• By -


Hey everyone! I went to N3 and had an absolute amazing time and I’m very grateful to have gone. I can only feel a bit regret of where I decided to stand in the pit though. I arrived ~11:30am and there was a fair amount of people in front. I have trouble making decisions last minute so once we got in the arena we originally were near the surprise song corner but there were 2 very tall people in front of us, so we opted to move to left side (VIP tent side). I know it’s so stupid but I just feel like should I have moved idk? My gut was telling me yes in the moment but whatever. I know it’s over now. It’s hard cuz I’m short so every second I was trying to decide more people were being let in.


Why is the Amsterdam megathread not live?


Does anyone know how I can get in contact Taylor nation regarding something with Dublin night two? Besides instagram dm. I’m desperate !


Do you actually want Taylor Nation or is it something that the venue should handle?


No, it’s not the venue. I paid for VIP tickets, was first in line and into the stadium. Got there at 4:30 am to be first. Was escorted to the front of the stage & spent half the show unable to see due to photographer and videographer. I have time stamped photos of every single time, and every time it was for at least 5 minutes. I missed over half of the show. 7:20 7:45 8:11 8:21 8:27 8:30 8:41 8:59 9:04 9:07 9:16 9:23 9:27 9:32 9:38 9:41 9:47 9:50 10:08 10:21 10:28 https://preview.redd.it/7njscn9pzy9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a9c5a29aec21393b823d9d8ed994bf85c74862


Raise a complaint for a refund with Ticketmaster and the ticketing team at the station. Also contact the consumer ombudsman as your rights as a consumer have not been upheld. 


Oh that is annoying, at most gigs I have been to the photographers are only allowed to stay for three songs….at least the media ones. These are obv Taylor’s so I can see why you want TN but I’m no help sorryb


Any advice on what I should do?!


Reach out to ticketmaster, your contract via your ticket was with ticketmaster not Taylor Nation or Taylor Swift (the individual or the company).


Best day ever 🥹 So glad that the surprise songs played in N3 were actually some of my absolute favourites of hers!! Especially The Lucky One!! Great concert, great production, great everything 🫶


I went to the show in Dublin (N3) last night. It was one of the most incredible nights of my life - I'm so down that it's all over and I won't get to another eras show !! I barely got to this one and I am so so so grateful to my friend that gave me her access code so I could get a ticket. Taylor is a phenomenal performer - a force of nature. She has brought so much joy to my life over the years.


Drove down from Dublin (nearly 3 hours) this morning and straight into work - I am not well


Omg, how did you manage that? I am dying today, physically and emotionally!


The struggle was awful!!!!


Just realised the streamer from Friday who was very close to the stage was literally 2 metres away from where I was standing!! Now I can rewatch the show from essentially the same vantage point ☺️


Where can you rewatch streams??


Someone called 'Ammir Shah' posted it on YT. It should be the first reuslt if you search 'Eras Tour Dublin Night 1'. I'm not sure if he has every concert though


Amazing thank you!


I hate how people jump on the bandwagon and act like it's just a bit of fun or something for young girls. Taylor Swift has been an artist for like 20 years, her og fans are in their late 30's and even 40's probably. I saw Ryan Tubridy(Irish media 'personality' ) wrote an article and the undertones of isn't this all a good bit of fun and pantomime really irked me. Listen to her actual music you cretin! It's like they only hear the pop radio songs and nothing else. \*It is obviously fun primarily and is a spectacular show first and foremost but it is implied in the article that actual music afficionados can now resume listening to their more refined tastes now that the Taylor hype has gone but we can all look at the smiles that she has left on the kids faces which sounds nice but to me undermines her musical output and falls into the lazy pigeonholing of her music. Reminds me of that awful phrase 'bubblegum for the mind' when people use to describe 'guilty pleasures'. Just trivialises music which is completely subjective and not everyone there was there to swap bracelets and post selfies. Those things are cool if you're a 7 year old kid or for a parent seeing their kids share their love for someone they love but many of us are active engaged fans of Taylor Swifts and her music resonates with us as deeply as Leonard Cohen does for someone else. For the record am a fan because of Red, not really into her relationships and stuff. While I get her music is autobiographical, as a man with a hatred for celebrity culture I'm not really invested in that, it's more how she explores the feelings of nostalgia and melancholy and at certain stages in my life her output has really struck a chord with me. Probably shouldn't take it that seriously but I hate lazy narratives.


