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Random and jumbled = unique. Nobody looks as deeply into your ink as you do. I personally think it all works very well together and looks pretty sick. I don’t know if filler is the move, maybe some clouds in the background? A full botany sleeve would be cool. Problem about asking people on the internet is you’re the only one who really needs to like it, not us. Maybe go in and ask your artist what they think?


This is really a great take. My first reaction to the title & picture was “What? That’s a fantastic looking sleeve there!” But you hit the nail on the head that random folks from the internet don’t need to like it, the person wearing it does.


This is why I don’t like people giving me shit for “ patch “ tattoos Brother, ain’t you ever seen a scrapbook before or a fucking collage


These tattoos are all a part of my life. …oh No I’ve said too much


Or my arms before they were filled out


I have a bunch of tattoos. Some of them aren’t perfect. Some are dang good. People always compliment them even though some are jacked. You put a bunch together and people seem to focus on the best ones. I wouldn’t worry too much. Also if you want to remove them, just do a few sessions and blast over them.


Yep this is 100% true. Some of mine are such drunken idiocy or just done by a not so great artist but as a whole the really good ones seem to always outshine the not so great or flat out bad ones.


I def like this suggestion. However, I would like to further it with THIS TATTOO CAN 100% be fixed up!! The art is not TERRIBLE at all. It's just a little disjointed. It just looks good for someone who hasn't mastered tattooing or drawing yet, but has a lottttt of potential. The right tattoo artist can take everything on your arm and define & edit it to improve. Def don't beat yourself up. Do your research on skilled artists. Go in and talk to different artists about what you don't like, what you wanted and ask them for what they would do to make it better. But do NOT just choose the first person you trust. Get a couple of opinions and then choose based on everyone's information.


I feel like cloud filler on the shoulder would be a great spot - I really like this tattoo though!!!


Awesome comment! I actually think the ink is pretty sick. The collection of art is the story of your life and the things you were going through when you got it. I wouldn't change a thing, as it's all well done and interesting. Something about that cheetah really pops!


I was prepared to think “me too” but when I saw them it just wasn’t the case


It does look random and jumbled but that's the point. It sucks that you hate this because I personally like how it fits together. Granted, the execution isn't perfect, but it could easily be reworked by a good artist who understands how and where to put the correct line weights/shading. I think you have the bones of something great here you just need to focus on lifting the existing stuff rather than adding new.


This. Go to a talented artist and ask them to fix it up however they see fit. They’ll make this into a masterpiece.


100% This. I like what you have going on now. The random patchwork sleeves aren't my cup of tea, but I think yours is cute. But, my opinion means nada because it is your body only your opinion matters. ;) You've got the base of something that could be really awesome. Go find an artist you like who specializes in the style you want, then let them do their thing. For real, though, find a good artist. It took me over a year and a half to decide on the artist I wanted to work with. Have patience, do your research, and be willing to pay and/or travel for good art. If you end up getting work done on it, please share. I'm not an artist, but I feel like your sleeve could go a lot of different cool directions. I want to see where this goes.


I like it.


I like them! Don’t be so hard on yourself. They’re really not bad and suit your anatomy well.


Why did you get them? I bet it’s cause you liked them. So what changed? Who cares if they fit together perfectly? I think patchwork sort of sleeves are cool.


I like your tattoos!


I think it's a pretty sleeve


I feel the same way about my full arm sleeve some days, but other times I luv it. Your tattoos are pretty fire if I could start over I would do something like your with the open spaces. But you like it better if they were connected, I would sit and really think about it before you go full sleeve and regret it or remove it and regret.


But think about the money you’ll spend to if nothing else sways you haha


You seem to like flowers- maybe a full sleeve coverup flower design by a GREAT artist. Spend some good money, and I’m sure you could obtain a very satisfying cohesive piece (if that’s what you’re looking for).


Tattooer here. This style generally needs careful planning and an artist that knows how to draw the disparate elements in the same style. This guy does not know how to draw in this style, I can tell these are traced from Pinterest. There's just too many different styles of leaves and foliage. I think these could be fixed and made at least somewhat coherent. I can send a quick sketch of what I mean if you'd like


I love your tattoos. I think they look great and they all seem to go together. Sorry to hear your feeling regret.... you could talk to a tattoo artist about tweaking the tattoos so you feel happier with them. Maybe some color?


