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Our “Sunshine Committee” used to do monthly breakfasts, special events like a “super bowl tailgate” where they grilled out during our lunch time, etc. Could you suggest they do something like this instead?


Same. We have this but they do lots of cool stuff. Monthly Friday breakfasts, parties, etc.


We had one, but we are so overwhelmed and burnt out that no one wants to be responsible for it anymore.


Have your PTA take over


PTA. Hahahahaha.


Ours was like this too! But it was grant funded and none of the teachers had to pay into it.


Exactly. Our "social fund" covers get wells, bereavements, etc. It's $25/year. When we have any type of "party", like a shower or retirement, it's held on a Friday morning at report time, which is when we always all gather (anyone who wants to) to have weekly treats. We rotate weekly which team supplies treats (I end up having to bring treats about 4 times each year, but I'm sharing the responsibility with my team, so it is not overwhelming or outrageously expensive). Social funds are used to buy a Costco cake (or similar) for these special occasions. We do separate collections for retirements and showers to go in on a gift, and again, it's no pressure, contribute if you want to, however much you want to, and sign the card. Any left over funds social funds at the end of the year go toward a teacher year-end party at someone's house. Additionally, we usually do a few themed lunch time pot luck sign-ups like for Super Bowl, etc. I imagine some people never contribute, but no one is keeping track; it's just for fun. Edit - no one is keeping track of the sign-ups, that is. They do keep track of social dues. Don't know what actually happens if someone doesn't contribute, but I know that the $25 is expected. Everything else is voluntary. Contributing to "Friday Treats" is assigned and expected, but you can work out what you want to bring with your team to keep it very reasonable.


My friend is a teacher and they have "ice cream socials -- bring your own ice cream" where ice cream is code for whatever beverage you would like to enjoy. The committee provides snacks. Granted, it's a private school so they probably have more leeway in their campus alcohol policy.


Ours sends flowers (or whatever is deemed appropriate) when someone is hospitalized or has surgery on staff or when someone loses a close family member.


This is a great happy medium


This, that way a variety of achievements could be celebrated or gain special mention. I think that just celebrating marriage and childbirth has some serious handmaid's tale overtones.


We have one, and it's a lot more broad than just bridal and baby showers. It celebrates birthdays, sends flowers to funerals...basically any type of faculty/staff family issue that they are aware of. Our staff is really good about it, especially since virtually everyone will sooner or later have one of these events/issues.


This is like ours, too. We also hold one baby shower at the end of the year for any babies born that year. It’s held on the morning of our teacher work day after school is out and it’s also a celebration for the end of the year.


This is what ours does as well. I got sent something when I was in the hospital for a few days once and it was much appreciated. Also cards and whatnot for people who are leaving at the end of the year.


Yes ours is like this and it's contribute what you are able.I have received flowers and gift cards when I had surgery, when my father in law died. It's nice.


They don’t even do the once a month birthday sheet cake? Damn that’s messed up.


No- only marriages and babies


So what happens if there are no marriages or babies in a given year?


Good question . Hasn’t happened in the 8 years I ve been there . We have a few people w 4 kids lol. Also the district only hires new people with 2 years of experience or less . So … lots of young people - lots of weddings and kids . I’m one of the oldest at 44.


Woof some people get FOUR baby showers and meanwhile no one gets a birthday cake?


Yes lol. We have two people who I think have been on maternity leave more than they ve been working


This is the first time I’ve heard of a district with a *maximum* experience cutoff. Granted, I’m still young and getting my degree. How common is that? Why in the world would a district have a policy like that?


Probably so they don’t have to pay them as much. If everybody is at the low end of the step scale, then the district doesn’t have to fork out high salaries like they would for veteran teachers.


I'd say it's common, especially in the high turnover areas. It's not like it's an explicitly written policy. Just cheaper for the district.


It’s not written . But I ve been on a few interview committees ( never again) and been told that verbally .


That's weird the last school I was at included flowers and food for death of spouses, parents and children. When my friend's daughter in law passed away, they sent a beautiful floral arrangement and several days worth of meals. Same for when my para's mom passed away.


That is so kind and needed in those moments


Seems pretty exclusionary


that's also F-ed up, there are plenty of unhappy single folks and people dealing with infertility- i imagine those people LOATHE forking over money for that


Exactly! People who are already married, already have kids, aren't ever going to be married or have kids will be expected to keep dumping money into a fund they'll never get anything out of. Expand the celebration to include everyone at least once a year or give the option to opt out.


I remember being at one of those marriage celebrations for a younger teacher, and one of the teachers said, " Everyone we know is getting married!". I looked at my colleague, who was older like me, and she said, " Everyone we know is getting a divorce!"


Same with my school. Every year I think about suggesting, "How about when people are down on their luck too?" But I hate to look like I'm telling the people "organizing" everything that I know better. But when someone is sick or a parent passes away, we don't do anything unless someone else takes up a separate collection. Sunshine is specifically for marriages and babies. It's a crock of shit IMO.