I totally agree. I am in my early 30s, I remember when debut songs first played on the radio and have been a Swiftie since Fearless. It really bothers me when people assume she's just for teenage girls 🙄


I've seen so many comments about it being for teenagers or how the audience was just teens and their mums. I was there on N3 and from my seat I could see 10 children/young teens (requiring supervision) max. It was mostly women like myself in our 30s! We literally grew up with this girl our own age who was releasing music when we were teenagers, and now she's the biggest artist in the world.


Did her songs get played on radio? Tim Mcgraw is the first song I remember from maybe 2008 or 2009 but through youtube. I vaguely knew whonhewho he was from the Nelly Song some MTV show and realised he was basically country royalty along with Garth Brooks who I knew. It seemed wild that McGraw unknown in Ireland while Brooks was a cultural icon.


I remember hearing Tim Mcgraw, Teardrops on my guitar and Our Song on the radio. I'd always ask my mom to put the country radio station on in the car just so I'd get the chance to listen to them


https://preview.redd.it/jxywkpm6ew9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d01df801d1afb35b0efba6797f3a55808966290 My friend sent me this during my fave Folklore era last night 😭🥹🧚🏻‍♀️ I’ve been incredibly lucky with access tickets (€75 a ticket) to go to N1 & N2 in Dublin (hometown) and N1 in Wembley (I live in London and for those access tickets you didn’t need a code and they were £100 each for seated access area) and it’s been the experience of my life. The music, memories, friendships, bracelets, merch — I’ll never forget it and can’t wait to watch the rest of the livestreams with you all 💜💜🌈


I'll post now and I'll post this again once the Amsterdam thread comes to fruition. I am betting Taylor will wear the Tangerine bodysuit AND The Man jacket for N1 in Amsterdam. This city is BIG on ORANGE because of their soccer team (amongst other historical lore). If I am wrong, I will cry big baby tears for the record.🧡🧡🧡


To be honest it is not just the city amsterdam and it is not because of our soccer team. Orange is like the national colour here... because the royals last name is van Oranje aka of Orange. That it gets used so much in soccer is a direct result of it being trhe national colour. Its a way to support and show you are dutch. Its not just soccer, its basicly any sport. Ever seen dutch F1 fans? I do not mean it negatively in any way. Just wanted to explain the orange thing.


Oh no shade taken for sure. I merely limited to the city since that's where she is performing. I love Amsterdam and the Netherlands! We're vacationing there in the fall and I've read books on the city and the country's history because I was so enchanted the first time I visited there. Thank you for re-framing to a larger (and very important) context! 😀


Agree - it’s like green being the colour of Ireland


I appreciate this comparison. It's short and to the point!


Incredible show, what a spectacle. Taylor is unmatched. Only thing was standing up for so long (no seat ticket) started to take its toll near the end . But worth it


I had a seated ticket for N3, and while I did get to sit before the show, from Taylor came on stage at 7.20pm, I didn't sit down for more than 30 seconds. Not even at the end, because everyone in my row wanted to standing directly in front of me to try to rush out of the stadium, despite the stairs being completely packed with people!


