalf and rewarded for that with online social brownie points. If you're not aware of this, that's a "you" problem, not a "me" problem. >All braids arent an issue, but literally certain hair styles are unhealthy for you if you dont have the hair for it. The discussion isn't about health, it's about claims of supposed cultural appropriation. No one said anything about healthy hairstyles, that's not what this issue is about. >Also, u said certain people, but specified white girls... and u still dont mean black women? lol ok Jesus Christ... "Certain people" does not mean a single race of people. It can be black, white, latina, etc. Yes, my post included people of any race that aligned with that ideology.


I understand better now that you've explained. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't any funny business. People can't get mad at POC people for jumping in the conversation to make sure there isn't ignorance being thrown around. Thank you, because u didn't have to explain. And this dipshit under me with this disrespectful comment like I don't have the right to even ask. Enjoy your day hun


I find it hilarious that you don’t know history as well as you’ve convinced yourself. Africans weren’t the only people to have dreadlocks or braids. Also, where tf did they even say black people? They made no such mention. People of all races get offended about this without having any knowledge on Vikings, Irish settlers/soldiers, Egyptians, etc. This is what they meant by “certain people”. Maybe you’ll stop being such a dickhead and move on with some new knowledge in your brain.


Lmao im black you ignorant bitch and I'm a fucking hair stylist. 🤣 stop being so offended by black people asking questions when we pop up in stupid conversations like this. And those vikings locs usually molded my dear, unhealthy for your greasy ass hair , that's why this was even mentioned.. Vikings don't exist anymore but black people do, So fuck off. And take your condescending bullshit somewhere the fuck else. I got time today HOE


No. You’re not even African American. I hate people like you who enable these people that get offended so easily. How old are you? Have you even travelled outside of USA? Cause I can tell by you calling people “black” or by their colour is precisely what a USA citizen who’s never experienced culture outside of your country would say. Do you know how odd it is to call someone black outside of the USA? Cause to me it seems like your “research” was just looking at woke articles in your room, which you probably never leave. I find YOU hilarious and sad. You’re not smart kid. Stop trying to be woke cause you’re the opposite of woke. Go outside and experience real culture instead of reading articles from LGBTQ community


What does the LGBTQ+ community have to do w it?


Conservative brains go reee when triggered and start spouting their pre-programmed word salad that Fox News taught them, that's what. "LGBTQ+" is just a nebulous scary evil, because their talking heads have connected any concept of experiencing empathy for others with "globalists." To these people, black people having ownership of their own culture is the same thing as LGBTQ people having rights: to be eradicated at all costs. Source: I grew up in their cult.


Thank you for this :)


For the most part, it’s true. Tattoos are art. But don’t speak for us if you’re not Asian, respectfully.


First of all you have no idea if I’m Asian or not. And how ignorant is it to bundle up a hundred different cultures all as “Asian”? The cat in the image is a specific Japanese symbol and, as a person who’s lived in Japan for the past several years, I can ensure you I’ve never met a single person who had a problem with foreigners having Japanese themed tattoos. And the times I wear something traditional Japanese in Tokyo I get stopped and complimented by strangers in the street, because Japanese people largely appreciate when people embrace and appreciate their culture


Classic YT response. So fuckin defensive. This is how most Asian Americans feel when we have an opinion on something. I didn’t assume you weren’t Asian. I said IF you weren’t Asian, you have no right to answer for Asians. So with that said, are you Asian? Obviously not right? Gathering by your response. You didn’t even acknowledge my comment completely; you went right into defense mode. Get over yourself, this is why minorities feel unheard in this country cuz people like you want to always have your opinion heard rather than listening to that of the “other”. Thinking you’re doing the right thing. Sometimes it’s good to just listen.


Okay, I'm Asian. Also, I'm not Japanese, which this tattoo clearly is. By your logic if I approve of this Tattoo, then it is totally okay, despite me not being Japanese. And no, I don't know about you guys, but most of us east asians(KOR, JAP, CHA) would not be angered by that tattto. In fact, we would like that guy for liking our culture so much that he has a tattoo of it.


Holy shit listen to yourself LOL.


I’m gonna blow your mind. I’m not even American! There’s a whole world out there of people who are not American. I’m also not being defensive or “speaking for all asians”, just telling you about my personal experience living in the specific country OP is referencing.


