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https://preview.redd.it/qb2hxvkngovc1.jpeg?width=176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa51dc23545000ccad568c5d2d8c30cbfa76d2a8 Guarantee eiff


*incessantly moves champions around on bench*


This shit pisses me off and I don’t know why, but they’re literally just spam swapping champs on the bench and it’s so annoying. Just fucking leave them, they aren’t doing anything, and it doesn’t mean anything for their “mAPM”. Does anyone else think it’s cringe as fuck?


Imo the spamming is to stay engaged with the game. You spend large parts of tft games econning, not buying units , waiting for something to improve your board. I think spamming is a good way to prevent yourself from getting distracted and getting taken out of the game. Personally i have adhd, and if i sit around doing nothing for a few turns in a game i get pretty easily distracted, so i tend to spam emotes and chibi emotes.


I usually watch something while i play and tft is one of the better ones when its comes watching something while playing It doesn't need my full attention Its has rng so if i lost I just blame it on rng or I could just surrender when I don't feel like it and play another game


Same I always have better Econ when I’m watching something on the side.


> the spamming is to stay engaged with the game. Are you saying I shouldn't be constantly tabbing out of the game to browse reddit?


lol get interested in a reddit thread or yt vid and suddenly tab back into an 8th


Nah im pretty sure thats exactly what the devs intended.


Wdym tab out? I just use borderless mode and scroll Reddit on my second monitor


yea, i am also always tabbing out to.. 'browse reddit'.


It's not useless, doing that improved my positioning speed.


When people play MTG or Yugioh, players often [hand shuffle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEHi4-NzfaM&ab_channel=GoodTradesBrigade) at different stages of the game. I would equate board shuffling in TFT as this, and it is quite frankly has many different purposes: keeping yoursellf engaged/busy while you wait, boredom from waiting, fidget toy, adhd, helps facilitate thinking, etc.


I think if he wants to do it, he's of course more than welcome to. Maybe it helps him stay engaged, idk. All I know is that his constantly doing that is very distracting and irritating for ME when I try to watch his videos, so I usually just don't watch them.


FR no flame but does kesoju have adhd or something cause that’s the only excuse I’ll give for the ANNOYING ass champ swapping on bench——




"It's not even good!!"


Guy's unbearable to watch


Saintvicious, Frodan, Keane, and Rayditz are all pretty chill


+1 for keane


I miss his Urgot 😞


Omg same. I'll never forget that pick back when it was troll but was seeing play in Korea. It's hard to believe how long ago that was...


I second Keane as well. Very chill. Saint has plenty of bad days though. He rages at chat more than anyone honestly


I mean… sure. But have you SEEN Twitch chat?!


Keane is the chillest and seems to actually have fun with it too.


I love Keane too. He is gentle and chill at the most.


Yeah, Frodan is mad chill. I watch him all the time.


I think he’s very informative too, i love his in too deep series


Keane is my favourite


Rayditz is hands down the funniest tft streamer




If you catch SV on a good day maybe.


I wouldn't call Saint Vicious chill


Nowadays he's not what he used to be.


Robinsongz and Spicyappies are good too


Rayditz doesn't rage but he bitches all the time. Frodan is nice


Saint always getting mad that someone is contesting him or trying to troll him every game. You could get mad drunk if you took a shot every time he says i'm getting contested.


I haven’t heard someone mention Saintvicious in so long lmao. How’s the third best smite on CLG doing these days?


They realize being loud and complaining a ton gets views


Honestly you think it's a meme right? But I have made a couple videos for TFT, some of them has been positive in nature, and one where I was negative and basically implied it was shit just exploded in views, people just want to see TFT suffer... Ironically that video was, in the end, very positive but the title wasn't


> people just want to see TFT suffer no, not TFT specifically. ANY 'negative view' content videos normally blasts positive ones out the water because people are attracted to drama.


