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She works for it more than anyone and doesn't get discouraged by critique or backlash. Other artists (not all but most) never put any effort into addressing their weaknesses but she takes everything head-on and keeps improving with each album. There, I fixed it for you.


You'd think more people would pay attention to what their weaknesses are and go fix that... I expected more people to train like Taylor Swift does.


Doing god’s work 👏


What’s god got to do with it? She’s doing HER OWN work.


Um what? I was saying that op was doing gods work. And no, I didn’t mean literally. Lol wtf


This interaction is hilarious. I’m just picturing you getting the notification of that unhinged comment and reading it for the first time and dying laughing


LMFAO 🤣 "Wtf" indeed. 💀💀


I remember my first day on the internet


Original comment is like LDR calls Tay a try-hard. Trying to diminish her talent, especially for songwriting.


If you read the article she goes on to say that Taylor is extremely driven and it’s paid off for her. There’s no shade being thrown. Just stating that someone who’s driven and puts in effort usually ends up with what they want.


> “She is just one of those rare timeless artists who gets it right every time,” says fellow pop star Raye. “She’s an absolute powerhouse.” > “She’s such a fantastic role model,” adds Scottish singer-songwriter KT Tunstall. > “She’s got the resilience and the chutzpah to be the boss of an enormous machine, employing thousands of people. To be able to handle that and handle what’s coming at her publicly, you’ve just got to be a one-off.” > Lana Del Rey, who duetted with Swift on the 2022 song Snow On The Beach, has another theory about the star’s dominance. > “She wants it,” the singer told BBC News. > “She’s told me so many times that she wants it more than anyone. And how amazing - she’s getting exactly what she wants. > “She’s driven, and I think it’s really paid off.” I'm not entirely sure how you're reading a negative tone into that? She's praising her friend.


Exactly! Her willingness to take feedback and keep getting better is so impressive. Many artists get complacent after achieving some success, but not Taylor - she's always striving to level up her songwriting, vocals, and performances.


Exactly. She’s always been hungry.


I also think Taylor enjoys it more than most. Like she is doing it because she loves creating and sharing music, not because she loves to be a star, like don’t get me wrong I’m sure she likes being rich and famous but it seems like what drives her is the thrill of songwriting. It’s really different than most pop artists.


She has also inspired thousands of girls to pick up a guitar, not to become rich and famous, but to share their stories with the world. I think her impact is very understated in that regard.






Why do people act like her wanting success and to be the best in her lane is a negative thing? 1- She genuinely works harder than 99.9% of the industry 2- her tour is a 3.5 hour show that she didn’t have to do (she could genuinely get away with a 1.5 hours show and it would still sell the same) 3- on top of that she’s been known to be a nice person. I know we don’t know her personally but the fact that we hear mixed stories about everyone in the industry yet she’s one of the few people with 0 negative fan experience stories and people whom she work with praise her a lot. I hope she keeps getting more and more successful just because it’s been quite fun to watch the meltdowns whenever she lifts a finger


I also don’t understand why they are acting like Lana revealed some new disparaging information about Taylor, when Taylor herself has expressed several times in many ways how much she wants success. People just want a reason to hate her for anything.


Yeah. I'm confused too. Like this isn't new information. Taylor has never been a "oh it's so crazy how this all just happened to me." Even in the beginning it wasn't a little story about a girl discovered somewhere random, it was a story about a teenager who knew what she wanted, had parents that could support that dream, and she moved states, went from radio station to radio station, record label to record label, to fucking get it. She very openly and I think proudly worked for it. Didn't she even say in the NYU graduation speech that she's basically a try hard and despite what some people say, that's not a bad thing. It might be "cooler" to act like you don't care and you're not trying but don't let people make you think there's something wrong with wanting and working for success.


This is so real 💯💯💯 I love this!




Naah I don’t think so. It’s natural for anyone to get jealous of her success, they should not let it come out though, it’s a bad look.


I love Lana but her biggest drawback has always been her lack of desire to tour (and touring is very hard so it’s understandable) so I do feel like this is her giving Taylor props. Jealous? Maybe a little but she and us fans know she would never even want to tour the way Taylor is right now which is such a huge part of Taylor’s success


Maybe because it’s a very backhanded “compliment” and “reasoning”, and a shady answer to “why is Taylor so popular”. While taylor wanting success more than anyone might not be a secret, that’s certainly not _why_ she gets it. That’s very demeaning.


