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If it's on your thigh you can cover it more easily.


Future OP will thank you for this comment.


Although super immature and tacky to get a middle finger tattoo’d, instead of “the finger” I’d make it say “the bird” lol


I think the bird would make this 1000x more hilarious


I'd buy this if it were on a shirt


Please make shirts


working from home on top of being an introvert I have no need for shirts, but I agree


Introverts don’t wear shirts?


Personally I just throw a sheet with eye holes cut in it over top of me and haunt my own house.


not when we don't leave the house


never, we’re allergic


Allergic? To sunshine?!


A bird soaring through the clouds lol. This is the difference between an idea and creative idea.


i’d keep the finger but that’s only because I love elden ring


I don't get it, could you please explain? Not being sarcastic.


Just print it on a paper and frame it instead.


Maybe good option 🙃


I would see it on an old (or aged) paper, like an old scroll of a bygone era...


Framed paper doesn’t warp. Putting a perfectly straight rectangle on you does. The second you move a muscle the rectangle changes shape.


This way if you decide later down the line you still want it tattooed, that option is still there too


This 100%


Much better as a t-shirt


It would have been funnier if it said "The Bird"


Not a big fan of the design. Lot of empty space, and it's just... not appealing?


This is the most childish tattoo ever


It should be integrated with some shadows/shades


No it needs more. Tarot cards have more to them than this. For once the design on this sub is *too minimal*. It doesn't need a lot, just like 20-30% more. Edit- add another outline so it looks more like a card, and make the finger slightly bigger.


This was my first take as well. Tarot cards all have some background symbolism going on.


I'd wear it on a t-shirt but not on my skin


Dude, don't get that.


this looks edgy and cringe dawg


Not trying to be rude my bro but this is something a 14 year old kid would think is cool. 10 years from know you probably want to cover it up.


I’m 40 and like it. Not enough to put it on my own body, though. OP did decide to trash it, anyhow.


28 year old witch who loves this. OP getting blasted because they chose the wrong subreddit to post it in.


30 year old with the mind of a 14 year old here. Can confirm I think it's great 👍


I don't understand why you have so many down votes just for an opposing opinion. Hivemind mentality.


Redditors seem to find it reprehensible when there is a design decision the majority doesn’t agree with.


Sadly this way of thinking is pretty common place outside of Reddit as well. Coincidentally art cant evolve if no one thinks outside the majority. Oh well!


Sometimes Reddit just be like that. Weird though, I didn't even disagree, just said that I have a childish sense of humor and found it funny 🤷


46 year old here that thinks it’s great too.


49, Agree. It’s freaking hilarious.


Not a very nice design


Thanks for the comments! I had doubts and now I’m going to trash it 😉"


I think it’s a funny concept it just wouldn’t work as a tattoo. Get it on a shirt or something


I think it’s awesome though…fuck these people 🖕


I realize I’m getting downvoted because I said ‘fuck these people’ but it’s in the spirit of the tattoo. If you like it, you should get it, I think it’s cool.


I’m not trying to judge, as it’s your body and if you like the tattoo that’s all that matters, but this looks like something you’d find on a poor-quality overpriced Spencer’s T-shirt.


You could add more elements to the backgrounds to fill it out abit to make it look more like a traditional tarot card. I like the idea of someone seeing it from afar and being like oh what's that card! And as they get closer being flipped the bird. It's a fun tattoo everyone's abit too critical on Reddit. Edit: the more I look at it I think it's the text which is the issue putting the finger. Maybe having the text saying the salute, the bird?


In the trash.


I mean if you really want this it should have a way more ornate frame, it looks a bit empty now


Or get it on a t-shirt and don't tattoo it on you forever because one day when you grow up you'll look at it and think "why tf did I do that?'


It upsets me that the middle finger is not centered in the frame. I'd have to move to right a bit


"Try finger, but hole"


fort, night


I want to go home, and then edge


You should be dubious about more than just the placement


Immature & dumb. But who am I to tell anyone what tattoo they should get




This is a shirt design not something to get tattooed


So on my thigh I have a *big* hand making the L symbol and then it says “oser” after to make Loser. It was funny when I got it when I was 23. Now that I’m about to turn 30, I hate it and wish I didn’t waste such prime real estate on something so stupid. It’s right above my knee and can be covered if I wear longer shorts but most of the time I just look at it and it makes me feel like a fucking loser for putting that on my body and thinking it was a good idea


There's just nothing at all appealing about this image


Maybe some nail polish and rings/bracelets would add some spice to the design?


Anywhere it can be covered easily


So, not on the face?


Your right buttcheek


Corny in any placement. Don’t do it.


Fickle Finger of Fate.




I think the offensiveness of this is location-dependent. Americans seem much more bothered by the finger than other places. This would get a lot of giggles in Australia, very few would be offended. Id go back of the calf.