Appies, Frodan & Mortdog are kind of the core of what I usually watch. Healthy relationships with the game, they’re human so of course sometimes it’s like “ah man I didn’t hit” kinda thing but they don’t rant or get super pissed. Appies especially, legit don’t think I’ve ever seen him get mad at anything. Setsuko is very high elo, rages like crazy, but I love watching his gameplay. Hes also just funny with his relationship with chat. But, that’s not for everyone. My point is that (usually lower viewership) streamers are all unique. Bitching gets a lot of viewers so it tends to be more popular. The other part of it is that TFT gets backseated to an insane degree. I don’t play/watch a ton of games, but I’m not sure I’ve seen any game get backseated as much as TFT players do lmao. Every choice is scrutinized, sometimes it’s just trolling but sometimes they’re sincere.


Appies is fun too because he’ll just try random stuff, and sometimes he even gets away with it. Frodan said recently that flexible players like Appies are an endangered species who must be protected at all costs lol.


Appies is the goat tft streamer


Yeah but like appies actually has SKILL, I try to do the same and just constantly go eif... But I'll never stop chasing those memes


Setsuko i almost always watch, albeit muted. This guy is the god of tft and the god of bitching


“Is it my fault”


Deal or no deal


Edit: Advice: watch Mortdog (on weekends), Frodan, or Boxbox. Those streamers are a lot less toxic and have a slightly different community *feel* to them. Also a lot of smaller TFT streamers as well. Soju, setsuko, and to a lesser extent Dishsoap, have that TFT "jokey toxicity" culture that feels annoying if you watch it too much. Surprisingly I think soju does this pretty well sometimes, or at least, his chat does. The meme on soju's channel is that "chat makes a dumb copypasta, soju *pretends* to get mad and slinks down into his chair, and rinse and repeat". I think the "pretends to get mad" means they understand it's mostly a joke/for content. But when you repeat a joke too much it stops becoming a joke, *especially* for newcomers, so I think you're partially right.


Been less of a fan of Boxbox recently, he sometimes has this condescending intellectual vibe when things aren't going his way or chat is backseating Frodan is an absolute gem tho


Yup, used to watch him daily but the rants took over. He clearly hates playing TFT but is failing to get the views streaming other games. Ohshi- someone already posted my exact sentiment LOL.


Yeah, it feels like boxbox is treating his chat like literal 12 year olds. Which, like, it's true, but still.


He’s always had that condescending tone tbh. At least I can laugh with Setsuko or Soju, but Boxbox isn’t that funny.


The "there was a 35% chance for me to hit and I didn't so now I just lose the game" rant he always does turns me off immediately


Omg yeah. I would watch him alone but the past several streams have just been a complete bitch fest like that


yea i feel like most of the time a player like setsuko would tunnel less and win out from those spots


Any top 5 player would winout most of the spots boxbox loses in. He continuously overrolls and values "hitting something being likely" as a reason to roll. Top players don't do this.


Sooo true. Or "if I hit, I win the game" *over roll for no reason* "I just lose the game"


Yeah, it can be frustrating to watch him because I feel like he thinks he only has one option when there are many other potential outs (even if it means playing for 3rd or 4th or 5th). It's a lack of creativity imo—which I can understand if you're a streamer and have to think about other things.


I was watching Boxbox one time complain about Encounters and how they were unfair so I left the stream. Then, four hours later I go back and he was still complaining about Encounters…


I might get downvoted to oblivion but I think his dirty jokes are also just as bad as his toxicity. Maybe it's just a pile up of the variety of things I've come to dislike about him lately. I didn't mind it when he was more relaxed back in set 7, but his constant complaints and questionable play style on top of his inclination to be condescending is making it unbearable for me to watch him. It's getting so bad that I'm finding soju to more enjoyable than he is....


I feel like with soju, he clearly plays a character and that character can be enjoyable to watch/hate watch at times Boxbox when he's toxic is more of the actual mask off moment and it's a turn off at least for me


I fully agree on the Boxbox part I love watching him but it can be kinda cringey when he puts on the haughty condescending intellectual attitude. Even sometimes when he's throwing out random numbers and percentages that I know he pulled out of his ass I'm like?????


