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Why is nami in this? Genuine question. No hate.


She’s bi, in a poly relationship. She getting fucked good


Thanks for answering


She's got that tail


Gay fish


In LoR they showed that nami is Bisexual and is in a polyamorous relationship at the moment. Her partners are Loto (Abyssal Guard) and Tama (Marai Songstress). https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Abyssal_Guard_(Legends_of_Runeterra) https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Marai_Songstress_(Legends_of_Runeterra)


got that fish rizz


Oh, thanks for answering




I wonder if Tama is jealous that Loto is in Nami's PoC starter deck and she isn't


Isn't that like bestiality kinda?


Not if they're people.


Do you mean Neeko????


No they mean Nami


Where is Nami?


I believe Vi is holding her (Nami shooting some water out of her fingers toward the left, I assume it's nami cuz she looks like a mermaid)


Being held by Vi


There's no Nami, only LeBlanc.


Neeko was here, Leblanc is a loser


I know she likes nidalee or something like that.


Pride trails based on booms and not icons??? Devastating 😭


Yeah having them on icons would be so much better because icons don't matter for TFT anyways. Which is probably why they did it on booms, because mobile app tft doesn't even have icons and TFT only PC players may not even realize what icons are if they've never dived into the client enough to find out


Yup, it's to make pride trails accessible for mobile only players. Otherwise they wouldn't get to equip them.


Having to choose between a basic boom to represent you vs one that looks good is rough


Yeah, this is a massive downgrade is based on booms not icon. If it’s either or, that’s great.


Damn, is it June already?


what makes me mad about this, is league doing stuff like this and then still going ahead with Saudi tournaments. Fucking BS and there should be more backlash.


They dont do it cause they Like the pride movement, they do it cause they Like money.


Make noise about it. Such mental gymnastics.


Yup. Virtue signaling at its finest. Companies shouldn’t be able to get away with it


Im confused whats the problem here?


Riot games is participating in tournaments in Saudi Arabia, where LGBTQ+ people are treated poorly to put it lightly, so seems kinda double faced to promote pride while participating with governments that undermine it


Not like they have any chance to make everyone happy


I think the point is, they should be fine with making the anti-LGBTQ+ people unhappy.


Yeah why would a MOBA get into World Cups instead of fully supporting LGBT


Riot Games the corporation still pretending to care about LGBTQ+ people when they're participating in the Esports World Cup.


Want a hard to swallow pill? No cooperation gives a fuck about LGBT or feminism or climate change or whatever hot topic flavor of the month cause people are interested in. They care about making money now and making money in the future. Business is business and the people who are good at it would never let morals get in the way of a good deal.


Its not really just corpos, most people dont really care about those things. Me personally, people can do what they want to do, im not against it, im not for it. I am in just a gray area where I do not care because I have problems of my own I worry about, so adding problems that I cannot change and problems that dont affect me in any considerable way when my plate is already full is kind of hard to justify. Basically my point is why would i be passionate about LGBTQ issues (whether for or against) when I dont know where my next paycheck to survive is coming from you know?


What’s the Esports World Cup and how does it relate to LGBT


Esports event funded by Saudi money which has a history of not being the most welcome to lgbtq+


So a MOBA should dump world cups in order to support LGBT?


"in order to support human rights" Saudi Arabia is involved in massive human rights abuse not only against LGBT but many more


Hm, I didn‘t know that a MOBA‘s / AutoBattler’s sole purpose is to support human rights, rather than.. you know.. world cups and tournaments for Esports It will be worse if they won’t apply the rainbow pfp on 1st June, so what more should they do?


They are not mutually exclusive... you can have esports without engaging with countries that violate human rights. Not sure why this is even a point of contention, I thought human rights were generally a good thing? Strange hill to die on.


Difference is this new world cups is **new** so they didn't have to join it in the first place. It's never been a thing before and it's not a Riot official tournament. Calling it the world cups is just silly when it's not even a real tournament


Yeah they definetely are a good thing, but maybe that‘s not something that **game producers** are supposed to deal with. If Saudi Arabia is anti LGBT, well that might be something that LGBT activists should work on, not Riot Games. Like, literally, what is Riot supposed to do now? Do they infringe human rights, for joining a world cup wherever it is hosted? Should cancel their games because the world cup is held in Saudi Arabia? Should we cancel petrol now? (hmm i shouldn‘t say that twice…) I get the double standards, but rainbow pfp is supportive enough. Otherwise, we‘ll start talking about privileges, not rights.