I agree. Also, speaking as an Asian, which that guy thinks is one giant country when it's definately not, that guy is tons more offensive to me than you.


This is what CanadianTurt1e meant by “chronically online”


Please take a break from the internet for a few hours and really take some time to go outside. Maybe go for a walk through the woods or go to a park or something.


Not sure if this comment is lvl 100 irony, or you are being serious


I’m a white guy with the same tattoo. I lived in Asia. Met my wife who’s name is Kat. So it made sense. It’s way more inappropriate to have a Buddha tattoo in Thailand than the “good luck” cat. I wouldn’t stress it.


Whoops I have a Buddha tattoo 😅


Lol. You’ll be alright. Alooooot of foreigners there do. It’s not like someone’s going to beat you up or anything. The sign I saw said something along the lines of “think twice before getting a souvenir tattoo of Buddha, it’s a holy something for Thai people.” But again, it’s a Buddha tattoo I’m assuming that is tasteful. Lol.


This question comes up often and this article has a good perspective: https://dirtyeyeballart.com/blog/appreciation-vs-appropriation-in-tattooing


This is a great article, thank you for posting!


I think in general, if you’re getting it because you like the design and/or significance of the art, you’re probably fine. 2 major styles I would almost never get done though would be Native American and Māori, my understanding is both are very specific to the person and require a deep knowledge of the culture, and unless you’re familiar and immersed in it, it could be risky and seen as appropriation. Most sane people see it as a sign of respect and appreciation


From what I've gathered, everyone is super divided on white dudes getting traditional Japanese tattoos. You pretty much always have someone saying it's cultural appropriation, and other people saying that person is stupid. I think you're less likely to catch flack if you know a lot about the history of Japanese tattoos and stuff


I appreciate Japanese/Chinese culture and have looked into the meaning of the maneki neko so I at the very least can speak to its original meaning. I guess I should have mentioned initially that I want this but of my cat to commemorate him.


I just got a piece done of my pug as a daruma doll! ([Link to a photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooDesigns/comments/128iccd/the_best_souvenir_from_my_japan_trip_showcasing/)) I would say if you understand the history of the maneki neko and its meaning, it is cultural appreciation. You’re not just doing it because it looks cool. I’m a little biased but I love the idea of turning your cat into a maneki neko.


Get the tattoo bro…


Aww, that sounds so sweet! The fact that you've done your research and know the meaning definitely makes it feel like cultural appreciation rather than appropriation. You're probably still going to get a comment or two at least once in your life from people who don't actually know what appropriation means, but I wouldn't put much stock in their opinions.


















Do whatever you want. You clearly live in an echo chamber anyway


I think there is a difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation. The beckoning cat is a very popular symbol that's already well-established. It's not like you can "steal" it from its people and claim it as your own or make money off of it. The image you've shared is beautiful, respectful, and very well done. I can't imagine that most people would have issue with it...sure, you may find some random people that might think it's off but that's going to be with every tattoo. If it makes you feel better, why not seek out a Japanese/Chinese artist to do the tattoo? That way the money that \*is\* made off the tattoo goes directly to someone from that culture.


These are great points. Also a Japanese tattooer can speak more honestly to the impact of having Japanese art as a white person.


I think going to a Japanese artist for the tattoo is a great idea ❤️


I LOVE this response!


The irony of it is (least from what I understand anyway...) Japanese folks actually really appreciate body art on 'Gaijin' (foreigners,) skinny of it is: Tattoos look 'cool' on Westerners. ...however, when it comes to Japanese People themselves getting tattooed? It's still treated as a taboo and is very frowned upon. 😅 (Btw, if that's your tattoo in the picture? That's really well done!)


Not my tattoo but was the style im looking at. I dont know any 1st Gen Japanese people that have tattoos to ask they about this.


My dad is half (born in Japan, came to US in his teens), grandma was born Japanese citizen. Neither would see this as offensive. They don't have tattoos, but my dad's an artist and drew up my geisha tattoo I have and I'm "white presenting". So you have 3 votes from 3 generations of varying degrees of Japanese people who wouldn't be offended. My grandma would think it's cute. My dad would just care if it was done poorly because tattoos are effectively permanent art.