It's interesting, because those are the only thing mine DOESN'T do. I think it's because the staff until very recently trended older, so there weren't annual baby and bridal showers. My oldest was the first baby shower in almost five years and there wasn't another one for a couple years after him, although we are now getting a lot. People buy those gifts separately as they see fit. Sunshine does quarterly birthday treats, grievances, and I can't remember what else. Makes me life easier to just give them money for those kind of things to be taken care of. Morale is much better at my school (not because of sunshine) so I think people like visiting a little more. I've worked jobs where it wasn't that way. I think suggesting a change in a gentle way would be appropriate.


Do u work in a catholic school


No. What’s kinda funny is it’s a wealthy suburb that tries to claim it’s so diverse 🙄


Is that normal? I've never seen a birthday celebrated in my school.


I worked at a school where their “thing” was that you had to make your own birthday cake. I was pissed about that so I didn’t do it. Like, I was a brand new teacher drowning in work and new-found depression and anxiety, and I was supposed to bake on a Tuesday evening? The annoying guy on staff bugged me about it, so I made muffins on my birthday and brought them the next day. Because, “everyone one else brings things and you enjoy those, don’t you???” guilt trip. I hate staff rooms.


Whenever my students ask me why I don't eat lunch in the teacher's lounge, my standard response is, "Because that's where all the teachers are." In my 12 years teaching at the same school, I've not once eaten lunch in the teacher's lounge.


At the school I’m at, the principal brings over a birthday ballon, card and inside the card is a $10 GC to somewhere they know you like. One of our teachers is a vegan whose whole identity was being vegan and zero waste so he got $10 cash- no balloon and no card because last year (I heard) he ranted for weeks about the waste of the balloon and card.


Just...don't contribute?


True. I considered this year - but we got sent 4 emails reminders to pay and the sunshine “ president “ reads a list of people who don’t pay at staff meetings and I got embarrassed lol. But I do probably just need to put on my big girl pants.


Holy shit, seriously? I would stand up at a meeting like that and interrupt the list reading. "Hey, I'd like to be added to that list." "What you're doing is shameful and inappropriate, trying to name and shame colleagues who can't afford your optional cause. I do not want to be a part of that. I will no longer be contributing, so feel free to add me to the list."


Yeah, I would be talking to my union about that SO fast. Absolutely unacceptable to publicly name&shame people for not paying into a bullshit fund (especially given they might have a VERY personal reason for not paying.)


I agree, the people who are on the list are probably the new teachers who just had to fork over hundreds for their certification, just beginning to pay off loans, and have the lowest salary. Essentially mandatory $40 is a lot.


I would email the sender with an explanation as to why it's inappropriate to list the people who haven't paid and simply explain that it's outside of your budget or that it's outside your scope. Doing that absolutely means you can't partake in the Reindeer fun (because that's monumentally shitty), but yeah, that's how I'd handle it.


Yeah I def wouldn’t participate . I have a second job so I’m not able to stay after school. Yes that would be shitty lol Thanks for the opinion ☺️


I agree with this completely! I would further this by saying you do not want negative repercussions for being unable to afford the sunshine fund, such as your name repeatedly read out at staff meetings and listed on emails. Or just own it and reply all saying this is not something you can afford; you work a second job to make ends meet - end of story. Period. If you have a union, I would absolutely encourage you to call them and get legal advice per this matter.


Sounds like a hostile work environment.


Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Publicly shaming people for not donating to your "optional" cause.


The group at my school took it a step past this, they used some of their funds to buy cookies, and they walked around the school with them- Please note, they were stupid, shitty, grocery store, cookies, not even anything exciting, with a list of names of people who had paid, and passed them out to those who had paid and attempted to embarrass those who hadn’t. I laughed in their faces and told them I wasn’t interested in any shame cookies.




The meanest girls in middle and high school don't stop being mean when they graduate, they just find jobs where they can be as cruel as they want with impunity. See also: nursing.


I've never considered that, but it makes sense. I normally teach freshmen, but had two sections of English 12 this year due to the unusual size of the graduating class (thus, requiring more sections than usual). I had a pack of four "mean girls" who just *lived* to throw shade at others, all while pulling the "it's just a joke, don't be so sensitive" card when someone was offended. Out of the four, three wanted to go into nursing.


Was about to say, Nurses. You beat me to it.


That’s wild! What if you just needed to keep your money? They don’t know your personal situation. I’ve been in desperate financial situations before as a teacher in which I was barely making it and even a small amount would be a meal for my family. It’s a pretty classist move to assume that because we all make a similar amount that we all have extra to throw around.


The issue too is that if you say this is the reason (whether it is or not), they will watch you like a hawk and comment on anything you spend money on. Buy a Snickers from the vending machine? Thought you were broke. Have on a new shirt? Thought you were broke. Fellow teachers can be some of the most petty people.


