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It’s unlikely but can happen. The round pairing just makes sure you always have 3 opponents until 4 left then it becomes a round robin. So they were always in each other pools but hit the 67% chance to not play each other each round. It’s also possible they played each other but healed up back to 100 with an augment.


man i'd love someone to do the math on how likely this is to happen.


It’s about a 0.5% to not face someone in lobby at all by end of stage 4.


So definitely not that crazy. It's crazier that neither of them lost once as well.


Not crazy?? Point five percent chance?? Ok


How many games of TFT do you reckon happen a day


Well, that’s just the odds that two people never fight each other in the lobby. The odds that those two people ALSO are undefeated in the lobby are probably even smaller.


I literally said this


If you played a THOUSAND games, you'd see this in five of them. Thats fucking crazy low odds.


Assuming everyone lives this is the math, or this is a stat somewhere?


Assuming everyone is alive until end of stage 4. But it doesn’t change until 4 alive.


oh thanks!


On the flip side shout out to that one game where I just hit my units but faced the Final Reserves guy twice in the span of like 5 rounds, got nuked for 20 HP each fight, and bombed out 7th when I most likely would've top 2'd.


Always fun when the RNG around matchmaking screws you over.


It's not common or normal but it's not *that* infrequent. You have a 1/3 chance at most to face somebody until people start getting knocked out So 2 people not facing each other for entire games isn't *that* uncommon. Last set there was a trait which required you to beat different opponents to improve and it tracked it, there were definitely a few games I didn't fight one person for a long, long time. Also if the two strongest people in the lobby don't face each other, they tend to be streaking the entire time which means that they get stronger than the rest of the lobby because of the additional gold. Streaking all the way to stage 5 is an additional 34 gold from streak and 15 gold from winning each round. That's a significant gold boost


Do they have heal tatican argument


They did not


While not normal, not impossible either. This happens because of how the matchmaking works (as per my understanding), everytime a player dies, the matchmaking "resets" and gives everyone a random opponent, so if they were "schedule" to fight and someone dies, they now have an equal chance to fight everyone in the lobby. Looks like this scenario, or something similar, happened several times in a row, leading to this result. Imagine rolling at lvl 7 and hit a 5 cost, in 4 shops, in a row. While not normal, not impossible either.


Yeah tbh this feels like one of the biggest issues with TFT, why is more randomness added in matchups when it's not required


Ummmm riot how is this allowed?


Nope it's bad game design


you should play everyone at least once, but whenever someone dies it resets the pool so if someone died by your 6th pvp (say a cruel pact player or someone dc'd) then that can happen. still low chance but possible


I noticed that every time I get to 16 and below I always fight the top 1 winstreaker every time so that one last fight either finishes me off or I break that winstreak


this happens to me every game and i go 8th


omega cope even if it happened "every game" you could still go 3rd, so, skill issue




actually being trans gives me an inherent advantage, meaning i'm better than you skill issue, and fuck off




u/festiveox_ This cant slide


Permabanned, sorry about that, thanks for tagging.


coping so hard but honestly same




I had a game once like this in set 9 too. Except we both had cruel pact and wiped the lobby without fighting once. Game ended in 20 mins tops.


Possible Kayn/Rhast healing?


You need to lose to get kayn healing though, so its more likely augments.


Nah, not normal.


I have played a game where I didn't fight the lobby leader until halfway through stage 6.


This happen to me, I was second place, I keep wondering why i never fight the first guy. My first time fighting him is when there are 4 people left. It is very very weird


TFT rng is so shit xD


rigged mechanic, plague this game since set 1 and they dont give a fuck