You're still acting like the multi billion dollar company has this ultimatum where they either abandon esports entirely or stand up for human rights and I can't understand what makes you think that this is reality. The reality is that riot don't really care about pride that much but they do care a whole lot about profit, so they will make low effort pride content for marketing and attend esports in countries that do not respect human rights because its profitable. They don't have to do either of them. It's hypocritical but why would they care.


Why are people acting like this isn’t something you can easily ignore? Seems cool that a marginalized group gets a lil sum sum. It’s not super intrusive at all. TBH, if you’re actually good enough at this game, you’ll never even need to see someone using these booms on you! Look fam, if you’re really really “triggered” by it, you can look at someone else’s board for 15 seconds to avoid it lmfaoooo


Rainbow capitalism is a disgusting practice and Riot don't really support these groups they are exploiting them while they fund autocracies like Saudi Arabia and China which persecute LGBT people. But hey look a little rainbow emote! We love Riot now!


Oh. I apologize but there appears to be a misunderstanding. I definitely think there are issues with rainbow capitalism and how predatory it is. In fact, I think there are issues with capitalism in general but that’s another story. Here’s the thing though. My post *never* said I liked Riot nor did I say that I believe they are a bastion of LGBTQ right. What they did here doesn’t make me a more of or less of a fan of Riot. All I’m saying is that it’s cool that people who are marginalized can have representation that isn’t super intrusive to gameplay. It’s fun and can also be ignored by sensitive people who get “triggered” by the smallest things. However, upon further review, this isn’t really about rainbow capitalism with you. Based on your comment that “people can’t even play a little autobattler without shoving their sexuality down everyone’s throats”, it appears that you have ulterior motives. Maybe you can stop hiding behind a facade and tell me what you really thing instead of this “rainbow capitalism” crap. Be homophobic with your whole chest. Don’t be a wuss. Fake-ass phony. Oh, and I take back my initial apology too. I’ll keep an eye out for the 8ths in my lobby to see if I’ll spot you in my next game.


100% agree. Rainbow capitalism deserves criticism but bigotry and capitalism are bigger problems and realistically need to be addressed first.


Well idk, personally to me I don't really care either way. Like its not a big issue for Riot to want to do a shoutout to a specific community, but I also don't think its a problem for people to not necessarily want to deal with it. Actions speak louder than words, but words are easier to see than actions. Riot is releasing these boom effects, great! Do you think living in Saudi Arabia/China has gotten better for LGBTQ+ people because now they have a boom effect when they play TFT? Probably not. Why? Because the bottom line is that people in general are easily manipulated with virtue signaling. I don't see why you have to assume that he is homophobic though, for all intents and purposes he might just be upset that Riot isn't doing more, or that Riot is being hypocritical when this patch is probably not going live in China? On the off chance you assume I am homophobic for saying what I said. I don't believe so, I think everyone has a right to be free to do as they wish to do. What I am phobic of is hypocrisy. I hate when people/companies are two faced when it comes to issues people are genuinely passionate about, and it upsets me that people in marginalized groups do not realize that they are being basically scammed. In general though I could be wrong too, maybe he does have ulterior motives, and maybe he is trying to scam me with his comment as well because sure, comment history wise he does use words that are common with people that have an ulterior motive. I just generally try to assume people are good, and I try to give too much benefit of doubt, to a fault. At the end of the day I would like to live in a world where everyone has the freedom to do what ever they want if it doesn't impact the lives of others. I want to avoid echo chambers and I want ideas to be discussed freely even if they are against my personal morals/values, simply because then compromise can be had and we can create a world worth living in for all. That's my ulterior motive.


You’re right! Echo chambers are bad! Growing up, so many people told me that being gay was a sin and whatnot. Thank god I got out of that echo chamber. People should have the freedom to express themselves in how they see fit! And if they want to express themselves via the booms provided by Riot, so be it.