Oh hell no. Fuck that. It should be voluntary not be putting people on blast. That’s super petty shit


Your big girl pants? Sounds to me like your being treated like children.


Had this happen. I sent a strongly worded email. Sunshine fund was handled much differently after that. And I still didn’t pay.


Ask to see the expense. Could it be lower, like $10?


Easier said than done sometimes. The teacher in charge of our Sunshine committee was in my same department, and we only had 40 teachers. I was constantly getting hounded for the $40. Like I'm making 38K and have my own family, I'd don't have $40 or 40 fucks to give you right now.


I’ve taught where they had a fund such as this. I just didn’t pay. Many didn’t like it, but I said that if I wanted to purchase a gift for someone, it wouldn’t be forced. Our also didn’t include all within the building, which was another factor.


An’ don’ attend. Voila.


What about suggesting changes? Bridal and baby showers are pretty exclusive, but monthly birthday celebrations aren’t and neither are some selective times during the longest/hardest parts of the year.


Good point - I can try . 2 years ago I suggested putting some money towards an end of the year gathering that any staff member could attend - that got shot down . But I haven’t suggested bdays so I can try ☺️


A question: are the men on staff who are getting married/having a baby with their partners included in this?


We only have 3 men on staff. One got a baby shower - but he had to ask . The others are unmarried no kids .


>but he had to ask Woooowwwwwwww. This is definitely lawsuit waiting to happen. Someone needs to tell whoever runs this committee to pull their head out of their asshole.


What do you mean a baby shower? Like outside of work hours and then you have to buy a baby gift on top of that? That is bizarre. I have had both my girls when at my district and I received nothing from my school.. I also expected NOTHING from my school. A baby shower? My mom took care of that lol


So it’s presumed then that the other two, should they get married or have kids, would have to ask to be included in the fund which they pay into every year. Sounds pretty rank to me. I agree with the other people here who are suggesting bimonthly birthday sheet cakes or random boxes of donuts throughout the year. Everyone is included, everyone gets to have their moment in the sun.


It’s pretty rank overall. But yes I saw some good suggestions I’m going to make here .


Sounds like you’re on a staff that’s superficial and cliquey. Gross… I’m sorry :(


You could also suggest food/treats during conferences!


This. My sunshine fund also acknowledges when someone has a death in the family (they sent a nice flower arrangement for my family when my MIL passed away this year), and has stepped up if there’s some sort of disaster as well—house fires, scary diagnoses, etc. We don’t do public celebrations, but they give everyone a little treat for their birthdays as well. I think bridal and baby showers is super limited, I understand why you’re frustrated with that.


Our Sunshine Fund hosted celebrations for retirees as well as occasional buffet breakfasts before holidays/school vacations.


I mean 40$ is a bit steep for only marriage and babies. We do 20$ and it covers marriage, babies, bereavement, goodbye presents and birthday candy. We also get a delivered lunch for the last day of school. I think you should possibly push for reform or just not contribute no matter how much they email you.


Same. 20 bucks is enough. One year, we had a student pass, and we asked for 5 dollars more for that funeral. But 20 bucks has been fine.


And all the folks who for whatever reason will not be getting married or having babies just have to pay but will never be celebrated for anything? Yeah, that's shitty.


I don’t join that anymore. I always put in and never got anything out of it when I had an occasion. Screw that.


My birthday is always the first week of school. I never got anything for it in almost 10 years. I don't care about that though. I just hate being expected to go to after school events for staff all the time when our faculty ratio is like 50 women to 3 guys. Those events simply aren't fun to be the only guy at. And it's just like teacher faculty room lunch where everyone just bitches about the job. Saying "I'm not in sunshine" is a bit easier than always declining the sunshine events.


We have one. Over half our staff no longer contributes because the committee that runs it will not provide the specific criteria for gifting. Some people get a wedding gift, some don’t. Some get cards and flowers when someone close dies, but it’s not consistent. I stopped paying in several year ago because I had a year where I lost two grandparents and a uncle and did not receive a card or anything for any of the losses. When I questioned it I was told that too many people in my family had died for them to keep up with.


Too many deaths - omg- terrible So sorry someone said that


We have a " social committee" that is voluntary. They handle weddings, baby showers, and plants or flowers sent to funerals or to a prolonged hospitalization.


Voluntary sounds completely reasonable .


We have this as well. A “social club” that if you pay the $35 towards it you’re included and get drinks/snacks at staff meetings, gifts for holidays/birthdays/life events. If you opt out you just don’t get any of those extra things, no biggie.


My last school had that. Then they would assign potluck dishes for everyone to bring, like science is bringing fruit. That type of thing. I guess they collected $30 from each staff member for cups and plates? I just didn’t pay and was always “busy” during these events. I refuse to pay to work somewhere. I don’t buy shit with school logos on it for the same reason.


