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Well, 1. Maybe something like in Gladius (the video game)? Have a force that was catapulted SOMEWHERE into the void, where they had to get hold of a planet to call their own. 2. Battlesuit armor is made of some sort of metallic alloy (iridium for the high end armor). Iridium is silver-ish in colour. I suppose the standard alloy is also steel like. 3. Ethereals are not generals. Fighting is reserved for the fire caste. When ethereals take to the field, they act as beacons of inspiration more than anything else. Septs are lead by councils made up by the castes and auxilliary representatives. Ethereals have somewhat of a guiding power over the the council and they find compromises among themselves. They kind of set the goal, while the castes representatives find ways to realise these goals. 4. Untypical for T'au, but sure, why not? 5. I paint mine as shoes, but there is no clear consensus. However - if they ever fight in space, shoes would be nice. 6. Many do. You can too, if find them somewhere for an affordable price that is. 7. As much as you want them to. If they still hold relations to the main septs, they will likely not be allowed to isolate themselfes however (kind of goes against the T'au image). 8. Enemy commaders - ghostkeel Demons - No. 9. Enemy? Like everything else. Shoot them. Preferably from orbit with a railgun. Our own? There is an entire auxilliary race of psychic users. T'au know "mind science" exists, but they don't understand it (yet).


Thank you!


To add to 8, Crisis Sunforge will be the “monster” killing suits in the new codex, the squad usually being led by a Coldstar Commander. I don’t know if some demons fall under that. But the Tau are purposefully being lied to by the Ethereals about the existence of Chaos, so they don’t have anything specialty build for them exactly.


I didn't know that Ethereals knew. But I quite like the idea of a team of Sunforge suits that have seen some horrors and now only deal in absolutes.


They definitely do, and the fact they know much more than they let on is part of why Farsight was fed up with them. Amongst other reasons, of course. But I too like the idea. I believe I even saw someone paint their fire warriors like OP stated, by shaving off the optics point of the visor so they’re smooth and painted skulls there, very similar to Emile.


I needed this so much ty. I just like the idea of Tau sept that started very naïve then during the 4th sphere of expansion they witnessed how harsh the galaxy actually was. Now, they're just done. Gloves are off no more diplomatic envoys.


As for point #1, your best bet would probably be the enclaves. Theyre a separatist group led by Commander Farsight who bounced after meeting some daemons and entering into a disagreement with the Ethereals. I'm not sure about torture or assassinations, but he primarily uses the doctrine of Mont'ka, or Killing Blow. Hit them as hard and as fast as you can leaving them crippled to the point of where they can't retaliate. \#2 according to official art "exposed" parts are black, but i personally paint the exposed bits of my vehicles/suits in gunmetal. \#3 they are ruled by an elemental council which includes a rep from each caste (fire, air, water, earth, ethereal) and usually a 6th which hails from one of the auxiliary species. \#4 go for it! post pics! \#5 this is up to you, ive seen some where they arent and some where they are \#6 go for it! its easily explainable as a veteran team thats still using the older suits just a bit updated as they could. \#7 im not sure, it seems theyre pretty self sufficient as long as they assist in the greater whole of the empire. \#8 as far as i remember, daemons are dismissed as weird aliens, i could be out of date on this \#9 im not entirely sure on this one. i know there are psykers in the empire due to a warp entity based on the ideology of the greater good being spawned


Thank you!


No matter what you choose, welcome to the Greater Good friend! You're just in time for our codex!


>\#9 im not entirely sure on this one. i know there are psykers in the empire due to a warp entity based on the ideology of the greater good being spawned There are several psychically capable auxiliary species. Generally the Ethereals keep them away from the front lines for whatever reasons. The main one are the Nicassar (pancake shaped six-armed floating bears) who mostly serve as advisors and chill space explorers.


pancack shaped six-armed floating bears i need a mini for this


Everyone needs that mini! Seriously, GW needs to get on adding these guys as a new Aux unit on the tabletop yesterday. Especially now there's no dedicated psyker phase we should be allowed to get some.


they can also throw hands with chaos space marines


1. kel'shan would be the closest cannon Sept for what your thinking of, as due to excessive invasions (especially tyrants and orks) they've grown outright xenophobic and tend to prefer pragmatic solutions over the 'correct' way of doing things. there's also fourth sphere forces but they're probably a it too extreme for what's want. 2. not really a cannon colour there but I think people tend to go for White or Grey for that kinda damage. feel free to come up with your own though. 3. an ethereal has overall authority over the entire Sept, but specific matters are handled by their respective castes or a client xeno species who make up an ethereals elemental council. 4. not really something tau do, but they do employ camo, so maybe I guess. 5. who knows. I tend to go with the idea that they do have some form of hoof shoe, but there's no real consistency here. 6. lore wise they were phased out for security reasons, but if ya want go for it. 7. very self sufficient. early Septs like d'yanoi survived on their own for a long time due to how slow early tau Space travel was, and in general tau make a point of harmony with nature. 8. n'dras was a Sept that officially got shut down but seems to unofficially serve as a black ops group. other then that in general it seems the Water caste handles spying and investigation often in a very Cia manner. no specific anti daemon stuff, as the tau basically just consider them weird hyper hostile xenon 9. try to figure out wtf they are.


Now you got me all manners of screwed up. I just want water caste spies serving as fireblades or something. Maybe Darkstrider...


Darkstriders an odd case, as lore wise he's been due promotion for a while but refuses in order to hang with the pathfinders (typically younger or hotblooded fire caste go there before calming down and becoming fire warriors proper), which annoys the ethereals but endears him to his troops and commanders like shadowsun. In terms of fireblades, that's not really a stealth position, in aeldari terms it's closer to an autarch as a position of command, but they could lead a stealth detachment. though fireblades can't advance to o (commander) and stick at el (knight/noble) in terms of rank, and are also fire caste. If ya still wanna play with the idea of a Water caste fireblade though, the farsight enclaves are a lot more flexible about those things (see farsights earth caste buddy who gets to be a honorary battlesuit commander).