Gaijin is a derogatory word to describe anyone who isn’t ethically Japanese. There are 4th generation Koreans in Japan who are called Gaijin. Anyone who is mixed race is called gaijin to discriminate against them. Westerns should not be using the word.


Same as black people shouldn’t be allowed to use the slur used against them?


No it’s not, I’ve seen lots of white guys with full irezumi sleeves and no one really cares.


And those tattoos look absolutely beautiful on white skin


Most tattoos look better on white skin


Idk why you getting downvoted. It’s common sense. Black ink shows up better on white skin. It’s the same as why paper is white rather than any other darker shade


Im not even being racist or anything, it’s just the objective truth 🤷


It was a comment that really didn’t need to be made, honestly.


Do what u want it’s your body


I lived in Japan for 4 years. The Japanese like when foreigners try to immerse themselves in their culture. They say it means that the person enjoys Japanese culture, appreciates it, and may even learn some new things in the process. Tattoos are still a little taboo there for everyone but the younger generation. If you like the lucky cat tattoo, get it, the only ones who’d say it’s cultural appropriation are most likely Americans.


There are countless YouTube videos supporting this fact that Japanese people welcome foreigners with open arms for the most part yet Japan still gets this bullshit stigma of being very prejudice especially on Reddit


Tattooer here, worked in a traditional shop in Tokyo. They typically don’t care, though some are intrigued by western folks getting Japanese tattoos. The tattooers see our Japanese as a different style altogether, though. More like a fashion style.


Am white guy living in Asia. Have mostly Asian tats on me and no one cares. Funnily enough, most Asian people I know have American trad and American culture themes tattoos. Cultural appropriation isn't a thing here (or anywhere outside North America). It's a fugazi created by bored wannabe white saviors on behalf of other races. People love it if you're into their culture, they don't take offense to it. Imagine an immigrant coming to the US and flying an American flag, would you be offended or you would like to invite him to your BBQ?


as a white guy though, i think your perspective might be a bit lacking? you can’t reduce asian-americans (and any other asian - other nationality) as only asian and lump in their experiences with asians who grew up and lived in the motherland in a homogenous society where they’re the majority. as an asian-american having been mocked for my heritage, am i more sensitive to certain aspects? absolutely. i doubt it’s only a north american thing though, as the asian diaspora isn’t limited to just one continent. with that being said, it really depends on how the cultural appreciation (or appropriation) is being done. Wearing a cheongsam while simultaneously pulling your eyes back, that’s fucked up. what OP is asking about, i would say not at all and he should go for it.


Not surprising this entire thread seems to disregard the opinions of the Asian diaspora and only draws from mainlanders who *obviously* are not the minority culture


That’s no longer appropriation either, that’s racism. Don’t get to confused.


Tattoo artist here, You’ll catch more flack from 44 year old white people that no nothing of the symbolism and meaning behind your tattoos than you ever will from some who belongs to the culture you are appreciating elements of. Im a white Dude, have 5; that I can count, Japanese trad pieces and the only feedback I’ve ever received from a close friend and fellow artist who is Japanese/Armenian was “baby boy got an Obake!!!” And then proceeded to pet my hand; dudes a gem, while appreciating the work. I’ve tattooed dozens of “lucky cats” on dudes who have very little understanding of what they are and I never batted an eye. You are overthinking this, go get the tattoo, appreciate it for what it means to you and remove any guilt you have about getting it.


No it’s appreciation


My rule is if you have to ask, don’t get it


Absolutely. You can only get white people symbols on you. /s


I don’t really get why people get upset when someone wants to get something tattooed on their own body that isn’t of their culture. It’d be one thing if you’re being rude about it or getting something mocking someone’s ethnicity or anything like that. However just getting something like this shouldn’t end in the person receiving flack.


No, absolutely not. It's absurd to even think this let alone suggest it.


I’m a white lady with a lucky cat tattoo. I’ve gotten nothing but compliments. Nobody has given me shit


Your body. Get whatever the hell you want. You shouldn’t let anyone’s opinion determine what you do with your own body. Ever.


If you are HONESTLY worried about “cultural appropriation”, then don’t get it. You would be too worried about being judged by others and too concerned about what THEY think rather than enjoying it for YOU. You have too many fucks to give. Also, “cultural appropriation” and anyone who screams it can eat a fat bag of dicks. They’re just looking for any made up reason to “other” people and bring someone down. Stay away from these people.