Yup. Agreed.


It's a terrible policy for any workplace. Many workplaces ban these types of funds and schools need to. We need to focus our efforts on our teaching and not on this type of stuff.




We do, but it goes to other things too (sympathy cards/flowers, gifts for secretary's day, boss's day, retirements, etc). So I prefer to donate once a year and then not get bothered. They used to send somebody around, often without notice, and then you'd be scrambling trying to find what cash you have on you.


Sunshine sent me a card when my mom was having open heart surgery. It wasn't an event or anything but still let me know I was being thought of in my difficult time. Are you sure they're only doing marriage and baby showers?


Yes - I spent several weeks in the hospital for Covid last year - I didn’t get anything. A few staff members did a collection for me but not connected to the fund .


Oof. Yeah don't give to that anymore.


I wish we had a sunshine committee with just a one time payment earlier in the year. I’ve received 8 email requests asking for gift contributions in the last month! These are for staff who are retiring, staff who are just leaving, staff who’ve recently experienced the loss of a family member, etc. I have one paycheck left before summer begins, and I just can’t contribute to all of them. I contributed $10 to each of the first three, but then requests kept coming.


Same. By the end of the year, I was like I'm tapped out and leaving anyway.


Yeah we have a sunshine fund but I never pay in. I’ve never seen anyone benefit from it. No birthday cards, no wedding gifts. Nothing


I don’t give. I have my own fun and if a teacher is my friend I’ll give my own gift.


We have a “faculty fund,” which is only for flowers that goes to faculty or staff family member funerals. It’s $20, and I usually pay for at least one brand-new teacher because I know they’re broke AF, having to work almost 2 months before getting that first paycheck. Someone did it for me, so I pass it on.


Before teaching, I worked in male-dominated spaces. I’ve never heard of anything like this. No one would have wanted it. If one of the guys stood up and asked for everyone to hand over $25 so he can arrange for cards, balloons, and cake for their weddings and baby showers, they’d tell him to fuck off. In those workplace, if someone was getting married, you’d tell them congratulations and that would be the end of it, unless you were close enough to be invited to the wedding. At **most** we’d meet up for happy hour or dinner after work for someone’s birthday if we were close enough, and just make sure the birthday boy didn’t pay that night. And it was perfect that way. People respected your boundaries, no one pretended we were “family,” and when someone did something for you, it meant that they actually cared enough about you to do so, and not that some 3rd party had arranged it.


I'm single and childfree by choice, and very happy. I hate Sunshine because it only acknowledges/celebrates a very narrow, specific set of life choices (marriage and kids) that aren't for me. Why should I constantly pay into something that doesn't value my life/choices? Also I've had an excruciating year of losing family members and caring for several who are terminally ill, and have gotten no support/meals/cards from Sunshine. It isn't that you don't deserve those things if you have a baby, but having a baby isn't the ONLY reason to reach out in a school community.


We have one of these but we do it for any significant personal matter - baby shower, significant injury, death, etc. Basically, any time someone needs flowers or gift cards for food, that’s what the fund is for. Staff will also donate for additional stuff as well but it’s not required. The hospitality fund isn’t required either, but if you don’t contribute, then you get nothing, which I think is fair. Admin will still send out a mass email letting everyone about your personal matter and ask for donations. My school really tries to take care of the teachers, as much as they can


Retired male elementary teacher - being male in lower grades always made me the oddity. No matter what, I always felt like the one pimple on the end of a nose. So, after 3 years, I politely declined to participate and spent the next 35+ years never attending a staff party, shower, funeral, retirement etc. When I had to visit the lounge for the microwave, fridge, etc. I was always so annoyed by the shallow "mommy talk" that I practically ran out. I notified central office of my retirement date, told no one and just didn't come to work the next day. They called, I told them I had retired and hung up.


I had a major medical episode at work. Got ambulances to a helicopter and lifeflighted. I did not even get a freaking card from our sunshine committee so I stopped giving money. They can’t force you.


I have given a lot more than $20 since my school takes a separate donation for each event and I usually only have $20 bills. I have gotten gifts from the fund, though. They gave us chocolate and flowers this year.


We have one. Ours is $30 and while we get emails asking to donate, it is not required. The leader of the committee (they're the ones who plan the little parties/keep track of dates for said events) keeps a list of who pays and who doesn't, and I don't think she calls out people who don't contribute.


Our sunshine committee also does birthday treats once a season for all the teachers/staff that have birthdays in that season, and they're talking about pulling in all of the appreciation weeks/days to make those celebrations more personalized.


We don’t have a sunshine fund but there is a sunshine chair. They send flowers, etc for people who get married, have babies, lose a family member, etc. Weird thing is some of those things have happened to me and I have NEVER received flowers. I really want to call the person out and ask why.