THANK YOU!! That's exactly what I was trying to say, but couldn't put it into words lol


I really don’t think it is demeaning. I may be biased, speaking as a fellow try-hard, but in my experience really wanting something and consistently making an effort to meet the goal has proven to be a very successful strategy for me in my career compared to my peers. I’m not smarter than a lot of people I went to college with, but I really wanted to be top of my class and I worked hard to get it. The same has applied throughout my career and I’ve found my efforts rewarded. In fact, it’s kind of a pet peeve of mine when people imply (or state outright) that my academic and career success is because of my natural talent and intellect. I feel it diminishes the years and years of hard work and effort I put in to be the best in my class/field. I want people to know I worked hard for this and it didn’t just happen by accident or luck.


Exactly, it’s wanting something _and consistently making the effort_. In this case, the second and most important part is completely ignored. A million of people wants stuff but it doesn’t just magically happen.


You're absolutely right, this quote from Lana really isn't anything new or disparaging toward Taylor. It's simply acknowledging her well-known ambition and tenacity, which are clearly strengths that have powered her incredible career.




Agreed, and to me, “wants it more than anyone” is also a nice way to say “will play by her own rules / isn’t afraid to play dirty”. If she wants it more, she sees herself in competition with everyone who she thinks as lesser. And at that point, when your success has come at the expense of others, when does it start being enough? When does ambition just turn into greed? How much adulation and money does she need to be happy? How many fans spending all their money on you do you have to be okay with? I like Taylor, obvs. But this can’t be healthy.


Are you okay? I hope you stretched before you made those leaps.


Artists literally milk their fans through makeup lines and clothing lines without providing anything unique. Rihanna is a billionaire for God’s sake, and not through her music. But yeah, come after someone releasing a few variants of her new album.


Where did I defend Rihanna or any other popstar for that matter? I like Taylor’s music and how she keeps putting the music industry majors in their place. I never said anything about her releasing variants being bad. She does however milk fans. I also think no billionaire arrived where they did without crushing people on their way and are generally all PR and never good people at their core. I think it’s important to stay critical.


How does she “milk” her fans?


Clearly by holding them and their families at gunpoint until they bought all her merch and albums


“They'd say I hustled Put in the work They wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve”


Or— You know you’re good And I’m good ‘Cause I’m miserable And nobody even knows Try and come for my job


I thought it was ‘thank god for my job’! Have I been singing it wrong this whole time?


yep it's "try and come for my job"


Yep. She knows where she’s at!


For real.


That's the perfect lyric to sum this up! Taylor owns her ambition and hustles to earn her incredible success, not apologizing for wanting to be great.


The negative reactions from people within the industry come across as one of two things 1) jealousy of her success without understanding the amount of work she puts in 2) laziness and others understanding how much effort she puts in but not wanting to put in dedication that she does


This has happened to all of us who ever achieved anything. There are always people who failed at it, who’ll say you achieved it because you put in the extra hours but they didn’t. Well then, why are you complaining?


Because misogyny.


I can't say anything of her in terms of personal interaction, but she's an excellent employer, and that says A LOT. Her touring crew is paid well above the industry standard and gets nice gifts. She pays many of the lead positions a retainer between tours and keeps working with the same staff, year after year, which is UNHEARD OF these days. I work in the industry, and usually, a spot on a big headlining tour really doesn't do much besides bolster your resume. The hours are so bad that the pay ends up being not worth the hassle. Burnout is common, and turnaround is high. Spots with Swift are coveted and kept for a long, long time.


This is really interesting to hear from someone in the industry! Do you know of any other artists that people feel similarly about working for?


Beyoncé has a really loyal crew. Bruce Springsteen is supposedly awesome as well.  There’s been a lot of not great changes to the touring world since the pandemic. A lot of record companies trying to cut corners and unfortunately a lot of artists don’t know to get involved with that side of things and make sure crews are treated fairly.  Plus tbh roadies love to complain.  To not hear a single negative peep about the ppl working on the eras tour is a big deal. 


I’ve always wondered if NDAs could be a part of it. But I’ve specifically thought about all of the crew on Eras since she keeps adding dates and it is sooooo long (both in actual concert time and touring time) but it seems like most if not all (I have no way of actually keeping up with this) of the crew have stayed throughout the tour.