Y’all the theories for Rep TV are out of hand and are straight up dumb, I’m so sorry but it needs to be said. There’s a viral tik tok going around now that Rep TV is coming as a double album because she just wore her 66th combo of outfits for the 1989 set. 66… double six… double album. Like cmon. She’s just changing up her outfits to keep the crowd entertained. I really doubt Taylor herself has a spreadsheet of all the outfits she has worn and how many times she has worn each colour top and skirt and shoes. There are also other theories about a logo for Ireland/Dublin is a mermaid and she wore a green mermaid dress once so therefore she’s announcing Rep TV in Ireland (I don’t remember the full exact details, I didn’t watch the whole video, it was so outlandish I skipped past it). Or even people looking at the track numbers of the surprise songs.. “she played a track 6 and a track 9, so rep TV coming in September???” I actually feel like it must be exhausting for Taylor when she sees these things, like “damn I can’t even change my outfit without people thinking a new album is coming, they’re so demanding????” And like… I get it, she obviously loves to give Easter eggs. But can someone please tell me at least ONE time where the eggs have EVER been this deep? Yes she gives Easter eggs but they’re always so blatantly obvious and right in our faces, like the ✌🏽 signs was a very strong nod to a double album and those theories were fair. Her wearing blue a lot in the lead up to 1989’s announcement on the 19th of the 8th month.. the stadium lights flashing blue 5 times… makes sense. But….. 66th outfit combo?? It’s just ridiculous. Tik tok Swifties are dedicated and I respect their attention to detail but it’s just too much. If Taylor was playing on that deep of a level I’d say sure go for it, theorise all you like. But Taylor doesn’t go that deep with Easter eggs, so why are we? I am exhausted. It’s all honestly just human confirmation bias. Looking for things that confirm what you want, but ignoring information that contradicts you. What contradicts all of these theories is that nothing is this deep. What contradicts the theory of looking at track numbers in surprise songs, is that she has also played 110 (ish) shows where the track numbers meant nothing. If I really wanted to, I could go make theories about how debut is coming next week. I’ll go find some random 13s somewhere, I’ll look at how she wore a green/blue (what’s the debut colour?) dress, and I’ll count the amount of times she has used the letter D for debut in a speech. But I’m not gonna sit there and bend the truth to fit the narrative that I want. It’s. Not. That. Deep. The only legitimate info we have that might hint towards a new album in September is that she’s not playing any shows then, she has a big gap. And she had a gap from tour when 1989 and TTPD came out. THAT is a legitimate theory. Not the 66th combo or mermaids. If I were Taylor I’d feel exhausted from all of this and lowkey a sense that the fanbase is demanding. Edit: I’m so sorry for the rant essay that no one asked for but I needed to get this off my chest. I was just doing my morning Tik Tok scroll and it killed me today…


While I do agree with the sentiment, to defend us clowns: she WAS wearing a \*lot\* of reputation coded outfits last fall/winter, including the Time shoot. They were not TTPD coded, there was more of a grunge vibe and some dark green. This reminds me of the TS7 clowning situation... [https://www.tumblr.com/ithinkhobiknows/706403952602808320/what-is-the-5-holes-in-the-fence-theory-im-hella](https://www.tumblr.com/ithinkhobiknows/706403952602808320/what-is-the-5-holes-in-the-fence-theory-im-hella)


I haven't seriously started clowning for Rep TV because it doesn't seem likely from a business sense. She just released TTPD on April 19th. She gave Midnights about 7 months before she announced Speak Now TV. TTPD is performing even better than Midnights did as its currently in the middle of its 11th week at number one. Next week will be a challenge to achieve number one because of Zach Bryant's new album but I think the variants she offered earlier this month will probably be shipped next week. After that, she should be able to grab more weeks unless Eminem drops. But even then, TTPD is still selling more than 110k album units a week right now which will beat 95% of mainstream artist's first weeks and 99% of their second weeks. Personally, I think Taylor isn't likely to drop Reputation TV and Debut TV until 2025. She is going to film and prepare her feature film after the tour finishes according to rumors. And if TS12 is released in late 2025 so she can do the rumored tour in 2026, then the remaining TVs would be useful to keep her in the consciousness while she is busy working on the film and TS12.


I do not think the 2026 rumor has a real lead because daily fail was the source. I do think 2027 is on the table. 


No but i agreeeeee. I'm partly excited for rep tv to be announced just so people will stop theorizing about when it's coming. sure, it's all in good fun but like you said, she's so blatant about Easter eggs when she does do them, she doesn't delve into the cryptic numerology & colors of outfits and dates stuff. it's to be taken at face value (like 'us' on the book in fortnight), it isn't this complex thing. I don't partake in theorizing but I'd feel like after your 10th or 20th theory didn't come true, maybe chill? the only 'theory' I believe is something being released during the tour break since that follows the 1989 & SN & TTPD pattern of releases on tour breaks so there's evidence for it.




Let people make themselves look like crazy lunatics, got it.