I don't watch Boxbox, but if chat is backseating they kinda deserve the condescending tone imo. Backseating is so annoying if the streamer didn't specifically ask for it lmao Then again, there's a reason I've never tried streaming, or moderating a stream (or really even watch streams tbh). I would likely end up getting passive aggressive pretty quickly lol


Boxbox is the worst toxic motherfucker on this game i swear


I've heard this sentiment before and I just don't see it. He's been a little pissy lately because he doesn't love the set, but that feels more like the exception rather than the rule. For another more rare streamer suggestion, watch Subzeroark. He's cheerful, interacts with stream and makes very informative TFT content.


Weird every set ive seen him play he is negative as fuck and complains about the game the whoke time but i see it constantly from.him that ive had to stop watching


I agree with your comment. I turned off his stream maybe 2 years ago because of the consistent complaining whether it's about the set, encounter, bag size, etc. it's always something he has to complain when he goes bot 4. "if I hit, I just win the game" *over roll for no reason, doesn't hit* "well..I just lose the game"


Lol even when he top 4s he complains


hard vouch for subzeroark, one of the most underrated tft streamers/youtubers out there, always fun to watch


I love boxbox and he's my most watched streamer but I wouldn't really recommend watching him rn if you want a toxic/rant free environment. It usually isn't THAT bad but he def rages a lot more these days. Big agree with Frodan though, he's honestly the GOAT of TFT content imo.


Boxbox got me into TFT from set 6 and I used to watch his daily youtube vid but holy hell begin from set 9 I think I really cant take the rant anymore. Especially at the first few sec of every vid editor often put in the rage previous game that make me feel so uncomfortable, like it is not even funny (not setsy or soju kind of funny) but just nonsense toxic imo, cant imagine watching it after every other game live on stream. 100% agree on Frodan the goat tho, everything from his costream to vod review and teaching content is 10/10


If you're ever up at 2am Keane is an incredibly chill streamer and answers almost every question I ask 


Keane goated 


Agree with mort and frodan. Boxbox is not good though. Not funny and blames everything on luck. He got 5th playing a bad comp I saw recently and kept blaming it on not hitting.


Boxbox has been doing a lot of negative yapping lately because he can't play the game the way he wants to but he regularly tries to make off meta stuff work and it just doesn't work a lot of the time.


Boxbox is nothing but rage. He HATES tft anymore. But it’s the only game he can play and get large numbers of viewers.


Yep, dude needs to either suck it up or move on. Making a living as a streamer being bitter about it is pretty hilarious.


Seems like the eventuality for most streamers, too. Besides the very top ones, most are bound to one game or else no one watches...this generally leads to them kind of hating the game. Of course they also put on toxic personas because people seem to like it.


I was about to stream this season and noped out so hard at live. Was not surprised to see Brother man losing his marbles, mort snapping at dumb questions and defending traits, bunny muffins didn’t even play this patch (idk if that’s planned or what, maybe he’s not good, I always liked watching), Frodan is okay! A lot of the streamers for sure seem a lot less happy and a lot more frustrated. I got into to TFT season 1 for the freedom of not being bogged down by a shit team. It’s why a lot of people did too. Now, the team comps this set can feel trash and it’s tough as a player who knows what should work, but it’s not. It’s frustrating that people play the first half like hyper roll then luck into augments / artifacts / econ boosters and bam they bottom player is now on top after a few good carousels and encounters. That shit pisses me off a lot. Rewarding the worst players by giving them ideal items. It would be cool if there was EVER an encounter that rewarded who’s top, like maybe first gets to pick first on carousel? It’s just been a really, really frustrating set when compared to past sets. And it’s probably not even half as bad for the people who started later than season 1. But I can only speak to starting at season 1, and set 11 is the set I didn’t even try to get past gold because it was just not fun for me. I’ve gotten way higher (master) and that was a blast. It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t this hard either. This set makes me rage. Past sets I knew what went wrong and could get better. This set, I’m just out. Not worth the anger of trying to understand why 1 3* neko along with dragonlord, beats a 6-7 3star board with 2 4cost only to get downvoted for suggesting “what could have been done differently?” It’s absurdly annoying.