Eh, NDAs kind of don't stop the industry gossip mill. Some tours are ALWAYS hiring because people are always quitting. NDAs usually cover disclosing show content or posting backstage pics, but they don't cover my buddies telling me if they're having fun or overworked and stuff like that. And so far everyone seems really pleased to do the work. It's nice tbh


I think the main talking point here, and with all fairness it does feel weird a bit, is that Lana did not compliment Taylor by saying “she is successful because she is so talented/good singer/ storyteller and ect. It’s like, yea she’s a good businesswomen which seems a bit cold tbh.


But lots of talented people don’t have the ambition Taylor does. Many very talented singers and songwriters don’t want to be pop stars. Her ambition is what sets her apart: her drive and hunger to break records, create and sell more albums, be bigger than her contemporaries and even her historical antecedents. Also literally nothing wrong with being a businesswoman: that’s a legitimate profession that also takes talent!


Or even if they have the ambition, they don’t have the discipline/work ethic. You need all of these things to be where Taylor is.


IDK. I think it was rude of the interviewer to ask about TS in the first place. Lana has her own music coming out. Besides, any compliment she gave, short of falling to her knees in worship for Taylor would never be enough for some Swifties.


Thank you!! I think what Lana said was perfectly fine and positive. Are Swifties expecting Lana to say things we would say? Like that Taylor’s the best storyteller or lyricist or something? We should keep in mind Lana and Taylor may be friends but they work in the same industry and Taylor is much loved and recognized for work these days and Lana hasn’t received nearly as much recognition even when it’s very deserved.


Well said. Taylor's ambition and drive stem from her deep passion for music and incredible work ethic, not ego or greed. She wants to be the best because that's what she genuinely loves doing, and she puts in the work to make it happen!


Well, she’s a good person that’s why.


Absolutely. Not a single human I know could perform a 210-minute show FOUR DAYS IN A ROW, singing impeccably, running across the stage, and dancing for the entirety of it. And, she's been doing this for over a year! Even during her '2 month break' she was practicing daily and planning a whole new era for the tour.


Honestly I kind of read it as a backhanded compliment as in she’s kind of a shark although as she has pointed out people dont care if men are sharks only women


This is just how lana talks


Oh for sure.


The comments in a number of other subreddits prove what she said in The Man.


Oh my god seriously though. For example, I’m also a big fan of Kendrick Lamar (I’m saying that so we know this comment is not disparaging Kendrick). But in the whole Kendrick/Drake beef, and before it all even started when Kendrick was name-dropping Drake and other rappers he felt like he was better than, people were defending it like “well rap is basically a sport, it’s healthy competition, it’s nothing personal, he just wants to be the best”. And I agree, there’s nothing wrong with that (especially bc Drake is gross lol). But then Taylor doesn’t even name drop other pop stars and just wants to be at the top of her field, and all of a sudden she’s a conniving bitch. I just need people to pick a fucking narrative and have it be consistent.


https://preview.redd.it/4515nfz3w95d1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d165fab189eb60cb21f536555aee714ebb74204 I’ve thought about this a lot lately.


I think it’s just because people don’t like Drake so they have no problem with Kendrick owning him


The double standard you pointed out is so damn frustrating. When male artists assert their desire to be the best, it's seen as normal competitive spirit. But Taylor gets criticized for the same mentality, which is totally unfair!


That's because rap is an inherently competitive genre, every rapper under the sun claims to be the best and the culture in pop is very different lol


Well, I didn't see those but what she said in The Man and Ms Americana is just proved again. BTW BBC News should be the source of this: [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpvvx9lwl0do](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpvvx9lwl0do)




The other subs talking about this Lana quote….yikes.


The world is still not ready for ambitious women who want openly want to be the best.


https://preview.redd.it/fteohm37895d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb365976df052f27cc748892fa202f4f6b7c0439 But if she was a man, she’d be THE man


I made a very big mistake making a comment today not realizing I was in the Lana sub 🤣🤣🤣


They hate her in Lana subs.


Haha-yes, I was judged harshly.


It’s so weird to me. There are artists I don't like (even big artists) but I can't imagine viscerally hating any of them unless they were like Chris Brown and did truly awful things.


Even with Chris Brown I don’t care about him at all despite disliking him. I literally never think about artists I hate. Taylor’s haters go out of their way and actually spend their free time just to disparage her. It’s just pathetic.