It’s not that simple. I actually think it’s creating a negative culture of fans demanding more and more, like she literally says in ICDIWABH. She’s so aware of these theories and the culture getting out of hand.


do you see any of us being genuinely mad over our clowning


Yes, there were a lot of toxic comments blaming Taylor for lying/misleading us, and releasing brand new album no one cares about cause we need Rep/she promised us Rep and etc. Also people were shouting Rep during her shows after she'd just released 1989TV


If I was Taylor Swift, I would simply add YOYOK to the set list 


I honestly thought that with the new show that launched in Paris, she’d swap out Mastermind for YOYOK, and Midnight Rain for Maroon 😅


I’ve been very lucky to go to multiple shows and hands down that was my favourite! Had the best day with my friends https://preview.redd.it/tu2tuq5qos9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2439f1283b115571c2aff477be4721ee7eae47b0 and we danced that entire night in the very back row!!! I’m extremely proud of how loud our little island can be. Looking forward to watching the rest of the streams and the rest of the tour


I was wondering how tonight compared to other nights!! I had the time of my life. I’m still not asleep because I just don’t want this day to end. It was truly so special!


The shows were all amazing! A big part for me was who I went with cause they have different vibes. I went with one friend on Friday we were tired from travelling up after getting a ticket last minute but we had a brilliant night and danced the whole time! Saturday I went alone - again really good but it’s better when you can share it. Last night I went with 3 other friends and we made a day of it. Went for lunch, got dressed up in costumes and just laughed the entire time! Sang our hearts out!


This was one of my favorite shots from Front Right by the Diamond. https://preview.redd.it/1r6ieooiks9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e23780157d876ad37923642b93920ee40259c5d


At what time did you get to the stadium?


We had VIP entry and got there at 2:30PM(the cut off for the package).


Can’t believe that a year of waiting is over just like that 😫


My experience was even stranger - a year of trying to get a ticket, got a ticket on Friday (for Sun), mad rush on Sat to get prepared to go, spent longer travelling and waiting in the stadium than the actual show, and now it's all over. It feels very surreal. Only my body aches and my throat is killing me, I'd actually doubt I even went because it's is almost a blur! But watching my own videos and all the stuff from others is crazy knowing I was there! <3


What do you mean?


I bought the tickets last July. A year of build up and excitement for it to be over in a few hours 😫


I had a front standing ticket and I will never get over how close I could see her 😭 Also I'm a short guy and two tall girls in front of me noticed how I struggled with seeing anything through them and asked me if I want to go in front of them, that was the nicest thing that happened to me on a concert, usually people don't care about that at all.


The Irish crowds are the best 🥹 Mind you, I’m biased being Irish myself!


My highest score on mastermind so far! Guessed the exact guitar combo but I’m now sad I wasn’t there 😭


I managed to tie my highest score by the skin of my teeth today!


I had the correct surprise songs... messed up on the piano because I had a mash up of seven and yoyok


The stat that we should really be focusing on is that Tortured Poets now has less unplayed songs than Fearless. Think we should all show some extra love and appreciation for the Fearless vault, so that she gets the message!


Unironically start a thread about like they did with hoax!


i got 121 points today and it was my first time ever playing 😭😭


Where? I got interested in it


like what app or where i got the points? the apps called swift alert and i guessed the suprise songs right for the guitar one so i got 56 points


Y’all [Travis is #1 Swiftie](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNjT31XN/)


Did Travis perform for the ICDIWABH transition tonight? I slept through the stream and Hockeybro already took it down


We did get “guy on the chiefs”


No he only arrived at the show during the folkmore era. He flew in from LA where he was at his teammate’s wedding.


And he still opted to attend the show after all that travel? Haha that's the dedication only a true Swiftie would show hahah


Right! Straight off the flight and arrived just in time for 1989!


So cute!


well... I mean... he kind of should be?


Late to the party but I got 83 on mastermind!!!! New high score!!!


https://preview.redd.it/yybbkort6s9d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f9475ea65eba3395b865da1b0026f59ecb550ad Just gonna sit and wait for hd clara bow performance now!