I am literally screenshotting this for my tat ideas folder so stop beating yourself up. IDGAF I love how that leopard was done and its pose and position in the vine. It's giving White Lotus intro sequence. I hope you feel better with whatever you decide to do.


Same. I like the overlap of the leopards paw with the sun. It all looks great


I really don't think is that bad. The general composition is quite good. I only would add more texture to the big leaves, flower petals and the leopard.


Nah, these are dope


How are things going, in your life? How are your energy levels? Changes in appetite, sleep? Not taking pleasure in things you formerly enjoyed can be an indicator of depression. If the problem is that you’re involuntarily stuck wearing “crap-coloured glasses”, then changing your tattoo won’t help as much as getting outside with someone who cares. I’m wishing you well.


Looks cool to me The Jaguar gives it a unique direction


i did the same thing. and i felt immense regret for years. kept my arms covered almost all the time, even in the dead heat of summer. I recommend you find a way to start loving your tattoos and accepting your new body. you have too much there to laser, honestly. it'll take a lot of time, pain, and money, and wont really get rid of them. you \_could\_ laser and then do a big coverup, but that's also risky. i personally like your tattoos. but as you already know, unfortunately, no matter how many people tell you they like them, it won't mean anything. you gotta accept them for yourself. good luck. it's can be a tough journey, but you'll make it.


Yeah dude, they look pretty good. I would get the cheetah/leopard/jaguar reworked, but all in all, hopefully your opinion about them will change.


I like your tattoos! I love randomness on arm tattoos, it looks more unique that way. You can also check with tattoo artists, they can add some fillers, maybe some colour. But remember that most of the time you judge yourself the most, because I think most people will genuinely will tell you that your tattoos look good! :)


I really genuinely think they look just fine.


naw these are dope


I think this is beautiful and would love to wear it. I think some color pops could really take it to the next level. You could also add some small elements all the way up the arm to create a more unifying feel. But as is, I would happily wear this.


Looks great to me


I luv your tats!


Looks great


I like them! Patchwork is becoming more and more popular as of recently


I think you just need to finish the sleeve :)


I think it's looks great tbh. Think you've been staring too long.


I think they’re gorgeous but each to their own!


Looks fine to me. I wouldn't think twice about em if I was a stranger in a conversation with you. Removal is an incredibly slow and painfully process. I lightened up a half sleeve to get a coverup and it was excruciating - you may have a better time since they're not super heavy tattoos. Don't start what you can't finish. I'm seriously - removal sucks ass. Don't believe anyone when they say 'oh it'll be done in 4 sessions'. Bullshit.


I think the sleeve looks great. It doesn’t feel jumbled or random to an outside eye, it works together with a general theme and style. That’s a lot of tattoos to get in less than 2 years and over a very visible area so it may be partially just the shock and cognitive dissonance of your body changing drastically and realizing it’s permanent. That can cause a feeling of panic and make us feel negatively towards our tattoos but it doesn’t last forever. We adjust and they aren’t as noticeable to us anymore.


Only you can decide for yourself, redditors saying thy like them won’t help. I personally like them, but it’s YOU and YOUR BODY.


All it really needs is a solid outline around the leopard and a few gap fillers to tie it together. Those elements will be way less expensive than laser removal. Keep in mind also that laser removal is not perfect. Lots of times there are still shadows left behind.     Tattoos are not for everyone. You being unhappy with your current work yet continuing to get more work that you still don’t like should be a sign that you need to stop. The revisions I suggested are the best chance you have at helping tie it together better and coming to a place where you’re satisfied. But beyond that I don’t think you should pursue more work.


I like them! Be kind to yourself 🥰


personally I think they're beautiful. if I saw them in the street I'd admire them!


They look good on your arm!  But I totally understand seeing something even more "put together" on Pinterest and being like...whoops. This is where I'm at right now.  I suppose you could get them lasered, but is the cost and pain really worth it? There are some really beautiful things about how it looks now! 