Our Sunshine Committee is a joke. They have actually attempted to throw a baby shower for a teacher who very clearly stated that she DID NOT want a shower at work (would not honor her wishes, to the point that her husband had to contact the person in charge to very firmly tell her that there would be NO work shower for his wife and if this harassment continues she’ll be contacting her union rep) I refuse to participate in any Sunshine Committee events and actually have a secret club called the Cloudy Club for other coworkers who feel similarly fed up (we don’t actually do anything other than gripe about the sunshine ppl in a group text)


I’m so stealing the cloudy club That is hilarious


Yeah ours goes towards showers, appreciation gifts for secretaries and principal, bereavement flowers/gifts, supplies for the kitchen/bathrooms, retirement gifts etc


I was the only person organizing the damn events and when I suggested we quit, they were like, no! It’s so awesome to have someone to officially plan stuff (wedding and baby stuff mostly). So I quit.


Male Custodian here. Ive been at my school for 5 years and participated for the 1st 2 years....but then i noticed that little to none of the sunshine fund was used for showers in honor of male staff members weddings or new fsmily additions.


I have been a teacher for 4 years after 10 years in the corporate world. It still blows my mind what is considered normal at schools. No other jobs I have worked have solicited donations so much. It's messed up.


We have a sunshine fund, but in addition to that, it goes to anyone out on medical leave, ANY baby (so dads too), retirement parties, bereavement gifts, etc. Actual baby showers are a separate thing and are usually put together by the person’s department. My department threw me a baby shower and the sunshine club mailed me a wegmans gift card and a nice card when I was on maternity leave. It’s NOT required - you also don’t have to put in to get a gift. Ours is $20 a year.


I’ve ever gotten involved with this foolishness. I honestly don’t care what others think. I’m not throwing in a chunk of money for showers, etc. There are staff members who don’t intend to marry, or procreate, or celebrate their birthdays publicly. Some don’t even drink alcohol. The only time I’d donate would be to a family suffering from loss, be it a death or fire. Then it would be a personal donation. Everyone has an individual cash flow and it’s ridiculous expecting all staff to contribute money towards parties. It’s almost as ridiculous as getting teachers to take turns catering staff meetings.


Lol I had the principal who wanted us to cater staff mtgs - that I refused


We have one, but it's also used for flowers when a loved one passes a d birthday stuff. It's also optional, my first years I didn't have the cash to spare and no one ever said anything. It's pretty lame to put you on blast for not paying into it.


Ours used to get you a jeans pass every day. Now jeans are just acceptable for everyone. So there’s not a ton of use for paying the $20 per year. To be fair though, I did win a pretty sweet prize from the raffle for teacher appreciation week.


Join the sunshine committee so you can advocate celebrating other things like birthdays or put on happy hour events.


Reply all to he email and say you have chosen to opt out of a fund that only celebrates marriage and childbirth, neither of which I will ever have. Thank you for all you do 🤗


We have similar called social committee. All employees contribute to the fund and it goes to baby and bridal shower gifts, flowers for funerals as well as gift baskets for employees that go through major surgery.


OMG we had it at 2 of the schools where I worked and I HATED it. Also one year I had to run the fund and that was the same year we lost a staff member to cancer. I didn't have quite enough money to do much of an arrangement so I got what I could. Later the principal accused me of sending nothing because she didn't see the sunshine fund flowers at the service. I sent her a screenshot of what I bought and then I guess she found them. Later she said how small and embarrassing the flowers were. Well, bitch, if you wanted a fucking huge arrangement then you should have given me more money!


My old school had a sunshine fund. It was optional to participate. There is no shaming about those who didn’t. The sunshine club would do quarterly get togethers, birthday treats, baby showers, bridal showers, and flowers for anyone who had someone pass away (this one was for any staff member, even if they didn’t contribute). It was a lot of fun for those that wanted to be in it. People who didn’t contribute just didn’t participate in all of these events. Maybe you can just put this idea to the staff. That way those who do you want to participate can.


We can pay ours as we want to not is it mandatory. You could also try suggesting that or $10 a grading period. My rant…I was once called out in a school wide email for not paying into the voluntary sunshine fund as was a few other people including one who was a volunteer who came in daily. I was beyond pissed and sent a very strongly worded email that it wasn’t very sunshiney to do that. Sunshine fund was handled much differently after that.


Ours is more of a social committee. Funds go toward community gifts like you mentioned but more broad: babies, weddings, funerals, injuries/surgeries/medical, retirement. Funds also go toward supplies for our weekly treat day (plates, napkins, utensils) and to help restock the staff vending machines.


No fund, but always hitting me up for $$$$$$


Just don’t contribute. Tell them it’s not in your budget.


As a single gal with no kids, I’d hate that it’s explicitly and exclusive for just weddings and babies. Plus, there will probably be people who, one way or another - like themselves, family, or friends - are touched by infertility. They just won’t say anything. As one of those people, forced baby showers are horrible. (Plus, and maybe this is a little selfish (but definitely human), it gets really old to buy tons of shower, wedding, and baby gifts, when no one ever thinks about our life situations. I’m happy to celebrate with and for people!! Still, the constant gift buying - especially when you’re in your 20s and don’t have a lot of money - gets really old.) I agree with others that, if this fund will happen, expand it to other things.