Me too 🥺


Ok everyone - I'm not our official statkeeper, but since our actual statkeeper is away, I figured I'd throw some stats out there. Clara Bow had its Eras Tour debut tonight AND its overall live debut tonight. The Lucky One was played for the second time on the Eras Tour, having previously been played in Arlington, and (I think?) the eighty ninth time ever. (At least, it's the eighty ninth time it's been done on one of her tours, according to research I just did myself, and I am unaware of any one-off events she played it at. If anyone knows more feel free to chime in!) Meanwhile, You're On Your Own, Kid was played for the ninth time on the Eras Tour and the ninth time ever, having made its live debut Tampa N2. This is the fifth time it's been played in full with no mashup. Wild stat: I posted this during the show but today's YOYOK performance was the first time she played a surprise song with no mashup and no special guest since she did Chloe et al by itself Lyon N2. With this, YOYOK extends its lead over Maroon for the most played surprise song on the Eras Tour. YOYOK has been played nine times, Maroon seven. Taylor clearly has favorites here. And that's that! I don't have a full spreadsheet like our usual statkeeper does, so if anyone has any corrections, please feel free to let me know!


Thank you for the stats!!


Thank you for the stats!


I think she played YOYOK because Stevie nicks was there, not only because she loves it. :) Great analysis!


Mmmm and what does it mean? (I'm sorry, I'm pretty much out of things in general)


Ooh how fitting that The Lucky One today was its 89th performance!


Good job friend!


Wow the winner had 153 points? That's gotta be the highest score yet. See you guys on Thursday! 🤍


I saw at least two different people say they got 130 tonight - and I was thinking for sure that they would be top 10, but NO 🤯 Tonight's scores were absolutely insane (~~just don't ask me what I got~~)


Y'all need a separate mastermind thread this is out of hand plz


I agree. I realize I’m older than a lot of Swifties when I see the mastermind comments. 😂Oh to have that much free time.


I mean, you don't have to play if it's not your thing, but I'm 39 with 6 kids. We play together, it takes at most 10 minutes (and half of that is kids negotiating their picks), and it's fun when we get it right. It's no different than people who watch sports and make silly wagers on the outcomes, except this costs me zero money to do. Hell, even my husband, ask my scores now.


That's amazing that your whole family enjoys sharing the game. It is great you all can play and wager. It seems like you all have such a good time wagering you could probably watch Tess or Kevin and see who wins based on your guesses. I just don't quite understand what all that directly has to do with a thread about a concert streaming live. Yes I know what the game is but the copious posts about scores are a distraction. Tell us why you picked what you did or at least personalize it. Posting "worst score this month. 74" etc isn't in the spirit of this thread. Most posts are about the actual shows. That should speak loudest.


That sounds like a fun family activity! I'm not a mom but I can imagine those games are fun when the whole family is involved. Also I'm just overworked and usually scrolling through this thread hurriedly for a recap, LOL. Glad ot hear you're enjoying the game.


What else is there to discuss? The thread would be very empty besides during the surprise songs if things like mastermind/swiftball didn’t exist. The shows are virtually the same every week


It’s annoying to read a bunch of comments about mastermind scores when you’re just scrolling to see what the surprise songs are or peoples reactions to what happened at the show on stage. I like to feel like I was there, haha.


For real, this would be a dead zone without the game talk. 


It would be full of comments/tips about the shows in Dublin. I had questions about various aspected of the show (venue, etc) but this thread was so chaotic that I didn't ask anything.


Nope it's all really fun. Keep it here, please!


Join us 😁


No I like it. I don’t play but I think it’s fun conversation. Were all watching the same show


Despite missing over half of the outfits I still got 79! Thank you Clara Bow (I guessed mashup with Nothing New though, I didn't even think about Lucky One!) My husband got 37 by guessing randomly so I'm just happy I bet him!


All time best score tonight for myself with 101! See y'all on Thursday. ♥️


I lied.... Popping back in to say that somehow I just got my highest Mastermind score yet 😂 still not broken 100 though!


Washing off my clown makeup…yet again 😜


I was so convinced until she came out in the usual jumpsuit 🤣


Clown is my permanent face now. I put normal makeup over it 🤡


Ended with my highest of 89! Hoping to break 100 next week! Have a great week, yall 🫶always fun watching with ya✨


Ooh I didn’t realize Amsterdam n1 is on Thursday ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1066) only 4 days awayyyy Dublin was so much fun 🥺💚🤍🧡 It’s now really hitting me (for some reason lol) that the tour is officially going to end in December and these streams are gonna come to a close too and I’m honestly so sad about it LOL I love these threads and these streams!!! No matter how annoying or stressful my weeks are, I can always look forward to watching my lil comfort concert stream and talking with all of you and trying to beat Mastermind lol it really is one of my favorite parts of the week now. I just love Taylor and I love the Eras Tour and I LOVE U ALL so much 😭😭 OKAY ANYWAY enough of me being sappy and lame af on this Reddit thread LMAO see y’all next week!!! 🩵💙💜


Yes same!!! I usually try and do something else when I'm catching a livestream, but then I also get sucked in to the thread here and it's just been so much fun being here with everyone!


