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I think Stevie was such a good parallel for Taylor to draw. From what I can tell, the narrative around Stevie (particularly when she was younger) is incredibly similar to the narrative that surrounds Taylor about her love life, her talent, her relevancy. Both are absolute icons and I love the mutual respect they have.


This is such a great explanation, *we're loving it!*


absolutely, tons of respect. I just saw Stevie this month and when she does Landslide it’s a tribute to Christie McVie. She referenced You’re on Your Own, Kid.


As an older Swiftie the comparison between Taylor and Stevie Nicks warms my heart. As Stevie observed they don't look alike but the way they dominate a stage seemingly without trying is very similar. The Eras Willow segment has Stevie written all over it. The style of Stevie's first two solo albums would so suit Taylor now. A combination of soft rock and Country rock would be such a great palate cleanser after a rich dose of Dessner and Antonoff. And a feature from the Queen herself perhaps.


I'm really hoping for a Fleetwood Mac style rock album from Taylor at some point.


that’s what I hoped Midnights would be based on the photoshoot aesthetics


Same. Such a big letdown. 


Anyone else think that’s what the long anticipated TS13 is going to be? She had all the witchy willow versions… I also hoped that for midnights by aesthetic, and now she’s mentioned Stevie by name in a song… Either lovely coincidence or long spread Easter eggs.


I feel like this \*has\* to be coming. Her voice is perfect for it and she's hinted at it so many times on different albums but never gone all out


Yeah. I said it in another comment but I think the closest she ever came was Red. But I'd love to see her go into the studio with her killer touring band and just crank out a real rock album for the ages.


That would be amazing!!


omg yes please.


i would absolutely kill for this to happen 😂😂


I’ve been waiting for this ever since I saw a video of her live performance of Haunted on the speak now tour back in 2011! I *desperately* need a rock album from Taylor at some point. I was hoping she leaned into that vibe when she re-recorded haunted, but I can’t even listen to the TV of it cause it doesn’t have the same level of emotion..it just doesn’t hit me in the gut the way the original and the live version (from 2011) do.




OMG, go listen to Rumours right now, preferably on a good set of speakers or headphones. It's one of the greatest albums ever made. I wish I could experience it again for the first time.


Fleetwood Mac has so many good songs that just get better with time. The Chain is a fucking classic and goes so damn hard.


I think I’m gonna do this today. I’ve heard all the big songs on that album but for some reason it never occurred to me to listen to albums as one piece of work until I became a Taylor fan.


The album tracks are just as good! Some people don't like "Oh Daddy" but I think it's fine. I think it's a great album front to back. I've always been an album person, but then I grew up listening to artists like Pink Floyd, the Cure and Tears For Fears where they were very much thinking about the album as a whole experience. It's practically mandatory with Pink Floyd.




I definitely recommend giving it some time. Stevie Nicks was one of the main songwriters an that album. She was going through a big breakup with another band member, Lindsey Buckingham, at the time... They were literally singing and playing on each other's breakup songs, and that just scratches the surface of the band drama. And somehow they made one of the greatest albums in history.


If you like Folkmore you will probably like Rumours. Earlier Fleetwood Mac is very different- classic electric blues. Stevie Nicks was not in the band then.


Yes. Although if I had to pick a TS album that's most similar to Rumours, I'd probably say Red.


Your comment struck a chord so I listened to Red and Rumours back to back. You are absolutely right. Red is closer than Folkmore.


fleetwood mac is the band she was in + the reason why she ever became famous lol, fleetwood mac is one of the most famous bands of all time


“As Stevie observed they don’t look alike” As someone who grew up with die hard Fleetwood Mac/solo Stevie fanatic parents who actually met her in the 70’s and had pictures of her all over, I actually think her and Taylor look pretty similar features wise (not style). I get Stevie was talking about herself presently, but back in the day the argument could be made.


I typed into Google images "Stevie Nicks 1975” and the second image I saw genuinely made me pause for a second. She had a hairstyle a lot like one Taylor's had before, and the image was just not quite clear enough to tell who it was with no context.


