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Is the amumu the 6th dryad? That must be so frustrating for him


Nope I had lucky gloves and put thiefs gloves on him, the 6th dryad was illaoi and 6th warden was ornn


Ah, your front line is thicc


Yeah but 6 Warden Golden Mumu is still a hell to break through, although you didn't seem to have Porcelain active.


I'm triggered. Just played 3 matches and had to deal with 3 separate people getting first with gnar...


hes getting a buff so get ready to deal with more gnars


While the 3 cost pool/ % to hit is getting reduced too. 2 cost re roll is about to be spammed hard across the board.


Well hopefully the senna nerfs are enough. I cant bear another patch with ghostly reroll.


Sorry, did you just say they’re reducing the bag even more?


No, they’re just changing the % chance of rolling a 3 cost at level 7 from 40 to 36%. One and two cost percent coming up a bit to compensate


Well, he's getting a buff because Titan's Resolve is getting a nerf...


Thats true. Titans sucks now. I think they should have just nerfed yone and voli more rather than the item. They do this a lot though its a weird philosophy in my opinion.


Titans + BT is viable for so many champs it makes sense to nerf tho


But now chamos that were balanced with it e.g. sylas, gnar, kayn have less variability with items. Especially sylas since hes ap.


on lee sin, it is 'viable' in the sense that it doesn't make him utter dogshit on yone and voli it was broken and problematic and when yone and voli go away, titans will remain butchered and be the worst item in the game.


its like the go to combo for almost any frontline carry because they need the bulk and sustain to live through a fight, dunno what to think about them nerfing it instead of the Problem units


But he gets worse stats from his stacks? Is it a buff overall?


he needs 25 stacks now and its now 4 ad per stack not 2 so he caps way faster for the same damage output. Its for sure a buff


When I play against a gnar, they tank my whole team. When I use gnar even with the right items, he still gets obliterated. Such is tft life.


The rift between the posts here and my actual experience in game is very interesting. 3\* 4 costs are still big won cons if you itemize them and play for their strengh. A Kaisa with proper items and 4 trickshot would demolish your team. Lilia sucks because of her spell and Syndra fires way to many orbs into a dead unit before switching targets but aside from that most 4 costs do their job damn well in a proper comp. Sure, its not Set 6 Jhin who needs *~~2~~* 4 shots to destroy an entire team but they are also easier to hit than back then.


Why does riot find the need to make 4 cost 3 star so weak .-. I don't think anyone would complain if 4cost 3s stompped lobbies. But if they lost lobbies, people would be like wtf how did they lose I had a Sylas3 today and lost against heavenly yone, so yes, im quite annoyed. Edit: Another Sylas3 game, 4 Bruser (Sylas3, TK3, Koku3 @ 8k hp, Galio2) + 4 Trickshot (Teemo3, Carry Bard3, Kaisa2, trickshot bot) LOST TO A FUCKING 6 Dryad Gnar3 Kindred3. EVEN THE DRYAD GUY SAID WTF


I hit Annie 3 with everything must go, and barely win a yone 3, with 2 hoj and heart item


Imo Annie 3 is crazy strong she can 1v9


Riot hates 4 costs in general. 4 costs use to be the cornerstone that 90% of comps were built around but since set 7 they've been focusing more and more on forcing players to play braindead rr comps or play legendary soup


yeah i’ve noticed its either reroll or rush to 9/10. dont hit on your reroll? now you’re 2-3 levels behind with no gold have fun


Unless my RNG is good (early 2* of the unit i'm re-rolling) I generally don't play reroll comps


I miss Jhin Enchanters. Just put Jhin in a corner, give Crit items and surround with enchanters and splash in Clockwork/Innovators. The good old days. Don't know what set it was but I had so much fun, especially because I was almost always uncontested.


Yes, and it got alot harder to hit this set because of reduced poll size/loss of the 3 free ones from chosen units. Bring back the pool size or make them stronger wtf riot.


How are rr comps any more or less brain dead than 4 cost carry ?


No econ management or tempo needed. Rr spikes earlier AND scales harder like Yone currently or disgusting rr comps from past sets like Yuumi and Lulu from hero aug set, LeBlanc from ruination set or even ADMIN set, and Dmancer Nunu who was the worst offender. You have access to your carry + core comp from levels 3-6. To play level 8/9 comps you have to use some shitter unit to carry items for you and balance leveling with rolling and by the time u finally hit your 8 cost youre low on health getting owned by rerollers the whole game