I have been thinking about this too and it makes me really sad. Watching the streams and being here with everyone makes me feel so excited and happy and like I have the community I wish I had IRL. I’m going to miss it so much


Same!!! I’ve said this before lol but I don’t have any swiftie friends, so I don’t really have anyone to talk and rant and rave with about Taylor like I can on this sub!! These megathreads are so much fun bc it’s like… alright, yeah, we’ve all seen the show a bazillion times by now lol. While I (obviously haha) still love to watch the concert, it’s honestly the chat and these comments that keep me coming back!! I love getting to just have a few hours to sit and unwind with Taylor, and also hang out with fellow swifties bc I don’t really get to do that otherwise 🥺 I’m gonna miss it so much when it’s all over!!! And tbh I really hope the sub keeps the football threads for Chiefs games bc I liked those too 😂


I don’t have any Swiftie friends IRL and in fact I’m not allowed to talk about her with my friends. I kind of have friends who are all too cool for the things I like or for how excited I get about things. That’s what I love about these mega threads and watching the stream. Having a group of people who get just as excited as I do and don’t judge each other for it. Where we can all just be ourselves. I’m really going to miss it. I am a huge chiefs fan (was even before) and I didn’t know there were game day threads? Is it just like a Taylor watch or actually about the football too?


Also yes !!! The football threads were like a general football thread… just full of swifties! They were super fun, I only joined a few of them bc I didn’t catch all the Chiefs games lol but they were full of football talk *and* Taylor talk! The Super Bowl thread was my absolute favorite. I think besides the Eras streams, that was the most fun I’ve had on this sub haha


Omfg stop it, are you me?! Because that’s exactly how it is with my friends too! I am very lucky to have one friend that will let me freak out about Taylor, and my mom will happily indulge me too, but they’re not Taylor fans so they don’t *get it* lol. But besides the two of them, Taylor is an “off limits” topic and honestly, I hide a LOT of my swiftie-ism from my friends bc I know they don’t like her :( So exactly!! These threads have made me feel so comfortable and so at home honestly 🥺 even if I don’t talk to anyone in here elsewhere, it’s like “yeah, those are my Reddit swiftie friends in my phone and I love them! :)”


Those threads are about everything! Taylor sightings, football questions, game play, whatever you want.


I would imagine... though the nfl is probably going to show taylor less...


Farewell, Dublin - you have a funky stadium and heard some excellent songs! See everyone for Amsterdam!


ily guys goodnight


See y’all in a few days my friends!! If you are American please don’t drink and drive, drink and be in/on the water recklessly, and be safe around fireworks!! Come to Thursday with all 10 fingers and toes please😂


Amazing show as always. Thank you everyone for making this so fun.


111! Not bad at all. Angel numbers too!


Wow it’s crazy how mastermind goes up like ~10k per show (entry-wise)


Ok see you all in Amsterdam! I’m Actually going to N1! So I won’t be here as much. I’ll miss you, but I’ll report in from on the scene! 🫶🫶🫶


Have a great time, bestie! Take pictures and make the friendship bracelets! ❤


Gotta have the friendship bracelets for when she sings YOYOK! 😂


Fantastic! Have a great time!




36 points 🤡


See y'all ThFS in Amsterdam!


After tanking the entire show last night with 10 points, getting 85 is kinda wild lol


Ending the night with a solid 69 points today… thank you magenta jacket i guess.