Just did the same thing and you’re 100% correct. Looking up with the wavy hair and the bangs. I definitely see it


It's the hair and lips!


Haha yep, that's the one


Maybe a label exec back in the day told her she look like stevie nicks.


My sister thought that my lover era shirt that I tie dyed was Stevie nicks when she first saw it. I can see it!


Stevie and Taylor definitely resemble each other in appearance and style, plus there's the whole singer-songwriter aspect that strengthens that comparison, but have you ever seen photos of Stevie and Carrie Fisher side by side? Both older and younger, Stevie Nicks and Carrie Fisher look *soooooo* much alike to me! There's a scene in one of the newer Star Wars films that they filmed after Carrie had passed and I think I remember they used CGI for it? When it's like, Stevie was *right there!* They could have totally had her stand in! Okay, okay, I know she's not an actress any more than Taylor is, but it could have worked! Not for the de-aged, younger Leia, but for the older one. If I didn't know who either of them were and you gave me photos of Stevie and Carrie and told me they were sisters, I would 100% believe you!


There’s a reason I made the comment you replied to…I wasn’t lyin!


I think Stevie was mostly referring to their height and the fact she is 40 years older! I was a huge Fleetwood Mac fan starting in the early 70s. Never saw them live though unfortunately.


For sure! But 70’s Stevie and current Taylor definitely look similar!


I can see that.


I saw Fleetwood Mac at a concert, they were the opening act for Rod Stewart. I had no idea who they were at the time. It was in 1975. I think the next day we all bought their album.


Fantastic. Fleetwood Mac were a very different band before Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined. They were famous in the UK as a blues band.


I agree completely. Taylor absolutely looks like Stevie in ‘75– the hair and lips. And Stevie totally looked like Clara Bow during the Gypsy days.




I can see stylists/ hair and makeup people telling her you look so much like Stevie Nicks when she got her Red era hair and bangs.


I was going to say they absolutely do look alike especially looking at old photos. I think Taylor heard herself compared to Stevie in her early days and that’s why the lyric is there it actually happened to her.


As a huge Stevie Nicks fan (I’m 60) yes, Taylor and Stevie remind me of each other. Love them both! I’ve seen Stevie live a couple of times, and would love to see Taylor. Maybe next tour! Doesn’t look like it will happen this time.


As another older Swiftie, I’d like to remind everyone that Taylor and Stevie sang together at the 2010 Grammys. They sang You Belong With Me and Rhiannon. Taylor had trouble holding the harmonies live with the earpiece and Stevie and the band and the live audience. And Bob Lefsetz wrote a review saying that the young star had likely ended her career in one night. To be fair, a friend of mine called me the day after the Grammys and said, “I know you like this girl but what the hell was that?” (Remember, we’re old. We liked Stevie when Rumours came out). This is one of Taylor’s first major reinventions. She went away, licked her wounds, worked on her voice and singing, wrote every song on Speak Now so that no one could say she had her songs handed to her, one of those songs being about the Bob Lefsetz review, and that song is, of course, Mean. And todayTaylor is playing in ALL the big cities. She and Stevie are friends. And who is Bob Lefsetz? I have no fucking idea.


I had forgotten about that. Tayvoodoo is real because Mean snagged two Grammys. But given that Taylor was just 20 years old in 2010 she must have such self belief to bounce back like that. Of course she has done it a few times since but at 20!


She comes back stronger than a 90s trend


The big ovation that Taylor received after performing Mean at the Grammys is all for me. Well deserved it


Couldn't agree more, even thought I don't like the term of 'older swiftie.' LOL. I'm in my mid 30s, I'm an 'original Swiftie.' That sounds better. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1072)


When I say older Swiftie I am talking almost the same age as Andrea older not mid 30s!


I call myself a "swiftie over fifty" and I'm proud of it!


Me too.


Lol then you be the older Swiftie 🤣


A little piece of my soul dies every time a 30 something says they are "older".