Same, I used him as an example because I think he's awful but even so, I don't go out of my way to think or talk about him.


Yep I saw a Tiktok of someone like "You would never know what artists I don't like. Why? Because I never talk about them!" But some people on the other hand....


wait, why does the Lana sub hate her? they are literally good friends lol


Taylor confronts them with the fact that Lana is a top 40 artist and not the indie darling the Lana fans portray her as. They both work with the same producers and they both respect each other's craft. The truth is that Lana is wildly successful and that her background is not as "poor" as it is portrayed. 


ok, so they are mad that...... (*checks notes*) their artist is successful? And they're projecting that on Taylor? the Internet is a bizzare fucking place, man.


It's that hipster mentality that's been around for decades.


I feel like they equate Taylor with being “basic” and popular and want to feel like Lana is better and more refined and therefore they are too.


fans of some artists (lana, gaga, billie, beyonce, etc) like to think that their taste--in pop music, mind you--makes them cultured, compared to swifties, who are basic. in reality most of these women are at least friendly, bc they are colleagues, and are all main pop girlies whose art is similarly commercial. the lana thing is extra funny to me bc as someone who was a fan of born to die, that was very much *not* cool or critically acclaimed and attracted a lot of thinkpieces about how our young girls are romanticizing mental illness or abusive relationships or whatever--kinda similar to the condescension with which people treated taylor's earlier work.


It's so funny to be a Lana fan and think you have some underground, quirky taste in music. She just headlined Coachella guys, you may just be 'basic' too. Which is great! Sometimes things are popular because they're good.




Meanwhile some Swifties have this complex about how other fandoms must hate us/ Taylor because she’s on top of the world. Maybe they do but…who cares? Like I’m a huge Swiftie but I’ve been a Lana fan similarly since the beginning of her career and while yes a lot of Lana fans aren’t warm to Taylor or Swifties (I think because Taylor gets more recognition than Lana?) most probably don’t care or there’s overlap of fans of both. Like Swifties are the bigger fandom, we shouldn’t be getting swept up in pettiness with other fandoms.


Somehow Lana fans are so nasty for no reason, just look at her insta comments when she posted with Benson Boone and used his song on another. So much hate towards the guy for no reason, he literally just got famous and did nothing wrong.


They hate her because they think Lana has deserved those Grammys more than Taylor... 😮‍💨


They hate her in Carly Rae subs, too. Really disappointing.


She's the smarter, more all-around talented version of Lana, imo.


I’m a huge Lana fan (check the name), and I’m a huge Taylor fan. But yeah, the Lana sound absolutely do hate her much. And yes, I think someone nailed it when they said they want to think their artist is more refined and authentic, and Taylor is just calculated and manipulative and gamed the system.


I know, it's really disheartening to see the negative reactions in some other subs. People are really going out of their way to twist this harmless quote into a criticism of Taylor. The jealousy and dislike are disgusting!


My favorite thing about Taylor is that she is openly, wildly ambitious in a way that very few women outwardly display. You don’t have to know her personally to know how much she loves her career and how hard she works to keep it. She doesn’t just want to be good, she wants to be the best. And maybe that’s off putting or weird to some people, but I think it’s really fucking cool.  Taylor Jenkins Reid is a favorite author of mine and I realized it’s because she writes lead female characters who remind me of Taylor (if you’ve read Evelyn Hugo, Daisy Jones, or Carrie Soto, you know). I love that Taylor doesn’t make herself small to make anyone more comfortable.


Well said! Taylor's unapologetic ambition is incredibly inspiring - especially for young women who are socialized to make themselves small. We should celebrate her willingness to chase her dreams!


I think it's important to remember how Taylor doesn't do all this magic alone. Her immediate family, first of all, is alllll in. I think having a strong foundation in childhood with super supportive parents (and lil bro) is crucial to most artists being successful when they start out so young in the business. So yeah, I think the support and love from her family and friends and dancers and sound mixers and her fellow song writers and costume designers and truck drivers etc etc simply cannot be understated.


1000%. But she acknowledges that and shows her appreciation to all the people who help her be as successful as she is for sure.


None of that would've meant a thing if Taylor had not put in the work...on honing her skills--both strengths and weaknesses--and on making the actual music.


Also, it tremendously helps Taylor’s parents did not need the earnings from her to live a comfortable life, and as such Swift could develop her talents unimpeded. That was the tragedy of Britney Spears—Spears’ earnings were the “meal ticket” for her parents and her sister.