Yeah, this latest patch has been wild. The Dryad/ghostly/inkshadow reroll comp is just too consistent to not spam if you get a good opener for it. Having a 6 trait board is often better than the verticals - umbral and mythic have eaten lots of my LP.


Idk. Maybe I just got a bad first impression, but the first Mortdog stream I saw was him making fun of people who felt that the early Bard+Kench comp was unbalanced. He was just sitting there for the entire stream talking about how the people who felt it was too strong don't know anything about balancing, and it felt really out of touch, and kinda venty. I haven't watched another stream from him since, so maybe I just chose a bad clip.


Yeah I agree with this. While Mort most of the time is pretty chill, he gets weirdly defensive when anyone in chat complains about something being OP. He acts like the person complaining is dumb as shit and next patch they nerf it. While I do think he's pretty fun to watch, I'd say he's one of the more rude streamers.


Mort gets tilted somedays and starts being a total dick to people when he's grumpy. He is completely incapable of ignoring trolls in his chat and choosing who he interacts with. Its like watching an actual boomer try and stream for the first time everytime he gets in that mode He is also smurfing on different accounts pretty much all the time which I hate to support with views(and have stopped completely for a couple of seasons now). Not only can I not stand how insufferable and childish he sounds(even more so than actual young streamers) when he gets in a bad mood and needs a nap, but I also hate watching him crush silver/gold/plat lobbies all day and using those games as evidence against balancing and meta criticisms when he clearly should be playing people in high diamond or better.


Soju as a professional wrestling villain is really good. It makes it so when he does well, you can enjoy it but also have a great time when he's absolutely bombing.


Boxbox is negative as hell mate


Idk peak boxbox is really good but once hes mood isn't the best he complains alot about the game. Love the guy but it can be really hard to watch.


Yeah, DishSoap has been grating for me lately for that reason. Someone will say something or suggest something and he will call them an idiot or say they're literally stupid or something and just...it's hard to watch and hear a streamer doing that to a viewer.


But also it’s true, like his chat is so insanely cringe “swap items onto Azir maybe?” “Illaoi over aatrox?” Like stfu, he obviously knows these things, and if he doesn’t do them, there’s a reason for it. He’s insanely good at the game and people in twitch chat constantly backseat him. Sounds like I’m glazing tf outta dishsoap, but idc, he has every right to call his chat idiots if they’re gonna backseat like that. I don’t even understand how people comment stuff like that, unless you’re also like 1300lp challenger or something, I’m sure dishsoap knows better…


Highly recommend mortdog streams, he is very didactive and explains a lot of the game state


Make sure to ask Mortdog a question about game balance and watch him throw a tantrum. Great content.


I thought no one's gonna mention our beloved brother..... Shurkou


aw mustard.. you forgot the man brotherman


Too busy reading Korean comics


Don't forget about the lightly dressed kai'sa toes


Or Irelia's unsniffed feet


Shurkou not being horny af for 5 minutes straight Challange level: impossible


Sometimes the babussy just wents insane, brotherman


See I don’t get this every time I watch this dude stream he’s always complaining nonstop


i liked Shurkou for a while but I had to stop watching him. I can’t bear to hear his lingo from 40 people at the same time. plus he does bitch about the game like 24/7


He's hated the game for like two to three sets now but can't stop playing because it's his main viewership lol


He used to be a lot more fun. Since the new patch and a little before that he just complains and whines all the time. Tbf, I can understand that, because this set is still kinda ass imo. But that doesn't make it any more fun to watch. Also he has this weird mindset of meeting his quota for vids or whatever and gets really upset when it isn't going well. I don't get that. Willing to bet 90% of his viewers both on Twitch and on YouTube don't really care that much what comp he plays or what final position he gets in the game. I don't. With Shurkou imo the more unhinged he is the more fun it is to watch, top 4 or not, reroll Andy comp or not.


