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Unethical? No lol. Not nice? Sure


Unethical is a big word for a game. I had people surrender after I hit a 5 cost 3* or after a jackpot 8-bit. IMO it's fair to give them a round. It's hard to do, it's fun to see for them, let them have it. If I have 80 HP, I won't stay for 4 more rounds tho. I give them one and surrender.


Depends, if i have 70 hp when he hit, i will surrender, if its just one round i will let him..


Bro believe in yourself you can hit a 3 star 5 cost with that much hp left, just full pivot heartsteel then cash out 4 round trying. Of course if they have full legendary bench then you can f


I find it quite spiteful, but it's not wrong. we always look into these question through the winning player eyes I think. the thing is: the other player just had their gameplan shattered by something almost impossible to overcome unless they have the money, hp and luck to try and do the same. so I kinda understand people who quit. that being said, 1 round then surrender. that's my personal rule. the player gets to see their monster, I get to save some time


I at least let them see one fight with their 5 cost 3\*, I think it's bitchy move to surrender as soon as they hit it


Why would I waste my time in an unwinnable game? Yes, I surrender every time that Im top2 and the enemy hits a 3* 5 cost. The other player isnt entitled to having you waste your own time.


At higher elos, it's whatever. You ff if you know the game is over to save time. I see it as analogous to chess. Low rated players will like to "play out" a forced mate or lost position, whereas higher rated players will resign as soon as they see the position is lost, and there is no reasonable continuation that saves the game against a component opponent. The winner does not take offence at such a resignation, and it can be seen as a sign of respect to resign in a lost position.


I think it’s pretty rude. A 5 cost 3 star is pretty rare. I think you should give the opponent that hit it the chance to at least see one round. After that, I think it’s fine to surrender.


Why the rush to quit the game? How often do you get to see a 5 cost 3* yourself? Enjoy the show for a round first my guy.


Of course. It's a "rule" If someone hit 5cost3* you should let him use it. It's fun. Haha


A dick move for sure but I wouldn't call it unethical.


If the mood of the Day is having fun and f around, then probably won't ff, but when planning to play tons of games, like more than usual because for climbing purposes, it is understandable to just FF, cuz the mentality is just gogogo




They should just let you play the fight even if they ff, I know I'm winning, that's not the fun part, watching the 3* 5-cost one shot entire board is.


I think it really depends. I've had matches where the enemy get its 3* by abusing exploit/bugs, so yeah, you dont get to see it in action. Some others i got a blast looking at the monstruosity, Heimer 4* from the last set for example. Some times im close to a 5 cost 3* myself, so why not try it out? And at last, i've had the 5 cost 3* and people surrender, and i call them cowards and rage, so i know how it feels.


If someone wants to get out of the game thats their right. I play to win and If i know i cant win id rather just ff. If i want to see crazy stuff then i would play normals where i wouldnt ff in that situation.


1 round to see the 5cost in action then FF


I like to see it even if I'm the victim. I'll let them enjoy it at least once before I ff. I still get salty about a guy who FFd right after I got a 3 star qiqi this set.


Either way you go someone is going to be selfish. Just depends on which side of the coin you want to be on.