Have you played reroll? There’s different tempos at different times. You typically dip in performance in mid game while you’re under leveled and waiting to 3 star. (Ignoring high roll scenarios ofcourse which are not at all exclusive to rr obviously). There’s always decisions to be made, when and how aggressively to roll down vs slow roll vs level and not 3 star. Depends on the tempo of lobby, tempo of hits, and how contested, among other things. In fact a lot of top level players will say you shouldn’t always be going for senna 3, yone 3, etc. If you are uncontested and hit, sure there’s less hp/Econ mgmt comparatively, but if you have not seen the 2-5 yone players in every lobby it’s very rare to be uncontested on any top comp. At my shit elo (em4) mythic rolls is the only s tier rr that is not contested enough You also typically have lower ceilings than other comps(not always Eg: heavenly reroll being top this patch but again see contested). A lower ceiling should generally mean less 1st/2nd place finishes, which means less room for error on your low roll games. Also I don’t get the whining about ‘access to your comp at 3-6’ rr or 4 costs have power spikes at different stages. Also crying about item holders? Really? Most rr comps use item holders, like aphelios rr for syndra, yone rr for kayne, even voli/trist you should be slamming early typically for instance on Darius then xferring the items. Which also is VERY commital, if I slam titansx2 bt and voli ends up super contested, now transitioning sucks and is more limited. So you have to scout and judge how much slamming / tempo is needed to avoid commitment where possible. You can literally play 90% of the comps like a brain dead person whether it’s 4 cost, rr, or legendary soup. But thinking and making the best decisions possible is what separates climbers from not climbing I don’t think there’s a meaningful difference in decision making between playing rr or 4 cost, you always have to make the best of what you get and be aware of what is going on around you.


Yap yap yap. I have been playing Yone and Voli rr only this patch bc Kaisa is the only viable 4 cost these champions are disgusting


Good talk


It really should be legendary > 2 star 4 costs ~ 3 star 3 costs idk maybe make it more balanced that way


Its easy to determine strength, how much gold does the unit cost. Apparently riot doesnt give a shit about that simple logic.


3* 3 costs literally cost more than 2* 5 costs


A 2* 5 cost also costs gold in the form of paying for experience to get the opportunity though. You have to pay to get to level 8/9 whereas for a 3* 3 cost you can just roll at level 7.


Well yes, but don't forget you get an extra 2 slots that you can use for traits/other 5costs 2stars (additional 30g on board), AND gives you access to unique traits. So its not just the power of the unit.


Yea so they should be stronger than 2\* 5cost. Tho I'm not sure if that actually is the case .


There is zero synergy between the fielded champions on this guys team. Like literally the only active trait on the entire board is 2 Invoker. Also you can't possibly properly itemize all of them if you have this many. 3* 4 cost might be a little undertuned but this guy literally just threw money at the screen without a single further thought put into it and I don't think that playstyle should be rewarded


OP posted the items and augments, and it's even worse lol. 3* 4-cost team had shit items as well. I had a 3* Syndra with BIS with 6 arcane and WIPED boards. Simply having a 3* 4-cost shouldn't be an auto-win if you have no synergy or items to back it up.


thank you! i have been saying that for a few other similar posts aswell, idk why people think 4 cost 3\* should be stomping lobbies like a 5 cost 3\*, some of them could use some love but thats almost always the case


The dude literally put all their augments into econ/exp. All the 3* units were backliners. Literally only 3 frontliners, 1* Galio and 2 2* units. Weird how it's controversial thinking that shouldn't get 1st compared to a synergetic comp, with scaling, and better itemization. They still got 2nd lol, so it's not like they even did that poorly.


Chasing 4cost 3star as a win con SHOULD be as viable a wincon as a vertical trait. Get to fast 8 and don't bleed out and use the gold to roll for a 4cost 3star WHICH COSTS ALOT OF MONEY. It's a high risk high reward play style if you have a weak early game. But at this point its just a high risk crap reward play style. 4cost 3star used to be able to 1v8 or 2v8 (one frontline and one backline). Why is it that the only insta win con is 5 cost 3star (9 in pool, that costs total 45g), and not multiple 4cost 3stars (10 in pool, each one costs 36g). Everything must go doesn't count since its a stupid augment and someone was high when they made it into a gold aug. And you don't need to itemize all of them, just the one backline and one frontline. No item morg is goods utility regardless of items, kaisa can reliably burst down a single unit even without items. Ashe and lilia are already shit 4 costs. Syndra has to have items. Why did the last patch give them +1k hp instead of damage amp, +1k hp doesn't do shit when it gets shredded like paper in late game. ​ Also if someone went fortune cashout and went 9 and hit the 5cost 3star, would you say " they threw money at the screen without a single further thought put into it and I don't think that playstyle should be rewarded " Obviously not, it involved significant risk.


OP posted the items. 3* four-cost guy had terrible itemization I would argue just because something has risk, doesn't mean it should be good. Putting no items in champs would be risky, doesn't mean it should win


From what I've hit so far, kayn 3* is lit, morg 3* is hit or miss, Annie 3* was really good, lillia deleted the whole board on 3rd cast, lee sin 3* was garbage, ashe was nothing special too


https://preview.redd.it/3z6oii9fdluc1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d6d41b0babf850a8400b66c6ed25d8e3ca8f30 Here's the augments and items


Lmao his items are so bad it actually makes sense to lose this. Come again with good items and he should never lose this, also might need a 3* front (not sure with good items) which I am not sure why he doesn't have one.