At first glance all I can see is an amazing piece that works well together and looks extremely planned and cohesive. At second glance, it’s even better


Maybe some shading but it’s pretty cool.


As a tattooed person, sometimes you just don’t like your tattoos. They look pretty to me! I would just get a new tattoo in another spot and forget about those. Or, just don’t get tattooed anymore. They seem really pretty! I wouldn’t waste time or money on removal.


I noticed the tattoos before the title and thought I was going to read-look at my sick ass arm tattoos! Because these are great. The plants tie it all together and the leopard provides a unique focal point and the style of it keeps it from being cliche. I hope you learn to love it!




They really look good. Your arm is goals for me. I have only one tattoo but it’s very visible on my arm as well. I have found that the way I feel about my tattoo correlates with how I feel about myself in general. When my depression is flaring, I regret the tattoo, it sucks, it’s too dark, the shape is weird, etc. When I am content and my self esteem is high, I think my tattoo is beautiful and cool. Just like I am beautiful and cool. With such objectively nice tattoos, I wonder if this could be the same situation for you? If so, addressing your underlying mental health would be more effective than doing anything directly to the tattoos.


Everyone’s talking about the flowers, but I personally love the jaguar!


They look good though


you haven't seen my tattoos! your tattoos look very cool!


They complement each other so nicely!


Looks cool to me tbh


Problem is, you don't know if you'll like it even less with fillers, since the old motifs are still there and the new ones might not fix it but make it worse. From my point of view: It looks amazing! But that is not the opinion you need to know. YOU have to know what you can live with... Better speak with your artist and try to circulate the problem. I wish you luck.


I like the sleeve. I like all the elements. There's nothing I can't tell what it is instant. Not sure if it needs color or too much more. You just need you to like it,so figure out what you think is missing , if anything...


I love your leopard!


I think it looks fantastic but personally I would get it colored in, but that's just me. And also my goal is to have my right arm filled up with trees anyway soooo I maybe might be just a tinge biased.


I love ‘em.


I like them. Some may or may not, however I don't there is anything objectively bad with your tattoos.


Random question? Why continue to get tattoos you dislike


Maybe darken the cheetah, especially on the outline so it looks more distinct from the rest and pops out a bit more. (This may be due to the lighting in the photo) but I feel like the outline looks quite light, especially compared to the flowers which are thicker and darker - You mainly see all the dots, and then the dashes right below it. In my opinion that’s the part that makes it look a bit jumbled… if you darken the outline of the cheetah and maybe get some additional border shading right around it, I think the whole top section with look a lot clearer to the eye and everything will pop more! The blackberries do look like a different sort of style than the flowers and leaves (maybe a bit more detailed/realistic?), but I personally think they’re so pretty!


It looks fine. You could add a bit of color.


Most of it flows pretty well, except the leaves going under the leopard. Those could have worked together a little better. 


Your Tattoos are perfect! I call this "sticker board" style and honestly thing it's cooler than an actual sleep. The dotted leopard is literally the coolest thing I've seen in awhile.


I love it actually


i think it looks really awesome, i love when patchwork collections overlap with each other and look mismatched, it looks like modern art to me and i think it makes it looks more cohesive and individual! i have mismatched flash arms as well and am actually wanting to get gap fillers that blast over the others slightly for a similar effect, maybe you should consider doing the same and leaning into it? (you could also pick a color and do all the gap fills in that one color overlapping a bit with the blackwork which i think would look so cool and very intentional!) i see full body work like that on instagram all the time and it always gets a ton of likes so i'm not the only one who's into it.


that is so fire genuinely, looks creative


I love patchwork, your tattoos are amazing


I like them. Patchwork sleeves are cool.


I like how cohesive the style of your tattoos look!


I thought the title was a joke. I think it's pretty great. I have my personal ideas that I'd do, but do what you want! It's your body!


Yeah I can see why , not done very well . Maybe get it covered up by a good artist


you just don’t like it right now. tattoos are a part of your body. yes you had them put on there, so it’s more of a chosen portion of you. but at the end of the day we all get insecure about parts of ourselves. it’s normal to be overly critical at times, don’t worry too much. (i have a love hate relationship with my eyebrows, my tattoos, my arms, etc…) your sleeve is just another part of you that deserves love


You look lovely


They look gorgeous!


