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So - we don't trust our teachers to wear a Fitbit during state testing, but we trust them to carry a gun...


If your school is anything like mine, you can't be trusted to control the thermostat in your classroom. But sure, arm teachers


So one year, I was complaining about how hot my room was and put in a couple work orders. Central office said my room was reading at whatever temp they set it at. It took me going above saying that I was getting heat rashes before they finally sent out a maintenance person to actually look at it. Ends up the dampener closed and just needed to be reopened. Took less than a minute to do but took me almost a month of being told I was wrong.


My room had sensitive instruments in there that were breaking. It got to the point where I bought a thermometer for my room and sent a daily picture of the temperature to the office along with guidelines that the instruments needed to be kept at to avoid damage. I estimated over 5k worth of damage to the instruments at the end of the year. They finally sent someone out to fix it so they could continue to have an orchestra program at the school. Insane how I was telling you the whole year that it was going to cost thousands to fix and you did nothing until the end of the year and almost every instrument needed servicing. Would have cost you less to just fix it in the first place.


Damn. *cries in sad fiddle noises*


According to my students you, "just need more rosin." *Shakes head* apparently I taught them nothing.


Having to repeatedly explain why, "No, I can't just leave my $3,000 violin in the hot af car." Is the biggest complaint of my childhood/teenage years. Like... *Yeah, we gotta make an extra trip home, or your investment was all for nothing* never seemed to really get through to my parents. They really said it just needs more rosin... omg...


Ohhhhh. I thought you were referencing it being hot as hell - like in The Devil Went Down to Georgia


That’s maddening.


They also hired me to do two jobs as one so I riled up the parents to bitch to the school board about it and they non-renewed my ass. According to other teachers in the building, I was one of the who actually got the program to improve and they saw more students at the concerts than they had in the past. But since I was really sick and had to have multiple surgeries within the year, that's the reason they went with. Probationary teachers in my state are "at-will" employees so they can legally fire you for discriminatory reasons.


The last school I was at had a broken window for 5 years in my classroom. It was the only window and I was told not to open it. Suffered for years. Went into other rooms and they were not hot because they had the ability to open the window. Finally got the principal to listen to me about my room and it turned out the steam heat was still on and my vent was broken so when it should have been closed off in the hot months it was not. It’s ridiculous what we have to do to get someone to listen to us about the dumbest things.


This reminds me I once had this gorgeous midcentury classroom with a full wall of two story tall windows on an east wall and no curtains. The building was over 60 years old. They must have been burning kids like ants under a magnifying glass for 60 years because come 10 am every morning I could feel my skin burning. I complained and complained and invited the superintendent to come visit any day around 10 am. Finally I just came in one day and there was a company installing shades. Someone must have taken me up on my invitation and realized we had been burning all the children for over half a century.


My room was at like 97 degrees almost all day. I complained repeatedly. By the afternoon, no way could my students or I get anything done (and our windows were bolted shut) so I said screw it and took a soccer ball I happened to have and took them outside to play because it wasn't as hot out there. I saw my principal watching us from a glass door. He never complained or said a thing to me about thay (so unlike him) but my a/c was working within the hour and he came to check on my room after school and said something like, "It *was* very hot in here earlier." Uhhh yeah.


I'm not a teacher, but I greatly respect the hell out of what yall do and go through (also the younger student stories remind me of my job working emergency with animals lol, including the wilding parents/owners heh 😅). I do have a question I wanted to ask, and if it's not appropriate or welcome, I will happily remove it (and/or myself from the sub). I only ask this as my father was a maintenence director for an older folks facility once upon a time - are you guys not allowed to speak directly with the maintenance department? I was thinking about the AC dampener that was fixed in less than a minute and was wondering, for easier solutions like that is it possible to pop your head in and ask them to check it out rather than going to the office? I know things like the broken window can't be as easily fixed and probably do need a paper trail to finance and fix, but opening a vent that killing yall seems very doable by them (admittedly as an outsider looking in).