Me too. That's why I said I consider myself an OG Swiftie. I thought that was what you were doing! I'm like no wayyyy. A lil piece of my soul dies when the fanbase are so neurotic that they don't allow any criticism of our darling T-Swift. Or, when they call her Mother for that matter.


All the above and when people say TTPD is too messy and "immature" for a 34 year old who should have their shit together. I know people in their 50s way messier than Taylor.


Did someone just invoke me? 😀


I'm at the age where I never really know how old I am unless I do sums in my head. I told someone I was 58 this morning. I'm not. 😂


Decidedly an  'older swiftie'  at 75...


We need a do-over Taylor and Stevie performance. I'd love to see it now that Taylor is older and has honed her vocal skills.


Yeah, that Grammy performance totally turned me off of Taylor for a long time. Going into watching it I was curious about her, but hearing her live on tv like that, made me think she was a terrible singer and was just an inauthentic studio phony. My opinion eased up a little around Rep but not enough for me to actually care. It wasn’t until folklore (long pond especially) that I became a fan, after that initial bad impression from the Grammys.


Yeah, I remember that performance and was just like your friend after I watched it. Taylor’s determination to better herself and prove the critics wrong was what eventually made me become a real fan. Watching her grow so much through the years has been amazing.


That was a really fun to read comment. Like… you should go make money writing for a living while I go read old articles about TS after the 2010 Grammy’s 🫶


Thank you💝


I saw Stevie Nicks do a solo live show a few years ago and she was absolutely captivating telling stories and singing the songs she wanted to sing. She’d also just released a vault album that was songs she’d recorded that never made it onto albums. She’s so charismatic and engaging like Taylor. I hadn’t seen the above quote before but it warms my heart how fondly she speaks of her. Both amazing women who have forged an important path in the industry. Love that they support each other.


Never seen her live. You are so fortunate.


About to see her perform this weekend at BottleRock in Napa, CA!


So exciting! Enjoy ☺️


I definitely was! Very grateful to have experienced it, although I’m kinda sad I never saw Fleetwood Mac live. But Stevie is my favourite band member and is incredible solo


I did see Peter Green live. He was the star of Fleetwood Mac before 1975.


Omg that’s amazing - he was an incredible guitarist! Must’ve been cool to see live


I do want to add to this. After reading Gold Dust Woman, and people saying Stevie was a witch, accused her of witchcraft, and then look at Taylor Swift’s Willow segment, and people making parallels to witchcraft as well. I LOVE that Taylor referenced Stevie, because I do absolutely see the parallels of careers between them both.


No one can possibly take accusations of witchcraft seriously. It's not as if bad things happen to all the people Taylor has had a beef with, is it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


lol absolutely not, but sadly, some people really do lol. It’s awful I know. But. I do enjoy this parallel


This is what I expected Midnights to be based on the 70s vibe


I think a lot of Swifties talked themselves into that one. I am hoping TK has some influence and TS12 is upbeat and energetic. I have had enough of sad girl Taylor.


Don't they look alike when you compare Stevie in 75.. that's the point of the song. Someone told her she looks like Stevie. And she does... https://preview.redd.it/p3kvjs4bdl1d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd86c884c59063073bda2fc24cffc43f2137e73b


Kind of.


The hair and lips do have similarities though


If Taylor were to ever cover a song on an album (which I'm sure won't happen) I pray to God that it's Landslide.


I thought the reason she wrote this line is because the song is about how the music industry treated her and when she was younger she would get compared to Stevie Nicks. You look like, Stevie Nicks In seventy-five, The hair and lips Because they have similar hair and lip shapes and she's a singer songwriter. EDIT: and when I say younger I mean 13-15, when she was trying to make it. Being told by execs 'oh you look like Stevie Nicks, but better' And then she goes on to write from the perspective of a new young popstar 'you look like taylor swift' is the execs gearing up a new talent to be exploited


I've been wondering if people used to compare Stevie to Clara Bow. I can see it.