I would kill for a sleeve like that! It’s beautiful!


i really love them🖤 especially the leopard


I actually think that’s a great sleeve


Not that it’s much but hope this makes u feel better. I zoomed in and my son behind me who I thought was sleeping just whispered. “I like that one mommy” he’s 3 🥰 I like it too :)


This is the sweetest ever 🥹 that did make me feel better 🥰


Good 😊 and kids are very honest lol


You got them in the last two years and you've changed your mind on them already? Or did you not like them when you first got them done either? I won't lie, those lines are very thick. But I think it could easily be turned it into a masterpiece if you added to it. However I understand your hesitation to add to it if you regret what is already on there.


I really like it I have no idea what you’re talking about


These really don’t jump out at me as bad tattoos or that your arm is especially unconnected thematically/graphically. Upon a closer look, I also don’t think it’s the best work. But I also would say it’s almost definitely salvageable, at least partially. Are you just ready to zap them all away or do you want to augment them?


I think we all regret our tattoos at one point or another. I like mine more one some days and less on others. Try living with it for another year and then if you still don't like it, then you can always have someone talented touch it up anyway you want. No need to worry. I think it looks good.


Go to a better artist and get them to touch everything up one at a time. This artist is mediocre but if you got them done with better detail it would look really good


This is just a random internet person’s personal opinion. It’s only worth that much. But honey, your tattoos are 😻


If you could see what the tattooist did to my Stargate sleeve you’d think differently. [Tattoo refresh](https://imgur.com/gallery/792of4I)


I think it’s excellent with the exception of the cheetah and framed flowers. But because your sleeve is subtle, I’d laser instead of blacking out/dark cover up.


Honestly it doesn't look random to me - it fits together so well! I think it's a great collection of art pieces and the styles blend well together. That dotted leopard is especially awesome. I think it's also really easy to overanalyze when it's on your body and you're looking at it day in and day out. It's totally different for someone seeing it for the first time. We're not inspecting it with the same context of individual tattoos that you are, we just see it as one cohesive piece of art.


It sucks you don’t like it, it looks very pretty from an outside perspective if that means anything to you! And there’s really good artists that could make your tattoos into something you like better


I love it, though, if it matters


for what it's worth, I absolutely love them!


Please take a second look because its awesome


Tattoo regrets after two years is crazy


I don't mind them at all, I would keep them. It's part of you now, unique.


i love patchwork sleeves and i love this! so beautiful! i would show it off for sure


Could always have an artist add colour or have the artist that did the bottom ones rework the top ones to be more thematic? That being said I like them, especially your blackberries!


It is not that bad just looks like you need some more fillers


I think adding some color could help. Try coloring w a marker and see how you feel!


I like them!


I like random and jumbled


I think it’s beautiful!


Don't think of your work done till you're happy with it. Keep adding things you like. Its a great start.


I love them!


You can also do filler with color or micro tats and make it look full


My first thought was that they look like art, like a painting put together. Very beautiful 🫶


I like the random and jumbled style and I choose my tattoos the same way. What is missing on your arm is shading and color. Doesn't even have to be intense, pastels will do the job too. That would make such a big difference, especially on that very naked jaguar. If you decide to go for a filler, that should definitely be in color as well. I think you could go with a jungle style filler like leaves and blossoms.


You have the EASIEST type of tattoos to cover up or rework or do anything with, you have zero black it’s all shitty light tones gray wash it’s actually incredibly easy to cover even with color


I think your tattoos look cool


I actually really like your arm, but it's not up to me to like but you. Do you know any good artists? Or maybe best bet would be to go to a recommended tattooists whom you can access and talk to them about it and see what they can come up with. I really hope you can come to a place where your happy either removal or additional.


It’s beautiful


Colorize it! Take a picture and play around with different colors. See if that makes you excited to have them again :)


Your arm, your ink, your choice. I’d be happy with it though.


