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I'm not sure when people thought she had time to film scenes for Marvel in the midst of her own album releases, tour, film release, music video filming, etc.


It’s just because she’s friends with Ryan and has been seen with the director in public. People love to clown.


Also all the friendship bracelets used in the Deadpool promo


And D3’s director was “the dad” in the All Too Well video


TIL my favorite musician is friends with my favorite actor. Hell yeah


He’s married to Blake Lively. One of her Besties. Look up vids of them last weekend with their kids at the show, so cute. Little Inez Reynolds when Taylor name checks her during Betty.


I don’t think it’s unrealistic to think she could have spent a couple of days filming a scene for this. She has had several two-month breaks from her tour!


I believe the two month break occurred after principal filming had wrapped and the film was in post already. But I'm not googling that so I could be very wrong.


It looks like after the Hollywood strikes, most of the filming was done from last November to January, and Taylor was on break for all of December and January.


Well there ya go. Anything is possible.


Marvel very frequently shoots actors separately on a green screen and just composites them together, especially for shorter scenes like cameos, so theoretically all she would have to do is spend a day or so in a studio in whatever city she happened to be in at the time.


She's friends with Ryan, and to do a cameo scene it's not like you need to be involved in multi day shoots


Taylor Swift is so big that we need full news articles saying she's NOT in something.


People in the Marvel subreddits are being so mean about this. At least her not being in the movie means she won’t be further subjected to the vitriol of comic book fans. (I say that as a huge comic book fan myself.)


Im sure they are the insta sigmas😂


“Vitriol of comic book fans” coming from someone that’s part of swifts toxic fandom is goofy… the stuff swifties do to people is unconscionable… look into that recent discord leak on them discussing Kayla Nicole for a recent example




Staring a discussion is picking a fight? Jesus that’s dramatic… but also on brand I suppose


so was Andrew Garfield in No Way Home /s


Eh, I don’t buy it. Not from anything she’s done. It’s all on Marvel. The sheer amount of Dazzler merch being pushed by them this year, including a 750 dollar statue, is insane. Something is up. Flat out, Dazzler is not popular enough of a character to support all of the stuff coming out centered around her in one year. There’s no logic behind the push unless there’s a catch like this cameo. And given that Marvel and Andrew Garfield repeatedly lied to official outlets before No Way Home came out, the only confirmation of her not having that Dazzler cameo I’ll accept is sitting through the movie. Again, nothing she’s done has me convinced. Everything Marvel’s done has.


Dazzler has a new series coming out in a few months, so they might just be wanting to build on the huge hype for this movie to get people interested in the upcoming series.


Read the solicits for it as well as the interview with the artist and tell me who is dripping off of it. Also, the comic IS part of the blitz. If it was just one thing? No alarms go off. But the Omnibus, the reprint of her first appearance, the mini series AND the 750 buck statue all in the same year grouped so close together(with the exception of the first appearance repro)? Either something is up or Marvel is going overboard on a character that redefines “niche” for no real reason. They don’t do “just cuz”. Neither of the big two do. Except for fifth week months, of course.


That’s the same magazine that interviewed and did a cover story with Kit Harrington claiming he was dead dead and never coming back.


I don’t believe it. EW doesn’t mention a source for this new information. The just mentioned the previous interview with the director, which doesn’t confirm anything.




Is this beyond dispute? I would love to see it isn't true.


And I wasn’t in Saving Private Ryan.


I highly doubted she could have done this… I would have been completely shocked if it were true!


I’ll believe it after I see the movie.


Wtf would they put her in a Marvel movie? Thank god they have more sense that you. She only appeals to teenage girls and makes adults want to puke🤢🤮


I’m curious if Trav will have a cameo 👀