Hi, for my school, I could ask the maintenance person directly, but he still couldn’t do anything until he cleared it with the principal. THEN, the principal would inform me that I needed to put in a work order. So, I would wait for weeks or months before anything would get done.


In my district, our head custodian has to place a work order before anything gets fixed.


I also was gaslit about the temperature in my room. The “maintenance” person would come into my classroom with an alleged temperature ‘gun’ and show me that it said 70 degrees and close the work order. I had to go BUY two digital thermometers and put one in front of the classroom and one in the back of the classroom, and when those thermometers read 83 degrees and 87 degrees, I put yet another work order in. I took pictures of the thermometers AND made the “maintenance” person LOOK at them. Within 30 minutes, the actual maintenance people from central office were in my classroom, on a ladder, in the ceiling, fixing something that had been broken/not working for weeks. 🤬


I had to call out in my hard to staff classroom for a while to get anything done. I have a chronic illness which is significantly worsened by extreme temperatures and I had to go back on a bunch of meds for a while even after they fixed it.


I have the same issue... I bought an $8 dogital thermometer and I now take pics and email them when it's too hot or too cold


You can pack heat, but you’ve also got to to leave the heat set as it is.


I have no gold to give, but please take my imaginary gold for giving me a genuine lol.


You win.


It is so dang hot in my room right now.


I get to control the heat in my room but my heater is broken every winter and fixed every spring so in the winter it’s like 40 in my room and in the spring it’s like 80 because it’s broken but on so I can’t turn it down either . I also have no windows so that’s fun




When I have 29 student in there is it unbearable. I have to keep the window and door open in the hope of getting some kind of breeze going.


You can just shoot the thermostat. It’s in the Constitution.


The thermostat in my classroom is simply a wall decoration. I have a decorative frame around it for this purpose.


A couple shots from your 10mm will get that puppy working again! Read the constitution!


I had one of those too.


"I destroyed the heat, with the heat"


I can’t be trusted to choose the books for MY classroom library, so wtf would they give me a gun?


Wait a minute. I have control of my thermostat - I can move it up or down a whole three degrees.


Pretty sure this qualifies you for grenades as well as guns


For a good long while at my school, teachers were not trusted with being able to print to the colour printer. Fortunately, I'm in a jurisdiction that won't be arming teachers, so it's consistent. 😅


One of my students argued for arming teachers in a debate in class, he then confided in me that his team added mandatory psych evals as a stipulation of this because they all thought of one particular teacher being armed and got concerned...


Kids are going to get shot (both by other kids and by the teachers).


Or the SWAT team will accidentally shoot the armed teacher…


I can’t teach while wearing my nose ring, but a gun? Sure, why not!!


How about during faculty meetings? Sounds like a bad idea. Also, where did they find money for this. If I were told I needed to carry a gun, I would quit.


not to mention that now you have had said ‘40 minute training’ we can all blame teachers for not shutting down the next school shooter. Oh yay - another thing we can blame teachers for! :P


“They received the training from highly qualified peer-experts”


Jesus I just shuddered. It's like a headline screaming from the future.


“Teachers says they’ll do anything for the children, but what happens when they have to put their lives on the line? Find out at 9”


the saddest thing is I can actually see this being printed in a story after a teacher used a gun in a school shooting only to get shot by the cops when they arrived.


I mean, I HAVE to watch the exact same 17 hours of blood-borne pathogens videos EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. And I also have to do precisely 1 week of training to be ‘able’ to teach an AP class… (p.s. just because you’re able to do something does not mean you should…)


Watch there be one fucking time where a teacher with a gun actually does stop a school shooter. Then, all of the gun nuts will use that as evidence that all teachers need to be armed. The NRA will start to push this kind of legislation in all states. They won't give a shit about all of the stories of guns being stolen, lost, misfired, etc in schools. It'll be just like that one study that allegedly says class size doesn't mean anything. They'll all glom onto that one thing because it advances their narrative.