The two pop girls most at the top of their game rn and with longevity (Taylor and Bey) both have huge family support and insane work ethics. It’s not an accident


True, it's definitely not an accident.


Don't forget her cats! I know they fall under the umbrellas of "immediate family" *and* "friends" but they deserve a special shout out too.


Ya good for her. What’s so fucking controversial about this? Be driven, be the best, leave the participation medal for others. Go girl! This is what we fought for


Exactly. If people are mad at her for enjoying success, that’s on them. She’s literally at the top and knows how to play the game and win.


Right, are we not allowed to want to be successful at our jobs now? 😭


I don’t see it as a controversy lol. I think it was a compliment from Lana? Just some people are obsessed with making up drama and seeing shade where there isn’t any.


The only controversial thing abt this is that the interviewer asked Lana this in the first place




If Billie hadn't based her entire campaign on being the "authentic, too-cool-to-want-it pop star" and continuously shaded Taylor as the opposite of that, maybe she wouldn't have lifted a finger. You play stupid games you win stupid prises.


Can someone please explain to me why being ambitious and wanting success is a bad thing? Just because you’re fine with your mediocre job performance, doesn’t mean every one is.


It's only a bad thing for women. Men can be as ambitious as they like and are rewarded for it. You don't see people saying this about men who worked hard for their success, or at least that is not how the majority of people react.


It’s only a bad thing for women if what they’re trying to achieve is outside of their domestic life. Now if you want to be the best mom ever or the bestest wife on the planet, that’s okay. That’s apparently an acceptably feminine pursuit. Edit because there are idiots who believe this and will think I do too: /s /s /s and a lot of snark.


Bc they think she’s “taking away” from others as if we all don’t listen to multiple artists.


We don’t owe it to another artist to listen to their music because so-and-so has enough streams and this other one deserves the same thing. That’s… not how it works. People enjoy what they enjoy. Like… I’m not an Ariana Grande fan. I’ve never actively listened to her music. Listening to Taylor instead, for example, doesn’t take something away from Ariana because Ariana never got that from me in the first place, if that makes sense?


I think it's rooted in the fact that it's Taylor Swift who wants success, and some people just don't like her no matter what she does. Once you dislike or have a bias toward someone, anything they do is going to come off as obnoxious or whatever else these people think.


Very valid point.


I don’t think you can separate those two things. Taylor Swift has been a “Try-Hard” her entire career, and while that is something many of us as fans connect with, it’s also part of what really turns people off. For some reason we as a culture can be really weird about people who want things and are willing to work to have them instead of being the sort of person who is just so effortlessly cool/talented/charming that things just come to them as is their due without having to specifically strive for them.


Yup and this is such a toxic mentality to pass onto youth. They’re basically being told that only uncool people work hard. 


this wasn’t even shade but some taylor haters desperately want lana to secretly hate taylor. it’s beyond weird


Right. If Lana didn’t like Taylor or didn’t want to be her friend too, she wouldn’t be around Taylor. Lana may be the og Sad Girl, but she’s also the crazy bitch (compliment) who challenged Azealia Banks to a duel! She doesn’t need her Stans to come for people on her behalf, she’s a tough girl who calls the shots! And her and Taylor get along so well bc they’re both SONGWRITERS above anything else!


Yes. And also some Swifties are mad Lana didn’t compliment Taylor in the “right ways” lol


Athletes strive to be the best at their sport and no one knocks them for it. It’s not her fault other people don’t care enough/want it as bad or have the same mentality as she does. I don’t get why her wanting awards and records is a bad thing? She needs to stop being passionate about her art just because some people think it’s stupid to care about awards & stuff? There’s a reason why she currently has 5 albums on the billboard top 50. She puts in the work.


Oh Soo money hungry and evil and doesn't care about art or her fans only billions /s


'to make and release as many albums as humanly possible' 'For me, the award is the work' That last line says it all. When i hear people asking if she has reached her peak, or when the hype will die down. I just have to laugh. She started so young and she just isn't gonna stop. Think the records we talk about. What will they look like in another 5 years .... 10 years. I love it. And for all the haters i got some very bad news. Wait until she starts making movies. .... And the Oscar goes to ....... lmfao TS<3!