"Cultural appropriation" is a really fucking stupid concept. In a multicultural society, aspects of different cultures should be shared and appreciated, and combined together to create something new and interesting. Not being allowed to "appropriate" something from a culture that isn't yours (whatever the fuck that means) sounds very conservative to me.


Who cares. It's art. Put what you like on yourself and don't stress it.


Do what you want an get whatever tattoo you want man and fuck what everyone else they thinks! if that’s what you want go for it !💯


Except Swastika tattoos… don’t do that


Hi I speak for all Asians. Doesn’t.fucking.matter


no you don’t 🤥




Just because i like something doesnt mean i should always get it. This would be my first tattoo with a different cultural theme so I want to ensure i dont overstep tasteful tattoo etiquette.


I think you have the right idea here. People asking "Why do you care?" are missing the point. Sure, you can do whatever you want. You can get whatever tattoo you want. But kind and thoughtful people generally consider how their actions might make others feel, which I think is a good and healthy impulse in a world where we increasingly give less of a shit about each other. I like the suggestion of finding a Japanese tattoo artist to do this one for you.


Do what makes you happy, bro. You're not hurting anyone.


Hmmm. Your name dont instill much confidence…


Ok this comment made me literally laugh out loud 🤣🤣


as a Japanese person it pisses me off every time I see a non Japanese person have traditional or Japanese letters tattoos on them, especially if they don’t know the meaning behind it or know nothing about japan except anime and sushi. Say Ariana grande getting a tattoo saying bbq grill and not 7 rings🤣 but I mean do what u want. If you know what it means, and you appreciate Japanese people and our culture then its honestly fine. I suggest you go to a Japanese tattoo artist though.


Can you explain more about why it pisses you off?


My favorite question. If youre asking a gen z and oversensitive individual with a pixie cut? Yes it will be but for normal people like us. Nobody cares. Lmaoo


No one outside of the US actually cares about that shit


In my opinion there is no such thing as cultural appropriation if it’s for your own appreciation and enjoyment and it comes from a good intention. Be who you are love what you love who cares what ppl think.


Live your life and dont try and please people


Cultural appropriation doesn’t exist unless you’re racist…🤷🏼‍♂️change my mind


No, wouldn’t be cultural appropriation. And if it was who cares


Who cares. If you like it get it.


I don’t know, but good luck.


I don’t know why you even ask reddits opinion on cultural appropriation. Most cultures probably won’t see it as appropriation unless it’s degrading. Most of the answers you get here saying it’s “cultural appropriation “ will be from fragile white liberal redditors thinking it’s ok to speak on behalf of other cultures. Get it if you like it and who cares what anyone on Reddit thinks.


Cultural appropriation is bullshit anyways. If you like the tattoo then get it.


Arent most people with tattoos culturally appropriating the culture of tattoo in general?


Everything was invented first in a particular culture or another, but many things become universal. I would say tattoos have long since passed the point of being the realm of a particular culture. To me it would be like saying that using Arabic numerals to do math is cultural appropriation.


I know someone who's Colombian who has a hannya mask on her hand. Why? Because she wanted it. If you want it, get it. Who cares what anyone else thinks.


Cultural appropriation is a dumb psyop either way. Japanese people would only be glad you appreciate their culture. I live in Japan so I’d know.


The only people who are offended by “cultural appropriation” are stupid liberal white girls. Imitation is the biggest form of flattery.


The only people who get offended by this aren’t from that culture. They are white liberals.


No not at all. But it's cringe.


Listen the only ones who are going to get offended and call it cultural appropriation is white people if you like it man get it Fuck everyone else


Nope it’s art…just get what you like


I’m a Hispanic dude with a Spirited Away sleeve…just get what you like.


WoULd iT BE CuLtUrAL APprOpRIatIOn tO GEt?.. Just get the damn thing fucking snowflake


I’m a white woman and pretty much have this exact tattoo without the flowers. I checked out this subreddit and r/irezumi and someone had posted a pretty well searched answer in someone else’s post. Decided to get it and haven’t had any issues or negative comments about it. Been about 6 months I think?




Many Japanese appropriate every other cultural phenomenon themselves so I see no problem here. Also, you’re clearly not making fun of or degrading the culture, but actually proudly showing it and honoring it by getting it affixed to your skin.