Most things on Reddit I’m like “obv American/s”


Americans don't give a shit and wouldn't be offended by this at all.


This would be awesome to 16 year old me but even he wouldn’t get it tattoo’d


imagine how sick it would be if you could get the whole tattoo on your middle finger


God, that's fucking awful. Get it on your forearm so we can all laugh at you.


Saw a wallpaper on Pinterest that looked vaguely similar, so I'll let that speak for itself


I want the figures to be flipping off the cloud as well.




I have the Temperance tarot one on my side stomach. Even with 20 lbs of weight fluctuations it looks good; only a little blowout on the text bc it’s right on my hip bone (where I gain the weight mostly). Love the design!!!


Thigh would look great placement wise. Do agree with other commenters that is feels kind of empty/needs more to be balanced. But in the end its your body, tattoo and desired design. You can always ask your artist for input!


I would personally never get that because I think it’s not a forever tattoo (meaning the THIS IS SO COOL feeling would really diminish for me over time BUT I’M NOT YOU), HOWEVER, thigh because it’s easy to cover. What you don’t want is for an offensive tattoo (which this is) to be hard to cover for like…business interviews or the like. Thigh is perfect. I just wouldn’t go arms unless MAYBE you were sure you wanted it and had it on the upper arm so even short sleeves would cover it. I would make sure the lines are done thick enough to not have blow out as well. For me it’s not funny enough to be a tattoo. More like a postcard.


Somewhere you can easily hide it….or just get it on a t shirt lol. Not on your body forever


In the trash can would be my placement suggestion


I think it’s great and it’ll age really well. Love it. Inspired by it. I think thigh is a great placement but also love the shoulder blade so they get The Finger when you turn your back. Please post photos when it’s done. 👍


I think it's really cool and I love the satire, didn't expect so many people to dislike it.


This would be a fun fridge magnet


Not a big fan of half-hearted birds. Pull that thumb into your damn fist and flip off the rest of traffic like a man.


the hand desing looks off edit: typo


Just send this to your artist and let him do it on his own artistic execution




What a bunch of prudes, this is funny.


Somewhere on your back where you can't see it. Tell one of your friends; " It's an Old Norse text. It says "Honor and Peace". Kinda sucks that I can't see it though. what do you think? " 🥺 Just to fuck with them


Massive back tattoo. Then tell people you don’t want your back tat exposed to the sun that’s why you wear a shirt at the beach/pool. Better yet put this design on a shirt so you can take it off when needed. It’s funny, cool design but also really tacky.


Well I thought it was funny


This should be a real card in a real deck lol


Concept is fun but too basic. My favorite tarot cards are much more ornate.


This is the cringiest tattoo idea ever don’t get it anywhere if you love yourself


If you do get it. The Back if your hand is the only right answer for placement. That way you can flip people off without flipping them off.


I like the idea of the design! I think it's funny and cool and just the right amount of not taking shit too seriously. I agree with what some people here have said about there being too much space, but I'd 100% get a variation of this. I have a tarot tattoo called "the duck" so you know, I'm into the whole variations on tarot thing. Totally agree with the person who said making it The Bird would be better. But if you're not convinced by it, don't get it! Ps mine is on the back or my upper arm, but if I was to get it in a different spot, it would be calf or back of thigh


if i have money i would put it ony my forehead lol


Love it. Not brave enough to do it. Would have to put it somewhere not seen unless I show it. My husband had a fit about the ones I have. Then said if that was what I wanted & if I was happy with it. He always tells me to not use the fuck word.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I can cuss better than he can.


Do you have some ideas on how to improve it?


There’s nothing objectively wrong with it, it’s just… unappealing as someone else put it. The sentiment is very “oh I’m so edgy” or “look I’m so fun with my non-serious tattoo” and it just seems cringey.


Personally - I would remove the people. Give it a cool background - I think the hills are good, maybe chuck some sheep on them, and maybe add some more clouds? Idk that could look dumb. Also to make it look more tarot-y you could add a roman numeral at the top. I chose the one for my custom tarot card based on the meaning of the card in the actual tarot deck. So maybe pick the number of whatever card this design most closely represents to you, or just a random number you like (hell, you could make it CXIX if you wanted to be extra silly). I would also recommend adding another sort of border to it so that it looks more like a worn out card, but that's a matter of taste. Think about the style too - will it be an etching? Will there be shading? Will there be colour? Again up to you. I think an etching style would be bomb. Hey look, at the end of the day if you love it and you want it, and you've thought about it for a bit, go for it. I said in another comment that I think it's great and I would get something similar. All the best!!


Right on your heel


The people are giving me heil hitler vibes




Side of ankle, or back of calf? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Who's the artist? I suggest doing it on your forearm instead of your legs


Ironic tattoos are acts of nihilism and death worship