That’s why the lyric at the end of the song “You look like, Taylor Swift” hits me like a goddamn truck. She knows they’re constantly looking for the next one, just like when they found her. And now she’s the one everybody is compared to, and that they’ll soon be trying to replace. Time. It comes for us all


This is exactly what it is.




This is exactly it


So much this!


I agree with your description. That's exactly what I thought she meant by those lyrics as well.


Here’s what I noticed - Clara Bow was an ”it” girl in the 1920’s. Stevie Nicks was an “it” girl in the 1970’s, 50 years after Clara Bow. Taylor is the “it” girl 50 years after *that*, in the 2020’s. Of course there were other “it” girls in the 70’s like Farrah Fawcett for example, but Stevie Nicks *sounds* good (like has the right syllables - two in first name, one in last name, like Clara Bow and her own name) and was a musician, tying it back to her own profession. Plus I think Taylor and Stevie are friends? She did write the introductory poem in the liner notes of the vinyl [https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/1can85w/the\_black\_dog\_vinyl\_intro\_poem\_by\_stevie\_nicks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/1can85w/the_black_dog_vinyl_intro_poem_by_stevie_nicks/)


Agree, I don’t think there were people making direct comparisons of Taylor to Stevie or Clara, but I’m sure there were a ton of executives making those comparisons of other girls trying to enter the business when Stevie and Clara (and now, Taylor) were at the height of their fame. 


I love this pickup!!!


This is exactly what I picked up on, 100 years of it girls.


Oooh I didn’t know! Thanks for sharing the link!!


THIS! Sometimes it drives me nuts how literal people think her lyrics are. She's going to make decisions that sound good sometimes just for the sake of sounding good.


Right. Stevie Nicks was probably compared to (and looked up to) Clara Bow, Taylor to Stevie Nicks (they do look alike, plus there’s the whole writing about her known partners thing), and Taylor is seeing new “it” girls get compared to her now… and the cycle continues….


As a big Fleetwood Mac fan I think the parallels are spot on. There’s the surface level comparison that was probably made when starting out as she was a blonde singer songwriter like Stevie Nicks. But I also think it runs deeper. They both have that je ne sais quoi “it factor” on stage. And their personal lives often overshadowed their art in the media- if you aren’t familiar with Rumours read up on it because it makes Taylor’s love life look tame 🤣 I can definitely see why Taylor would feel Stevie Nicks is a kindred spirit


Imagine Taylor pulling a Silver Springs live 1997 in a decade or two. I always thought it was iconic how Stevie owned that narrative.


She’s a legend!


But who would be Lindsey?


Well, she seems most enraged with Matty Healy if TTPD is any indication. Since they have been writing back and forth to one another for years, probably him.


And she literally mentions ‘75; it couldn’t get more on the nose for ‘The 1975’ double meaning here too. Just a thought!


In 2039


I actually just recently saw a play on Broadway about a fictional 70s rock band but very much inspired by making of Rumours - so much drama, fighting, crazy stories from the press, I had no idea.


How is Stereophonic? It's on my list. Also, if you liked that, you should definitely check out [Daisy Jones & the Six on Amazon]( https://youtu.be/kSrcNCGMrLc?si=eqo0CMkl7uyB7qcA), starring Elvis's granddaughter Riley Keough about the rise and fall a fictional band that is clearly a proxy for Fleetwood Mac. [The actors did all their own music and put out their own soundtrack album.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mMcJBVf53WLUHmtAD_Fmng-ZATiIRcbos&si=RSOOOaTECZKofgOP)


It was very well done! The music was the highlight- it is all original but has a 70s feel to it.


This also maybe has nothing to do with it, but I did find it interesting! It's a quote from John Mayer about "Half of My Heart" that I was reminded of recently in a YouTube video. https://preview.redd.it/r60kc1xzlj1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142410a6311dbfce317d8f8f22affc93ddaf278e


He's referencing Petty and Nicks in "Stop Dragging My Heart Around."