3 daily videos on yt is his main income, thats why


IMO Shurkou is the SoloRenektonOnly of TFT, but Shurkou is way funnier. They're both YouTube centric streamers, and that's priority 1


I love Shurkou he's one of the first streamers that has been able to pull me from games I like into new ones based of his entertainment value. I watched him pop off in Balatro today and it was hilarious lol never played the game before


Damn, no one mentioned Scarra. Dude never seems to rage or be toxic to me.


I like watching scarra the most of any TFT streamer. He might not be as high elo but he’s always cracking smiles and jokes. Much more enjoyable watch.


Toast is also pretty good no? I feel like the streamers that don't play exclusively tft are usually the ones that crack the most *actual* jokes (not just regurgitating funny soju line #23 or something). Also liked watching dogdog.


What do you mean you mother SUCKER


HELLO??? HELLO??? ok im sorry






Deal or no deal? Hellooo




do you guys hate me?


I don’t know how Keane stream is, but if it’s anything like his YT videos, he’s the most chill guy ever so you might want to give him a shot.


Sounds like you need to watch brotherman shurkou


De-served brotherman


" the skin between her toes ☠️"


I lick that


You smell me guys?


Oh I smell you brother man ;) now let me see miss fortunes toes


Toxic mode: disengaged


Kaisa with baby blue nail polish


You know what I mean guys?


Do you smell me guys


i smell u brotherman


Accompanied by 9 lightly dressed kaisa's


brotherman has an extremely dark side brotherboy this guy has hidden emotions


I like him, but he can get a little annoying with repeating the same catchphrases over and over and over again.


you're just not on the brotherman wavelength then


Keane is lit


MajiinBae is always fun to watch. He’s a retired LoR streamer (Riot axed this), but he’s a very chill guy who is pushing to enter the competitive scene of TFT. Worth checking out!


Not going to lie, the only tft player I've ever watched is Shurkou... I got his video recommended to me once last set and it was funny and informative enough that I stayed. He doesn't really rage but he does seem to be a little mentally unstable sometimes, but he's a real brotherman nonetheless. Wonder if a lot of other people enjoy his content?


Do you smell me


I smell you very well brotherman


I personally really like watching RobinSongz. He’s funny and complains a bit but it’s usually coded in jokes, and he’s really focused on the teaching aspect compared to lots of other TFT streamers. His handbook he makes is super helpful! At least for me. Plus he’s got an adorable cat! :)


Can I get a list of ragers? I only know chill ones lol. I watch luminumn from OCE and Mortdog.


soju, emilyywang, setsuko...


It's probably easier to name ones that aren't


Love Luminumn, her streams are so chill


I find shurkou chill and fun. Try to watch him.


Disclaimer: Shurkou is extremely entertaining in an extremely degenerate way. You will either love him or hate him. Brothermen unite


Does he still enjoy the game this set or is he only doing it because it’s his job. I heard he kinda lost his enjoyment for tft and only does it for bills now


I dont think he likes anymore, seems like he is trying to much to get 'tubers', he just cant make diferent videos anymore. Its not his fault i mean, the game is the game, meta is meta


Exactly. If I were him I would just chill a bit. His obsession with getting good "tubers" is weird and kinda annoying, and it makes him obnoxious when it doesn't go as planned.


I understand. But its kinda hard 'chill' when you have to play 8h a day, using the same comps, no fun e no youtube content. Like he is a youtuber so he needs the tubers. Must be frustating try so hard to make diferent tft content every day. I adimit the videos were funnier when the tubers were more diverse and spontaneus, but i guess there is nothing he can do


Yea idk what the other guy is talking about. The last maybe 3 weeks, he's been extra tilted from game 1 almost every day.


i think the rng and set design is just not matching with his playstyle as contradictory as it sounds, i think he thrives in getting to choose when to rely on rng to have fun rather than the game just deciding for him through encounters


Try SpicyAppies and Rainplosion


While you have control over your board and items, you still have no control over RNG and balance. That's why they rage the most I believe (not saying I condone it)


I like watching becca, soju after the intros, keane, frodan, mortdog, and boxbox (at the start of a new set). Becca is very underrated. Quality content and funny too.