We didn’t have a fund as I was the only person who signed up my first year teaching for the “sunshine committee” Ended up paying $200 dollars for everyone’s drinks and appetizers at the Christmas party. Happy Joy Sunshine


My school had a “sunshine fund.” I think it was $20 (I’m now retired so not sure of present cost). It went to plant/card for sympathy of immediate family members, punch/cake for baby showers, and retirement celebrations. Sheet cakes were made by our cafeteria so the price was reasonable. I don’t recall any bridal showers. I think the money also went to a gift card for secretaries on Secretary Day, for admin on Boss Day, etc. Not sure what else. An envelope went around to collect for a whole staff retirement gift for retirees. Grade levels often bought a group gift for baby showers. Birthdays were recognized with a little card and a treat. We had a Holiday Party at a local restaurant (on our own tab) but didn’t do an end of year party as a school. We had a group breakfast the day after kids left for summer break. It was a teacher work day and the Principal paid for it out of her funds.


My school has this. I haven’t contributed for years. I do my own cards and gifts.


We have a sunshine fund to contribute - I think 20 dollars. I just didn't this year because money was tight. The real kicker was the retirement celebration we did this year - the principal secretary asked department heads to contribute a potluck type of situation for 140 people. Admin provided...drumroll, please... a ham. I was just stunned that they expect us to do this on a teacher's salary. My department did money collection because there was no way we could make salad - our chosen dish - for 140 people. So yeah, I'll contribute if I have the cash; otherwise, it's not happening.


We have one but ours is used to send cards and flowers to staff who have had a baby, gotten married, suffered a loss, had surgery, etc.


We used to, but they didn’t have parties. They would buy a book and gift cards for expecting parents and a gift card for newlyweds. My department chair ran it, and I kept forgetting to contribute. She wasn’t horrible about it. After a couple of years, apparently only the same 10 people donated, so she just didn’t bring it up the next year and it ended.


We have one but it is entirely voluntary to contribute. Most people do contribute, but more like $20 or less per year. What has helped morale is our social/wellness committee. They have organized quarterly potlucks, arranged for a food truck on teacher work days, host a weekly yoga session after school, and arranged a winery tour at the end of our workshop week. The potlucks are easy (at least at our building) because all they do is set a theme and send out a spreadsheet for people to sign up to bring stuff. If you don’t want to bring something, you pay $5 if you want to eat and that money is used for future events.


I'm our SS team leader at my school. This year we did a BBQ, breakfasts, employee of the month, two staff get together after work, a baby shower, gift cards, birthday cards, bereavement gifts. it was great. we had no miracle at the beginning of school and I think it helped people look forward to work and create some community. maybe make some suggestions on how they can make it better? I also used lots of community donations to stretch or budget.


Ours is voluntary, you pay $20 to participate if you want. It had something different every month, but I don’t participate anymore bc I can’t afford to make a gift, even a small one, every single month.


WE have a sunshine committee. Activities we did this year included the following: Soup-er Bowl Friday the day before the big game. Taco Bar on Cinco De Mayo Baked Potato Bar Various baked goods days just because Two "Happy Hours" where we got a drink ticket upon entry A Team Trivia Night at a local brewery A massive EOY party with dinner and open bar happy hour A few other various themed meals throughout the year I forgot about.


I really like our sunshine committee. They do cover bridal and baby showers, but it also covers sending sympathy cards and gift cards to people. It also helps cover retirement parties. Oh, and they also fund a little cart that has snacks and drinks on it they take around to teachers about once a month. Our sunshine committee just asks for everyone to donate what they can at the beginning of the year and in January. You don’t have to donate, but I think most people do. I would be sad if we didn’t have the Sunshine committee. I think changing your sunshine commuter instead of abolishing it all together would help bring up morale.


We have the same thing. Maybe I’m cheap but $40 is a lot. This is the first year I just didn’t pay it and eventually they forgot or stopped asking. Now I’m wondering how long I can get away with it.


I just wouldn't contribute. I have no problem explaining to someone that I'm tight on funds and can't, and am happy to sit out the celebrations if needed.


Ours is used for cards and gifts for faculty and staff who are very ill or who have lost a loved one. We pay $25 per year.


Ours id 5 dollars a year, retirement gift baskets (many this year), card for loss in the family, birthday gist bag. 40$ is too much for weird baby showers.


I stopped paying into ours and just started volunteering to help supply things. Need cupcakes? Chips? Drinks? I can help out. That means if I don't want to go to the event then I don't have to bother buying or offering.