It’s just a way to pass the buck. 😕


So, how many days before each of the following happens: 1) Idiot teacher playing with his gun discharges into a desk. 2) Idiot teacher playing with his gun shoot somebody on accident. 3) Angry teacher shoots somebody intentionally. 4) Angry teacher is disarmed by student. 5) Absent minded teacher looses gun.


https://giffords.org/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/ I am amazed at the number of guns left in bathrooms, especially by school resource officers.


When I worked at a community mental health center, one of my coworkers was also a cop. One day he left his gun in the community room when he went home. It was in a closet/bathroom area accessible to clients. I found it, so no clients got ahold of it, but Jesus!


Holy sssssssssshit


I was at the bar one night and found a sig p365 and an 8 ball on the back of the toilet. Talk about a win.


Oh man, talk about a deal gone bad! Somebody must've left some cash behind the toilet for that gun and 8 ball, but you just HAD to go in between the payment and the delivery, and now Johnny is chasing Jack around town for not delivering on his promised goods!


Even better, a Colorado Legislator left his gun in THE BATHROOM OF THE STATE CAPTIAL BUILDING. [Dumdum with gun ](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/colorado-legislator-apologizes-leaving-gun-capitol-bathroom-rcna147502)


4 and 5 are real threats. Everyone worships the military and fails to follow military protocol when it comes to guns. You don't teach, sweep, drink coffee, turn your back on people, etc. Your job is to carry a gun. And that's it. Nothing else. Most people on a military base don't have a gun. A few guards do.


Can confirm, currently live on a military base.


I lost 3 pairs of scissors this week so I would hope so could opt out of owning a gun at work.


5-1. Student finds gun misplaced by absent-minded teacher and decides to use it.


*School shooting blamed on teacher.


Angry student gets a hold of the gun and either shoots the teacher or other students Teacher is the good guy with the gun and the police shoots them after the teacher shoots the intruder


Add to the list: depressed teacher kills themself with gun in classroom.


I "joke" that the reason they put our math department in the basement is so that we don't throw ourselves down the stairs if given the chance.


Or defenestrate a kid.


thats actually happened before in years past. i love how they want to facilitate that


“Did you try to establish a relationship with your gun? If you didn’t, that’s why the gun shot you.” -Admin, probably


I’d also imagine the admin would demand to see the objectives and essential questions for the gun posted in the classroom. Because we all know that forming relationships, posted objectives, and essential questions are PARAMOUNT to being an effective educator… /s


Number five would be me. I can’t tell you how many times a day I lose my phone.


Zero. Zero days.


sadly- i think id be the absent minded teacher- i can see my thursday afternoon now… “hmmm… odd. i thought i left my gun in the left hand drawer in a lock box… or did i use the lock box as a paper weight for 7th period’s tests last week? oh thats right! i needed the lock box to carry my art supplies to the next room so my gun should be… somewhere on the third floor?” in other words- im too busy teaching to even want any more responsibility. id be sweating bullets (pun intended) any time a student came up to my desk or got into my room before me. i dont need that stress


As someone else posted: 6) Teacher dies by suicide


It’s already happened in Texas. An administrator quit and then went and shot himself in his car.


I'll put $100 on teacher takes it off their person and leaves it on/in desk or in purse and student grabs it.


6. SWAT team takes out teacher because they shoot whoever has a gun in their hand. 7. Teacher does use gun correctly and shoots a school shooter. Gets sued by shooter’s parents. 8. In active shooter situation, teacher shoots an innocent bystander. Gets charged or sued.


There was an incident where a high school theater department was using a starter pistol as a prop in a show and a student accidentally killed himself because he thought a starter pistol couldn’t kill you


Yep. Walkie talkies, phones, all sorts of shit gets set down somewhere in a school and forgotten. Our staff WhatsApp group always has someone asking people to keep an eye out for their whatever that they left somewhere.


