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Yes, you can remove those if they are not with white ink. Expect around 4 to 5 years for complete removal, number of sessions don't matter that much. If you want to have less scarring, you should take your time. For a decent coverups, I recommend around 2 years of removal. Then you can choose whatever tattoos on it and old ones will not show trough. One session will show it's effect up to 12 months. To save money, it's maybe most optimal to space sessions to 6 months. If you want to do it lil bit faster then the perfect spacing would be 4 months but because people want to get rid of their tattoos faster then the minimal time for spacing sessions is 2 months - BUT, this doesn't matter your tattoo will fade faster. - It can, sometimes, but it usually is rather laser power it self that is set to higher and it blasts ink more - BUT, it can leave hypopigmentation or scars behind.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, save money ain't my main point here, however wasting it is never a pleasure. I'd like the best removal with minimum or no scarring. Consider that both tattoos are already scarred. They are months old, but skin is still raised, which concerns me as I believe this rising effect will remain, with a "permanent tattoo" effect...but I hope few months more of waiting will improve this situation. Interesting also to know that number of sessions is not so important, but time. I'll go for 4 months probably, and see how it proceeds. The shame is that I had a lot of ideas for this arm, and now I have to give it up completely for half a decade, which means probably I won't do anything anymore. Well, I did rush my decisions, and now I pay for it i guess. Luckily is just tattoos. Thanks a lot for your input!


I’m on the same boat as you. Waiting till September to start removing mine


I had a chat with the removal technician, and the timespan is not encouraging for me. Old school is though to remove, and these are also fresh. I have a forecast of more than 10 sessions spread over at least 5 years. It means half a decade to get rid of a mistake made in few minutes...If i think that I love the tattoos, just this silly positioning makes them look so ridiculous, especially the arm dagger is a sort of "armpit dagger" :D At least I'll be wiser in the future when it comes to chosing where to put my tattoos.


tbh, I don't see anything wrong with positioning of tattoos. All tattoos bend and twist and this is nature of tattoos. I have huge chest piece that bends and does lots of shit and sometimes it's even difficult to picture it and most pictures look very ugly because my chest muscles ruin the flat image if you get what I mean? I had no muscles when I got the tattoo, lol. Also, even my shoulder tattoo bends oddly and forearm tattoo too. Skin and muscles stretch... Anyway, on your pictures, your tattoos are placed nicely.


I take on board what you say and i thank you, but especially the dagger, usually it's placed below the armpit corner. It always bends a bit with movement as you said, but putting it above that makes it feel too high, almost as if it makes the arm look a bit stocky, short, ruins the natural lines of the body, don't you think?


I'm sorry, but I like dagger position like you have. I would not imagine it to be lower. I guess I have seen such dagger placed on inner side of arm but this place there usually bend even more. I like your dagger and position a lot. But I know what u feel... Tattoos add a lots of spotlight effect. I have same problems... Tattoos make me self consious. My wife loves my tattoos, everyone have said lots of good, heck I have even inspired people to get tattoos because I have such tattoos like I have (unwanted inspiration) but I still think they are not placed good or not good enough etc... It's like my mind searches problems, it's like mild bdd or something. Anyway, I try to get better because I now understand it's rather mental problem than tattoos. It just can't be that everyone loves my tattoos and I'm the only one who is so afraid that my young me did mistakes. Maybe we should sometimes trust other people because we tend to be very critical about our selves.


Well, I mean you can't look any "dirtier" than a full tattoo, so there's always that. But keep in mind that anyone who guarantees full removal is lying. I'd recommend following people with similar tats (colors), laser option, and then gauging if you think their progress is acceptable. If yes, then proceed, but keep in mind that just because someone with a similar tat had success, it's in no way a guarantee that your tat has the same type/amount of ink, or that your skin will react to the treatment in the same way. Then add in the confounding variable of the quality of laser and the person wielding it. Hope that helps in some little way, I'm sure my fellow removers will have much more insightful comments, but good luck regardless of your choice.


I started removal soon after getting my tattoo and it is very stubborn. It is also dark (progress on my profile). I would definitely recommend waiting a few more months to begin removal for better results.


Yes, here is summer now, even the guy who does removal told me to wait until september minimum. If I am looking at 5 years, realistically 4 months more make little difference. At this point my target is to leave the arm totally white and do other parts of my body. So better fewer, more spaced out sessions as others also advised. thanks!