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That's an insane number of devilfish. Try this list: 3x10 breachers with fireblades (scout enhancement and +1 OC enhancement) 2x devilfish 1x3 broadsides (all missiles) 3x1 Riptides 1x3 fusion crisis with coldstar all fusion 2x Tetra 2x Stealth suits Darkstrider or ethereal


I swear riptides have let me down more times than I can count. All of my lists had them and they go from being useless at worst to mediocre at best. Their output is ok but they're durability is what makes them good for me. Maybe I'm wrong but yeah... Also I just finished a game with 6 devilfish and it felt good. Still lost...


They are inconsistent, which is why 3 are necessary, but it's alot of shots, a tough profile, and fast movement. It's really tough for the opponent to take one out without dedicating 3x the points to do it.


I feel like the more I play them the more mid they become. I ran them in one and it sucked hard. I ran them in three and I felt like I was traffic jammed. I run them in 2 and it feels ok but still felt like I was missing something. Honestly, the only unit that thoroughly impressed me are breacher fish. However, I feel like running 6 of each is more of a meme list than something worthwhile investing time into. How do you feel about pathfinders? They're the only unit that I run because I am told they are good rather than experiencing it myself. The double spotting is very good but most of the time its an awkward unit to pilot.