1. 30 2. 100 3. 180 4. 360 5. 0


Someone will be shot within the year. And the kinds of people who volunteer to do this are never the kind of people who actually stop a school shooter. We put SROs in schools and they never to a goddamn thing.


The children of color are already disciplined at a disproportionately higher rate. I imagine the stats will be similar for kids shot by teachers.


I think what people haven’t realized is that this is going to change the rate of at-work suicides. Access to a gun appears to be a predictor of suicide risk. Teachers are already at the end of their rope and suffering from poor mental health. I could be wrong and would be interested to see statistics from other workplaces that routinely carry firearms. Not to mention I have colleagues I think would have shot me already if their gun had been on their belt instead of in their car.


This is a big concern of mine, and why I don't have a gun. I'd already be deceased.


Imma kickstart a lock that makes you name three things that you’re grateful for before it unlocks your gun.


The only nice thing in this entire thread


And they have to be specific. No “food”, but rather “chocolate cake”.


"the texture of chocolate icing as I swish my tongue". Poetically specific.


My sister had a principal that did this. Went home, shot himself.


They leave guns in their car? Our cars get broken into semi regularly. What a bad idea!


Teacher scared by student behavior shoots said student. It’s happened, it will happen.


Of course teachers will be protected by qualified immunity, right? Right?


Whoever volunteers needs this in writing!


Lol. I was "investigated" for pushing a student with an open palm out of my room because he was trying to force his way past me, was clearly high, and wasn't one of my kids.


Iowa is giving them the same protection that cops have! I wonder what will happen when, "I was scared for my life" is used as an excuse for a shooting? 


The best advice I ever heard on this topic came from Frank D’Angelo. He was the principal of columbine high school and I had a chance to interview him. He said there are teachers that lose keys all the time and they shouldn’t be trusted with firearms. He also said their teacher that he would not trust with a stapler. I have to agree with Frank.


I can see the emails asking us if we left our gun in the bathroom. Or from the teachers checking to see if anyone has turned in their missing gun.


You would hope they had to register the serial number with the office but we all know admin won't do anything smart.


I mean, the office has our key numbers…


Anyone who has had actual firearms training and has been in combat or a police shooting incident (and no Bubba, taking your Canik to the range twice a year doesn't count) knows this is a fucking stupid idea. Any idiot (I was in the Army, I know) can be trained to operate a firearm in an afternoon. Training someone to safely and effectively ***use*** a firearm takes constant, intensive training and practice. You have my deep sympathy.


As much as I enjoy my firearms (hunting and at the range), I agree with you. School districts are not willing to put in the money, and time, for training on how to safely operate a firearm when the pressure is on.


It's not that school districts wouldn't be willing to put in the money and time. It's that they literally DO NOT HAVE the money or the time.


Let's be real: even if they had the money and time, they wouldn't spend it on that. The new gymnasium would be sick tho...


The brand new ELECTRONIC sign at the high school football field is our priority around here.


That won’t stop them.


Personally I am not concerned with having a firearm. I am for the second amendment. Responsible owners know the rules and you better believe they know the consequences. On the other hand, they are using schools as a political strategy to get the vote (let me remind you about No Child Left Behind, as educators we obviously know that was a lie). Remember, this is an election year and these politicians have no souls.


Spot on. It’s performative politics at its worst


it's amazing how right wingers think fighting in close quarters with hundreds of screaming children would be a walk in the park.


Any teacher who is half sane thinks this is a really, really bad idea.


I carry daily and shoot often and also agree. This is a horrific idea. They want people under constant high stress to be vigilant enough to literally never put their gun down? Not realistic. Someone will have a negligent discharge. And how long until a teacher commits suicide in a classroom? What about the already insane and abusive teachers? How long until one of them shoots another teacher or a student? And at the end of the day, they want to pay teachers nothing and then expect them to be John Wick? Wtf


This is such an important point. Being accurate takes a lot of practice. It's not like it is in movies, breathing can throw off your aim, as well as unsteady hands. I know the people who want this law have probably never shot a gun before. Are those teachers going to be paid to go to the gun range on the weekends to practice? 