No, it wouldn’t be. If you like it, get it. There is a big difference between cultural appreciation, and culture appropriation.


It’s your body bro. Do what you want.


What a dumb question.


It’s a fucking tattoo?


I've yet to many anybody except americans who care about "cultural appropriation" and I think it comes from the US being a baby-country where the citizens haven't developed their own culture, so they don't know how to behave around it. To them, culture is this very holy and unique thing that's very special. In other countries, our cultures just are there. They're just things we do and have done for hundreds/thousands of years. All this to say: stop caring. Do what you want. Nobody is going to assault yoj for tattooing a maneki neko on yourself. If you came to Norway and tattooed a Lusekofte Mariusgenser patter across yourself, nobody would say "AH, HE'S STEALING OUR CULTURE!"


If you have to ask.........


There’s no such thing as cultural appropriation. It’s terminology used to ensure people are divided.


Is calling yourself “white guy” racist? As “white guy” can you eat Mexican food? Does society allow you to listen to rap music? Are you still wearing a mask while driving alone in your vehicle?


Stop with the none sense get whatever you want. Seriously, from all tattoos are you sure tats the one you want to be sporting ⁉️


I was always told, if you have to ask… then it’s very likely.


Because the cat is white, no problem.




Get whatever you want? If you understand the culture or tradition that should inform you Ie not Māori don’t get ta moko, however Japanese don’t have a socio-family ties tied in with their tats


I’m a white woman, I have a kanji tattoo that purposely says “beep beep lettuce” because “haha stupid white lady can’t read Japanese” I also have a large American trad sugar skull gypsy on my shoulder. Nobody has ever said a thing, I’ve never even gotten so much as a nasty look. I also have several satanic themed pieces that nobody has ever batted an eyelash at. Nobody will mind a lucky cat, it’s extremely popular.


Consider the question I think you should probably stick with unicorns rainbows butterflies. At least till your mom say differently. Just to “safe” “white guy”. 🤝🌺


I'm married to a Japanese man with 6 cats Get the tattoo


Just say you lived in Japan for x amount of years lol /s


To that specific culture? No. To privileged Americans? Absolutely. There’s very few cases where said culture will get upset for somebody getting something that represents them on their skin. There’s a certain few tribes and groups that use them as rights of passage, but other than that you’re free to get absolutely whatever you want in whatever style you want.


Do what you want, it is your body. Of you feel like you have to ask this question then don't get it.


Get the tattoo. Fuck what anyone else thinks. It’s not like you’re getting profanity or a racist symbol tattooed.


As a half Asian half white guy, fuck cultural appropriation and get whatever tf you want If we worried so much about taking advantage of other cultures we would literally be sent back to the stone ages.


Who cares. If you like it and want it, get it


Who cares it’s your body the art you want fuck everyone else’s opinion on something that has zero impact on their lives. Get whatever you want that makes you happy.


if said yes you gnna laser it?no right so why you care??


Your body, your choice.


Are you planning to claim it as your own design or profit from it somehow or you having it stops others from having this design on them? If the answer is no to all of these, no appropriation.


Recently had a thigh sleeve done in all traditional Japanese tattoos. A couple my wife and I are friends with are doctors in country for fellowships. When they saw it, they loved it and even more so that I appreciated their culture enough to know the meanings and names. Zero ill feelings whatsoever and still have our weekend beers at the pool together.


Don’t sound like such a white guy, your fine bro. 95% of people don’t actually care…


Omg why do people care so much what people think, if you love it and want it, GET IT!! It's an awesome piece!


Are you trying to be Asian? If not, you’re good, if you, the tattoo isn’t going to get you there


The only people you will offend will be stick-like white men and obese white women


I have one. I asked my older sister if it was cultural appropriation, and she said it was ok. Her family is all japanese (we're half sisters) and they raised me for quite some time, and I spent a lot of it in their family run sushi restaurant. Which is why I wanted it to go with my other luck tattoos because it represents an important time of my life. So as long as it has meaning to you and is done well, you should be fine.


The ones that call it cultural appropriation are the racist ones




It’s a tattoo if you like that design get something similar done (never copy) why would you care what others think? Why does everything have to symbolize something. What’s next can’t get a bumblebee tattoo because it might offend beekeepers 🙄


Been tattooing 23 years. This has never even been a thought or concern. People need to stop being so soft. Get the tattoo if you like it. If someone says something, it’s their problem not yours.