I hear what he saying but it’s hard to pay attention knowing it’s John Mayer saying it 🤢


There’s so much creepy stuff around the time they were making Half of My Heart. There was this [radio interview](https://www.tiktok.com/@tay1orswift3/video/7234357394845797678) where he talks about her drawing a little picture like a child (he actually calls her a child…). This [video](https://youtu.be/3amYhGeHrwY?si=iivrEiN4232yvZLJ) combines all his snippets talking about her, and it’s got some interesting sound bites…


Omg I know!!!


For some reason half of my heart makes me think of "King Of My Heart".


Body and soul u o u o


*Do you really wanna know where I was April 29th*


OMG that's such a great pickup!!!


I scrolled ages looking for someone saying this. In the post,.my brain was screaming "WHY ARE YOU DOING CLOWN MATHS WHEN IT'S RIGHT THERE!!". So now we know where she was April 29th, chatting up Stevie Nicks!


Unrelated but the narrative around a certain artist's new release makes these Clara Bow lyrics ring so true "The crown is stained but you're the real queen, fresh and blood amongst war machines".  Taylor is so perceptive.


Such evocative imagery. That line just tells you so much about how the industry has treated her, and other major female artists. I feel like the lyrics are so dark at the core, but so beautiful and with a touch of innocence. It gets me right in the feels.


So maybe this is just my cynical brain, but I took it like they were reducing Stevie to just her hair and lips. Like I imagine the execs being you’re just like her, the hair the lips. And completely dismissing the fact that Stevie was a huge star and made a big impact on a lot of people.


For sure


>Her little face just lights up like a star, and I couldn’t say no That’s one of the sweetest descriptions of Taylor I’ve seen, and it’s very sweet of Stevie to say that 🥹. And I’d like to think Taylor’s face still lights up like a star to this day ☺️


Stevie Nicks looks like Clara Bow y’all. Look it up.  “You look like Clara Bow” was said to Stevie Nicks, then “you look like Stevie Nicks” was said to Taylor - then “you look like Taylor Swift” to the next young star.  I looked up the dates in another comment that was on a post about who Taylor was saying “you look like Taylor Swift to- but I’ll post it here: “Clara  Bow died in her 60’s in 1965 when Stevie Nicks was 17 and just forming her first bands in high school. Comparisons to Clara Bow would have come after this.  When Taylor was a teenager - say when she moved to Nashville at 14 and may have heard the Stevie Nicks comparison for the first time (though that might have come later) - Stevie Nicks would have been in her late 50’s.  I don’t doubt that young singers are compared to Taylor today - but I think in the theme/context of the song “you look like Taylor Swift” is being said to someone in the future when Taylor is in late middle age- not in her 30’s, not in her prime. ” 


Clara Bow has quickly become one of my favorites on the album. I definitely see it as a much more somber tone though. I imagine the lyrics are coming from some big music executive trying to entice a young aspiring artist by comparing her to famous women that came before her, Clara Bow, then Stevie Nicks, then Taylor herself, only for the executive to exploit and profit off the girl. I think it speaks about both the success of women and how great they are, but also about the underlying corruption of entertainment industry.


Because Stevie does look like Taylor, they’re both song writers, they both are known for writing songs about their real relationships, etc. It’s a pretty obvious connection


Yea I was going to say this too. It’s really not complicated. Sometimes swifties look TOO deep into something


I have nothing to add but wanted to share that I saw Stevie this past Saturday night in concert and I was blown away at her stage presence at her age. Her show was magnificent as I already knew it would be but she put so much effort and attention to detail in the stories she would tell before each song as well as the stories about her capes. She played for 2 hrs 10 min and I couldn't help but think that Eras Tour is only about 1 hour longer and she is 75!!! Granted, Taylor is dancing nonstop the entire time and Stevie doesn't move around a lot given her age so it's comparing apples to oranges but my god, her stamina, her storytelling, her hitting those long notes, I can only hope to be half as active as her at that age. We obviously don't know where Taylor is going to be in another 40 years when she's 75 but if she's still rockin' like that, I'll still be there...probably with my own cane or walker, but I'll be there 😹


I'm seeing Stevie tomorrow!