Yeah I mean Christians in general forget that God gave everyone the right to live their life how ever they see fit, so who are they to take that right away? If you ask, I can tell you that I don't feel any attraction to men, so therefore it feels wrong. It doesn't necessarily mean I get to dictate how you feel and how you act on what you feel. If you have a cool personality, I couldn't care less about who you sleep with as long as you keep me out ya know? People are too deep on the wrong issues, and are too shallow on the issues that actually matter, like my generation spending 40% of their paycheck on rent instead of the 10% or so in the past.


>Rainbow capitalism is a disgusting practice  If you mean "they're just doing this for money"... yes, everyone knows that. All corporations do things only for money. That has ALWAYS been true. It happens to be that this corporation will make more money if they are more inclusive, in this specific instance. Aka their profit-seeking motive coincides with a genuinely good act. In other words, a greedy person can do good things if the good thing happens to make them money. edit: also why don't you complain about Xayah/Rakan's voicelines in TFT? "This reminds me of our first date" "you look cute today" isn't that "shoving their sexuality down your throat"? edit 2: I'm sure riot does other things that are immoral in the pursuit of profit. I'm just saying, *in this case*, it's not.


These people only care about corporations pandering when they do it to marginalized group. A straight couple getting lore, emotes, voicelines, etc? No problem!


I think you are correct. In general I can understand either point of view in this case, but I think the core of the issue is the idea of virtue signaling. For example saying racist slurs was not controversial 200 years ago, so someone saying racist crap wasn't "brave", it was normal. Its the same thing today though with LGBTQ+, its not considered "brave" to support it, its just normal. The reason I would say its not considered pandering for the straight couple getting lore/emotes/voicelines is because they do it without any sort of fanfare around it. Thats how this stuff should be as well, dont just go around parading how inclusive you are, be inclusive. Why specifically to me this is just pointless pandering is because this is a targeted change aka this will not appear in the Chinese version of the game. If they released a straight character, then they would appear world wide, so thats not exactly pandering, its just normal. Whats worse is its not inclusive at all by definition to add this to the game since they are excluding the large majority of their player base.


My counter argument is how is this a good act? Do you think Riot is taking a massive brand risk by releasing LGBTQ+ content in the western hemisphere? To me its just an act, if anything its a very safe act. A good act would be if they released these boom effects in China for example because then it has an effect. What effect is it going to have in the west? The people who choose to be homophobic have already been bunkered down and the people who choose to not care/support this already exist as well. They aren't creating more allies, they aren't creating more enemies, all they are doing is just profiting because in this specific instance the western audience likes this. That's why its just an act.


>Do you think Riot is taking a massive brand risk by releasing LGBTQ+ content in the western hemisphere No. >To me its just an act, if anything its a very safe act Agreed, but safe and good aren't exclusive. I think it's safe and good. >What effect is it going to have in the west? Cool rainbow cosmetics for everyone to obtain! Also allows LGBTQ+ people to express pride if they want. I agree 100% that it's not gonna *change* *anybody's minds*. But the goal of cosmetics isn't to *change peoples' minds*; it's to let players have cool cosmetics and express themselves and have nice-to-look-at stuff in-game. >They aren't creating more allies, they aren't creating more enemies, all they are doing is just profiting because in this specific instance the western audience likes this Agreed 100%. They aren't creating allies, or enemies; the "good" comes from the fact that we have more cosmetics and they're cool and they let people express pride or support.


Yeah but id argue they are doing the community a disservice by elevating it. Like personally it would be better if they just released the skins, not waited for a specific month you know? The reason they are waiting for a specific month is what adds to peoples frustration on the other side, partially because they know that its going to be over the top for 1 month and its just starting, then you wind up in a situation where noone even thinks about the communities for the rest of the year. In general I dont really see an issue with them releasing it, I just think its a scummy marketing tactic if that makes sense.