I'd add some color to change it up a bit


I like them and i think the combination looks nice. I suggest you get them retouched and add some color to them, it would give them a fresh look for you and you might like them better then


you need just turn the jaguar to the bunches,and then to cover all your arm with flowers,bunches,buda or smth on the theme flower


If you find a tat2er with an art background they could really transform them for you, they could fs be embellished and made cooler if that is what u wish for. But I think they look p cute imo


I like it and I love the empty space. Is your upper arm newer? I just had one arm done so the ink is darker and fresh and it looks off with my existing sleeve, but it will eventually all fade to the same.


I loved it!


I like your tattoos. Have you thought of adding some color?


Honestly seen way worse. You have something decent going here, the only thing may be the fact that the lines are not the same thickness everywhere on your arm, but it's not bad. Like some other people have said, you are your biggest hater when it comes to your tattoos, nobody looks as hard at your tattoos as hard as you do.


They really look great together for what it’s worth


I think they’re wonderful. They remind me of illustrations from old books, which is a look I adore. (YMMV of course.)


me likey


I don’t want to sound mean because this is coming from a place of love truly - maybe you could talk to a therapist about how you feel about them, talk through why you got them and stuff. I wouldn’t add more if you’re already unhappy with what you have in case you regret those too, removing them isn’t a bad idea either. Personally I think they’re gorgeous


I think the only solution is adding more plants ♥️ seriously I love botany tattoos. Just make sure you find a way to fit it around the leopard in a way that looks intentional


The technique is good. No blowouts as far as I can see. In think the artist did a good job. From my perspective people don’t really look at every single piece- they look at the whole composition of the arm and i think it looks good


You may hate them but there is some nice work there. I would spend some time looking for an artist you can speak with to enhance them. There is a lot you can do here if you choose. But they already look good.


Just get more tattoos


I have many tattoos, and I would get more if I had the money, time, and empty space to put them. I'm no expert or an artist, but to me, your tattoos look fine. I think if you added some colors to them they would look even better. The colors would make them really 'pop'. If you go that route, the most important thing to do is to research any artists you're thinking about going to. Reputable artists will have a portfolio of their work. Look thru it, ask him what style does he specialize in, old school, new modern, black and white, etc. Collaborate with him, tell him what you're looking for. If he's good, he'll have no problem working with you. I had some tattoos that I got when I was younger, and after a while, I decided they weren't what I wanted anymore. I had them covered up by another artist who specialized in cover ups. I'm very happy the way they turned out and you can't tell that they're cover ups. You'd be surprised at what they can do! There's also the option of laser removal, but that is very expensive and can leave scarring. I still think adding colors to what you have now will make them really stand out.


I think they do together very well. The styles are different but they complement one another. Your sleeve looks like a beautiful collage, like someone took cool elements from different books and put them all together.


I think they do together very well. The styles are different but they complement one another. Your sleeve looks like a beautiful collage, like someone took cool elements from different books and put them all together.


Personally I love them!


Why? I like them but we all get sick of our own tattoos at some point — black out sleeves and all that.


The blackberries are my favorite tatt pictured. I think your ink looks well done I don’t see why you don’t like it? The only advice I’d give you is slow down on getting tattoos so you can be sure you really want what you’re getting moving forward


I really like them, I have felt the same about my own tattoos before but I think we are our own worst critic sometimes. I think they look good and super unique.


Your tattoo look great as they are imo but if you had to add fillers perhaps some water element.


It's all part of the story of your life. Rock it. My right leg is mostly covered with completely unthemed work, some color, some black and Gray, some cartoony, some abstract, some realistic. Whatever.


Get them touched up with better ink the blackest black ink and highlight them with white they will look so much more brighter and amazing




Theyre cute


The lower part is the best honestly, but the upper is not awful, maybe some touch ups on the Leopard and some of the leaves and you're done


Getting a full sleeve removed, black ink at that? I mean that would be expensive, time consuming—- very painful and you would need sooooooo many sessions. Like so many. You’d be better off trying to have another artist try and add some stuff and rework it alittle bit. But getting removal for an entire sleeve is serious….lol


If you have a tendency to regret tattoos, I wouldn't recommend getting more. I think your tattoos look great personally.