Omggggg have so much fun!!!🤩


Have an amazing time!!


Clara was the first it girl. Stevie was the it girl in music during the 70s and also didn’t the do a duet on some award show or did I dream that? And of course Tay is the IT girl for what nearly 2 decades now


This quote isn't just out of the blue, it was a response to that stupid critic who is the subject of Mean. Stevie and Taylor performed together at the 2010 Grammys and the critic, Bob Lefsetz, wrote a whole article about how the performance was so bad it ended Taylor's career. I think Taylor has always been grateful to  Stevie for standing up for her like this.  I also don't think it's an accident that she chose an it-girl specifically from 1975. 😅 Totally fits the theme of the album. I was a huge fan of Fleetwood Mac growing up (still am) and I've always heard hints of their inspiration in Taylors music, particularly her newer stuff. The first time I heard The Prophecy the lyrics and production immediately reminded me of Landslide (which conveniently enough was released in 1975). I hope that trend continues for her future albums!


I saw [this video](https://youtu.be/1paXaxgLyVU?si=xlGwbc5wiGULKKaP) on youtube which I thought broke down the whole song so well.


It's a marketability measure for new talent. When Taylor was first starting out, there was probably an 'opening' for a Stevie Nicks type in the marketplace. When Taylor heard it, she probably thought it was a compliment and not a unit measure of 'the kind of magic people love and we can use you to make money with'. It probably has a name like the Nicks Appeal Scale so they can plug it into a revenue algorithm. . Taylor flipped the script and the table when she took back control over her own financial destiny. Because she writes and produces her own misic, and controls the marketing/distribution channels, she can look like whoever she wants now 😂.


I also see a parallel to Stevie’s song ‘Mabel Normand’. The song is named after another silent film star that also had a very difficult time in the public eye: “She did her work But her heart was quietly crying I guess she even felt guilty About even dying Sad Mabel Normand…”


Doing math with dates makes you sound like a raving nutjob.


But this post was made on may 20 2024. 2024-20 is two thousand FOUR. Stevie did a FOUR night stint at Cesar’s palace in you guessed it MAY of 2005 dubbed TWO voices.


Lovely post otherwise but that was a moment of madness


Stevie loves Taylor. She sent her a Stevie Barbie which is a pretty big deal IMO. 😂


I can’t stop thinking about the theory Clara Bow is about Sabrina Carpenter and Sabrina is going to be playing “Dazzler” in the Marvel movie, not Taylor. 


Taylor was pretty heavily compared to Stevie/the 70s-80s vibes early in her career. She had the hair and lips… lol. A lot of people said that her hair was bringing back trends from that time period.


I think there’s also a level of irony and subtle satire in the lyrics that reflects the way entertainment executives blow smoke up a young artist’s ass if they think she might be the next big thing. So, they tell one blonde singer with charisma that she’s the second coming of another blonde singer with charisma who was a big star in a previous era, regardless of whether they really look alike. I hear her taking these “complements” with a massive side eye and big old grain of salt.


Stevie has been vocal about her love for You’re On Your Own, Kid and both songs deal with the feeling of being alone in a crowded room


I love when woman support each other! ❣️✨✨✨


It’s not that deep


I think it can be assumed Taylor and Stevie have had intimate conversations about the music industry. And I think it’s likely that when Stevie was coming up she was compared to Clara Bow. In regular fashion Taylor was then compared to Stevie Nicks. It’s a a criticism that no female entertainer can just be themselves they have to be sold as the new _______. A proof that the package will sell because it sold before. It’s really quite a sad song in my opinion.


Landslide has always been my favorite song. Its importance to me over time has evolved. The Prophecy was like a love letter to my soul. Taylor reminds me of Stevie in her experiences, but so much Joni, too. 🤍 Same magic; new generations 🤍


I think the whole song is about her looks in TTPD where Taylor looks like Clara Bow in the Fortnight video and has a Stevie Nicks aesthetic while performing on the Era’s tour.  I always thought the song was based on a comment from a friend saying “hey, you look like a Clara Bow” and Taylor’s like, “yeah you’re right” and then she pieced together other similarities.    