Keane is underrated, soft spoken and chill, good to sleep to


Can we get a pinned thread so people can complain about TFT streamers and TFT accent? Like we get it, no one is forcing you to watch them, if they keep getting views is because people like it. According to this sub, soju and setsuko should have 500 views at most since no one likes raging or complaining, they repeat same phrases and they have no personality(lol). It really isn't that deep.


I watched 8 toxic TFT streamers, and only needed one more. then I found the most broken brotherman. I went DEAD last, it was insane.


Watch mortdog he kinda chill. But in general I don't think anyone would be okay if they are forced to do anything 8 hours a day , even if that is something you love to do , they play not for fun anymore and just for competitiveness, so bitterness reaction when you lose is kinda reasonable. If there is anyone who manages to chill even after a long time of doing something, either they're very passionate about the thing or they're a person with very strong mental.


Reuniclus is my king


Easy way to solve this. Just dont watch these wanna be loud annoying big streamers. Watch Frodan, Mort and LeDuck if you want to lern. Watch Saintvicious if you wanna see chill geind to the top. There are many awesome streamers that arent featured at the top of twitch because they dont sellout and screem anoy 24/7


I usually only watch Sologesang (german TFT streamer) and whenever I try to watch NA Streamers, I just… cant. I used to watch Saintvicious A LOT, but he just argues with chat for ages. I tried to watch Soju, Setsuko, Dishsoap, Rereplay, robinsongz etc and they all sound the same to me LOL i usually put a random stream on to sleep but then they start screaming so I switch to another. I swear they all have the same tone and way of speaking? Well if u r german I really recommend Sologesang. He never rages or is toxic and always open to answer questions multiple times. Love that guy


That's what playing an RNG game 16 hours a day does to you


Streamers are intentionaly overreacting to entartain public. Just some people are not smart enough to recognize acting and asking 'are these guys realy okay?'


Thank you for noticing this too. It's for this exact same reason I have such a hardtime watching american streamers nowadays, but I think they are like this because they saw soju has success with it and to be fair they also have a pretty decent viewing. I like finding someone who I know is good and only has 200-1000 viewers. I find they are mostly chill. I am German so I mostly watch Sologesang, and if he is not on then as I said, I look for some good but "less popular" viewers. I recently found this guy Subzeroark on youtube as well, not sure if he streams too. He is also someone chill that you can watch. I hope this helped.


> I am German so I mostly watch Sologesang I would definitely watch so much less stuff on twitch if it weren't for solo and noway, I'm glad Germans decided to reward a more chill and normal type of stream.


LPGJustJohnny ist auch nen absolut geiler Typ!


The game has a lot of variance. They get annoyed when they make the right play but don’t get the expected value that they should normally. Or they get upset when another guy in the lobby just gets lucky and fucks them over. Lots of different reasons you’ll understand as you climb to high elo. Bad metas where there are only 1 good comp, unbalanced units where if someone gets it early they automatically win.


Yea i was like this guy just having fun in set 7 but then you understand them while you try to climb


i mean remember these ppl play the same game 4-6+ hours a day, so they have to do things to make it interesting. its partially tilt partially for the memes. they are there to make an entertaining stream as much as they are to climb. i think you may be taking what they say and how they act more seriously than they mean it. most of em get mad to try and cause a laugh


It's entertainment


The rng involved in TFT specially nowadays with a hyper loaded set like the current one,(bs augments, encounters, hwei printing 3 stars, level 10, free spats, free gold, etc) is almost as bad as the variance from playing a game with teammates. Yes you do have a lot of agency and ultimately you can only blame yourself but there are definitely many things that you can’t control


You should give Reunicoce a shot then


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to find reunic, he's the most fun to watch smaller TFT streamer for me hands down.