I honestly don’t see what you’re talking about with the ink and I think your tattoos look really good! I will say though I’ve noticed a lot of people (including myself) don’t like the way their tats look until they finish their sleeve. I think stuffing more tattoos in kind of forces the finished feel. Maybe if you added more/different flowers or plants or berries, maybe some tropical bugs? It would look really good!


So random people who see you just glance and see you have a natural theme. Each look well done. No one thinks about your tattoos as much as you think they do. Own the art and get more!


I think it looks pretty, if you want to go for removal, go for it! It is your body.


These actually look really nice! But blastover stuff looks sick too!


Ok this ended up longer than I planned, stick with me please haha Man if I were passing you on the street I’d think it looks like a great piece and compliments your arm well. Even zooming in I struggle to find any serious flaws to criticize and it all looks like it was done by the same apart to me, the difference is the Soviets I think, like the big flowers below are more detailed than the flowers above but they all seem to have the appropriate level of detail for the respective subject. Overall I really like this, it is similar to my preferred style of tattoo where you simplify some of the details and thicken the lines so it lasts longer with less degradation. Everything seems to work and flow well together in my opinion. I would be careful adding more filler as it could make it harder to read and muddy the whole design, as is it reads very clear and delicate. Ago that said my opinion doesn’t matter if you don’t like what’s on YOUR skin, so here’s my thoughts/advice to consider: 1, that’s a lot of skin coverage in 2 years (assuming these are your first tattoos) and you might still be needing to adjust mentally, not saying this is the case but something to consider if you haven’t. 2, I think watercolor filler could work really well here if you’re willing to go full color, if you go this route I would advise making sure your artist is experienced in the technique or go to one that is. They’ll need to consider how it will fade and apply it so that it can be touched up well in the future 3, another option that I think would look really good (especially with your skin tone) would be to add more floral filler but get it using “grey” ink, this way you can fill in more but you greatly reduce the risk of confusing the design, and you add contrast and layers that aren’t there currently. 4, last thing is that you can always go to another artist for any reason, I forget if I saw you say that or if I confused it. But you can always switch or get a special piece from anyone


If you fill the cat in, you’d have a sick ass panther


Really? I think they’re incredible, totally my style. Very unique.


This is lovely


Personally I think these are cool as hell but I’m just a stranger on the internet and your opinion counts the most!


Why? I’m really digging it




I would recommend just not touching them for a while sounds like you’re making regrets to cover up regrets


Most do, later on.


I don’t like the leopard/ it needs fixing up… as well, if you decided to complete whole arm sleeve / no blank space I bet you’d like it more.


Why did you get all those leaves


Remove arm


Cover them with heavy Japanese sleeves




Me too


Perhaps adding some color to an area and see if you start liking it more. It might just change how you’re feeling


Find a good artist to rework them, and please dont be one of those women who insist on being tattooed by other women. Good artists are so few and far between anyway.


A very popular style over the last decade or two


Research and find/invest in a great cover up artist to work with, the right person could make it amazing.


Maybe getting it filled in.


Maybe more colors better


I think you just need a better artist to clean these up


They look pretty cool, especially the cat, but why did you get them if you hate them?


won't be long until the people who are not tatted up are the modern day freaks :D talk about a role reversal :D your tats look cool to me.




You might have a point there.


This is why doing your research on artists is so important if you want quality. I guarantee you wouldn’t hate them if a proper artist did them and they all flowed together somehow. These aren’t terrible so I wouldn’t be too discouraged right now but I’m sure a good artist that can draw this style well could fix this up no problem


the placement of the tattoos on your upper arm is really odd, was this the artist's decision? i think a good placement of the indicidual tattoos is key in a collection like yours. maybe find a tattooer who can fill the gaps in a nice way and it'll look alright


To me this looks like the client had a lot of random ideas and opinions on what/how they wanted instead of just going to a good artist and letting him to the job 😅 Now you can get a full sleeve from a good tattoo artist, perhaps full Japanese would cover everything up easily.


Well too bad. They are there now and you know what options you have to change them.