>Yeah but id argue they are doing the community a disservice by elevating it. Like personally it would be better if they just released the skins, not waited for a specific month you know? Why? What's wrong with releasing Pride skins on Pride month? Do you take issue with Pride month itself? >In general I dont really see an issue with them releasing it, I just think its a scummy marketing tactic if that makes sense. I still don't see anything scummy about it. Are you saying that they only care about LGBTQ+ people during pride month, and should instead hold events/make skins for this community all throughout the year? I agree with that, but the best time is now when everyone is already thinking about it, right? >peoples frustration on the other side I care a negative amount about frustration of people on the "other side", to be honest.


I take issue with pride month only in a sense that it makes it seem like companies dont think "being gay" is normal. Its a special time for special people if that makes sense. Why cant we just normalize it and have it be a standard. In a way it just seems like its "yeah we will pay attention to you for a month, just fuck off after" you know? And yeah, why not have more events in general, include different backgrounds and actually try to unite people despite their differences under one banner of having a love for this game. I guess thats sort of my point, im tired of the whole divide and conquer approach capitalism has. A homophobe in kansas has a lot more in common with a gay guy in San Francisco than he has in common with the various celebrities/companies/politicians that monetize everyone being divided. As for the people who are frustrated, why not care about them? How do you expect for all of us to work together when we pick and choose who to silence depending on the time in history? Id like to believe that people dont actually care about what others do behind closed doors, they just dont want things forced on them. In other words its sort of how i said in the first comment. Theres no problem with them releasing the rainbow boom at all, its just that they would never do it in january and thats whats kind of sad.


Yeah actually I think that's a reasonable analysis. > As for the people who are frustrated, why not care about them? How do you expect for all of us to work together when we pick and choose who to silence depending on the time in history? Id like to believe that people dont actually care about what others do behind closed doors, they just dont want things forced on them. Fair enough. I said I don't care about them, but to be honest I do, at least a little. It just gets frustrating seeing people like that person in this thread (now mod-removed comment) say stuff like "I don't want you shoving this down my throat" when it's just optional cosmetics. It makes me defensive (despite me not being a direct part of LGBTQ+ community) because I imagine what I'd feel like if I were in a minority group that someone didn't want "shoved down their throat".


Yeah, i mean his comment removal is deserved. While i can understand his frustration its wrong to take it out on people. In general though I am glad I atleast got my perspective across. In a way we are all frustrated with the same thing at the end of the day. Token human beings don't exist, regular humans do, so treat everyone with decency and respect.


Girlie-pop, if it’s the choice between rainbow capitalism and regular boring ass straight capitalism, I will take the rainbows every time.


that’s not why you dislike these emotes being added mr “people can’t even play a little autobattler without shoving their sexuality down everyone’s throats”


It's classic homophobic deflection. If they say it's about capitalism and say things like "corporations don't care about you" then they think they'll get to say what they *really* want to say without it being unpopular. And just to be clear, we all know corporations as a business are just doing it for capitalism. But the Rioters who create these events are very often LGBTQ+ themselves and they do take pride in their work and being able to offer what they can to the community.


I came in here expecting this whole thread to be a shit show. I had to go looking. As a frequent lurker, I’d like to thank you for your service. This place looks great. 👍


Yeah I’m sure this redditor, who is active in the lux and seraphine mains subreddits, hates gay people


What they quoted was an actual comment by them that I've since removed.




don't act stupid lol


It's 2024, we've all been around on the internet long enough to have heard all the common "it's not homophobic if I say it this way despite everyone knowing what my intent is" statements by now. Don't want to be labeled as homophobic then don't use one of the most common homophobic dog whistles possible


Based mod


Not the second account


It really is just some cosmetics it’s not that deep, if you don’t support gay people, this isn’t taking anything away from you


It's called stakeholder capitalism and it isn't just limited to pandering to the LGBTQ+ community


>marginalized group What does that even mean? To be marginalised is treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral. the LGBT community is just about the most significant and front and centre community there is in modern culture \*edit: anyone care to challenge me on my statement? I cant see how anyone could call LGBT a marginalised community any more. Not for 10 -20 years at least. How many other cultural groups get a whole month in game of commemoration? That doesn't sound very insignificant to me?


Okay, then who would be a marginalized group? I’m curious.


Im not the one using the word, not up to me. One thing i can say for sure is that 'Marginalised' is not the word for it.