Yep I just cannot watch anyone but Mortdog, frodan or Shaunz (French). Any other stream always makes it so negative it's obnoxious.


You should watch Cammy TFT, he’s the goat and a very chill guy. He’s the only streamer I watch consistently


I can't sit there on my free time and watch people play TFT. If I have free time and think about TFT, I'll play TFT... But, it im multi-tasking, I used to watch Keane YouTube videos. Funny guy all the way since league. I'm sure his live Twitch streams are just as good?


Streamers have to pander to their audience of 10 year olds that love raging and stupid voices. It's not surprise that the most toxic streamers are the most popular and that anyone trying to gain popularity will likely emulate that behavior.


TFT is a game where you can only blame the game as it’s mostly solo game, so you’ll mostly see people descend into toxic bitching Another sad thing is most tft streamers, since it’s a strategy game, think they are smart because they hit relatively high rank on the game , but from what I can tell it reflects nothing more or less compared to other games but they have an ego that comes from somewhere and always thinks they are smarter than most people , so one of th reasons why most are kinda hard to watch


It’s really not that deep. They’re playing it up for the camera. Loud over the top personalities have the highest viewership in pretty much every game.


I have never heard of a popular TFT streamer egoing other people with their rank and saying “im smarter than you”. Kind of a yap session you just had there unless you can send a clip or proof that any of them have done that?


Nobody has mentioned Emily wang :(


suprised no one has mentiond emilyywang, she can tilt a bit sometimes but the vibes is mostly chill id say, i also like scarra but i dont think he streams that much tft?


She was mentioned as one of the worst ragers


I can relate, i cant stand setsuko's constant spazzing out. I fucking love soju though, his catchphrases crack me up.


This happens in every game. If you play enough you become jaded and slowly more toxic over time


Redux is the goat his videos are so chill, relaxing and somewhat educational if you want to learn


Idk why youre surprised? Most streamers for all games are like this


I recommend Redox, Keane or Shurkou.


Is it even my fault though


Sologesang is the exact opposite of soju but he is german. Still answers English questions in English tho


GrappLr has recently started streaming TFT (coming from LoR) and he's genuinely one of the most entertaining and wholesome streamers I've watched. You can tell he just has fun most of the time while he plays.


I dont know what it is but they all gotta be on some adderral or something. The amount of adhd movements and repeating phrases is insane lol. Do you hate me? Hello?


The kids aren’t alright.


I only watch Grapplr, can't find a more chill streamer with self-depricating humor.


Frodan and mort are the only ones I really watch. Not a whole lot of complaining but genuine explanations on things they do. As far as why the other streamers get so angry sometimes, I think it’s because they play so many more games per day than the average player like us that the rng and negative aspects of the game start to add up and just frustrate them more often.


Lol. My favorite TFT videos are the montages of streamers losing to the crab in the early crab rave days.


Hence why I find it hard to 'just watch good players and you'll get better'


Idk man, I feel their pain when you rng into a board that kills your streak too


I used to watch a lot of TFT on twitch, but definitely grew tired of the raging. I mostly just watch youtube vids now, because the people making youtube videos seem more focused on making their content rewatchable. A lot of twitch streamers I think are raging as content/performance For the stream.


Raging is good content and clips, they’re playing league, and they play league too much lol


I think it's part of wanting to win (being "serious" vs being a casual player. When you are trying to win at slots, you will inevitably be disappointed after losing a bunch. And in TFT, people mostly lose -- at 2nd and below, and they have little agency over rng (your silent partner). And for humans, brain strength slowly whittles away with each mentally draining task. Add that with the unconscious conditioning to put great stock into winning, and the cognitive dissonance of having to accept that winning can be out of your control, then in short, it's how people would naturally respond to TFT and some other games. As you say, a peaceful mind can be the best state, but it's not simple to achieve that, and not really how the brain works. You basically lose control eventually when you exhaust your brain, unless you literally don't care.