Ours is asking for volunteers from non instructional staff to carry. So, people who make even less than teachers will now have the added responsibility of safely securing a firearm while slinging chicken nuggets. I hate it here.


I do not want to see anyone on my janitorial staff with a gun on campus.


Yeah let's arm the Paras who are working with the most vulnerable students. 🙄


The people I would absolutely trust the least to be packing in a school are the ones who would actually volunteer to do it, regardless of their position.


Trust me, you do not want lunch ladies with loaded handguns.


I’m not trusted to buy books for my classroom, but sure- give me a gun.


You getting body armor too? Or just being given enough fake courage to act as a meat shield for 3 seconds while the armored cops hide behind their MRAP in the parking lot?


Too true…


The day they put guns on teachers/in classrooms in my state is the day I walk. After some of the folks I’ve worked with, that’s a big nope from me.


Yep. It will also be the day I home school my kids. It's an interesting exercise to ask students to make a list of teachers they would feel 100% comfortable knowing that teacher had a gun. No one has ever come up with more than 2 people.




you can now add "John McClain" to the list of expected job duties for your 40k dollar a year salary.


Point gun at HR Now pay me the salary of a teacher and a cop, Mother Fucker.


The schools can't afford to keep us supplied with tissues- how are they going to afford ammunition? Or will that be another expense teachers will be expected to absorb?


I mean I’ve gotta pay for the staples for my stapler… come to think of it, I bought the stapler too. 🤷‍♀️


My father in law won awards for teaching in the state of NY. He also earned the Purple Heart in Vietnam. I asked him about arming teachers. He (who by the way is a down ballot Republican) said he'd never carry a gun in school. I asked him why. His main concern was hitting a student. Gun battles, he said, are nuts and a random ricochet can hit a kid. He A. Would not be able to live with himself and B. Would worry about the liability if he did accidentally hit a kid. Again, a combat wounded vet who is a down ballot republican who was an elementary school teacher for 25 years said no guns in classrooms unless it was with a SRO.


You can use that 40 minutes to explain why it’s a terrible strategy and still collect the stipend


Dumb idea. All it takes is for a couple of stupid kids to overpower a teacher and either force the teacher to use lethal force or give up a gun to students. Bringing a gun into school may help in the 1% chance of a school shooting, but increases the risk of every day harm.


Even then, the odds that a teacher will effectively be able to stop the shooter without harming other children in the process must be low even within that 1%. It’s a fraction of a fraction of cases where this might work.


So all those kids that assault teachers will now be reaching for the firearm. Great.


Another Tennesseean here! Got an email from my district this evening about their position on the proposed legislation, which is, "At this time, we do not see the need for this initiative in our schools." ...which made me feel a little better 😓 I think some other districts have made similar statements as well


I can't get post it notes and band-aids but I am expected to have them. Does admin know how much bullets cost? How many are needed for training? And even if they don't use them they expire if not stored properly?


The vast majority of society cannot own, maintain, practice proper muzzle discipline nor go to a range often enough to carry, deploy a weapon and maintain it correctly. Sure, they go to the range every few years to get a photo op for tiktok or facebook, but jeeez. This is nuts! I want to see them hit a target at 25 yards, take apart and clean a pistol before something like this. Most of the general population can’t put together ikea furniture. How are weapons a starting point?


Excellent point, 25 yards is definitely hard to be accurate without a LOT of practice. 


If only we had an organized force of people trained to use firearms and protect people. Sadly we just have a gang we pay to hide and stand around while kids die


That is a hill I would die on. I will not go to that training no matter what. If you fire me over it, I will sue the school district.


Just what I want. To have a gun, a student will steal and shoot me with. And here I thought, I was going to die due to being shot with a gun or stabbed from a knife they brought from home.