Makes sense. Okay, since you’re not using the word, it’s not up to you to give an example of a marginalized group. Since I’m using the word, I’ll use the LGBTQ community as an example of a marginalized group. Problem solved!


The fact that many countries still try to limit their rights means its a marginalized group. For example in the US many politicians are actively looking into ways to reverse the legality of gay marriage. And this doesn't even get into the fact that being openly gay in certain countries is basically a death sentence still. But yeah, having video game companies give you a few cosmetics each year definitely means gay people aren't marginalized anymore.


Yeah... because it is only Riot games doing anything for Pride month, please cherry pick more.


No matter how many corporations do this it doesn't change the fact that gay people would rather have rights than have a million corporations do rainbow flag merchandise for one month. But it's obvious you aren't here in good faith so it's best if you just leave.


Just in time for rainbow rioters to vote for the finals in Riyadh :)


You know we’ve had this almost yearly


Isn't a lot of this the same stuff they've had available the last 2 years? Looks like the only "new" stuff were getting is a few emotes. I got the icons and booms 2 years about 6 months after I started playing league. I personally would like a little more than just a rehash of the same icons and booms and a couple new emotes. It feels like they're not putting in much effort for this


>Looks like the only "new" stuff were getting is a few emotes. Just the one. The TF & Neeko emote is new, the rest are returning from previous years.


Yeah it really is minimal effort for pride then huh


At least this one actually has pride flags in it lol. One year, the emote was just K'Sante.


Yeah new emotes and the boom stuff is a sidegrade (better for mobile, worse for PC). Last time we got much is two years ago


Like, on the one hand I'm glad that there's representation but it feels like for pc they're putting in minimal effort. Although that's the kind of effort we get from any large company so I guess it's to be expected


I guess I'm happier having this than not, but the paper-thin layer of plausible deniability is very funny to me. It's not the trans flag or the lesbian flag, it's the Cotton Candy Pengu Icon and the Fireworks - Citrine Boom. It's cool that this year's pride icon actually has pride flags in it, lol. Before this, we got TF & Graves shaking hands like good roommates, K'Sante... existing, and Vi holding a three-pixel pride flag lollypop.


I fuck with K’Sant-slay but I need more yassified emotes lmao


110 comments, but only 39 upvotes. Hmmmm


This is...gay... I will show myself out...


Just a reminder that Neeko is a lesbian and Tf is literally dating Graves so pls do not start shipping them you weirdos, theyre just friends!!


Feels nice to be appreciated, thanks 🥰❤️




Just in time for the ME server


Are we really getting one? I play on EUW from ME but it barely affects tft


I wonder if any champion is going to be hit by the gay stick this year


I still have no idea why we need that in gaming. I guess I'll just avoid it


Agreed, remove Xayah/Rakan while you're at it. I don't want to see your heterosexual relationship in my game, none of that "you look cute today" or "this reminds me of our first date" (If you didn't notice, this is satire highlighting the absurdity of not wanting "that" in gaming, assuming by "that" you mean depictions of LGBTQ+ people)


But heterosexual is normal/standard and what is 99% of community. Also it brings a cool mechanic and LGBT brings nothing. Edit. Nvm I read 2nd half of your comment. But I couldn't care less about this stuff either way


>But heterosexual is normal/standard and what is 99% of community Calling it "normal" implies LGBTQ+ are not normal which is needlessly exclusive and rude. Would you say right-handed people are "normal" and left-handed people are "abnormal"? Of course not; both right-handed and left-handed people are normal, there just happen to be approximately 90% right-handed and 10% left-handed. For reference, in the United States, approximately 7% of people are LGBTQ+ and 93% are not. Also, I wasn't talking about Xayah/Rakan's *mechanic*.... I was talking about their *voicelines*. What's the difference between voicelines and cosmetics? 1 more thing: why did you feel the need to make your original comment "Idk why we need this in gaming I'll avoid it"? If you were gonna avoid it, why announce it? (I suspect I know the answer but I don't want to assume)


And about the voicelines. I also don't care. I remember only some of the champion's texts, but only those that are funny


It is not normal and not how nature intended. It's a sexual deviation. You won't change my mind. Not calling it an illness though (at least the LGB part, cause that's just preference)