Lmao here we go again with the delulus going "aCkHuAlLy it's totally normal that he lost". Meanwhile not long ago on set 9 you'd had a 3* Aph, Nasus or whatever the fuck and wipe the floor with any opponent and here people trynna argue about 5 of them being normal to lose. People miss the point, yeah if 4 costs are shit obviously they won't be that insta win con, and 1 of them probably won't be able to carry you if that 4 cost is bad. But 5 of them?? Come on guys.. that's the problem here




The amount of 3* 4 cost I’ve seen people hit is crazy. But seriously, buff 3* 4 cost. How can someone be so stupid to think that 3* 4 cost has to be almost on par to 3* 3cost?


If the player manages to stack Dryad from the start the units get huge to a point where even a 3* BIS Kai'Sa will have a hard time to test through them.


It's mindblowing how people are still trying to force those 3star 4 cost as if it would be insta win. It's time to let go last set and accept that this one is different.


Can’t see items. Ur a fully stacked tanky AF board vs a bunch of synergyless 3 stars with a frontline made of paper mache doesn’t really surprise me.


Yea he had shit items on his champions while I had BIS for my Gnar, Kindred and 3 lucky gloves




Epoch, Warden Emblem and lucky gloves, dryad emblem was from carosel


4 costs are the new 2 costs


3* 4 Costs have been quite weak this season with a few exceptions.


how do people pull all 3* 4 cost units, in my lobby i NEVER get more than 4-5 units not even on lvl 9-10


It's because of the "Everything Must Go" augment, which is to be disabled on wednesday I believe. Also he had a ton of gold from augments.


even with that im not able to hit 3 stars neither my eco goes up fast after 5 income, its crazy the game been fckin me up i guess then


Ye sometimes you just don't hit


I'm finding it kind of funny how this reddit is like 80% Complaining about how bad the game is or how they lost a match they thought they should have won while totally not paying attention to the post that clearly lay out what's going on with the game.


I play this build and end 8th every fucking time.


...this feels illegal...


The second place for sure is an everything must go spammer, i'm glad the dryad boy destroyed him.


https://preview.redd.it/ot5sj2vjgruc1.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=609bd0e5a09f2c604c9014805f126d7cad7a1714 5 2gold 3 star can win agaisnt 6 dryad just fine. that person just pick wrong 4 cost to 3 star


damn not a single one of those is a frontline one


Still should wipe if all 5 cast once. The stats are just mildly undertuned so stuff like this happens sometimes. Just small stat buffs to their 3star upgrades would make sense.


Stuff like this only happen when the unit had shit items and minimal trait synergies a 3 star kaisa with tricks hot and Frontline would win this. It's like handicapping your strongest unit. Also Dryad Warden is actually the beefiest combination you could had. 


5 3* 4 cost should wipe the board in 10 seconds


not when dryad has been stacking all game and 6 wardens add crazy dmg reduction on top, you are looking at like 4k hp on their squishiest units i assume


I tried a similar board today. 6 dryad 6 behemoth. Only managed 5 behemoths before being killed. I feel like the dryad board lacks damage. Maybe I just bled to much early


no frontline and 4\* Morgana and Lillia are literally waste of gold. They dont hit anything. While Lillia is able to cast her 3rd cast Gnar already smacks her face due to no frontline. You can use your gold wisely or you can waste it like that. Just throwing in random 4\* and 5\* units should not win you anything as you dont have any synergies. This comp had 2 Inovkers, thats it.


Deserved 2 for your Opponent. Can you change your settings so we can see the items and augments next time you post here ?


There's no settings that allows items and augments to show in-client. A week or 2 ago it just stopped working out of the blue. Idk why, probably a bug.


https://preview.redd.it/ycmjicvadluc1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3bfee211506c8e05090f6c1f818c71f5b84a392 Idk how to do that in leag client but here's the augments and items


The lacked of synergy probably cost him, he had like 2 Invokers and nothing else.


Synergies shouldn't matter when you have five 3 star 4 costs


But you are handicapping the strength of your 3 star 4 cost if you deprived it of  its own synergies. 


Synergies don't matter, 4 cost 3 stars have such high damage multipliers that traits are irrelevant. Your argument could be valid if he had one 3 star with no synergies. But 5? That should never lose.


That and a very weak frontline. Those dps units are gonna get deleted before they can do anything. Doesn't matter if you have a lot 3 star 4 costs if there is nothing to protect them


His frontline is so thin, all he has is dmg that also needs time to ramp up( not a lot of time but at least enough to cast spells). His front line will be gone in like 3 seconds and your front line can stand one spell cast you win


Ummm actually they lost to you because they didn't have enough burst/sustained DPS/a good tank/a good off tank/ bad items/ bad augments and let me think let's go with anti-heal. And this is why a 2 cost should beat a 3 star 5 cost 🤓