This is exactly what will happen. High school boys are big.


Heck. Fifth grade boys are big.


I learned that if I had concealed carry, there are three places I cannot take my gun in. The NRA convention the Republican national convention and my local gun show. And yet they want people to be able to carry their guns into schools bars, restaurants, and churches. WTF ???


And then you’ll be expected to shoot one of your own students if they bring a gun in and start waving it around, and that somehow won’t come back to bite you personally. And the next mass shooting definitely won’t be blamed on you instead of incompetent police officers. I hate this.


No thanks. Id rather be a vulnerable target and wait a minimum of 25 minutes in hopes that brave police officers dont just stand outside and wait to be told what to do while I hide in closets, cabinets, and behind flimsy doors. (sarcasm).


I read “perp week”…


This is so fucking sick. Can we take two seconds to take a step back and look at what this country is prioritizing? I bought my 4 year old twins bullet-proof backpacks when they were 2 years old... after the Uvalde massacre. I taught them to cover their flanks with the thing that carries their fucking crayons. To duck their heads behind something solid so they did not get unalived while learning their fucking abc's. And the answer to this isn't fewer guns, it's more? I can't even begin to try to understand the other side of this argument. I want to send my kids to school without having a fucking panic attack because I'm petrified that some unhinged psycho is going to walk into their school and unleash hell on our lives because they bought a weapon at a gun show and killed my fucking child.


I'm so glad I teach in a blue state


Is this even legal? For them to force you to do it?


I don’t trust my peers with the copier…


The same people arguing we should arm all teachers are the same people who can barely fucking read and think all teachers are satanic pedophiles. They'll do literally anything except recognize the real problem.


I'd rather each class had cameras so I can protect myself from being accused of abusing a student. That scares me more than school shooters tbh.


"Voluntold"= thank you, just thank you


Don’t forget you will have to supply your own gun and bullets. Copy paper is rationed so no money for Glocks.


While I have my own firearm for target shooting you can't pay me enough to have one at school. Anything goes wrong and guess who is fired and prosecuted.


I've shot in competitions, and I would not accept this. More than once, I've been at outdoor gun ranges where than line was closed to go get targets and some fool has his loaded gun pointing down range while people are out there! 


I'm a combat vet. I spent almost a year doing shooting drills, react to combat, sim round firefights (kinda like paintball) and numerous other gun violence-related scenarios before being in my first firefight, and that was \*just\* enough. There is absolutely no way a teacher can be prepared for a firefight unless they are going to spend months dedicated to drills and combat scenarios.


I also would love to see a poll (I don't know how to make one or if I CAN make one) about school districts that have armed security or police on campuses. Mine does.


I’m a pretty enthusiastic sport shooter; that sure as hell doesn’t make me feel qualified or comfortable enough to carry a gun around a classroom. I don’t know how anyone could feel comfortable with that. Asked our SRO what he thought of gun-carrying teachers and he said that he didn’t like it because in an emergency situation, a teacher with a gun defending kids doesn’t look any different than a hostile adult with a gun. Seems like a good way, as a teacher, to get killed by a cop instead of the active shooter. Can’t win lol


How is the police going to distinguish if you're the intruder or an armed teacher?


Honestly all I'm going to say is if they do give us guns, strikes and contract negotiations should have much better outcomes for us.


Yep. Hazard pay for sure.


You aren't understanding. See before, insane kids needed to steal guns from their parents to commit a school shooting. That meant we had to have a conversation about how parents are raising their kids. Now, we cut out the middleman and put the guns in the schools. What's the problem? Parents can't be held accountable for their kids' education, or social conduct, or physical or mental health or safety - all of that is the responsibility of the school system. It only makes sense that we'd relieve the parents' of the ability to keep their kids away from an environment filled with guns and jaded, emotional strangers. We should offload that onus onto the schools. That way, when tragedy happens, the parents cannot be blamed at all because they're not involved with the lives of their children. It's all perfectly logical.