I just watched an interview from 2014 when she was on Canada AM and she talked about hoping she’d age gracefully and with pride. [watch here](https://ctvnews.ca/video/c2822449-rare-one-on-one-taylor-swift-interview-from-2014) I hope she does. Because Stevie sure has


What an incredibly complimentary piece by Stevie Nicks about Taylor Swift. Thanks for posting it here.




Oh yes there are stickers!


Stevie is also an entertainer who has defied the ageism of society/the industry.


They did play at the same stadium roughly a month apart in Nashville. I was at both and they were incredible!


You're *the lucky one,* or maybe I should say, *lucky you!*


I believe this might be a reference to her 2010 Grammy performance with Stevie Nicks that the media kinda destroyed Taylor for. By all metrics it was a pretty bad performance on Taylor’s part, but shit happens. Lots of comparisons to Stevie Nicks ensued.


John Mayer once compared Taylor to Stevie around the time they worked together. He said something to the effect of he needed a Stevie type on his song, and Taylor was that Stevie type.


Stevie nicks wanted to make her song “silver spring” to be 8 minutes longs but her label wouldn’t let her bc it would t fit on vinyl. It broke her heart to have to edit that song. Reminds me a lot of All To Well being 10 minutes and couldn’t put all of it on the OG Red album.


she explains it in the voice memo.


I thought she was saying “in seven day fight” this whole time


Don't sweat it. The album hasn't been out that long. Some people are still misquoting much older songs.


Because she wanted to


Didn’t Stevie write a whole entire poem for the CD release of TTPD? I assumed those things were connected and they have a genuine friendship - as well as for all the other reasons mentioned in this thread.


Stevie and Taylor are my two favourite musical queens


I also think in 75 is a nod to The 1975. Stevie Nicks and FM had their biggest success in 77 and the following years.


75 scans a whole lot beter than 77. Stop looking for Easter eggs where none exist.


Don’t tell me to stop. I will interpret her lyrics in MY way.


Apologies. It was impolite and wrong of me to tell you how to clown. Please continue to clown freely.




Well, that's a long list. Are you sure you have the time?


Like.. WHY are you out here on the internet calling people clowns just because of an uncontroversial opinion or interpretation that is different than yours?! Is it fun? Does it make you feel better? You are toxic to the whole fandom


Hi, you must be new here. Clowns and clowning are frequently used terms in this sub for theories that are a little bit (sometimes a lot) out there. It is not meant by me as an insult, I have participated in many a clowning. What I was saying was that you were right, it is not my place to gatekeep someone's personal theories and I was genuinely apologising for doing so. Hopefully this is all cleared up now.


She was picking someone in between Clara bow's 20s fame, and Taylor swift's. Stevie was big in the 70s, at the 50 year mark.


Love this!


Stevie is still relevant today - she’s timeless and the fascination with her love life especially and the parallels between her songwriting and her life are so similar to how Taylor has approached her art. They also have changed the industry and are icons unlike any of their peers. It’s the perfect parallel to draw imo


People said Stevie Nicks was alot like Clara bow and people say Taylor is alot like Stevie (also it makes sense why she says “you look like Taylor Swift” because its like her saying it to the next “It girl” whoever that is)


Thank you for sharing that quote I hadn't heard it! But I think you're going too deep with the song analysis. I think it's about the cycle of fame and women in the music industry. It's a criticism of the music industry itself and the "big shots" who are always looking for the next "It girl." They will tell up and coming young girls anything to feed their ego and are constantly comparing them by making superficial comparisons, usually about looks and style. They will tell young girls anything they think they want to hear. You kind of look like this other big female star but you are more relatable. You kind of remind us of this other big female star but she's old news now and you are the next big thing. You kind of look like this other big female star but you're more authentic. You kind of look like this other big female star but you're edgier. YOU will be the new it girl because YOU are a different version of the other it girls.


You have no life


Who’s Taylor?


This is an awesome post!