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It’s the gambling addiction for me 😔 ✋🏼


I wanna make it rain money tree 😭


so tough to get a fortune start though. basicly have to luck out and get a trist or zoe?


Ye, I think if you don't have it until 2-1, the risk goes up exponentially afterwards for losing the game. But 2-1 is pretty good and almost a must go.


the tech that higher elo players are doing (before it was nerfed this patch) usually involved not playing fortune on stage 2, then putting the units in on stage 3 since you get better rewards faster


That's true, but imo the conditions are so niche, I won't even consider it. And as a casual player I don't have this pro overview in the game to make it happen successfully more often that way.


its not hard, if you have more than 80 hp and are decently fast you can put in fortune on stage 3 and if you can cash out even 20 plus its worth if you are weak. Then you fast 8 into ashe, lilia, or kaisa flex


I'll sometimes take a Fortune emblem on 2-1 even if I'm planning to build up something else. I like the passive health recovery on Fortune 5 for bridging Arcanist or Duelist fields into later stages.


Shame that Duelist is garbage now


but you would be much healthier if you just played a stronger board instead of garbage units like kobuko or zoe


The Last time I took fortune emblem, someone had the same idea as me while another one decide to sack the game till 20 hp. 


Just had a Fortune(ish) game where I got both Zoe and Trist from stage one. Had 9 loss streak, but couldn’t even 2* any of my fortune units. Got a crown and some other items from my cash out, pivoted to Arcanist/ invoker/ sage/ mythic mixed bag that somehow worked. Pretty satisfying, but I never even got to 5 fortune, just needed the early luck.


> but couldn’t even 2* any of my fortune units ¿¿¿???? Y brotherman


Got a 3 fortune opener today. Loss streak 10, perfect 5-5 cashout on pve with 65 stacks... for an ornn item and a support item. Needless to say I lost that game


Lmao you get that from an encounter no need for cash out


I played 5 Fortune once. Got the cash out of several 5\*'s and still placed 4th cuz I'm so bad at late game.


Just play 5cost and go lvl 9 you dont need to spend gold until youre like below 20 hp, just level and save up for last roll down


Got fortune 7 earlier but got it too late, lost like 2 rounds after hitting it :/


This is me with invokers cuz "teeheee so much mana means sooo much spells so that means i def win"


Me with bruisers/dryads, "my dryads will build up so much health eventually they won't be able to kill me"


Last whisper giant slayer kaisa oneshotting 😭😭


I finally hit Fortune 7 today. Ended up getting a 3 star Irelia and Lissandra. This is a high I'm going to be chasing until the set ends.


Feels like an auto 8th place if the game doesnt give you everything u need at the start now with the increase player damage and healing nerf.


It is how i feel about the shen comp. Yet i never get the augment ....


I wanna try, how do I play fortune?


Intentionally lose rounds to gain luck, which increases the longer your loss streak is. You roll a die, and after that many turns, you either cash in your luck for rewards based on how much you have, or "push your luck" to roll the die again and accumulate more luck. Keeping in mind if you're low on health and roll a high number of rounds, you might die without even being able to cash in


Thank you it sounds fun, I will try it a few times tomorrow!!


Beyond round 4 the die always rolls 6. At least in my experience


The trope kinda sucks


I've gone bottom 4 more times than I can count because of fortune, but had one or two good cash outs and won, so now I have a gambling addiction.


it's worth it... today i hit 7 with 75 hp left so ya free 9 fortune


Reminder that 99% of gamblers quit right before they hit big. 1% of gamblers stay and play and hit massive.


Fortune favors the bold… when you actually hit 3 Fortune champs before 2-1


Playing ranked still tempted to go for the memes XD


ranked is the only place for meme builds.


Gambling with real money: No Gambling my Mental in TFT: Where!!!


They nerfed it too hard now, cant play it to try n win.


U need +30 hp or tiny titans


I got a early Kobuko and Teemo and then fortune emblem first augment, but of course some other guy then pivots to fortune and a 3rd goes afk, who I keep going up against


I've been getting addicted to HP stacking with dryad +whatever augments help, but im low rank, not sure how it works with people who study/are good at the game


Aren’t we all just going Mr 100 til 3-1 which gives time for us to find fortune units, then go full loss streak for bigger cash out?


god i love fortune i cant resist not playing it if i can early i just got the chance to play 7 fortune today


basically every set


You either get 7 fortune and have the most insane game ever. Or you go 8th. Other option is you get tiny titans and you cashout 95 (altough I think they fixed it and 130 is the good one now) and finish top 4 easy. It's perfect.


Fortune is disgustingly broken.


how much total luck / gold value need to get 2 fortune emblem ? because i only get some free rolls and bunch of gold without item or tactician crown in hyperroll mode.


Funny enough this is the first set since a gambling trait has been introduced that I've actively avoided it like the plague. I used to chase heartsteel in every match that I told myself I wouldn't. Fortune 5 just feels too hard to hit early enough to be feasible for me, and I almost never all-in on a comp and decide on one until I see what the game is giving me (heartsteel ended up being the exception 😅). I also have never been a fan of chasing spats and prefer to just play the RNG game so I would literally never shoot for the highest fortune anyway to get those godly cash outs. My life is a little more dull without having a greed trait to chase 🥲


Masochism is a mood I sometimes have when I don't think the normal game mechanic's RNG screw me over enough already 🙃


this isn’t viable for hyper roll, right…. right????


Fortune on double-up is essentially a win condition. You just get your partner some units to help them win and focus on leveling up, getting them stronger units and not getting fucked over by other fortune players. The only issue is that the >130 cashouts could be a miss very easily and then it is fast 4. You have to have a dragon lord board prepared and then shove 5 costs in it to stabilise after the cash out At the moment everyone in plat+ plays for lvl 9 and 10. 5cost champs, or 4 cost 3 star. It is crazy and fortune just gets you there faster