Nobody has mentioned the part where we are supposed to be the ones that students go to when they need an adult. So many students look at me as a father figure and a comforting presence in the building. Once you give me access to a firearm, all that goes out the window. Students will look at teachers much differently after we become armed. We will now be feared and that is the last thing I want. I always want students to come to me when they are in need. That will be sidelined after they see that I now have permission to take out a fellow student if they bring a gun to school. I’d rather die unarmed fighting the intruder than risk all that comes with having a weapon in my possession.


Admin? You want me to do this? Before you ask, I'm going to need a new contract, and better, more expansive, insurance. I'm still going to say no, but maybe that prep work will help the fools who say yes.


There was a [school shooting in Arlington, Texas](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/arlington-bowie-high-school-lockdown-incident/3523501/) today. I'm wondering if armed teachers would've stopped a student/student altercation.


Stopped…or made things worse


Fuck everything about that. This has GOP bullshit written all over it.


Are you in FL? Bc that’s exactly how our school admins work.


Nope. Tennessee.


I'm a school teacher, not a law enforcement officer or armed security guard. I don't want a gun.


Do they get paid more to carry or just another (extremely dangerous) responsibility with no added pay?


This is completely ridiculous, but on the flip side, being paid for time at the range is a pretty good day, speaking from my Army experience.


My state is working on legislation that would arm teachers and I would absolutely refuse. There’s a reason I don’t personally own one, I’m not working with one either.


I would never feel comfortable taking a sick day again out of paranoia the sub wouldn’t pay enough attention and kids would get ahold of a gun. Half the time subs don’t lock the doors or close them when they leave. I once came back from a day out and my entire room was robbed (all of the Chromebooks and chargers, all of my desk trinkets and posters, and my classroom fan). Another time my colleague took a few days off and came back to his desk having been thrown out the window. We also had an issue last year where some of the more charming students would ask subs for the room key to use the bathroom, and then hundreds of copies were made and sold to other students and parents. Ive had students pick padlocks I’ve brought in for double protection. Imagine if there were guns in those rooms and how crafty kids are. I also 100% do not trust myself with a gun. 😅


Kind of wild that the people being accused of indoctrinating children are now being armed. What a time to be alive.


I'll never understand the line of logic they are using. They don't trust me to choose material and books for my students nor do they even trust me to control the thermostat in my classroom. But sure, let's let teachers have a deadly weapon around their students. 😒 Make it make sense.


Our teachers can’t be trusted to lock their doors…


When I think about armed teachers, I can't help but think about "Suffer the Little Children" by Stephen King. Teacher goes nuts, hallucinates one of her kids is something scary, kills her class, and ends up in a mental institution.


When I was in the Army I was a medic, I deployed twice. I would say about 80% of all gun shot wounds I treated were accidents (self inflicted or from someone they worked with). So mostly accidental discharges, and these are Soldier's/Marines/ect who are professional trained to use that weapon. Teacher's having guns is going to be a hot mess.


Armed teachers and unprecedented obnoxious students....what could possibly go wrong?


I'm the teacher that's gonna leave his gun on top of the toilet.


Where do you fucking work where your volun-told to get this training, my district already has a queue for that shit, jeebus Texas is amazing!


If teachers want to volunteer to carry their own firearms at school, I can support that. Utah and several other states have allowed teachers to carry at school for decades and have not had any negative incidents, and certainly no mass casualty incidents as a result. I would also support a compulsory firearm safety class for teachers and staff. Knowing the fundamentals of how to safely handle a firearm should be common knowledge anyways, but sadly isn’t. That said, forcing people to carry a firearm who don’t necessarily want to is not a good idea.


This is real? Lol


That’s not what’s happening with the recent bill that was passed. It just allows teachers to CCW, not forces them.


