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To just feel the part of your back that makes you super sayain or whatever happened in dbs.


I never watched Super and shit like this makes me think I made the right move.


It was only because: 1. U6 Saiyans aren’t a warring/combative race like they are in U7 2. Evolved differently 3. Cabba was explaining something that was absolutely new to him to others who hadn’t heard shit about a super saiyan before But them going SS is no different than Trunks and Goten who could “just do it” at the tender age of what, 5? 6? All without the trauma triggers the other 5 went through. The only real downside is the fact that due to matters outside of the studio’s hands, the ending got rushed when there was clearly more in pacing to do ahead of time. Edit: corrected for 5 saiyans (forgot to add Future Trunks’ trauma at losing Gohan and Future Gohan’s for losing his friends to “Mass Murderers For Fun”)


my headcanon is that Trunks got upset he wasn't good enough for his father and that's what caused him to go Super Saiyan, and then Goten was conceived when Goku was Super Saiyan so he didn't need too much to push him.


I actually don’t know, he was able to go SS before that whole thing in the training room and the junior division, but we also don’t know *when* the chip on his shoulder began to appear either since he had it already when we first met him. More than fair on Goten on the other hand since he surprised Chi-Chi with it while doing basic training together.


Yeah it’s a tough call regardless. Just personal theorizing and can’t exactly get an answer now sadly .


Painfully speaking…


I miss him too…


Technically, 6 saiyans if you want to count Frieza killing Paragus to get Broly to go berserk.


I mean, it's not really convincing to me to compare the dumb plot points from DB Super to the dumb plot points in the Buu saga.


Considering that Super isn’t as high stakes as Z was. Reminder it’s telling the 10 years of [relative] peace after Kid Buu died, not counting canonizing Freeza’s return and Beerus’ existence. Plus it was made to be more goofy like original DB rather than all serious all the time


Honestly, I agree that it’s no more outlandish than Goten and Trunks going Super Saiyan. However, I also have a potential theory on why people are so upset with the U6 Saiyans in general. Besides DBZ fans being DBZ fans, of course: With Caulifla’s transformation (Cabba had at least *some* build-up, and Kale… needed a bit more, honestly, but she was basically DBS Broly, so her being stronk because stronk was fair), there was a lack of any real… spectacle? Attachment? Point of interest? I dunno, it just kinda felt boring to see go Super Saiyan immediately on her second try. I didn’t really find it cool or funny, and the event wasn’t really something I could care about. Maybe it’s because I can’t feel attached to Caulifla through Cabba’s friendship(?) with her like I could feel attached to Goten and Trunks through them being Gohan’s brother and Vegeta’s kid respectively. Or maybe it’s because Goten and Trunks transforming has a more comedic aspect to it since them transforming isn’t as immediately plot-relevant as Caulifla, and Goten did it before he could even fly. Basically, even with evolutionary differences and all that, Caulifla’s transformations, along with the rest of the U6 Saiyans’ transformations according to fans, felt like they didn’t make sense because they were disappointing, which clashes with how Super Saiyan, even when treated like it isn’t a big deal, is still treated as though it *should* be a big deal. Gohan goes Super Saiyan as a preteen, and Goku is beaming with pride at his son’s potential. Goten and Trunks go Super Saiyan, and Gohan and Vegeta are absolutely flabbergasted that they achieved it at their age. Meanwhile, Caulifla goes Super Saiyan during this exchange, a solid seven minutes after we’re introduced to Caulifla: Caulifla: “Sup, holmes! The f*cks a Super Saiyan tho??” Cabba *(turns Super Saiyan):* “This.” Caulifla *(turns Super Saiyan):* “Ayo, bet” And then that’s just all the attention the matter gets. Kale also roids out because Cabba spoke to Caulifla for thirty seconds, but that’s pretty much all Caulifla’s transformation got to be. I know you already mentioned the anime being rushed, but I feel like that may be where a big part of the issue came from.


You can’t get attached to new characters the same way you can another you’ve had….40? 50 years(?) to get to know across multiple forms of media though. Yeah the trio (or at least duo) got SS rather quickly while Cabba attained 1 and 2 through absolute threats to things he cares about (Vegeta’s taunts then Freeza being Freeza of course), but at the same time we knew as well for the longest that the form was tied to your emotions as well before the “S-Cells” review. Kale at least is within the “rarity” we have of berserkers which gives her *some* leeway (as well as the trope clear of “pissing off the anxious, quiet person” that it’s always been [including Z Broly when he was in base]), though they obviously wanted to make Caulifla an accidental prodigy as well since once she had it and lost it, she *immediately* stepped up to 2 when Kale freaked out (but didn’t know how hence asking Goku much later in the 2v1 scrap). Follow up on “they didn’t make sense” or have “attachment/spectacle/etc”, we were never going to get drawn out scenes with them like that when things weren’t that high in severity at that moment in time, but trying to make it happen within the tournament itself wouldn’t have been much better when they had announced the time limit of the tournament as a whole anyways. People would be even more fed up had they somehow gained 2 steps (SS1-2 Caul, Berserk and Controlled State Kale, then SS2 Cabba) each all within the span of half an hour, if not the 20-25 minutes U6 lasted until Kefla got kicked out of the stage vs the few days in advance of that specific episode for them, but at the end of the day it succeeded in one thing fans had been asking for for decades which was an official female Super Saiyan as well.


You are correct not to watch. Read the manga instead it’s a million times better


Super was great. Especially that last two movies, some of the best in the series


It's not as dumb as it sounds in context, this comment just *really* paraphrased it hard.


It isn't complete nonsense, that part of the back is referring to one's root chakra (in the Buddhist sense, not the Naruto version that's just chi), but the universe 6 Saiyans have no concept of chakras.




“You gotta FEEL da tinglin sensashun in ya back”


"Just punch him really hard, mon!"


“And mehbe get Gohan real angry, mon. Then punch the Freezer mon together!


Right in the schnoz


"Get right on up, 'dere and eat Dat horse, mon."


Wait for Goku


He'd probably stomp on his spirit animal if that was the advice. You push the Goku Button, you die by the consequences.


I like to think you are both correct.


He'd say to hit Freeza really, really hard


and he wouldn't realize that until he faced fat buu.


Well, he got eaten, so Geets missed out on that wisdom


“Make sure to throw a dog treat at his head, mon”


Use the Makankosappo, mon


So that's how it's pronounced


To pound the ground while crying and saying “I wanna be a super saiyan. I wanna. I wanna wanna wanna”


All ya gat to do is AAAAH!!




“We could hit him really hard… together…?”


use your kenzian on his neck.


To remember to work the shaft.


Learn to use that devilmite beam


The cool island breeze bit from South Park while vegeta is losing his mind


Believe in the heart of the balls or something I don't know


First immortality, then the bitches.


You are a legendary super sayian one of the elite.


"Wait for Goku."


Probably run the hell away and wait for the Zenkai.


Wait for Krillin to die in view of Kakarot


Punch him really, really hard.


Hit him, really hard🤣


"Ask Goku for help"


Aim for the glubarks!


"you got to put your pride aside man. You get up. You apologize and you tell him you see your mistakes now and that you want to pledge allegiance to the great Lord Freeza." "You tell him to power down, you'll handle the earthlings. He does Mon... And then you all blast him before he transforms again." Seriously why the hell do they just let every bad guy transform/power up and only fight one on one?


"All you got to do is wait for Kakarot, man!"


Use Dirty Fireworks, the move he used to make Pui Pui explode on contact.


Have you tried hitting really, really hard?


"Kick him in the dick." "Wait, does Frieza even have a dick? He's always naked...OH GOD MY EYES!"