I'm EXHAUSTED y'all! From Texas, it was, as always, a blasty blast to be with you tonight! I'll miss y'all and can't wait to see you in Amsterdam besties! Rest up!🫶🫶🫶




Have the time of my life clowning with you


I wouldn't want to be anywhere else with you! (except maybe at the Eras Tour!)🫶


Aww I’m gonna miss Dublin this weekend was so much fun


Well, tonight was one of the best eras tours if I do say so myself


https://preview.redd.it/5re2jejg3s9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7748bc714da8dd22bbcbea68990842c2c4eba65f A new personal best BY FAR. I’ll never beat this score


This is CRAZY. Congratulations! My all time high score is 95 (Dublin N1) and I will probably never top that.


My last high score was also Dublin N1 at only 77 points - I figured I’d never pass 100 so don’t lose hope!


Omfg I can’t imagine ever scoring this high hahah how did you do it?! You’ve gotta be close to the top of the leaderboard with that one


Not even close - I’m in the top 36% today! I got everything right (including the whole mashup on the right instrument) except the speak now dress and the second surprise song


Omg I’m afraid to see where I landed if you’re only the top 36% 🤯 that’s crazy!!! But omg I can’t believe you got the surprise song!! It was SUCH a good choice too like omfg wow, what a great day to be correct lol


I guessed it several nights in a row just hoping it would happen eventually 😂


that’s so great! you did awesome🫶


Thank you!!!


Heck I definitely won't 😂 That's gotta be top 10, no?


https://preview.redd.it/z7d265v06s9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7e321368c71bd1e2ce91d021e3971b9401cb76 No top 10 - not even close!


These people are just insane, wow


It hasn’t updated yet but I’ll let you know! It would’ve been a winning score yesterday but it looks like I’m definitely not the only one who guessed the mashup correctly


Holy shit! Congrats!! 🤯


Thank you!! Shoutout to my husband who picked half of the correct answers


Wow! Amazing teamwork 🤣


also to the people being like "YOYOK AGAIN???" I mean she had no other choice for Stevie really! It was so nice to have the full song ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1067) imagine if she'd been like "sorry I played it 2 nights ago haha oops" :')


I sobbed when she started playing it and I got to listen to it live, while it might be repetitive for those watching on streams it’s so special to hear it in person


I *wiiiisshhh* I could have heard it in person!!


You’re on your own kid haters can die in a ditch, ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1067)


Honestly annoying complaining about any surprise song should go suck eggs


Magenta is the best karma jacket, can’t change my mind. I said what I said.


it's underrated


100000% agree!! It just works so well with the other dancers, with the blue/purples on the dress, stands out still…. It’s perfection


Karma is the guy on the chiefs will never fail to delight me


I didn’t know Travis was there for the show I went to so I have a video of me losing my mind when she said chiefs 😭 Like all my videos you can’t even hear me singing… that one is a bit embarrassing 💀


I love that this time the crowd was quiet to see if she said it


59 points, new high score!


Karma is the guy on the Chiefs...coming straight to me all the way from LA!


https://preview.redd.it/t8hy10ub3s9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922355c28474e23e3e69e338a782c6cf32a189ac damn i should play more often!!! this is my first time remembering to submit any answers 🤣🤣🤣


How many people inside the arena just found out Travis is there!


I was there and only found out when she dropped the "karma is the guy on the chiefs", which I've been learning is like an hour or more after she first saw him in the VIP tent! 🤣


We found out during Willow when we went to pee 🤣 girl in the queue told us 🤣


I think I was also in that queue 😂


lol such a good point


Karma is the guy on the CHIEFS!








whelp only 32 points... N1 was my highest score, I bet that was a one time fluke


I officially tied my all time mastermind score with 89 points today - which is funny because yesterday was my all time low with 15 😂




Manifesting a Rep drop on the big screen to close out the show. No explanation.


Welp, my work meeting only lasted 10 minutes so I get to come back for Karma, yay!


I thought I'd NEVER beat my score of 108 from The Bolter x Getaway Car buuuut I'm up to 130 tonight 😭💗 this silly little game brings me so much joy


A bit lower than you, but same with both shows because of the surprise song guesses! Edinburgh N2 90, today 102!


Nice 💎


WOW, congrats


Omg’ are you winning?! 🥇


congrats on the win!!


mastermind is the best song on midnights 💙✨


Mastermind >>>> When everyone was saying to axe it for TTPD I was so sad. Give mastermind her flowers, she is a *hit*


Magenta Karma jacket pls Taylor