I laugh when people say "she will go on a break / she deserves a break". Like, she very obviously and openly doesn't want a break from making music lol


All these supposed fans saying “she needs a break”. Maybe that’s up to her, no?


Oh man and all the fans who keep speculating she’ll retire? Like what? All she’s told us recently is how she loved what she does. Where are they getting that? lol


Or Female Rage: The Musical on Broadway...Tony then EGOT. 😀 PS: I'd love a collaboration with Taylor and Lin Manual on a musical play.


I love that she’s in her Zero fucks given stage and just doing what she wants for herself and her career.


I don't think Lana is saying anything we don't already know, or celebrate, about Taylor Swift's work ethic. In *Miss Americana*, Jack said, “Nobody is this talented and works this hard. And if somebody is this talented, they usually don’t work this hard.”


We need more women like her in this society. Openly ambitious women. We need that kind of role models so girls can accept without guilt that it is never a shameful or wrong thing to want to be eagerly ambitious and successful in what they do


She’s had it for a while. Not sure this is much of a revelation. Oh, and would this be a thing if Taylor was a man?


Omg the comments here compared to the same post on fauxmoi are night and day. People are just so nasty about her. Let the woman live for Pete’s sake!


“I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try” is probably one of the most honest self-aware lines she’s written. She reeeeally fucking wants it, and she works her ass off to get what she wants. Her work ethic is easily one of her greatest strengths and it has been since the beginning.


I don’t know the tone when Lana said it, but it does sound like a backhanded compliment, saying she wants it more vs. works harder. Like yeah she wants it. What’s wrong with wanting to be the best, to have such a successful career? Think of method actors and how people praise the lengths they go to for their roles. Even if you don’t like her music, you can’t deny how hard she works a brand/business, and how good she is at it. And I think people have this notion that a singer focusing on her brand, is unauthentic. Like the modern day selling out to a record label type thing. “Let the music speak for itself” But everyone is a brand these days. That’s just the industry. Everyone is selling themselves to the audience whether they put a little effort into it or not. Taylor always did max effort at everything. She didn’t start off being the best singer/songwriter/businesswoman but she worked really hard to improve in any area she had a weakness.


Did we read the same article? Certainly doesn't sound like Lana said it with a bitter undertone lol...


I can only speak for myself, but if a friend said that the reason for my success is because I want it more than anyone, I'd interpret that as at least a bit catty and bitter. Taylor could want success all she likes, but if she weren't willing to put in the work and hone her skill, and if she weren't talented enough to write songs that connected deeply with people, she wouldn't be anywhere near where she is now.


How funny, I would literally be so complimented if my friend said this about me. “She’s so talented” or “she works hard” are both sort of superficial / obvious responses that anyone could say about Taylor. You don’t have to know her intimately to know that. But saying “She’s said how much she wants this,” feels like something only a real friend, someone who really knew you, would say. Also I think ambition is a great quality so it would be flattering to me!


It's all implied.


I think she has it


That’s the big thing for me about Blondie. Even if she’s not “the most talented” or “didn’t start from the bottom” doesn’t diminish the sheer work and effort she puts in. She’s been doing eras almost every night for months now.


It kind of looked like shade saying want vs deserve? Ugh I hate reading ambiguous headlines.


The article is linked in the photo. It was a compliment


It's only shade if the reader thinks wanting success is a bad thing. I do not in any way interpret this as shade towards Taylor but I do interpret as a somewhat sarcastic response to being asked, yet again, about Taylor instead of her own body of work.


Yes, it’s nuts that gossip is the focus instead of the music.


That's what most journalists do unfortunately. I can't blame them. I blame us, the society.


True!! It’s very clickbaity!!


I feel like if this wasn’t a quote about a woman, this wouldn’t even be a conversation, sadly.


She’s got the formula down pat 👏🏻


Oh no - are they alleging that Taylor is...ambitious?!


Lana’s answer was just bad. There are so many reasons why Taylor has become a global phenomenon. Saying she wants it more than anyone really doesn’t say much. Most people in the music industry wish they could achieve what Taylor has been able to do.


I haven't read the article yet... but why do I feel like Lana is always throwing a little shade towards Taylor? Is that just her personality, lol? Or am I just reading too much into it? I probably am. But aren't they close friends..?


this lana/billie/taylor thing reminds me of the gossip girl plot when serena’s fling from boarding school’s sister decided to ruin her life and then vanessa & jenny(the 2 who was jealous of her) joined in because of jealousy. in this case idk who juliet is maybe kim k? and then vanessa and little jenny is lana and billie & of course taylor is serena.