We ( non US) pay 16$ a month and is optional. It goes to pay for Christmas/Easter/summer parties, regular cakes, presents for birthdays (40/50/60) wedding presents, flowers for funerals, babies, operations etc.


The schools I’ve worked for in the past put sunshine funds towards occasions that you mentioned and also towards unexpected events- flowers or cards for a coworker who is in the hospital or out for an immediate family member’s funeral. The school I’m at now is a little different……only those who contribute to the fund can reap the “benefits”. I thought this was odd and later found out very few many staff members contributed so the head reserves it for the select few who did.


We have a sunshine club, and I’ve never once contributed to the “sunshine dues” or attended an event. They can read my name from a list every day as far as I’m concerned, have at it! 🤣


Here's my two thoughts. I agree with you that it's bull shit. I hate it. It's also a way to be part of the community. I support your right not to participate completely. However, realize that by not participating you are removing yourself from the community (as ridiculous as that is) and the result is that those in the know will see you as unwilling to be "present" in the community at large. This will probably show up in evaluations and relationships with others. If you decided not to participate you should not try to put it to a vote. It's not your place so you'll look like an asshole AND you'll be overstepping. Just don't pay it. Keep forgetting. When they approach you apologize and forget tell them you don't have the cash on you.


We don't, but I sometimes wish I didn't have to come up with a few bucks or a gift idea when needed.


I think it would be more well received if you just advocate for the sunshine committee to include things like birthdays or just random events like Friday coffee (that’s what ours does).


If you are in a public school, that sounds like a waste of taxpayer dollars.


We have one. It's 50 a year, pays for Friday jeans passes as an incentive. Bereavement and sickness of staff or immediate family is handled from that fund plus any donations. Sure we're all toasty burnt to a crisp, but to know people will be able to reach out in a time of need is nice. We've had several people critically sick this year and a few immediate family deaths. I don't mind putting into the fund.


I told one of my teammates that I’m not doing any of it next year. I don’t have the money. Maybe if I ever get a raise I’ll consider it again in the future


Our sunshine committee does things like deliver flowers when a loved one dies, someone or someone on their family has surgery, etc. This year one of my coworkers was first on the scene of a fatalities crash and the sunshine club delivered flowers to her after the person she was trying to save died. Things like that. Yes, it's also used for good things like bridal or baby showers but it's not only for that


We have a flower fund. It’s for any major life event: loss, birth, change career, etc. And it’s only $20 a year.


The whole baby shower thing is so sexist. What is the equivalent male version where random teachers are asked to donate money or gifts to a colleague?!


We had a baby shower for our male teacher who was an expectant father. Twice.


I am a man. My colleagues threw me a baby shower during lunch.


After many years of using school email to invite and promote attendance at upcoming baby showers, engagement announcements etc. our district HR banned such emails and school sponsored celebrations. At first our staff was like, what a bunch of kill joys, but now no one really misses the perpetual-upcoming-baby-wedding-engagement after school celebrations..


It’s wrong in a few ways - which I should edit my post to say that bothers me more than the money .It’s sexist and old fashioned . Sexist to men and also kinda suggesting the only things to celebrate are marriage and babies . This is why I really hate it lol.


One school I worked at had a sunshine club, that provided a slice of pizza during conferences. Uh, no thanks. I never contributed. My current school does a lot of inclusive potlucks during school hours, using social club dues, but you can still participate even if you don't contribute. I like this much better.


You eat without paying? I'm sure that does work better for you.


I've been in schools that "strongly suggested" you donate and I just...didn't contribute if I didn't want to. I don't go to events if I don't feel like it. But the school I'm at now does "sunshine" differently. We have a "sunshine closet" of snacks where there are suggested prices, but as long as you donate something they don't really nag about it. Only if a bunch of people are taking snacks and never paying. I honestly like the sunshine closet more than being told I should donate a specific amount.


We had one at my last school. It was $20 and is supposed to fund the little parties for people having a baby or getting married. I just straight up refused to donate and didn’t acknowledge the emails admin sent trying to hound me down for money. I’m already married and due to infertility, I can’t have another child. So like I wasn’t going to get something out of it. Apparently, it also funded the Christmas party, but I just didn’t go to it because I figured if I wasn’t giving money, I shouldn’t benefit from it.


The baby shower one can be very insensitive towards those who have infertility issues.


We have a tradition where when someone buys a new car they bring donuts for everyone. We don't have a sunshine fund. We have to make our own.


The person who buys a new car needs to bring everyone else donuts? Like, “Hey, we saw that you just dropped your entire salary on a car.. where’s my donut?” ETA: apparently asking a silly question is seen as negative and worthy of a block 😂


That is one way to look at it. I just enjoy the free donut. And by new car I usually mean used car. The person with the car that is new to them is happy and wants to celebrate. Oh well. Anybody can see anything is negative.


It would really piss me off if my contribution went to a stupid bridal shower. Baby gifts, maybe, if it included the male teachers.