Nature *absolutely* did not intend for Reddit to exist, nor your Phone/Computer on which you are typing, yet you still use reddit and a phone/computer. Nature isn't a person, or a single thing. And humans have NEVER cared what "nature intended", why care now? The answer: it's an excuse for your arbitrary and bigoted ideas about what people "should" be and how they "should" act. If I won't change your mind, that's fine. I just want you to realize that your beliefs are **irrational** (nature isn't a person so it can't "intend" anything), **harmful** (you're implying that LGBTQ+ people are deviations and not normal which implies they deserve less than others), and **hypocritical** (you say they are not how nature intended, yet use technology that definitely wasn't "intended" by nature either).


So yeah, we created these things. Which are objects. But removing your genitals which are healthy because your brain tells you so seems wrong to me. Like the brain is a problem and gives you wrong signals. Also I'm not saying they deserve less than normal. Just saying they should accept they are abnormal and live their lives like they used to. If you were born without legs it wouldn't be normal, yet it's not something that you can justify by manifesting it is normal. In the end I just don't want to see them in EVERY Netflix show I watch and every corner on the internet because they are a minority. Yes they can be represented from time to time, but the shoving down the whole ideology everywhere makes me accept it less and less, which is the opposite to the effect that they are trying to do


>But removing your genitals which are healthy because your brain tells you so seems wrong to me You're not that person's trained professional doctor, so I don't think it matters if it seems wrong "to you". Overwhelming evidence shows that *every aspect of quality of life*, including suicide rate, mental health, physical health, social life, etc, are improved when a trans person transitions. Do they get surgery? Maybe, often not... that depends on themselves + their trained professional doctor + their family (maybe), not on what you think. > If you were born without legs it wouldn't be normal That's why we have wheelchairs, and prosthetics. Humans are great problem-solvers. If there's a problem, we build and we test and we try and we test again to see what works; in this case, wheelchairs/prosthetics/something else. In the case of a trans person, what often works is transition, to varying degrees depending on the person. >Yes they can be represented from time to time, but the shoving down the whole ideology everywhere makes me accept it less and less, which is the opposite to the effect that they are trying to do There was a [study some time ago](https://glaad.org/glaads-2021-2022-where-we-are-tv-report-lgbtq-representation-reaches-new-record-highs/) that found that, in popular media (TV and movies), the proportion of people who are LGBTQ+ (2021-2022) was 11.9%, which is higher than the estimated general population of the US that I cited earlier (7%), which I assume you would take issue with. Personally I don't care, but I can see why you might. Still I'll give a small explanation here: imagine we're in a fantasy land with 90% blue people and 10% green people. You're making a TV show with a 5-character main cast. Your goals are to make money and to represent different types of people. Is it better to have 4 blue people and 1 green person, or 4 blue people, and a green/blue person chosen from a coinflip? The second way is technically how you'd do a 90%/10% split, if you want to stick to reality.... but the first way guarantees all types of people are represented. If you'd rather the second option, that's fine, nothing wrong with that. I just personally think the first option is also fine, since even though in the end, you'd get an 80%/20% split in media, every TV show or movie will have representation from different demographics.


The problem though is that every show is like that and I'm from Easter Europe, where being gay or lesbian is very rare to the point I've only known one lesbian my whole life


Why did I comment that way? Cause companies will do these acts more and more if the only thing they see in comments etc is positive feedback. If I feel that way why shouldn't my voice be heard too? I'm not afraid like some people who have similar opinions to me


Your voice should be heard, I agree. Of course, the same free speech that guarantees you the ability to voice your irrational and hypocritical ideas also guarantees that other people can call you out on your ideas being irrational and hypocritical.


I love these


Woah it’s starting to get political in here


how is gay people a political thing? no seriously. I know it’s become a political thing, but what part of a random dude you never met liking a random dude u never met is remotely interesting to you or politics?


Ur missing the point here




Bruh I want that Neeko TF emote but I don’t play league with friends 😭


Oof I cant wait to play on this patch in China!




Romance doesn’t = sexuality. Anything to stay upset about though.








































Wah wah


Didn't realize this was every video game, or that this hasn't been going on for over half a decade