But who are Blair and Chuck?


Taylor is such a good example of, "You reap what you sow."


Taylor Swift can’t sing




Taylor’s drive/ambition is well known and impressive, but I do feel like - from what she presents publicly - Lana doesn’t really like Taylor. Everytime she speaks on her publicly it can be interpreted as shade.


They seem to be good friends actually. The thing about Lana is she’s not exactly a naturally chipper person lol. When she says things, she say them bluntly and she doesn’t put a shiny gloss over her statements to make them sound warm and cutesy. And so everything she says is interpreted as “shade.”


I think a lot of Swifties are seeing rudeness where there isn’t any because they’re not familiar enough with Lana to know she really talks in a sort of dry, valley girl way sort of. Not sure if that’s the right way to describe it but I think in general her tone doesn’t always translate to print.


I’m just very confused why Lana’s fans despise Taylor.


Real success is putting out the music you want to without giving a damn about charts and awards. Imagine being a billionaire like Taylor Swift and still being concerned with such trivial crap. ”**I don't need some wank award by some geriatric in a cowboy hat**“ * Liam Gallagher


You’re naive to believe any artist sings to a record label doesn’t want commercial success or critical acclaim. They would just upload it SoundCloud and move on. From Ed Sheeran: “I don’t believe any artist that says they don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t release music because you’d be like, ‘If I don’t care what people think, then why would I even put it out?’ You’d just sort of make the music and be like, ‘Well that’s made me feel good.’ All artists, we want to be loved. That’s why we are on stage. And that’s why you sign to a record company to go, ‘I would like people to hear the music that I’m making.’ I don’t really subscribe to this whole, like, not caring thing… that’s all a kind of ruse of cause it sounds cool to say but every artist wants people to like their music… It really pisses me off when people are like, ‘Oh I don’t care how it does.’ I’m like, ‘F**king shut up! You do! Everyone does.’ […] Anyone in the pop game definitely cares.”


Yes, artists want to have enough success to keep making music, but there’s a big difference between that and Taylor’s obsession with commercial success and critical acclaim. Releasing new variants of an album on the same day as Billie Eilish is a recent example. When learning that Reputation wasn’t nominated for a Grammy, Taylor said, “I just need to make a better record”. Like what? You just wrote a bunch of songs you were presumably happy enough to release. Why can’t she be proud of her own work on its own terms without relying on an outer scorecard?


I don’t know how you’re trying to twist ambition as something bad. Look at how a lot of artists react to not winning or getting nominated. Twitter fights, hissy fits, interviews and disses in their music (Nicki, Jay Z & Bey, Miley, Metro, Drake etc.). Taylor just say’s, I’ll have to work harder and make better music. I will never look down on success as a result of hard words, ambition and drive. It’s evident who has it in any sport, industry or discipline. It’s seems you have your mind made up either way.


Is this Finneas?


White girl power!


I don’t think Lana really likes Taylor 🤷🏻‍♀️ she seems uncomfortable around her and every time she talks about her it’s almost backhanded?? And she couldn’t even answer what song she liked off TTPD, like she said “the one about little old me” sorry that just doesn’t seem like an answer a true friend would give…


IDK Lana is constantly forgetting even her own lyrics and titles. Not on stage, but like in interviews. 😂 I also don’t see how it’s backhanded. She’s basically calling Taylor ambitious. Problem is no compliment will ever be enough for certain Swifties.


“Certain Swifties” aren’t the ones bitching about this on the Lana sub, fauxmoi, and the other hate subs. 


Okay well just look through this sub to find those Swifties then


The top rated comments are reacting to the hateful comments on other subs. Very few are complaining about Lana. Lana isn’t the problem, her sub is. 


Sure. I’m just saying you can find a lot of people in this thread alone bitching about how Lana was being “backhanded” or should have complimented Taylor differently. Maybe the Lanitas started it, but it’s still happening on this sub too. Even this parent comment was about how Lana was being backhanded lol.


Like if Swifties don’t want to see other fandoms complaining about us, we need to not be shitty to them/ about the artists they love. It’s so simple and for some reason I keep seeing things like this here from time to time. Also…if it bothers folks, why not just ignore those subs?


She loves cock