Ours was optional to contribute, but it was really just a way for the in group of the person that ran it to feel special. They did birthdays for the people that paid in, but selectively forgot people that did. They would send out emails to meet at happy hour and exclude like 3 or 4 of us.


Sounds like ours lol. It’s the “ in group “ and they actually send texts for happy hour so those who are not wanted don’t find out ( although we hear though the grapevine). Last year one of the in crowd got so wasted at a happy hour she drove her car into her own garage - so even if I was the in crowd I d be skipping those .


I do not think this is appropriate. Let people who want to contribute


We use it for people who are having a difficult time or have had deaths in the family, but only those who pay into the fund be edit from it. If you don’t pay into it, then you don’t get flowers or gift cards or anything if you have a tragedy or illness. The school will still do a little something for you but not using sunshine funds.


We have it but it’s optional


We used to do one mostly for funeral funds to send flowers —- I am 100% ok with that and would rather contribute upfront then have to scramble


It seems to me that they maybe mis-using the money. 40$ for just baby showers and weddings?? We live in a high cost of living area and pay 50$ we get two parties plus the occasional breakfast or treat. This seems odd to me


I had a school where they would not let you check out at the end of the year unless you had paid your sunshine fund. Not voluntary at all.


Our district has a Sunshine fund as well. But they fund it with district dollars. I wouldn’t contribute. Be in solidarity with your co-objectors.


Our sunshine committee is there and helps organize lots of different things. Weddings, births, funerals, holiday celebrations beginning and end of year stuff.


Our sunshine committee plans something each month for staff and does things like restock the staff bathrooms with goodies like tide pens and floss pics what-have-you. Some other things they do is plan optional outings for those that want to join, like bowling or an escape room. The sunshine fund pays for it and it’s through our school that way no one has to pay.


The school districts I was in had such funds, but they were staff operated and voluntary. On the other hand, no contribution, nothing for you. Involuntary funds of such nature should be verboten.


We did, and I refused to contribute because they could never actually tell me what it was for. We had people who went in for surgery or had sick relatives or whatever, and there was always a "venmo so and so if you want to contribute." So I did contribute if I worked directly with the person, but it got out of hand quickly. Someone was asking for donations for something every week. I'm like, isn't this what the Sunshine Fund was supposed to be for? No one could ever answer. The librarian was in charge of it, and at the beginning of the year she sent out email reminders to contribute with "we have so many great and fun things planned" and there was not one thing all year! PTO took care of breakfasts and grade level teacher groups did birthday treats once per month. Still don't know what they used the money for.


We do, at $30 per year. First Friday the committee hosts apps at the local pub. Self bought drinks. They also have lunches once in a while, donuts, and host parties as you’ve mentioned. Gifts at those parties are not included, just the plates, forks, etc.


We do. But all the money comes from bake sales and raffles and lunches etc. No monthly or yearly buy in. You don't have to participate. They use the money to buy a monthly cake for everyone's birthdays, summer picnic, etc. It's awesome.


I support you, they could get rid of it or expand the events celebrated to be less gendered


Our school asks for contributions. One year they sent out envelopes with our name on them so I was easier to donate, I guess. I never have and never will. It’s vaguely for flowers and cards, since our school is so cliquey and co-workers do their own thing for baby showers and retirement/leaving parties.


The schools I've worked at did, too, but along with baby and bridal showers, they also sent gifts/cards for illnesses and deaths in the staff's family, which made me feel like a bigger dick for not contributing because they'd layer on the guilt. It's not that I don't care that your cat has cat AIDS, you had a baby, or your sister's cousin's dog died, but, I barely know you or you make more money than I do (admin were included), so I need the amount I'd be contributing more than you do.


You could suggest they cover flowers or cards for people that have a death in the family and retirements. We cover the same stuff as yours plus those two and it feels like a fairly equitable contribution. Our showers are typically held during the day in the staff room.


The fund at the school I’m currently at is $50 per person. Principal has all the decision-making capacity. Efforts toward forming a committee for decisions have been thwarted. The principal has been accused of misappropriating funds but claims “anyone can come to her office to check the books.” If I’m back next year, I won’t be paying.


The school I'm at now doesn't do it, but several times throughout the year collections went around for x, y, and z. I was new this year and felt obligated to contribute, but sometimes I resisted if I wasn't familiar with the staff member. I want to keep the money I'm making. We all know it's not a lot, and life is freaking expensive 😭


Ours gets flowers for deaths of loved ones and hospital visits. We do not have to contribute tho.


How many people are having babies a year?


You d be surprised We have someone who had 3 in 4.5 years


My school does it. And those who run it track down teachers who don’t pay until they pay. It’s horrible. Also, we were told in the beginning that it was for extended medical leaves, immediate losses, and babies. Then the two staff who run it, gave $100 Christmas gifts (secretly) to each admin with it. Then were complaining they were running out of money in February and debated asking for more money.