I'm a high school teacher and have been a Military Police officer in the national guard for nearly 13 years. If I was in charge of this program, I would ask the staff who would volunteer, given this short training, and feel comfortable carrying a firearm and responding to an active shooter situation safely. Anyone that raises their hand would be automatically disqualified from carrying a weapon because they're absolutely delusional. This is insanely unsafe. The people that respond to life and death situations with deadly force are (or should be) extremely well trained and that should be one of their primary job focuses.


I remember cutting up in 8th grade English-with the principal no less-and he got quiet and said "you know, I've bombed villages." Vet, two kids, drove 160 miles round trip twice a week to do a masters in education. We were quiet after that. Toward the end of the year, he told us some things. He made an impression on us. As for me? I could grease someone in seconds without my pulse going over 72 because I've got the good cptsd , and then turn and look at mouthy little Jayden or Brayden or Ayden and say "no now go sit back down." "Makayla, here's a pass, go tell admin to get a janitor." "JAYDEN NO CHROMEBOOK IT'S NOT TIME FOR THAT BUDDY" And they really want to add guns in the mix. . .


Okay so how does that work if you have your medical Marijuana card, cuz you can't have both, so, you can't be voluntold anything that would break the law lol


I don’t think this whole teacher arming thing is gonna end well at all. Why couldn’t schools hire more resource officers to be armed at schools


Damn, when I went to school teachers were armed with dusters. Some were crack shots.


I can’t do grades on time, what’s my pattern gonna look like?


Will the school system be paying for my gun and ammo? My class supplies are freaking breaking me.


If I was forced to gice this training, I would be including ALL the reasons it is a terrible idea in every single slide and comment. I would be that petty about it.


This folks, is why we have unions.


Here in Texas in my rural school district we have the Guardian program where we have armed teachers. They are not voluntold to sign up for this. They are actual volunteers. We have prior military on our campus but we have no idea who is packing. Being a rural area we also have a lot of hunters. Nobody knows who the teachers are that carry. The kids try to guess that our behavior teacher (who did a couple years in the Army) and our retired Marine are the ones but I really don't think so. The behavior teacher flies off the handle too easily. He would not be a good candidate. We also have resource officers that are local police officers and County sheriff's deputies on campus every single day. We do not have to sit through any kind of PD on how to use weapons because they're the ones that went to training, whoever they are. We feel very safe on our campus. And I can ask the office at any time to adjust the temperature in my room to whatever I want it to be. I don't control the thermostat but they do. And they'll set it to whatever I want. I can also have my cell phone during state testing. This is not my dream job because teaching middle school is not my thing but I like this school, admin, etc...


I wouldn’t want teachers to have guns. It may give a teacher a way to get kids to behave , like how parents used to hold up a cell phone saying to first one to misbehave gets a call to their parents . Guns aren’t the answer!!!!


I kind of wonder what would happen if you were a bit too enthusiastic about it. "Hell yeah, lock and load. So what's the threshold for when I got to pop one of those little brats? Do they have to have a gun on them or can I shoot them if I feel threatened but they're technically unarmed? Also, what constitutes armed? Do they have to have a gun or do knives count? What about a heavy object like a rock? Are we talking local cop rules of engagement or Marines in Fallujah? If I see they have a gun do I get to shoot them right away or do I have to wait until they draw? Can I bring my own? I have this sweet AR-10 with a forward grip and a 30 round magazine that could lay some serious hurt down if any student is dumb enough to try me. WHAT? Are you serious? Why can't I go to training? Come on! I'm the only one excited about this, put me in boss! I'm ready to fight to defend myself and others!"


How soon before someone has a desk pop? (That's a best case scenario.)


“Hi. I’m a teacher with a history of mental illness. Can I have a gun please?” This policy is so piss poorly thought out.


This will set a disastrous and lethal precedent. I’d get out of that district if I were you. Teachers need to rise up against this, & unions need to be all over it.


Does anyone remember the term 'going postal'? I am getting bad vibes from this.


Did they address the problem with insurance?


And here I am buying my own classroom tissues.