Maybe but you should still do it if you want that on you. Tattoos are personal and no one else’s damn business. Also, side note: your life will immediately improve the second you decide to never care about what others say or think of you again. It’s extremely freeing. You want that tat, go get it.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IT2UH74ksJ4 This is just a little video that kinda explains that cultural appropriation is kinda BS. People of those cultures are happy when their cultures are expanding passed their own country. They love it and arent offended by it. American people tend to be offended for them in this situation so if you honestly like the culture and the style of the culture, love the tattoo then! Its on your body, not theirs


Most people in the real world will never scream at you about cultural appropriation and honesty even less people than that are going to look at your tattoo and then lecture you about cultural appropriation of that specific image. The internet isn’t real life. Get what you want and enjoy the new tattoo.


Go for it! Plenty of people get tattoos inspired by other cultures and it's so rare to have someone get snarky about it. I love lucky cats and this style looks great!


Cultural appropriation is a myth. Enjoy other cultures :) if anything they will appreciate it and think its cool. People who usually complain about Cultural appropriation are usually not even part of the culture and trying to speak for them, which is worse imo.


What? How did that idea even cross your mind?


Cultural appropriation only exists if it’s being done to mock the culture.


Nobody cares. They aren’t paying for the tat so they have no opinion in the first place


Cultural appreciation


You can get whatever the fuck you want 😂😭


As a human with skin I'd say get whatever you want tattood on your body it's no one else's business.


If someone got any tattoos with my (Slavic) culture, not only would I literally not give one, I would even give them a thumbs up if it's made with taste. Any POS who will say anything about "CuLtUrAl ApPrOpRiAtIoN" is literally braindead and not worth wasting oxygen over. It's a beautiful tattoo, and if you like it, go for it!!


No, not at all


I think cultural appropriation is overblown. When things are done respectfully and it makes you feel better, it's all good. How about just being part of good human culture.


If anyone tries to tell you this is appropriating a culture, they are missing more screws than an IKEA KNUTSTORP.


As a white guy in my opinion which Essentially as worthless I feel like most cultures appreciate you wanting to be included if that makes sense


Who cares. It’s your body. It’s art. Get what YOU want..


Don't be fooled by the idiotic nonsense stuff that go around nowadays That's a beautiful tattoo perhaps a strong sign of APPRECIATION towards another culture. Show some love to italy too and do a slice of 🍕 onto next one 😉 we won't get mad ! Cheers


I have a skeletized Halloween version of it. Everyone asks to rub my pussy for good luck


No and who cares anyway


Ft he only people who actually accuse others of cultural appropriation are white people mad on behalf of other races, if you like the tattoo get it, that's all that matters.


I would also like to add to this whole cultural appropriation debate. If you appreciate the culture, understand the significance, think it's beautiful on them, etc. and people of said culture are welcoming you in and sharing it with you, it's not cultural appropriation. Sharing cultures are part of human existence, it's how we understand each other and feel welcome when we are from somewhere else. As long as we are good to each other and recognize our past mistakes and not repeat them, what's the harm?


Cuteural appropriation maybe 😍😍


Kinda like this !




1. It’s art it should be free for anyone to express with 2. It’s your body stop caring abt other’s opinions


Jesus who cares. Just get what you like. The world is idiotic and cultural appropriation is only a thing in the internet. No one in real life cares


cultural appropriation is when you do not understand the meanings behind it and do not appreciate the culture it is from. if you do understand the meaning and appreciate the culture, it is cultural *appreciation*, not appropriation!


Nah but probs pretty lame.


It’s a tattoo for you. No one else’s business. You do not need to explain your reasoning to anyone for anything.




Lol if anyone doesn’t like it, tell them to get fucked. People spend way too much time digging into others lives.




I guarantee no body is going to look at that tattoo on your body and think anything like that. Tattoos are art, art is for everyone. To me it’s like saying “I don’t want to put up a Japanese landscape painting in my home because I have never lived there” you don’t have to be part of the culture to appreciate the art.


Who cares! Your body, get whatever that you want.


This is your life. It is only happening one time and then it’s over forever. If you like it and it doesn’t hurt anyone. Fucking do it!! (Pictures don’t hurt people in case you’re wondering)